Esempio n. 1
 function enter_search()
     global $awcs_forum_config, $wgRequest, $wgOut, $todo, $WhoWhere, $awc_tables, $action_url, $tplt;
     $perm = new awcs_forum_perm_checks();
     //$WhoWhere = 'search';
     $WhoWhere['type'] = 'forum';
     $WhoWhere['where'] = 'search||awc-split||search';
     $this->titlelimit = $awcs_forum_config->cfl_ThreadTitleLength - 15;
     $this->ChrLimit = $awcs_forum_config->cf_Search_ChrLimit;
     $this->searchword = $wgRequest->getVal('kw');
     $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
     $awc_f_threads = $dbr->tableName('awc_f_threads');
     $awc_f_forums = $dbr->tableName('awc_f_forums');
     $awc_f_cats = $dbr->tableName('awc_f_cats');
     $awc_f_posts = $dbr->tableName('awc_f_posts');
     #need to do somthing with User topics and posts for URL blocks
     $action = $wgRequest->action;
     $this->todo = $action_url['all'];
     $spl = explode("/", $action_url['all']);
     foreach ($spl as $k => $value) {
         if (substr($value, 0, 3) == "kw:") {
             $this->searchword = str_replace('kw:', '', $value);
         if (substr($value, 0, 3) == "tID") {
             $this->tID = str_replace('tID', '', $value);
         if (substr($value, 0, 3) == "fID") {
             $this->fID = str_replace('fID', '', $value);
         if (substr($value, 0, 3) == "cID") {
             $this->cID = str_replace('cID', '', $value);
         if (substr($value, 0, 4) == "what") {
             $this->what = str_replace('what', '', $value);
         if (substr($value, 0, 6) == "limit:") {
             $this->limit = str_replace('limit:', '', $value);
     $this->searchword = str_replace(array('[', ']', '{', '}'), '', $this->searchword);
     $this->searchword = strip_tags($this->searchword);
     $todo = isset($spl[1]) ? $spl[1] : '';
     $user = isset($spl[2]) ? $spl[2] : 'NoNameForSearch';
     $user_id = isset($spl[3]) ? $spl[3] : '0';
     #die(">". $todo);
     define('what_page', $todo);
     if ($todo == 's_form') {
         return $this->s_form();
     # die(">". $todo);
     if ($todo == '') {
         $perm_sql = $perm->forum_sql();
         if (strlen($perm_sql) > 0) {
             $perm_sql = 'WHERE ' . $perm_sql;
         Set_AWC_Forum_SubTitle(get_awcsforum_word('search_search'), get_awcsforum_word('search_search') . ' ' . get_awcsforum_word('search_whatAll'));
         Set_AWC_Forum_BreadCrumbs('', true);
         $tplt->add_tplts(array("'main_search_form'", "'main_seach_form_forum_drop'"), true);
         $words = array();
         $words['search_refine'] = get_awcsforum_word('search_refine');
         $words['search_full'] = get_awcsforum_word('search_full');
         $words['search_title'] = get_awcsforum_word('search_title');
         $words['word_is'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_is');
         $words['word_like'] = get_awcsforum_word('word_like');
         $words['search_membersname'] = get_awcsforum_word('search_membersname');
         $words['search_whatAll'] = get_awcsforum_word('search_whatAll');
         $words['search_search'] = get_awcsforum_word('search_search');
         $to_tplt['search_forums'] = null;
         $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
         if ($perm_sql) {
             $perm_sql .= "AND {$awc_f_forums}.f_passworded = 0";
         } else {
             #$perm_sql = 'f.f_passworded = 0';
         $sql = "SELECT {$awc_f_forums}.f_id, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name FROM {$awc_f_forums} {$perm_sql}  ORDER BY f_order ";
         $res = $dbr->query($sql);
         while ($r = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) {
             $info['f_id'] = $r->f_id;
             $info['f_name'] = $r->f_name;
             $to_tplt['search_forums'] .= $tplt->phase('', $info, 'main_seach_form_forum_drop');
         unset($res, $sql, $awc_f_forums);
         return $wgOut->addHTML($tplt->phase($words, $to_tplt, 'main_search_form', true));
     if ($todo == 'todate') {
         $perm_sql = $perm->forum_sql();
         if (strlen($perm_sql) > 0) {
             $perm_sql .= ' AND ';
         $this->total = 0;
         $this->searchword = get_awcsforum_word('word_todatesposts');
