function doBodyJobs() { global $SYSTEM_INFO, $CONFIG; $this->pdo->scheduleInsertion_ExternalStylesheet("lib/admin/adminAppearance.css"); if (strpos($this->pdo->getAdminFuncParam(), "EditLayout") === 0) { $CONFIG["Developer_Debug"] = false; $paramlist = split("_", $this->pdo->getAdminFuncParam()); if (!isset($paramlist[1]) || $paramlist[1] == "") { $this->pdo->insertIntoBodyBuffer("<em><strong>Please select a layout from the list above or click "Create" to create a new one.</strong></em>"); } else { ob_start(); echo '<textarea style="width: 400px; height: 200px; border: 1px solid black;">'; $file = file_get_contents($CONFIG["ContentDir"] . "layouts/" . $paramlist[1] . ".php"); echo "<![CDATA[" . $file . "]]>"; echo '</textarea>'; $string = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->pdo->insertIntoBodyBuffer($string); } return; } $this->pdo->insertIntoBodyBuffer(adminFuncs::getAdminDesignStart("appearance")); ob_start(); echo "\n<br/>\n<div align=\"left\">"; echo "<strong>Existing Layouts:</strong><br/>"; echo '<div class="embedded">'; // lets check which layouts we have $query = "SELECT " . mktablename("pages") . ".name, " . mktablename("pages") . ".layout, " . mktablename("layouts") . ".lname, " . mktablename("layouts") . ".file FROM " . mktablename("layouts") . " LEFT JOIN " . mktablename("pages") . " ON " . mktablename("layouts") . ".lname=" . mktablename("pages") . ".layout"; $this->db->executeQuery($query); echo "<div class=\"layout_table\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"layout_tr\" style=\"font-size: 12px; font-weight: bold; background-image: url(lib/images/uiMgmtMenuBgHover.png);\">\n"; echo '<div class="layout_td" style="background-image: url(lib/images/uiMgmtMenuBgHover.png);">Layout name</div><div class="layout_td" style="background-image: url(lib/images/uiMgmtMenuBgHover.png);">Used on page:</div><div class="layout_td" style="background-image: url(lib/images/uiMgmtMenuBgHover.png);"> </div>' . "\n"; echo "</div>"; while ($arr = $this->db->fetchArray()) { echo "<div class=\"layout_tr\" style=\""; if ($arr["name"] == "") { echo "background-color: lightgreen; color: black;\">\n"; } else { echo "background-color: white; color: black; background-image: url(lib/images/uiMgmtMenuBgHover.png);\">\n"; } // layout name echo "<div class=\"layout_td\" id=\"td_lname\"><strong><a href=\"" . mksyslink("?mgmt;Appearance;EditLayout_" . $arr["file"]) . "\" target=\"editorframe\">" . $arr["lname"] . "</a></strong></div>\n"; // page name if ($arr["name"] != "") { echo "<div class=\"layout_td\" id=\"td_pname\">" . $arr["name"] . "</div>\n"; } else { echo "<div class=\"layout_td\" id=\"td_pname\"><em>none</em></div>\n"; } //echo "Layout " . $arr["lname"] . " used on page " . $arr["name"] . "<br/>\n"; echo "<div class=\"layout_td\" style=\"width: 285px;\"> </div>"; // close row echo "</div>\n"; } // close table echo "</div>\n"; // close embedded echo "</div>\n"; echo "<br/>"; echo '<iframe src="' . mksyslink("?mgmt;Appearance;EditLayout_") . '" name="editorframe" class="editorframe"></iframe>'; echo "</div>\n"; $string = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->pdo->insertIntoBodyBuffer($string . "\n" . adminFuncs::getAdminDesignEnd()); }
public function open(){ //auth to prevent theft $auth = 'not authorized'; $lib = new adminFuncs(); if($lib->config_exists()){ include($lib->config_fp); if(isset($secret)){ $auth = md5($secret); } else { @unlink($lib->config_fp); if($lib->config_exists()){ if(isset($secret)){ $auth = md5($secret); } } } } if($auth==$_COOKIE['sl_scanner']){ //open the file, put line numbers, and go to the current line if there is one if(is_file($this->file)){ $lines = file($this->file); $text = ''; $currentLine = 0; foreach($lines as $line){ $currentLine++; //figure out spaces $totalLen = strlen(''.count($lines)); $thisLen = strlen("$currentLine"); $add = $totalLen-$thisLen+1; $spaces = ''; for($i=0;$i<$add;$i++){ $spaces .= ' '; } if($this->line && $this->line==$currentLine){ $text .= "<b style=\"color:red;\">"."$currentLine.$spaces".str_replace("\t"," ",htmlentities($line))."</b>"; } else { $text .= "$currentLine.$spaces".str_replace("\t"," ",htmlentities($line)); } } return '<div class="textarea">File last modified: '.date("m/d/Y H:i:s",filectime($this->file)).'<br/><br/>'.str_replace("\n",'<br/>',$text).'</div>'; } else { return 'The requested file could not be found.'; } } else { return 'Your session could not be authenticated.'; } }
