public function delAction($id = 0, $all = 0) { if (!auth::check($this->roleid, 'ip-del', 'admin')) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => 'ip', '2' => 'del'))); } $id = $id ? $id : $this->get('id'); $all = $all ? $all : $this->get('all'); $this->ip->delete('id=' . $id); $all or $this->adminMsg($this->getCacheCode('ip') . lang('success'), url('admin/ip/index'), 3, 1, 1); }
public function delAction($id = 0, $all = 0) { if (!auth::check($this->roleid, 'block-del', 'admin')) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => 'block', '2' => 'del'))); } $id = $id ? $id : (int) $this->get('id'); $all = $all ? $all : $this->get('all'); $this->block->delete('site=' . $this->siteid . ' AND id=' . $id); $all or $this->adminMsg($this->getCacheCode('block') . lang('success'), url('admin/block/index'), 3, 1, 1); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->user = $this->model('user'); $this->isAdminLogin(); if (!auth::check($this->roleid, $this->controller . '-' . $this->action, $this->namespace)) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => $this->controller, '2' => $this->action))); } $sites = App::get_site(); $this->site_url = 'http://' . $sites[$this->siteid]['DOMAIN']; $this->view->assign(array('userinfo' => $this->userinfo, 'site_url' => $this->site_url)); $this->adminLog(); }
public function downloadFile($id) { $entry = FileRecord::where('id', '=', $id)->firstOrFail(); $file = Storage::disk('local')->get($entry->owner_id . $entry->id . $entry->filename . "/" . $entry->public_version); $sharing = (array) json_decode($entry->sharing); $editor = (array) json_decode($entry->user_editor); if (auth::check()) { if ($entry->owner_id == Auth::user()->id or auth::User()->user_type_id == 1 or in_array(Auth::user()->username, $sharing['users']) or in_array(Auth::user()->username, $editor) or in_array(Auth::user()->user_dept->name, $sharing['departments']) or $sharing['mass'] == 1) { return (new Response($file, 200))->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); } else { return "You aren't allowed to access this file."; } } elseif ($sharing['mass'] == 2) { return (new Response($file, 200))->header('Content-Type', $entry->mime); } else { return "You aren't allowed to access this file."; } }
public function indexAction() { if ($this->isPostForm()) { if (!auth::check($this->roleid, 'linkage-del', 'admin')) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => 'linkage', '2' => 'del'))); } $ids = $this->post('ids'); if (empty($ids)) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-tag-0')); } foreach ($ids as $id) { $id = intval($id); $this->link->delete('keyid=' . $id); $this->link->delete('id=' . $id); } $this->adminMsg($this->getCacheCode('linkage') . lang('success'), url('admin/linkage/'), 3, 1, 1); } $this->view->assign('data', $this->link->where('keyid=0')->select()); $this->view->display('admin/linkage'); }
public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); define('IS_FC_ADMIN', intval(SYS_MODE)); if (SYS_MODE == 1) { // 中级 } elseif (SYS_MODE == 2) { // 高级 } else { // 初级 } $this->user = $this->model('user'); $this->isAdminLogin(); if (!auth::check($this->roleid, $this->controller . '-' . $this->action, $this->namespace)) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => $this->controller, '2' => $this->action))); } $sites = App::get_site(); $this->site_url = 'http://' . $sites[$this->siteid]['DOMAIN']; $this->view->assign(array('userinfo' => $this->userinfo, 'site_url' => $this->site_url)); //print_r($this->site_url); //exit; $this->adminLog(); }
public function backup() { if (!auth::check(self::AUTH_REALM)) { $this->access_denied(); } $dump = ""; $models = $this->getModels(); foreach ($this->getModels() as $model) { $model_name = substr($model['info']['basename'], 0, strpos($model['info']['basename'], '.xml')); $schema = ORM::getSchema($model_name); // Drop the table $dump .= "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{$schema->table}`;\n"; // Create the table $create_sql = $schema->getCreateString(); $dump .= "{$create_sql}\n\n"; // Dump the table data $model_instances = ORM::retrieveAll($model_name); foreach ($model_instances as $instance) { $insert_query = $instance->getSaveQuery(true); $dump .= "{$insert_query}\n"; } $dump .= "\n"; } $this->template->content = new View('ksetup_backup'); $this->template->action = 'backup'; $this->template->dump = $dump; $this->template->render(); }