         $today = awcsforum_funcs::date_seperated(date('Y') . date('m') . date('d') . '000000');
         # die($perm_sql);
         $sql = "SELECT {$awc_f_threads}.*, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_forums}.f_id, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_cats}.cat_name\r\r\n                        FROM {$awc_tables['awc_f_threads']}\r\r\n                            INNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_forums']}\r\r\n                        \t\tON {$awc_f_threads}.t_forumid={$awc_f_forums}.f_id\r\r\n                            INNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_cats']}\r\r\n                        \t\tON {$awc_f_forums}.f_parentid={$awc_f_cats}.cat_id\r\r\n                        \tWHERE {$perm_sql} {$awc_f_threads}.t_lastdate > '{$today}' AND {$awc_f_forums}.f_passworded = 0\r\r\n                            ORDER BY {$awc_f_threads}.t_lastdate DESC";
         #  die($sql);
         return $this->q_results($sql, $dbr);
     if ($todo == 's') {
         $kw = $wgRequest->getVal('kw');
         #$sql = str_replace('\r\n', '', $sql);
         $kw = $this->searchword;
         if ($this->searchword == "") {
             $action = $wgRequest->action;
             $spl = explode("/", $action);
             foreach($spl as $k => $value){                        
                 if (substr($value , 0, 3) == "kw:") $this->searchword = str_replace('kw:', '', $value);
                 if (substr($value , 0, 3) == "tID") $this->tID = str_replace('tID', '', $value);
                 if (substr($value , 0, 3) == "fID") $this->fID = str_replace('fID', '', $value);
                 if (substr($value , 0, 3) == "cID") $this->cID = str_replace('cID', '', $value);
                 if (substr($value , 0, 4) == "what")$this->what = str_replace('what', '', $value);
                 if (substr($value , 0, 6) == "limit:")$this->limit = str_replace('limit:', '', $value);
         $s_check = $this->check_searchword();
         if (!$s_check) {
             return $this->search_error;
         if ($this->what == null) {
             $this->what = $wgRequest->getVal('search_what');
         if (strstr($kw, "+") || strstr($kw, " AND ")) {
             if (strstr($kw, "+")) {
                 $s = $this->CreatePostTitleSearch(explode("+", $kw), 'AND', true);
             } elseif (strstr($kw, " AND ")) {
                 $s = $this->CreatePostTitleSearch(explode(" AND ", $kw), 'AND', true);
         } elseif (strstr($kw, " OR ")) {
             $s = $this->CreatePostTitleSearch(explode(" OR ", $kw), 'OR', true);
         } else {
             $s = $this->CreatePostTitleSearch($kw);
         if ($this->tID == 0) {
             $this->tID = $wgRequest->getVal('tID');
         if ($this->fID == 0) {
             $this->fID = $wgRequest->getVal('fID');
         if ($this->cID == 0) {
             $this->cID = $wgRequest->getVal('cID');
         if ($this->what == null) {
             $this->what = $wgRequest->getVal('search_what');
         //die(">" . $this->what);
         switch ($this->what) {
             case 'c':
                 $s .= " AND {$awc_f_forums}.f_parentid = " . $this->cID . " ";
                 $cat = true;
             case 'f':
                 $s .= " AND {$awc_f_forums}.f_id = " . $this->fID . " ";
                 $forum = true;
             case 't':
                 $s .= " AND {$awc_f_threads}.t_id = " . $this->tID . " ";
                 $thread = true;
                 if ($this->what == 't') {
                     return $this->q_thread($s, $dbr);
                 # return $this->q_thread();
         $perm_sql = $perm->cat_forum_sql();
         //if(strlen($s) > 0) $perm_sql = 'WHERE ' . $perm_sql ;
