static function delete($templateId) { if ($id = intval($templateId)) { $db = Registry::getInstance()->get('db'); $attachment = new attachment(self::TABLE, $id); $attachment->unlinkAll(); parent::delete($id); } }
function archive_attachment($aid,$key) { if (!$aid) return; $oattachment=new attachment(); $attachment=$oattachment->getrow('aid='.$aid); if (is_array($attachment) &&isset($attachment[$key])) return $attachment[$key]; else return; }
function import_vcard($params) { include_once ''; $objImap = new imap_functions(); $msg_number = $params['msg_number']; $idx_file = $params['idx_file']; $msg_part = $params['msg_part']; $msg_folder = $params['msg_folder']; $from_ajax = $params['from_ajax']; $encoding = strtolower($params['encoding']); $fileContent = ""; $cirus_delimiter = $params['cirus_delimiter']; $expFolder = explode($cirus_delimiter, $msg_folder); if ($msg_number != null && $msg_part != null && $msg_folder != null && intval($idx_file == '0' ? '1' : $idx_file)) { require_once PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/expressoMail/inc/'; $attachmentObj = new attachment(); $attachmentObj->setStructureFromMail($msg_folder, $msg_number); $fileContent = $attachmentObj->getAttachment($msg_part); $info = $attachmentObj->getAttachmentInfo($msg_part); $filename = $info['name']; } else { $filename = $idx_file; } // It's necessary to access calendar method. $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noappheader'] = True; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noappfooter'] = True; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['currentapp'] = 'calendar'; if (isset($params['selected']) || isset($params['readable'])) { $_REQUEST['data'] = $fileContent; $_REQUEST['type'] = 'iCal'; $_REQUEST['params']['calendar'] = isset($params['selected']) ? $params['selected'] : false; $_REQUEST['readable'] = isset($params['readable']) && $params['readable'] ? true : false; $_REQUEST['analize'] = isset($params['analize']) ? true : false; $_REQUEST['params']['status'] = isset($params['status']) ? $params['status'] : false; $_REQUEST['params']['owner'] = $params['uidAccount']; if (isset($params['acceptedSuggestion'])) { $_REQUEST['params']['acceptedSuggestion'] = $params['acceptedSuggestion']; $_REQUEST['params']['from'] = $params['from']; } ob_start(); include_once PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/prototype/converter.php'; $output = ob_get_clean(); $valid = json_decode($output, true); if ($_REQUEST['readable']) { if (!is_array($valid)) { $output = unserialize($output); foreach ($output as $key => $value) { return $value; } } return false; } if (empty($output)) { return "error"; } return "ok"; } include_once PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/'; $uiicalendar = CreateObject("calendar.uiicalendar"); if (strtoupper($expFolder[0]) == 'USER' && $expFolder[1]) { include_once ''; $ldap = new ldap_functions(); $account['uid'] = $expFolder[1]; $account['uidnumber'] = $ldap->uid2uidnumber($expFolder[1]); $account['mail'] = $ldap->getMailByUid($expFolder[1]); return $uiicalendar->import_from_mail($fileContent, $from_ajax, $account); } else { return $uiicalendar->import_from_mail($fileContent, $from_ajax); } }
function assignTo($userId) { global $dbInst, $loginInst; if (!$loginInst->hasAccess("request.assignTo")) { return false; } $taskInst = new task(); $taskInst->subject = $this->subject; $taskInst->body = $this->body; $taskInst->projectId = $this->projectId; $taskInst->typeId = $this->typeId; $taskInst->priorityId = $this->priorityId; $taskInst->userId = $userId; $taskInst->statusId = TASK_STATUS_REQUEST; $taskInst->posterId = $loginInst->id; $taskInst->attachments = $this->attachments; $taskId = $taskInst->insert(); if (!$taskId) { return false; } // task saved successfully. Now whe can assign the attachments to the task id $taskInst->id = $taskId; while ($element = current($taskInst->attachments)) { $attachment = new attachment($element); $attachment->taskId = $taskId; $attachment->update(); next($taskInst->attachments); } // the attachments are now assigned to the task -> so we should // clean the attachment array in the request instance, to prevent // deleting of the attachments $this->attachments = array(); if ($this->delete()) { return $taskId; } return false; }