/** * 删除栏目 */ public function delAction($catid = 0, $all = 0) { if (!auth::check($this->roleid, 'category-del', 'admin')) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => 'category', '2' => 'del'))); } $all = $all ? $all : $this->get('all'); $catid = $catid ? $catid : (int) $this->get('catid'); if (empty($catid)) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-cat-7')); } if (!isset($this->cats[$catid])) { $this->adminMsg(lang('m-con-9', array('1' => $catid))); } $result = $this->category->del($catid); if ($result) { $all or $this->adminMsg($this->getCacheCode('category') . lang('success'), url('admin/category/index'), 3, 1, 1); } else { $all or $this->adminMsg(lang('a-cat-8')); } }
/** * 后台权限验证 */ function admin_auth($roleid, $action) { return auth::check($roleid, $action, 'admin'); }
$r = ''; $auth = new auth(); //~ Создаем новый объект класса //~ Авторизация if (isset($_POST['send'])) { if (!$auth->authorization()) { $error = $_SESSION['error']; unset($_SESSION['error']); } } //~ выход if (isset($_GET['exit'])) { $auth->exit_user(); } //~ Проверка авторизации if ($auth->check()) { $r .= ' Добро пожаловать, ' . $_SESSION['login_user'] . '<br/> <a href="?exit">Выйти</a> <br /> <script type="text/javascript"> location="../private/accounts.php"; </script> '; } else { //~ если есть ошибки выводим и предлагаем восстановить пароль if (isset($error)) { $r .= $error; } $r .= ' <div class="auth">
<head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en" /> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="PHPEclipse 1.0" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>myauth test</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#FF9966" vlink="#FF9966" alink="#FFCC99"> <?php loginFunction(); $pass = init("password", "p", FALSE); $user = init("username", "p", FALSE); $meth = init("method", "p", "simap"); if ($user && $pass) { $a = new auth($meth, ""); if ($a->tested) { if ($a->check($user, $pass) == true) { echo "ok."; } else { echo "nönö"; } } else { echo "Verbindungstest fehlgeschlagen"; } } ?> </body> </html>
/** * 增加/删除推荐位 */ private function setPosition($insert_ids, $cid, $data, $position = null) { if (empty($cid)) { return false; } $pos = $this->model('position_data'); $arrid = @explode(',', $insert_ids); if ($data['url'] == '') { $data['url'] = getUrl($data); } //增加推荐位 if (is_array($arrid)) { foreach ($arrid as $sid) { if ($sid) { $row = $pos->from(null, 'id')->where('posid=' . (int) $sid . ' and contentid=' . (int) $cid)->select(false); if ($row) { if (!auth::check($this->roleid, 'position-edit', 'admin')) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => 'position', '2' => 'edit'))); } $set = array('url' => $data['url'], 'catid' => (int) $data['catid'], 'title' => $data['title'], 'thumb' => $data['thumb'], 'description' => $data['description']); $pos->update($set, 'id=' . $row['id']); } else { if (!auth::check($this->roleid, 'position-add', 'admin')) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => 'position', '2' => 'add'))); } $set = array('url' => $data['url'], 'catid' => (int) $data['catid'], 'title' => $data['title'], 'thumb' => $data['thumb'], 'posid' => (int) $sid, 'contentid' => $cid, 'description' => $data['description']); $pos->insert($set); } } } } //删除推荐位 $old_ids = @explode(',', $position); if (is_array($old_ids)) { foreach ($old_ids as $sid) { if (!in_array($sid, $arrid) && $sid) { if (!auth::check($this->roleid, 'position-del', 'admin')) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => 'position', '2' => 'del'))); } $pos->delete('posid=' . $sid . ' AND contentid=' . $cid); } } } //更新缓存 $data = array(); $pmodel = $this->model('position'); $position = $pmodel->where('site=' . $this->siteid)->select(); foreach ($position as $t) { $posid = $t['posid']; $data[$posid] = $pos->where('posid=' . $posid)->order('listorder ASC, id DESC')->select(); $data[$posid]['catid'] = $t['catid']; $data[$posid]['maxnum'] = $t['maxnum']; } //写入缓存文件中 $this->cache->set('position_' . $this->siteid, $data); }