         $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$awc_f_threads}.t_id, {$awc_f_threads}.*, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_forums}.f_id, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_cats}.cat_name\r\r\n                        FROM {$awc_tables['awc_f_threads']}\r\r\n                        \tINNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_posts']} awc_f_posts\r\r\n                        \t\tON awc_f_posts.p_threadid={$awc_f_threads}.t_id\r\r\n                            INNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_forums']} \r\r\n                        \t\tON {$awc_f_threads}.t_forumid={$awc_f_forums}.f_id\r\r\n                            INNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_cats']} \r\r\n                        \t\tON {$awc_f_forums}.f_parentid={$awc_f_cats}.cat_id\r\r\n                        \tWHERE {$perm_sql} {$s} AND {$awc_f_forums}.f_passworded = 0\r\r\n                            ORDER BY {$awc_f_threads}.t_lastdate DESC";
         return $this->q_results($sql, $dbr);
     $perm = new awcs_forum_perm_checks();
     $perm_sql = $perm->cat_forum_sql();
     # die($todo);
     switch ($todo) {
         case 'memtopics':
             $this->MemSearch = $user . ' ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_topics');
             $sql = "SELECT {$awc_f_threads}.*, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_forums}.f_id, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_cats}.cat_name\r\r\n                        FROM {$awc_tables['awc_f_threads']}\r\r\n                            INNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_forums']}\r\r\n                        \t\tON {$awc_f_threads}.t_forumid={$awc_f_forums}.f_id\r\r\n                            INNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_cats']} \r\r\n                        \t\tON {$awc_f_forums}.f_parentid={$awc_f_cats}.cat_id\r\r\n                        \tWHERE {$perm_sql} {$awc_f_threads}.t_starterid={$user_id} AND {$awc_f_forums}.f_passworded = 0\r\r\n                            ORDER BY {$awc_f_threads}.t_lastdate DESC";
         case 'memposts':
             $this->MemSearch = $user . ' ' . get_awcsforum_word('word_posts');
             $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT {$awc_f_threads}.t_id, {$awc_f_threads}.*, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_forums}.f_id, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_cats}.cat_name\r\r\n                        FROM {$awc_tables['awc_f_threads']}\r\r\n                        \tINNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_posts']} awc_f_posts\r\r\n                        \t\tON awc_f_posts.p_threadid={$awc_f_threads}.t_id\r\r\n                            INNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_forums']}\r\r\n                        \t\tON {$awc_f_threads}.t_forumid={$awc_f_forums}.f_id\r\r\n                            INNER JOIN {$awc_tables['awc_f_cats']}\r\r\n                        \t\tON {$awc_f_forums}.f_parentid={$awc_f_cats}.cat_id\r\r\n                        \tWHERE {$perm_sql} (awc_f_posts.p_threadid={$awc_f_threads}.t_id) AND (awc_f_posts.p_userid={$user_id} AND awc_f_posts.p_thread_start!=1) AND {$awc_f_forums}.f_passworded = 0\r\r\n                            ORDER BY {$awc_f_threads}.t_lastdate DESC";
         case 'recent':
             $this->total = 0;
             $this->searchword = get_awcsforum_word('word_recent_posts');
             //  die(awcsforum_funcs::date_seperated($_SESSION['awc_startTime']));
             $sql = "SELECT {$awc_f_threads}.*, {$awc_f_forums}.f_name, {$awc_f_forums}.f_desc, {$awc_f_forums}.f_id, {$awc_f_forums}.f_parentid, {$awc_f_cats}.cat_name, {$awc_f_cats}.cat_id\r\r\n                            FROM {$awc_tables['awc_f_threads']},\r\r\n                                {$awc_tables['awc_f_forums']},\r\r\n                                {$awc_tables['awc_f_cats']}\r\r\n                            WHERE {$perm_sql}\r\r\n                                {$awc_f_cats}.cat_id={$awc_f_forums}.f_parentid AND {$awc_f_forums}.f_passworded = 0 AND\r\r\n                                {$awc_f_forums}.f_id={$awc_f_threads}.t_forumid AND \r\r\n                                {$awc_f_threads}.t_lastdate >= '" . awcsforum_funcs::date_seperated($_SESSION['awc_startTime']) . "' \r\r\n                            ORDER BY {$awc_f_threads}.t_lastdate DESC, {$awc_f_threads}.t_name DESC";
             //  die($sql);
     return $this->q_results($sql, $dbr);
Esempio n. 2
 function preview_show($post_or_thread_or_misc)
     global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $awc_tables;
