Esempio n. 1

require "../b2_api.php";
// Include the API wrapper
$account_id = "";
// Account ID, obtained from your B2 bucket page
$app_key = "";
// Application ID, obtained from your B2 bucket page
$bucket_id = "";
// The ID of the bucket containing the files you wish to list
$options = array("max_count" => "", "start_name" => "");
$b2 = new b2_api();
// Create a new instance of b2_api
$auth = $b2->b2_authorize_account($account_id, $app_key);
// Runs b2_authorize_account
$output = $b2->b2_list_file_names($auth->apiUrl, $auth->authorizationToken, $bucket_id, $options);
// Runs b2_list_file_names
echo "b2_list_file_names\n\n";