function get($attach_id) { global $db; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . " WHERE attach_id=" . intval($attach_id); $result = $db->sql_query($sql); $attach_data = $db->sql_fetchrow($result); $db->sql_freeresult($result); if (!$attach_data) { //attachment does not exist, return false return false; } return attachment::from_array($attach_data); }
function download_all_attachments($params) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $atObj = new attachment(); $atObj->setStructureFromMail($params['folder'], $params['num_msg']); $attachments = $atObj->getAttachmentsInfo(); $id_number = $params['num_msg']; $tempDir = $this->tempDir; $tempSubDir = $_SESSION['phpgw_session']['session_id']; $fileNames = ''; exec('mkdir ' . $tempDir . '/' . $tempSubDir . '; cd ' . $tempDir . '/' . $tempSubDir); $this->folder = $params['folder']; $this->folder = mb_convert_encoding($this->folder, "UTF7-IMAP", "UTF-8"); $fileNames = array(); $attachments_count = count($attachments); for ($i = 0; $i < $attachments_count; ++$i) { $attachments[$i]['name'] = $this->remove_accents($attachments[$i]['name']); $fileNames[$i] = $attachments[$i]['name']; } $attachments_count = count($attachments); for ($i = 0; $i < $attachments_count; ++$i) { $fileName = $attachments[$i]['name']; $result = array_keys($fileNames, $fileName); // Detecta duplicatas if (count($result) > 1) { $result_count = count($result); for ($j = 1; $j < $result_count; ++$j) { $replacement = '(' . $j . ')$0'; if (preg_match('/\\.\\w{2,4}$/', $fileName)) { $fileNames[$result[$j]] = preg_replace('/\\.\\w{2,4}$/', $replacement, $fileName); } else { $fileNames[$result[$j]] .= "({$j})"; } $attachments[$result[$j]]['name'] = $fileNames[$result[$j]]; } } // Fim detecta duplicatas $f = fopen($tempDir . '/' . $tempSubDir . '/' . $fileName, "wb"); if (!$f) { return False; } $fileContent = $atObj->getAttachment($attachments[$i]['pid']); fputs($f, $fileContent); fclose($f); } imap_close($this->mbox_stream); $nameFileZip = ''; if (!empty($fileNames)) { $nameFileZip = $this->createFileZip($fileNames, $tempDir . '/' . $tempSubDir); if ($nameFileZip) { $file = $tempDir . '/' . $tempSubDir . '/' . $nameFileZip; } else { $file = false; } } else { $file = false; } include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../prototype/library/utils/Logger.php'; Logger::info('expressomail', 'downloadAllAttachment', $atObj->messageId); return $file; }
function deleteattachment_action() { $attachment=new attachment(); $id = intval(front::get('id')); $attachment->del($id); }
/** * Constructor * * @param string $data File data * @param string $name Name of attachment (filename) * @param string $contentType Content type of file * @param string $encoding What encoding to use */ public function __construct($data, $name = '', $contentType = 'application/octet-stream', $encoding = null) { $encoding = is_null($encoding) ? new Base64Encoding() : $encoding; parent::__construct($data, $name, $contentType, $encoding); }
/** * 采集内容 * @param string $url 采集地址 * @param array $config 配置参数 * @param integer $page 分页采集模式 */ public static function get_content($url, $config, $page = 0) { set_time_limit(300); static $oldurl = array(); $page = intval($page) ? intval($page) : 0; if ($html = self::get_html($url, $config)) { if (empty($page)) { //获取标题 if ($config['title_rule']) { $title_rule = self::replace_sg($config['title_rule']); $data['title'] = self::replace_item(self::cut_html($html, $title_rule[0], $title_rule[1]), $config['title_html_rule']); } //获取作者 if ($config['author_rule']) { $author_rule = self::replace_sg($config['author_rule']); $data['author'] = self::replace_item(self::cut_html($html, $author_rule[0], $author_rule[1]), $config['author_html_rule']); } //获取来源 if ($config['comeform_rule']) { $comeform_rule = self::replace_sg($config['comeform_rule']); $data['comeform'] = self::replace_item(self::cut_html($html, $comeform_rule[0], $comeform_rule[1]), $config['comeform_html_rule']); } //获取时间 if ($config['time_rule']) { $time_rule = self::replace_sg($config['time_rule']); $data['time'] = strtotime(self::replace_item(self::cut_html($html, $time_rule[0], $time_rule[1]), $config['time_html_rule'])); } if (empty($data['time'])) { $data['time'] = SYS_TIME; } //对自定义数据进行采集 if ($config['customize_config'] = string2array($config['customize_config'])) { foreach ($config['customize_config'] as $k => $v) { if (empty($v['rule'])) { continue; } $rule = self::replace_sg($v['rule']); $data[$v['en_name']] = self::replace_item(self::cut_html($html, $rule[0], $rule[1]), $v['html_rule']); } } } //获取内容 if ($config['content_rule']) { $content_rule = self::replace_sg($config['content_rule']); $data['content'] = self::replace_item(self::cut_html($html, $content_rule[0], $content_rule[1]), $config['content_html_rule']); } //处理分页 if (in_array($page, array(0, 2)) && !empty($config['content_page_start']) && !empty($config['content_page_end'])) { $oldurl[] = $url; $tmp[] = $data['content']; $page_html = self::cut_html($html, $config['content_page_start'], $config['content_page_end']); //上下页模式 if ($config['content_page_rule'] == 2 && in_array($page, array(0, 2)) && $page_html) { preg_match_all('/<a[^>]*href=[\'"]?([^>\'" ]*)[\'"]?[^>]*>([^<\\/]*)<\\/a>/i', $page_html, $out); if (!empty($out[1]) && !empty($out[2])) { foreach ($out[2] as $k => $v) { if (strpos($v, $config['content_nextpage']) === false) { continue; } if ($out[1][$k] == '#') { continue; } $out[1][$k] = self::url_check($out[1][$k], $url, $config); if (in_array($out[1][$k], $oldurl)) { continue; } $oldurl[] = $out[1][$k]; $results = self::get_content($out[1][$k], $config, 2); if (!in_array($results['content'], $tmp)) { $tmp[] = $results['content']; } } } } //全部罗列模式 if ($config['content_page_rule'] == 1 && $page == 0 && $page_html) { preg_match_all('/<a[^>]*href=[\'"]?([^>\'" ]*)[\'"]?/i', $page_html, $out); if (is_array($out[1]) && !empty($out[1])) { $out = array_unique($out[1]); foreach ($out as $k => $v) { if ($out[1][$k] == '#') { continue; } $v = self::url_check($v, $url, $config); $results = self::get_content($v, $config, 1); if (!in_array($results['content'], $tmp)) { $tmp[] = $results['content']; } } } } $data['content'] = $config['content_page'] == 1 ? implode('[page]', $tmp) : implode('', $tmp); } if ($page == 0) { self::$url = $url; self::$config = $config; $data['content'] = preg_replace('/<img[^>]*src=[\'"]?([^>\'"\\s]*)[\'"]?[^>]*>/ie', "self::download_img('\$0', '\$1')", $data['content']); //下载内容中的图片到本地 if (empty($page) && !empty($data['content']) && $config['down_attachment'] == 1) { pc_base::load_sys_class('attachment', '', 0); $attachment = new attachment('collection', '0', get_siteid()); $data['content'] = $attachment->download('content', $data['content'], $config['watermark']); } } return $data; } }
/** * Generate post from array data. Data is assumed to be loaded from database, thus the message is decoded. * * @param array $post_data * @return Gn36\OoPostingApi\post */ static function from_array($post_data) { global $db; if (!is_array($post_data)) { trigger_error('post::from_array - $post_data not an array'); } //create object and fill in data $post = new post(); $post->post_id = $post_data['post_id']; $post->topic_id = $post_data['topic_id']; $post->forum_id = $post_data['forum_id']; $post->poster_id = $post_data['poster_id']; $post->post_username = $post_data['post_username']; $post->poster_ip = $post_data['poster_ip']; $post->icon_id = $post_data['icon_id']; $post->post_time = $post_data['post_time']; $post->post_postcount = $post_data['post_postcount']; $post->post_visibility = $post_data['post_visibility']; $post->post_reported = $post_data['post_reported']; $post->enable_bbcode = $post_data['enable_bbcode']; $post->enable_smilies = $post_data['enable_smilies']; $post->enable_magic_url = $post_data['enable_magic_url']; $post->enable_sig = $post_data['enable_sig']; $post->post_subject = $post_data['post_subject']; if (isset($post_data['post_attachment'])) { $post->post_attachment = $post_data['post_attachment']; } $post->post_edit_time = $post_data['post_edit_time']; $post->post_edit_reason = $post_data['post_edit_reason']; $post->post_edit_user = $post_data['post_edit_user']; $post->post_edit_count = $post_data['post_edit_count']; $post->post_delete_reason = $post_data['post_delete_reason']; $post->post_delete_time = $post_data['post_delete_time']; $post->post_delete_user = $post_data['post_delete_user']; //parse message decode_message($post_data['post_text'], $post_data['bbcode_uid']); $post_data['post_text'] = str_replace(array(':', '.'), array(':', '.'), $post_data['post_text']); $post->post_text = $post_data['post_text']; //attachments if ($post->post_attachment) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . ATTACHMENTS_TABLE . " WHERE post_msg_id=" . $post->post_id; $result = $db->sql_query($sql); while ($attach_row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) { $post->attachments[] = attachment::from_array($attach_row); } } return $post; }
function getForwardingAttachment($folder, $uid, $part, $rfc_822bodies = true, $info = true) { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $attachment = new attachment(); $attachment->decodeConf['rfc_822bodies'] = $rfc_822bodies; //Forçar a não decodificação de mensagens em anexo. $folder = urldecode($folder); $attachment->setStructureFromMail($folder, $uid); if ($info === true) { $return = $attachment->getAttachmentInfo($part); $return['source'] = $attachment->getAttachment($part); return $return; } return $attachment->getAttachment($part); }
/** * Write in $$attachments, array with the information of attachment * @param <type> $structure * @param <type> $attachments * @param <type> $pIndex */ private function _pushAttachmentsInfo(&$structure, &$attachments, $pIndex = '0') { $name = ''; if (isset($structure->d_parameters['filename']) && $structure->d_parameters['filename']) { $name = $structure->d_parameters['filename']; } else { if (isset($structure->ctype_parameters['name']) && $structure->ctype_parameters['name']) { $name = $structure->ctype_parameters['name']; } else { if (strtolower($structure->ctype_primary) == 'text' && strtolower($structure->ctype_secondary) == 'calendar') { $name = 'calendar.ics'; } } } //Attachments com nomes grandes são quebrados em varias partes VER RFC2231 if (!$name && isset($structure->disposition) && (strtolower($structure->disposition) === 'attachment' || strtolower($structure->ctype_primary) == 'image' || strtolower($structure->ctype_primary . '/' . $structure->ctype_secondary) == 'application/octet-stream')) { foreach ($structure->d_parameters as $i => $v) { if (strpos($i, 'filename') !== false) { $name .= urldecode(str_ireplace(array('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'US-ASCII'), '', $v)); } } } if (!$name && isset($structure->disposition) && (strtolower($structure->disposition) === 'attachment' || strtolower($structure->ctype_primary) == 'image' || strtolower($structure->ctype_primary . '/' . $structure->ctype_secondary) == 'application/octet-stream')) { foreach ($structure->ctype_parameters as $i => $v) { if (strpos($i, 'name') !== false) { $name .= urldecode(str_ireplace(array('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'US-ASCII'), '', $v)); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($structure->ctype_primary == 'message') { $attach = new attachment(); $attach->setStructureFromRawMail($structure->body); if (!$name) { $name = isset($attach->structure->headers['subject']) ? $attach->structure->headers['subject'] : 'no title'; } if (!preg_match("/\\.eml\$/", $name)) { $name .= '.eml'; } } if (!$name && strtolower($structure->ctype_primary) == 'image') { if (strlen($structure->ctype_secondary) === 3) { $ext = strtolower($structure->ctype_secondary); } $name = 'Embedded-Image.' . $ext; } if ($name) { $codificao = mb_detect_encoding($name . 'x', 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1'); if ($codificao == 'UTF-8') { $name = utf8_decode($name); } $definition['pid'] = $pIndex; $definition['name'] = addslashes(mb_convert_encoding($name, "ISO-8859-1")); $definition['encoding'] = $structure->headers['content-transfer-encoding']; $definition['type'] = strtolower($structure->ctype_primary) . '/' . strtolower($structure->ctype_secondary); $definition['fsize'] = mb_strlen($structure->body, $structure->headers['content-transfer-encoding']); array_push($attachments, $definition); } }