/** * 站点配置 */ public function configAction() { //加载配置文件. $siteid = $this->get('id') ? $this->get('id') : $this->siteid; $config = self::load_config('site' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $siteid); if ($this->post('submit')) { $data = $this->post('data'); $body = "<?php" . PHP_EOL . "if (!defined('IN_FINECMS')) exit();" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . "/**" . PHP_EOL . " * " . $data['SITE_NAME'] . "配置" . PHP_EOL . " */" . PHP_EOL . "return array(" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; foreach ($this->string as $var => $str) { if ($var == 'SITE_LANGUAGE' && empty($data[$var])) { $value = "'zh-cn'"; } elseif ($var == 'SITE_DOMAIN') { $value = "'" . $config['SITE_DOMAIN'] . "'"; } elseif ($var == 'SITE_EXTEND_ID') { $value = "'" . $config['SITE_EXTEND_ID'] . "'"; } else { $value = $data[$var] == 'false' || $data[$var] == 'true' ? $data[$var] : "'" . $data[$var] . "'"; } $body .= "\t'" . strtoupper($var) . "'" . $this->setspace($var) . " => " . $value . ", //" . $str . PHP_EOL; } $body .= PHP_EOL . ");"; file_put_contents(CONFIG_DIR . 'site' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $siteid . '.ini.php', $body); $this->adminMsg(lang('success'), purl('site/config', array('id' => $siteid, 'typeid' => $this->post('typeid'))), 3, 1, 1); } //模板风格 $theme = ''; $file_list = file_list::get_file_list(VIEW_DIR); foreach ($file_list as $t) { if (is_dir(VIEW_DIR . $t) && strpos($t, 'mobile_') === false && !in_array($t, array('error', 'admin', 'index.html', 'install', 'mobile'))) { $theme .= '<option value="' . $t . '" ' . ($config['SITE_THEME'] == $t ? 'selected' : '') . '>' . $t . '</option>'; } } $this->view->assign(array('site' => auth::check($this->roleid, 'site-index', 'admin') ? 1 : 0, 'data' => $config, 'theme' => $theme, 'langs' => file_list::get_file_list(EXTENSION_DIR . 'language' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), 'typeid' => $this->get('typeid') ? $this->get('typeid') : 1, 'string' => $this->string, 'images' => file_list::get_file_list(EXTENSION_DIR . 'watermark' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR))); $this->view->display('admin/site_config'); }
/** * 删除 */ public function delAction($id = 0, $all = 0) { if (!auth::check($this->roleid, 'form-del', 'admin')) { $this->adminMsg(lang('a-com-0', array('1' => 'form', '2' => 'del'))); } $id = $id ? $id : (int) $this->get('id'); $all = $all ? $all : $this->get('all'); $this->delFile($id); $this->form->delete('id=' . (int) $id); $all or $this->adminMsg(lang('success'), url('admin/form/list', array('modelid' => $this->modelid, 'cid' => $this->cid)), 3, 1, 1); }
/** * Show user profile * * @param string $username user username (optional) */ public function showProfile($username = null) { // Incandescence the APIHelper $api = new \App\Helpers\ApiHelper(); // Is this profile being called publicly or privately $isAccessedPublicly = empty($username) ? false : true; // Abort if we are public and there is no username or its empty if ($isAccessedPublicly && empty($username)) { // Show the not found page abort(404); } // Initiate created events by user $eventsCreatedByUser = []; // Get user info if ($isAccessedPublicly) { $url = 'users?filter[and][][username]=' . $username . '&with[]=updates&with[]=ticketInventories&with[]=friends&with[]=friendRequests&with[]=stripeManagedAccounts'; if (\Auth::check()) { $url .= '&auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id; } // Query by username $user = $api->index($url); // Set user data $user = isset($user['data']['users'][0]) ? $user['data']['users'][0] : []; // If user exists if (!empty($user)) { $eventUrl = 'events?filter[and][][user_id]=' . $user['id'] . '&with[]=times&filter[and][][is_published]=1&filter[and][][is_banned]=0&with[]=TicketsInventory'; if (\Auth::check()) { $eventUrl .= '&auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id; } $eventsCreatedByUser = $api->index($eventUrl); $attendingUrl = 'events/attending/' . $user['id']; if (\Auth::check()) { $attendingUrl .