     include_once awc_dir . 'includes/post_phase.php';
     $post_cls = new awcs_forum_post_phase();
     require awc_dir . 'includes/post_box.php';
     $posting_box = new awcs_forum_posting_box();
     $posting_box->Thread_Title = $this->ThreadTitle;
     $posting_box->f_name = $this->f_name;
     $f_posting_mesage_tmpt = null;
     $f_name = null;
     if ($post_or_thread_or_misc == 'thread') {
         $rDB = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE);
         $r = $rDB->selectRow('awc_f_forums', array('f_name', 'f_posting_mesage_tmpt'), array('f_id' => $this->fID));
         $f_name = $r->f_name;
         $f_posting_mesage_tmpt = $r->f_posting_mesage_tmpt;
         Set_AWC_Forum_SubTitle(get_awcsforum_word('posting_Preview_word') . ': ' . str_replace('_', ' ', $this->title), '', '');
         Set_AWC_Forum_BreadCrumbs('<a href="' . awc_url . 'sf/id' . $this->fID . '">' . strtr($f_name, "_", " ") . '</a>');
         Set_AWC_Forum_BreadCrumbs(get_awcsforum_word('posting_Preview_word'), true);
         $posting_box->Show_ann_sticky_lock = true;
         $posting_box->url = awc_url . 'post/todo_add_thread';
         $posting_box->javaCheck = 'onsubmit="return check_NewThread()"';
     if ($post_or_thread_or_misc == 'post') {
         Set_AWC_Forum_SubTitle(get_awcsforum_word('word_postingreply'), get_awcsforum_word('word_postingreplyfor') . " " . $this->ThreadTitle);
         Set_AWC_Forum_BreadCrumbs('<a href="' . awc_url . 'sf/id' . $this->fID . '">' . $this->f_name . '</a>');
         Set_AWC_Forum_BreadCrumbs('<a href="' . awc_url . 'st/id' . $this->tID . '">' . $this->ThreadTitle . '</a>');
         Set_AWC_Forum_BreadCrumbs(get_awcsforum_word('posting_Preview_word'), true);
         $posting_box->Show_ann_sticky_lock = false;
         $posting_box->javaCheck = 'onsubmit="return check_quickPost()"';
         $posting_box->url = awc_url . 'post/todo_add_post';
     if ($post_or_thread_or_misc == 'quote') {
         $posting_box->Show_ann_sticky_lock = false;
         $posting_box->javaCheck = 'onsubmit="return check_quickPost()"';
         $posting_box->url = awc_url . 'post/todo_add_post';
         $this->subscribe = isset($this->m_thread_subsrib[$this->tID]) ? $this->m_thread_subsrib[$this->tID] : '';
     if ($post_or_thread_or_misc == 'edit') {
         $posting_box->Show_ann_sticky_lock = false;
         $posting_box->javaCheck = $this->javaCheck;
         $posting_box->url = awc_url . 'post/todo_edit_post';
         $posting_box->preview_button = true;
         $posting_box->isThread = $this->isThread;
     $post_cls->preview = true;
     $post_cls->p_userid = $this->cur_memID;
     $post_cls->p_user = $this->cur_memName;
     $post_cls->p_post = $this->post;
     $post_cls->p_title = $this->title;
     $post_cls->p_date = awcsforum_funcs::date_seperated(wfTimestampNow());
     $post_cls->ann = $this->ann;
     $post_cls->sticky = $this->sticky;
     $post_cls->lock = $this->lock;
     $post_cls->member_title = '';
     $post_cls->member_title = '';
     $html = $post_cls->display_post();
     switch ($this->subscribe) {
         case 'no':
             $posting_box->subscribed_no = 'selected';
         case 'email':
             $posting_box->subscribed_email = 'selected';
         case 'list':
             $posting_box->subscribed_list = 'selected';
     $posting_box->subscribe = $this->subscribe;
     if (strlen($f_posting_mesage_tmpt) > 2) {
         $posting_box->f_posting_mesage_tmpt = awc_wikipase($f_posting_mesage_tmpt, $wgOut);
     $posting_box->f_name = urlencode($f_name);
     #$posting_box->Thread_Title = awcsforum_funcs::awc_html_entity_decode($this->title);
     $posting_box->title = $this->title;
     $posting_box->post = $this->post;
     if ($this->f_name) {
         $posting_box->f_name = urlencode($this->f_name);
     $posting_box->fID = $this->fID;
     $posting_box->tID = $this->tID;
     $posting_box->pID = $this->pID;
     $posting_box->t_wiki_pageid = $this->t_wiki_pageid;
     //$e['do_poll'] = $is_poll;
     $posting_box->ann = $this->ann;
     $posting_box->sticky = $this->sticky;
     $posting_box->lock = $this->lock;
     $posting_box->quick_box = false;
     $html = $posting_box->box();