public function Verify(){ $this->host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : getenv('HTTP_HOST'); $this->account = new Account(); $lib = new adminFuncs(); $this->filepath = $lib->sl_get_path(); $this->uri = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : getenv('REQUEST_URI'); $this->ip = isset($_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"] : (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"]) ? $_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"] : $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); }
function bootstrap() { global $CONFIG, $SYSTEM_INFO, $output_started, $body_started, $console, $profiler, $ALLOWED_MGMT_FUNCS; header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml\r"); $console = new SystemConsole(); DEBUG("<strong>This is 29o3 " . $SYSTEM_INFO['SystemVersion'] . " Codename " . $SYSTEM_INFO['SystemCodename'] . "</strong>"); DEBUG("SYS: Bootstrapping started..."); $connector = new DatabaseConnector(); $connector->setupConnection($CONFIG['DatabaseHost'], $CONFIG['DatabaseUser'], $CONFIG['DatabasePassword'], $CONFIG['DatabaseName'], $CONFIG['DatabasePort']); DEBUG("DB: Connected to database."); $request = new PageRequest($connector); $request->parseRequest(); // instanciate new cache object $co = new cacheObject($connector, $request->getRequestedSite(), $request->getRequestedPage()); // check if we have content for current page cached $cacheContent = $co->getCached(); if ($cacheContent === false) { // construct header and body objects $header = new XHTMLHeader(); $body = new XHTMLBody(); $pdo = new pageDescriptionObject($header, $body, $connector, $request->getWantAdmin(), $request->getAdminFuncParam()); $connector->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . mktablename("pages") . " WHERE name='" . $request->getRequestedPage() . "'"); /* lets see what the admin wants */ if ($request->getWantAdmin()) { if ($request->getRequestedPage() == "overview") { } } $pageInfo = $connector->fetchArray(); $pdo->setPageDescriptionA($pageInfo, $request->getRequestedSite()); $header->setTitle($pdo->getContent("title")); if ($pdo->getContent("description") != "") { $header->addMetaDCDescription($pdo->getContent('description')); } if ($pdo->getContent("subject") != "") { $header->addMetaDCSubject($pdo->getContent("subject")); } if ($pdo->getContent("date") != 0) { $header->addMetaDCDate(strftime("%Y-%m-%d", $pdo->getContent('date'))); } if ($pdo->getContent("creator") != "") { $header->addMetaDCCreator($pdo->getContent("creator")); } if ($pdo->getContent("contributors") != "") { $c_arr = explode(";", $pdo->getContent('contributors')); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($c_arr) - 1; $i++) { $header->addMetaDCContributor($c_arr[$i]); } } if ($pdo->getContent("type") != "") { $header->addMetaDCType($pdo->getContent("type")); } if ($pdo->getContent("sources") != "") { $sources_array = explode(";", $pdo->getContent('sources')); for ($i = 0; $i <= count($sources_array) - 1; $i++) { $header->addMetaDCSource($sources_array[$i]); } } /* !!! FIXME: THE FOLLOWING CODE CAUSES A RACE CONDITION ON BOTH APACHE2/PHP !!! AND PHP-CLI. !!! SEV: (5) - Causes server process to fill RAM and swap -> kill !!! RES: Currently no resolution, commented out because of this. !!! I'd say it has got something to do with the database for !!! I cannot find an error elsewhere. >!< *** FIXED *** >!< F**K YOU F**K YOU DAMN CODER!!!! F**K YOU!!! */ if ($pdo->getContent("language") != "") { $header->addMetaDCLanguage($pdo->getContent('language')); } if ($pdo->getContent('copyright') != "") { $header->addMetaDCRights($pdo->getContent("copyright")); } // this is the r0x0r1ng stylesheet which controls how system messages (errors, etc.) appear $pdo->scheduleInsertion_ExternalStylesheet("n_style.css"); if ($pdo->getContent('no_cache') == 1) { $co->setScheduleCaching(false); DEBUG("CACHE: Caching deactivated on request."); } // now, get the page's stylesheet; it might be empty, but we'll add it if not :) if ($request->getWantAdmin() <= 1) { if ($request->getWantAdmin() == 1) { $co->setScheduleCaching(false); DEBUG("CACHE: Admin wanted, caching deactivated."); } $layoutManager = new LayoutManager($pdo); $pdo->getAvailableBoxes(); $connector->executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " . mktablename("layouts") . " WHERE lname='" . $pageInfo['layout'] . "'"); if ($connector->getNumRows() != 0) { $currentLayout = $connector->fetchArray(); $layoutManager->setLayoutFile($currentLayout['file']); $layoutManager->parseLayout(); } else { throw new GeneralException("No layout found. 29o3 cannot continue."); } if ($request->getWantAdmin()) { require_once $CONFIG['LibDir'] . 