/** * Retourn la classe d'affichage des éléments des onglets * @return elements_list_ui */ public function get_authority_list_ui() { global $quoi; if (!$this->authority_list_ui) { $tab = null; foreach ($this->authority_tabs->get_tabs() as $current_tab) { if (!$tab && $current_tab->get_nb_results()) { $tab = $current_tab; } if ($current_tab->get_name() == $quoi && $current_tab->get_nb_results()) { $tab = $current_tab; break; } } if ($tab) { $quoi = $tab->get_name(); switch ($tab->get_content_type()) { case 'records': $this->authority_list_ui = new elements_records_list_ui($tab->get_contents(), $tab->get_nb_results(), $tab->is_mixed(), $tab->get_groups(), $tab->get_nb_filtered_results()); break; case 'authorities': $this->authority_list_ui = new elements_authorities_list_ui($tab->get_contents(), $tab->get_nb_results(), $tab->is_mixed(), $tab->get_groups(), $tab->get_nb_filtered_results()); break; } } } return $this->authority_list_ui; }
/** * Méthode permettant de récupérer les autorités indexées avec un concept utilisant cette autorité * @param elements_list_tab $tab * @param authority_tabs $authority_tabs * @return authority_tab Onglet */ protected static function get_tab_authorities_indexed_with_concept($tab, $authority) { global $dbh, $msg; $types_needed = array(TYPE_AUTHOR, TYPE_CATEGORY, TYPE_PUBLISHER, TYPE_COLLECTION, TYPE_SUBCOLLECTION, TYPE_SERIE, TYPE_TITRE_UNIFORME, TYPE_INDEXINT, TYPE_AUTHPERSO); $concepts_ids = $authority->get_concepts_ids(); $nb_result = 0; if (count($concepts_ids)) { $query = 'select count(distinct num_object, type_object) from index_concept where num_concept in (' . implode(',', $concepts_ids) . ') and type_object in (' . implode(',', $types_needed) . ')'; $nb_result = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh), 0, 0); } $tab->set_nb_results($nb_result); if (!$quoi && $nb_result) { // Si $quoi n'est pas valorisé et qu'on a des résultats, on valorise $quoi avec cet onglet $quoi = $tab->get_name(); } if ($nb_result && $quoi == $tab->get_name()) { // On définit les filtres $filter = array('name' => 'common_indexed_authorities_by_types', 'label' => $msg['authority_tabs_common_indexed_authorities_by_types']); $tab->set_filters(array($filter)); $groups = array(); $query = 'select count(distinct num_object) as nb, type_object, id_authperso, authperso_name from index_concept left join authperso_authorities on num_object = id_authperso_authority and type_object = ' . TYPE_AUTHPERSO . ' left join authperso on id_authperso = authperso_authority_authperso_num where num_concept in (' . implode(',', $concepts_ids) . ') and type_object in (' . implode(',', $types_needed) . ') group by type_object, id_authperso'; $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { if ($row->type_object == TYPE_AUTHPERSO && !isset($groups[1000 + $row->id_authperso])) { $groups[1000 + $row->id_authperso] = array('label' => $row->authperso_name, 'nb_results' => $row->nb); } else { if (!isset($groups[$row->type_object])) { $groups[$row->type_object] = array('label' => authority::get_type_label_from_type_id(index_concept::get_aut_table_type_from_type($row->type_object)), 'nb_results' => $row->nb); } } } } if (count($groups)) { // On trie le tableau uasort($groups, array('authority_tabs', '_sort_groups_by_label')); $tab->add_groups($filter['name'], array('label' => $filter['label'], 'elements' => $groups)); $filter_values = $tab->get_filter_values($filter['name']); $authpersos_needed = array(); if ($filter_values && count($filter_values)) { $types_needed = array(); foreach ($filter_values as $value) { if ($value > 1000) { if (!in_array(TYPE_AUTHPERSO, $types_needed)) { $types_needed[] = TYPE_AUTHPERSO; } $authpersos_needed[] = $value - 1000; } else { $types_needed[] = $value; } } } $query = 'select SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS num_object, type_object, authperso_authority_authperso_num'; $query .= ' from index_concept left join authperso_authorities on num_object = id_authperso_authority and type_object = ' . TYPE_AUTHPERSO; $query .= ' where num_concept in (' . implode(',', $concepts_ids) . ') and type_object in (' . implode(',', $types_needed) . ')'; // si on a des filtres sur des authorités persos if (count($authpersos_needed)) { $query .= ' and (authperso_authority_authperso_num is null or authperso_authority_authperso_num in (' . implode(',', $authpersos_needed) . '))'; } $query .= authority_tabs::get_limit(); // on lance la requête $result = pmb_mysql_query($query, $dbh); $records_ids = array(); if ($result && pmb_mysql_num_rows($result)) { while ($row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result)) { $authority = new authority(0, $row->num_object, index_concept::get_aut_table_type_from_type($row->type_object)); $records_ids[] = $authority->get_id(); } } $nb_filtered_results = pmb_mysql_result(pmb_mysql_query('select FOUND_ROWS()'), 0, 0); $tab->set_nb_filtered_results($nb_filtered_results); $tab->set_contents($records_ids); } } }
/** * Constructeur * @param authority $authority */ public function __construct($authority) { parent::__construct($authority); }