* Expresso Livre * * * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ /* * Requieres */ require_once '../../'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; //------------------------// /* * Get variables */ $msgFolder = $_GET['msg_folder']; $msgNumber = $_GET['msg_num']; $embeddedPart = $_GET['msg_part']; //-------------------------------------// /* * Main */ $attachmentObj = new attachment(); $attachmentObj->setStructureFromMail($msgFolder, $msgNumber); $fileContent = $attachmentObj->getAttachment($embeddedPart); header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); header("Content-Disposition: inline"); echo $fileContent; //------------------------------------------//
/** * boolean update() * updates a task in database * @return true on success, else false * @access public */ function update() { global $dbInst, $config, $toolInst, $loginInst; if (!$loginInst->hasAccess("task.update")) { return false; } if (!$this->check()) { return false; } if ($this->id == $this->mountId) { $toolInst->errorStatus("recursion error: unable to mount task into itself"); return false; } if (in_array($this->id, $this->treeId($this->mountId))) { $toolInst->errorStatus("recursion error: unable to mount task into one of its members"); return false; } $query = "update " . $dbInst->config['table_task'] . " set " . "finish = '" . $this->finish . "'," . "plannedhours = '" . $this->plannedHours . "',"; if ($loginInst->hasAccess("task.fixedPrice")) { $query .= "fixedprice = '" . str_replace(',', '.', $this->fixedPrice) . "',"; } $query .= "body = '" . $this->body . "'," . "type_id = '" . $this->typeId . "'," . "user_id = '" . $this->userId . "'," . "subject = '" . $this->subject . "'," . "mount_id = '" . $this->mountId . "'," . "status_id = '" . $this->statusId . "'," . "poster_id = '" . $this->posterId . "'," . "project_id = '" . $this->projectId . "'," . "priority_id = '" . $this->priorityId . "' where id = '" . $this->id . "'"; $result = $dbInst->query($query); $dbInst->status($result[1], "u"); if ($result[1] == 1 || $result[1] == 0) { // notification mail to manager, if task set to done if ($result[1] == 1 && $this->isDone()) { $projectInst = new project($this->projectId); $this->mail($projectInst->managerId, " --== TASK DONE ==--\n\nused time: " . $toolInst->formatTime($this->getSummary())); } // logging $userInst = new user($this->userId); $this->logger->info("changed task (" . $this->subject . ") for " . $userInst->name); if (tool::secureFiles('userfile', 'name') && @file_exists(tool::secureFiles('userfile', 'tmp_name'))) { // attachment successfully uploaded, we can save it $attach = new attachment(); $attach->taskId = $this->id; $attach->insert(); $this->logger->info("added attachment (" . $this->file . ") to task " . $this->subject); unset($_FILES['userfile']); } // process all childs $childs = $this->childs(); while ($element = current($childs)) { $child = new task($element); // we need to update the project id in all child tasks $child->projectId = $this->projectId; // task is set to status "done", we should start all child tasks now if ($this->isDone()) { $child->start(); $child->mail($child->userId, "There's an automatically started task for you:"); } $child->update(); next($childs); } return true; } return false; }
public function crop_upload() { if (isset($GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"])) { $pic = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; if (isset($_GET['width']) && !empty($_GET['width'])) { $width = intval($_GET['width']); } if (isset($_GET['height']) && !empty($_GET['height'])) { $height = intval($_GET['height']); } if (isset($_GET['file']) && !empty($_GET['file'])) { $_GET['file'] = str_ireplace(';', '', 'php', $_GET['file']); if (is_image($_GET['file']) == false || stripos($_GET['file'], '.php') !== false) { exit; } if (strpos($_GET['file'], pc_base::load_config('system', 'upload_url')) !== false) { $file = $_GET['file']; $basename = basename($file); if (strpos($basename, 'thumb_') !