Esempio n. 1
//using addValueOnInsert so when someone signs up it will automatically add them to this event
$tblEventAttendee->addValueOnInsert("fkEventID", $eventID);
//using addValueOnInsert to track their IP address
$tblEventAttendee->addValueOnInsert("fldIPAddress", $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
$tblEventAttendee->setTextboxWidth("fldTimeArriving", 8);
$tblEventAttendee->setTextboxWidth("fldLastName", 25);
$tblEventAttendee->setTextareaHeight("fldComments", 70);
//comment field should be a bit wider height
#set the number of rows to display (per page)
//after 25 people, the resultset will paginate
$tblEventAttendee->setAddPlaceholderText("fldTimeArriving", $fldTime);
$tblEventAttendee->setAddFieldNote("fldTimeArriving", "Leave blank if you'll be on time.");
$tblEventAttendee->setAddFieldNote("fldWillBeLate", "If you will be arriving late, please enter the time in the next box.");
$tblEventAttendee->modifyFieldWithClass("fldTimeArriving", "time");
$tblEventAttendee->modifyFieldWithClass("fldLastName", "required");
$tblEventAttendee->modifyFieldWithClass("fldFirstName", "required");
$tblEventAttendee->formatFieldWithFunction("fldWillBeLate", "displayWillBeLate");
$tblEventAttendee->formatFieldWithFunctionAdvanced("fldTimeArriving", "displayArrivalTime");
$tblEventAttendee->emptyTableMessage = "No one has signed up yet! Press the '<b>Add Person</b>' button below to sign up for this event.";
$tblEventAttendee->addMessage = "You have been added to this event.";
//i liked this table feel; but any css can be used from
#implement a callback function on signing up to create cookie
//if event expired, do not allow people to sign up for it or change who had attended
if ($eventExpired) {
Esempio n. 2
#set the number of rows to display (per page)
#set a filter box at the top of the table
$tblFriend->addAjaxFilterBox('fldName', 20);
#allow picture to be a file upload
$tblFriend->setFileUpload('fldPicture', 'uploads/', 'uploads/');
#format field output
$tblFriend->formatFieldWithFunction('fldOwes', 'addDollarSign');
$tblFriend->formatFieldWithFunction('fldPicture', 'displayImage');
$tblFriend->defineCheckbox("fldBestFriend", "Y", "N");
#modify field with class
$tblFriend->modifyFieldWithClass("fldDateMet", "datepicker");
$tblFriend->modifyFieldWithClass("fldZip", "zip required");
$tblFriend->modifyFieldWithClass("fldPhone", "phone required");
$tblFriend->modifyFieldWithClass("fldEmail", "email");
#set allowable values for certain fields
$ratingVals = array("0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5");
$tblFriend->defineAllowableValues("fldFriendRating", $ratingVals);
$states = array(array("AL", "Alabama"), array("AK", "Alaska"), array("AZ", "Arizona"), array("AR", "Arkansas"), array("CA", "California"), array("CO", "Colorado"), array("CT", "Connecticut"), array("DE", "Delaware"), array("DC", "District Of Columbia"), array("FL", "Florida"), array("GA", "Georgia"), array("HI", "Hawaii"), array("ID", "Idaho"), array("IL", "Illinois"), array("IN", "Indiana"), array("IA", "Iowa"), array("KS", "Kansas"), array("KY", "Kentucky"), array("LA", "Louisiana"), array("ME", "Maine"), array("MD", "Maryland"), array("MA", "Massachusetts"), array("MI", "Michigan"), array("MN", "Minnesota"), array("MS", "Mississippi"), array("MO", "Missouri"), array("MT", "Montana"), array("NE", "Nebraska"), array("NV", "Nevada"), array("NH", "New Hampshire"), array("NJ", "New Jersey"), array("NM", "New Mexico"), array("NY", "New York"), array("NC", "North Carolina"), array("ND", "North Dakota"), array("OH", "Ohio"), array("OK", "Oklahoma"), array("OR", "Oregon"), array("PA", "Pennsylvania"), array("RI", "Rhode Island"), array("SC", "South Carolina"), array("SD", "South Dakota"), array("TN", "Tennessee"), array("TX", "Texas"), array("UT", "Utah"), array("VT", "Vermont"), array("VA", "Virginia"), array("WA", "Washington"), array("WV", "West Virginia"), array("WI", "Wisconsin"), array("WY", "Wyoming"));
$tblFriend->defineAllowableValues("fldState", $states);
#show CSV export button
#use if you want to move the add form to the top of the page
#order the table by any field you want
$tblFriend->addOrderBy("ORDER BY fldName");
#add a button at the bottom of the table which simply goes to another page
Esempio n. 3
    $signupText = "View Who Signed Up";
$tblEvent->addButtonToRow($signupText, "index.php");
$tblEvent->setTextareaHeight("fldAdditionalInformation", 70);
#set the number of rows to display (per page)
$tblEvent->setAddPlaceholderText("fldDate", "YYYY-mm-dd");
$tblEvent->setAddPlaceholderText("fldTime", "7:00pm");
$tblEvent->setAddFieldNote("fldDate", "Make sure to enter in format <b>YYYY-mm-dd</b>.");
$tblEvent->setAddFieldNote("fldImage", "If you want to add an image to the event (optional).");
$tblEvent->setAddFieldNote("fldType", "Public means anyone can come; Private means you want this event to be exclusive.");
//$tblEvent->addButtonToRowWindowOpen = "same"; //this is default behavior so i have it commented out
$tblEvent->formatFieldWithFunction("fldDate", "highlightDate");
$tblEvent->formatFieldWithFunction("fldImage", "showImage");
$tblEvent->modifyFieldWithClass("fldDate", "datepicker");
include 'footer.php';
function highlightDate($date)
    if ($date == "0000-00-00") {
        return "NOT YET SET";
    if ($date == date("Y-m-d")) {
        return $date . "<br /><b style='font-size:8px;'>(TODAY/TONIGHT!)</b>";
    return $date;
function showImage($image)
    if ($image) {