Esempio n. 1
  * Code to be run after inserting to database
  * @param PropelPDO $con 
 public function postInsert(PropelPDO $con = null)
     kEventsManager::raiseEvent(new kObjectCreatedEvent($this));
     if ($this->copiedFrom) {
         kEventsManager::raiseEvent(new kObjectCopiedEvent($this->copiedFrom, $this));
Esempio n. 2
  * Reloads this object from datastore based on primary key and (optionally) resets all associated objects.
  * This will only work if the object has been saved and has a valid primary key set.
  * @param      boolean $deep (optional) Whether to also de-associated any related objects.
  * @param      PropelPDO $con (optional) The PropelPDO connection to use.
  * @return     void
  * @throws     PropelException - if this object is deleted, unsaved or doesn't have pk match in db
 public function reload($deep = false, PropelPDO $con = null)
     if ($this->isDeleted()) {
         throw new PropelException("Cannot reload a deleted object.");
     if ($this->isNew()) {
         throw new PropelException("Cannot reload an unsaved object.");
     if ($con === null) {
         $con = Propel::getConnection(assetParamsPeer::DATABASE_NAME, Propel::CONNECTION_READ);
     // We don't need to alter the object instance pool; we're just modifying this instance
     // already in the pool.
     $criteria = $this->buildPkeyCriteria();
     $stmt = BasePeer::doSelect($criteria, $con);
     $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
     if (!$row) {
         throw new PropelException('Cannot find matching row in the database to reload object values.');
     $this->hydrate($row, 0, true);
     // rehydrate
     if ($deep) {
         // also de-associate any related objects?
         $this->collassetParamsOutputs = null;
         $this->lastassetParamsOutputCriteria = null;
         $this->collflavorParamsConversionProfiles = null;
         $this->lastflavorParamsConversionProfileCriteria = null;
     // if (deep)
Esempio n. 3
  * Add and convert new Flavor Asset for Entry with specific Flavor Params
  * @action convert
  * @param string $entryId
  * @param int $flavorParamsId
  * @param int $priority
  * @validateUser entry entryId edit
 public function convertAction($entryId, $flavorParamsId, $priority = 0)
     $dbEntry = entryPeer::retrieveByPK($entryId);
     if (!$dbEntry) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND, $entryId);
     $flavorParamsDb = assetParamsPeer::retrieveByPK($flavorParamsId);
     if (!$flavorParamsDb) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::FLAVOR_PARAMS_ID_NOT_FOUND, $flavorParamsId);
     $validStatuses = array(entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING, entryStatus::PRECONVERT, entryStatus::READY);
     if (!in_array($dbEntry->getStatus(), $validStatuses)) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::INVALID_ENTRY_STATUS);
     $conversionProfile = $dbEntry->getconversionProfile2();
     if (!$conversionProfile) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::CONVERSION_PROFILE_ID_NOT_FOUND, $dbEntry->getConversionProfileId());
     $originalFlavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($entryId);
     if (is_null($originalFlavorAsset) || !$originalFlavorAsset->isLocalReadyStatus()) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::ORIGINAL_FLAVOR_ASSET_IS_MISSING);
     $srcSyncKey = $originalFlavorAsset->getSyncKey(flavorAsset::FILE_SYNC_FLAVOR_ASSET_SUB_TYPE_ASSET);
     // if the file sync isn't local (wasn't synced yet) proxy request to other datacenter
     list($fileSync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($srcSyncKey, true, false);
     /* @var $fileSync FileSync */
     if (!$fileSync) {
         throw new KalturaAPIException(KalturaErrors::FILE_DOESNT_EXIST);
     if (!$local && $fileSync->getFileType() != FileSync::FILE_SYNC_FILE_TYPE_URL) {
     $err = "";
     $dynamicFlavorAttributes = $dbEntry->getDynamicFlavorAttributesForAssetParams($flavorParamsDb->getId());
     kBusinessPreConvertDL::decideAddEntryFlavor(null, $dbEntry->getId(), $flavorParamsId, $err, null, $dynamicFlavorAttributes, $priority);