== false) { $file_arr = explode('_', $basename); $basename = array_pop($file_arr); } $new_file = 'thumb_' . $width . '_' . $height . '_' . $basename; } else { pc_base::load_sys_class('attachment', '', 0); $module = trim($_GET['module']); $catid = intval($_GET['catid']); $siteid = $this->get_siteid(); $attachment = new attachment($module, $catid, $siteid); $uploadedfile['filename'] = basename($_GET['file']); $uploadedfile['fileext'] = fileext($_GET['file']); if (in_array($uploadedfile['fileext'], array('jpg', 'gif', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp'))) { $uploadedfile['isimage'] = 1; } $file_path = $this->upload_path . date('Y/md/'); pc_base::load_sys_func('dir'); dir_create($file_path); $new_file = date('Ymdhis') . rand(100, 999) . '.' . $uploadedfile['fileext']; $uploadedfile['filepath'] = date('Y/md/') . $new_file; $aid = $attachment->add($uploadedfile); } $filepath = date('Y/md/'); file_put_contents($this->upload_path . $filepath . $new_file, $pic); } else { return false; } echo pc_base::load_config('system', 'upload_url') . $filepath . $new_file; exit; } }
function delete_before($id) { $arc = new archive(); $info = $arc->getrow($id); $attachment = new attachment(); $res = $attachment->getrows(array("aid"=>$id)); if(is_array($res) && !empty($res)){ foreach($res as $v){ @unlink($v['path']); } } if(category::getarcishtml($info)) { $path=ROOT.preg_replace("%".THIS_URL."[\\/]%",'',archive::url($info)); if(file_exists($path)) unlink($path); } }
/** * Constructor * * @param string $infilename Name of input file * @param string $outfilename Name of file to use as attachment * @param string $contentType Content type of file * @param string $encoding What encoding to use */ public function __construct($infilename, $outfilename, $contentType = 'application/octet-stream', $encoding = null) { $encoding = is_null($encoding) ? new Base64Encoding() : $encoding; parent::__construct(file_get_contents($infilename), $outfilename, $contentType, $encoding); }
} ?> <form method="post" name="form3" action="taskdetails.php"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="deleteattach"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value=""> <tr class="light"> <td><?php echo $lang['common_attachment']; ?> </td> <td> <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%"> <?php while ($a = current($taskInst->attachments)) { $attachment = new attachment($a); echo "<tr class=light>\n"; echo "<td><a href=\"" . tool::encodeUrl("fileget.php?created=" . $attachment->created . "&filename=" . $attachment->name) . "\" title=\"" . $lang['common_open'] . " " . $attachment->name . " " . $lang['common_inANewWindow'] . "\">" . $attachment->name . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td>" . $attachment->getSize() . "</td>\n"; ?> <td align=right><a href="'<?php echo $a; ?> ';document.form3.submit()"><img src="grafx/delete.gif" onClick="return Check();" width="16" height="15" border="0" title="<?php echo $lang['tasks_deleteThisJob']; ?> "></a></td><?php next($taskInst->attachments); echo "</tr>\n"; } ?>
} if ($num < 65536) { return chr(($num >> 12) + 224) . chr(($num >> 6 & 63) + 128) . chr(($num & 63) + 128); } if ($num < 2097152) { return chr(($num >> 18) + 240) . chr(($num >> 12 & 63) + 128) . chr(($num >> 6 & 63) + 128) . chr(($num & 63) + 128); } return ''; } //-----------------------// /* * Main */ if ($msgNumber != 'null' && $indexPart !== null && $msgFolder) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; $attachment = new attachment(); $attachment->setStructureFromMail($msgFolder, $msgNumber); $fileContent = $attachment->getAttachment($indexPart); $info = $attachment->getAttachmentInfo($indexPart); $filename = $newFilename ? $newFilename : $info['name']; $filename = unhtmlentities($filename); $messageId = $attachment->messageId; } else { if ($image && $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['contact_photo']) { $image = "thumbnail"; $photo = array('width' => 60, 'height' => 80, 'quality' => 100); $fileContent = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['contact_photo'][0]; unset($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['contact_photo']); } $filename = $indexFile; }