'admin/adminFuncs.php'; $af = new adminFuncs($pdo, $request); $pdo->scheduleInsertion_ExternalStylesheet($af->getAdminStylesheet()); } DEBUG("DB: " . $connector->getExecutedQueries() . " queries executed."); $connector->closeConnection(); DEBUG("DB: Connection closed."); $profiler->addBreakpoint(); DEBUG("SYS: Resource usage, sys:" . $profiler->getBreakpointGrandSysDifference() . "µs usr:"******"µs"); DEBUG("SYS: Exiting normally."); // print the buffer of the header since we're done with it :) $pdo->doInsertions(); // we have everything at this point... start caching procedure $co->doCache($pdo->getBuffers()); if ($CONFIG['Developer_Debug'] == true) { if ($body) { $body->eyecandyConsole($console); } else { $console->printBuffer(); } } if ($pdo->getBrandingState() == true) { $pdo->insertBodyDiv("Powered by <a href=\"\">29o3</a> " . $SYSTEM_INFO["SystemVersion"] . " Codename " . $SYSTEM_INFO["SystemCodename"], "poweredBy", "poweredBy_Banner", "Powered by 29o3"); } printf('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'); printf('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">%s', "\n"); printf('<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">%s', "\n"); $pdo->printHeaderBuffer(); $header_started = true; // destruct the header object $pdo->destroyHeaderObject(); $body_started = true; // print out the body buffer $pdo->printBodyBuffer(); printf('</html>'); // exit normally. exit(0); } else { $co->setScheduleCaching(false); $pdo->setOmitBranding(true); DEBUG("CACHE: Admin wanted, caching deactivated."); require_once $CONFIG['LibDir'] . 'admin/adminFuncs.php'; $co->setScheduleCaching(false); $af = new adminFuncs($pdo, $request); $pdo->scheduleInsertion_ExternalStylesheet($af->getAdminStylesheet()); // $pdo->insertBodyDiv("<img src=\"lib/images/adminlogotop.png\" style=\"vertical-align: top; text-align: left; border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0;\" /><span class=\"adminMenu\" style=\"width: 100%;\">" . $af->getAdminMenu() . "</span>", "adminStripe", "2mc_menu", "29o3 management console"); // this part is for the admin scripts which require // are not fetched from database DEBUG("SYS: Skipping normal layout and box fetching procedures"); $header->setTitle("29o3 management console"); $ao = NULL; $func = $request->getWantedAdminFunc(); if (!array_search($func, $ALLOWED_MGMT_FUNCS)) { $func = "Overview"; } // administration needs admin logged in $sm = new sessionManager($connector); if ($sm->checkSession() == false) { DEBUG("MGMT: Admin not logged in."); $func = "Login"; } if ($func == "Logout") { $sm->invalidateSession(); header("Location: " . mksyslink("?")); } require_once $CONFIG["LibDir"] . 'admin/admin' . $func . '.php'; $name = "Admin" . $func; $ao = new $name($connector, $pdo, $sm); $ao->doPreBodyJobs(); $pdo->insertIntoBodyBuffer($af->getAdminMenu()); $ao->doBodyJobs(); DEBUG("DB: " . $connector->getExecutedQueries() . " queries executed."); $profiler->addBreakpoint(); DEBUG("SYS: Resource usage, sys:" . $profiler->getBreakpointGrandSysDifference() . "µs usr:"******"µs"); $connector->closeConnection(); DEBUG("DB: Connection closed."); DEBUG("SYS: Exiting normally."); if ($CONFIG['Developer_Debug'] == true) { if ($body) { $body->eyecandyConsole($console); } else { $console->printBuffer(); } } // $pdo->insertBodyDiv("Powered by <a href=\"\">29o3</a> " . $SYSTEM_INFO["SystemVersion"] . " Codename " . $SYSTEM_INFO["SystemCodename"], "poweredBy", "poweredBy_Banner", "Powered by 29o3"); // print the buffer of the header since we're done with it :) printf('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'); printf('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">%s', "\n"); printf('<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">%s', "\n"); $pdo->doInsertions(); $pdo->printHeaderBuffer(); $header_started = true; // destruct the header object $pdo->destroyHeaderObject(); $body_started = true; // print out the body buffer $pdo->printBodyBuffer(); printf('</html>'); // exit normally exit(0); } } else { echo $co->getCacheContent(); DEBUG("DB: " . $connector->getExecutedQueries() . " queries executed."); $profiler->addBreakpoint(); DEBUG("SYS: Resource usage, sys:" . $profiler->getBreakpointGrandSysDifference() . "µs usr:"******"µs"); $connector->closeConnection(); DEBUG("DB: Connection closed."); DEBUG("SYS: Exiting normally."); if ($CONFIG['Developer_Debug'] == true) { echo '<center><div class="eyecandyConsole">' . $console->getBuffer() . '</div></center>'; } echo "\n</body>\n</html>"; // exit normally exit(0); } // never reached }