= '?auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id; } // Get events that this user is attending $userEventsTimesAttending = $api->index($attendingUrl); // Set events that this user is attending $userEventsTimesAttending = isset($userEventsTimesAttending['data']['times']) ? $userEventsTimesAttending['data']['times'] : []; $myEventsformatted = []; $isFriend = false; $isRequested = false; if (isset($user['friendRequests']) && \Auth::user()) { // Indexes and iterates through friend requests foreach ($user['friendRequests'] as $index => $checkRequested) { // If friend request id and auth id match, will display proper message in view if ($checkRequested['id'] === \Auth::user()->id) { $isRequested = true; // Once match is found, stops iteration break; } } } if (isset($userEventsTimesAttending)) { foreach ($userEventsTimesAttending as $time) { $myEventsformatted[] = ['title' => isset($time['event']['title']) ? $time['event']['title'] : null, 'start' => isset($time['start']) ? $time['start'] : null, 'end' => isset($time['end']) ? $time['end'] : null, 'url' => route('', ['slug' => isset($time['event']['slug']) ? $time['event']['slug'] : null])]; } } // JSON encode $myEventsformatted = addslashes(json_encode($myEventsformatted)); } } else { // Query by id of logged in user $user = $api->index('users?filter[and][][id]=' . Auth::user()->id . '&with[]=updates&with[]=ticketInventories&with[]=stripeManagedAccounts&auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id); // Set user data $user = isset($user['data']['users'][0]) ? $user['data']['users'][0] : []; // If user exists if (!empty($user)) { $eventsCreatedByUser = $api->index('events?filter[and][][user_id]=' . \Auth::user()->id . '&with[]=times&filter[and][][is_published]=1&filter[and][][is_banned]=0&with[]=TicketsInventory&auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id); // Get events that this user is attending $userEventsTimesAttending = $api->index('events/attending/' . \Auth::user()->id . '?auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id); // Set events that this user is attending $userEventsTimesAttending = isset($userEventsTimesAttending['data']['times']) ? $userEventsTimesAttending['data']['times'] : []; $myEventsformatted = []; if (isset($userEventsTimesAttending)) { foreach ($userEventsTimesAttending as $time) { $myEventsformatted[] = ['title' => isset($time['event']['title']) ? $time['event']['title'] : null, 'start' => isset($time['start']) ? $time['start'] : null, 'end' => isset($time['end']) ? $time['end'] : null, 'url' => route('', ['slug' => isset($time['event']['slug']) ? $time['event']['slug'] : null])]; } } // JSON encode $myEventsformatted = addslashes(json_encode($myEventsformatted)); } } // Make sure we have data if (empty($user)) { // Show the not found page abort(404); } $friendPost = []; if (isset($user['friends']) && \Auth::user()) { // Indexes and iterates through public user friends foreach ($user['friends'] as $index => $checkFriend) { // If auth user id and friend id matches, will display proper message in view if ($checkFriend['id'] === \Auth::user()->id) { $isFriend = true; $friendPost = $checkFriend; // Once match is found, stops iteration break; } } } $eventsCreatedByUser = isset($eventsCreatedByUser['data']['events']) ? $eventsCreatedByUser['data']['events'] : []; $url = 'events?filter[and][][isSponsored]=1&fields[]=id&fields[]=title' . '&fields[]=description&fields[]=slug&fields[]=isSponsored' . '&fields[]=featuredPhoto&limit=3&filter[and][][is_published]=1' . '&filter[and][][is_banned]=0'; if (auth::check()) { $url .= '&auth_user_id=' . \Auth::user()->id; } // Get 3 sponsored events $sponsoredEvents = $api->index($url); // Give events a short variable to work with $sponsoredEvents = isset($sponsoredEvents['data']['events']) ? $sponsoredEvents['data']['events'] : []; // Get upload settings for evaporate.js $uploadSettings = $api->index('settings/upload'); $uploadSettings = isset($uploadSettings['data']) ? $uploadSettings['data'] : []; // Return view return View::make('accounts.profile')->with(array('friendPost' => isset($friendPost) ? $friendPost : [], 'isFriend' => isset($isFriend) ? $isFriend : false, 'isRequested' => isset($isRequested) ? $isRequested : false, 'isAccessedPublicly' => $isAccessedPublicly, 'myEventsformatted' => $myEventsformatted, 'user' => $user, 'eventsCreatedByUser' => $eventsCreatedByUser, 'userEventsTimesAttending' => $userEventsTimesAttending, 'uploadSettings' => $uploadSettings, 'sponsoredEvents' => $sponsoredEvents)); }