  *                             .                                  PORTION_MAX_EXPORT_TIME     .
 function sendMessagesPortion()
     global $application;
     $mailer = new ascHtmlMimeMail();
     $from = $this->_currentMessage['letter_from_name'] . ' <' . $this->_currentMessage['letter_from_email'] . '>';
     $html = "<html><head><title>{$this->_currentMessage['letter_subject']}</title></head><body>{$this->_currentMessage['letter_html']}</body></html>";
     $start_time = $this->microtime_float();
     $sent_count = 0;
     //                           $max_to_send
     $table = 'newsletter_temp';
     $tables = $this->getTables();
     //          PORTION_MAX_MESSAGES_NUM          ,                  (_sentCountTotal + 1)
     //                                 ,     PORTION_MAX_MESSAGES_NUM
     $query = new DB_Select();
     $query->WhereValue($tables[$table]['columns']['recipient_num'], DB_GTE, $this->_sentCountTotal + 1);
     $query->WhereValue($tables[$table]['columns']['recipient_num'], DB_LTE, $this->_sentCountTotal + PORTION_MAX_MESSAGES_NUM);
     $res = $application->db->getDB_Result($query);
     $addr_num = count($res);
     while ($this->microtime_float() - $start_time < PORTION_MAX_EXPORT_TIME && $sent_count < $addr_num) {
         // :
     $this->_sentCountTotal += $sent_count;
     $sending_status = 'PROCESSING';
     if ($this->_sentCountTotal >= $this->_totalRecipients) {
         $this->_sentCountTotal = $this->_totalRecipients;
         $table = 'newsletter_temp';
         $tables = $this->getTables();
         $query = new DB_Delete($table);
         $this->updateMessage($this->_currentMessage['letter_id'], array('letter_sent_date' => date('Y-m-d G:i:s')));
         $sending_status = 'COMPLETED';
     return array('errors' => '', 'warnings' => '', 'sent_total' => $this->_sentCountTotal, 'sending_status' => $sending_status);
  * Sends a notification to each of the receiver.
 function send()
     if (!$this->haveToSend) {
     if (Configuration::getSupportMode(ASC_S_NOTIFICATIONS)) {
     // getting the recipients and languages
     $to = $this->getMLSendTo();
     // adding third party emails to "To" array
     if (isset($this->thirdparty_emails) && is_array($this->thirdparty_emails) && !empty($this->thirdparty_emails)) {
         foreach ($this->thirdparty_emails as $i => $email) {
             $to[] = $email;
     // saving the current languages
     $cur_lng = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'getLanguage');
     $cur_res_lng = modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'getResourceLanguage');
     // processing the recipients
     foreach ($to as $address) {
         // skipping invalid records (paranoidal check)
         if (!isset($address[0]) || !$address[0]) {
         // setting the language for the current notification
         modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setLanguage', @$address[1]);
         modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setResourceLanguage', @$address[1]);
         $format = modApiFunc('Settings', 'getParamValue', 'EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS', 'EMAIL_NOTIFICATION_FORMAT');
         // there were some problems with Unix <-> Windows linefeeds
         // so we make it all Windows style
         $this->EmailText = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $this->EmailText));
         $mail = new ascHtmlMimeMail();
         if ($format == "HTML") {
         } else {
         $from = $this->getSendFrom();
         //          $mail->setCc($from);
         $this->addEmailToTimeline($address[0], $mail->send(array($address[0])), @$address[1]);
     // restoting the languages
     modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setLanguage', $cur_lng);
     modApiFunc('MultiLang', 'setResourceLanguage', $cur_res_lng);