function change($command, $group_id, $perm_id, $item_id) { access::verify_csrf(); $group = identity::lookup_group($group_id); $perm = ORM::factory("permission", $perm_id); $item = ORM::factory("item", $item_id); access::required("view", $item); access::required("edit", $item); if (!empty($group) && $perm->loaded() && $item->loaded()) { switch ($command) { case "allow": access::allow($group, $perm->name, $item); break; case "deny": access::deny($group, $perm->name, $item); break; case "reset": access::reset($group, $perm->name, $item); break; } // If the active user just took away their own edit permissions, give it back. if ($perm->name == "edit") { if (!access::user_can(identity::active_user(), "edit", $item)) { access::allow($group, $perm->name, $item); } } } }
static function get_subscribers($item) { // @todo don't access the user table directly // @todo only return distinct email addresses $users = ORM::factory("user")->join("subscriptions", "", "subscriptions.user_id")->join("items", "subscriptions.item_id", "")->where("email IS NOT", null)->where("items.left_ptr <=", $item->left_ptr)->where("items.right_ptr >", $item->right_ptr)->find_all(); $subscribers = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { if (access::user_can($user, "view", $item)) { $subscribers[$user->email] = 1; } } return array_keys($subscribers); }
static function get_subscribers($item) { // @todo only return distinct email addresses $subscriber_ids = array(); foreach (ORM::factory("subscription")->select("user_id")->join("items", "subscriptions.item_id", "")->where("items.left_ptr <=", $item->left_ptr)->where("items.right_ptr >", $item->right_ptr)->find_all()->as_array() as $subscriber) { $subscriber_ids[] = $subscriber->user_id; } $users = user::get_user_list(array("in" => array("id", $subscriber_ids), "where" => array("email IS NOT" => null))); $subscribers = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { if (access::user_can($user, "view", $item)) { $subscribers[$user->email] = 1; } } return array_keys($subscribers); }
static function get_subscribers($item) { $subscriber_ids = array(); foreach (ORM::factory("subscription")->select("user_id")->join("items", "subscriptions.item_id", "")->where("items.left_ptr", "<=", $item->left_ptr)->where("items.right_ptr", ">", $item->right_ptr)->find_all()->as_array() as $subscriber) { $subscriber_ids[] = $subscriber->user_id; } if (empty($subscriber_ids)) { return array(); } $users = identity::get_user_list($subscriber_ids); $subscribers = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { if (access::user_can($user, "view", $item) && !empty($user->email)) { $subscribers[$user->email] = 1; } } return array_keys($subscribers); }
/** * If the gallery is only available to registered users and the user is not logged in, present * the login page. */ static function private_gallery() { if (identity::active_user()->guest && !access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view", item::root()) && php_sapi_name() != "cli") { try { $class = new ReflectionClass(ucfirst(Router::$controller) . '_Controller'); $allowed = $class->getConstant("ALLOW_PRIVATE_GALLERY") === true; } catch (ReflectionClass $e) { $allowed = false; } if (!$allowed) { if (Router::$controller == "admin") { // At this point we're in the admin theme and it doesn't have a themed login page, so // we can't just swap in the login controller and have it work. So redirect back to the // root item where we'll run this code again with the site theme. url::redirect(item::root()->abs_url()); } else { Session::instance()->set("continue_url", url::abs_current()); Router::$controller = "login"; Router::$controller_path = MODPATH . "gallery/controllers/login.php"; Router::$method = "html"; } } } }
/** * Same as ORM::as_array() but convert id fields into their RESTful form. * * @param array if specified, only return the named fields */ public function as_restful_array($fields = array()) { if ($fields) { $data = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if (isset($this->object[$field])) { $data[$field] = $this->__get($field); } } $fields = array_flip($fields); } else { $data = $this->as_array(); } // Convert item ids to rest URLs for consistency if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["parent"])) { if ($tmp = $this->parent()) { $data["parent"] = rest::url("item", $tmp); } unset($data["parent_id"]); } if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["album_cover"])) { if ($tmp = $this->album_cover()) { $data["album_cover"] = rest::url("item", $tmp); } unset($data["album_cover_item_id"]); } if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["web_url"])) { $data["web_url"] = $this->abs_url(); } if (!$this->is_album()) { if (access::can("view_full", $this)) { if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["file_url"])) { $data["file_url"] = rest::url("data", $this, "full"); } if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["file_size"])) { $data["file_size"] = filesize($this->file_path()); } if (access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view_full", $this)) { if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["file_url_public"])) { $data["file_url_public"] = $this->file_url(true); } } } } if ($this->is_photo()) { if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["resize_url"])) { $data["resize_url"] = rest::url("data", $this, "resize"); } if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["resize_size"])) { $data["resize_size"] = filesize($this->resize_path()); } if (access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view", $this)) { if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["resize_url_public"])) { $data["resize_url_public"] = $this->resize_url(true); } } } if ($this->has_thumb()) { if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["thumb_url"])) { $data["thumb_url"] = rest::url("data", $this, "thumb"); } if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["thumb_size"])) { $data["thumb_size"] = filesize($this->thumb_path()); } if (access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view", $this)) { if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["thumb_url_public"])) { $data["thumb_url_public"] = $this->thumb_url(true); } } } if (empty($fields) || isset($fields["can_edit"])) { $data["can_edit"] = access::can("edit", $this); } // Elide some internal-only data that is going to cause confusion in the client. foreach (array("relative_path_cache", "relative_url_cache", "left_ptr", "right_ptr", "thumb_dirty", "resize_dirty", "weight") as $key) { unset($data[$key]); } return $data; }
public function user_can_no_access_test() { $item = test::random_album(); access::deny(identity::everybody(), "view", $item); access::deny(identity::registered_users(), "view", $item); $user = identity::create_user("access_test", "Access Test", "*****", "*****@*****.**"); foreach ($user->groups() as $group) { $user->remove($group); } $user->save(); $this->assert_false(access::user_can($user, "view", $item), "Should be unable to view"); }
public function user_can_no_access_test() { $root = ORM::factory("item", 1); $item = album::create($root, rand(), "test album"); access::deny(group::everybody(), "view", $item); access::deny(group::registered_users(), "view", $item); $user = user::create("access_test", "Access Test", ""); foreach ($user->groups as $group) { $user->remove($group); } $user->save(); $this->assert_false(access::user_can($user, "view", $item), "Should be unable to view"); }
echo $layout; ?> " data-width="180" data-show-faces="<?php echo $show_faces; ?> " data-action="<?php echo $action; ?> "></div> <?php } } ?> </div> <?php /** * Only show the like button, css and JS if the item is vewable by the guest user * as facebook is a guest user to get the thumb of the item. If this is a dynamic * album then use the root album to check to see if the guest has permissions. */ $guest = user::lookup("1"); $item = ""; if ($theme->item()) { $item = $theme->item(); } else { $item = ORM::factory("item", 1); } if (access::user_can($guest, "view", $item)) { $show_like_code = true; }
/** * Does the active user have this permission on this item? * * @param string $perm_name * @param Item_Model $item * @return boolean */ static function can($perm_name, $item) { return access::user_can(identity::active_user(), $perm_name, $item); }
static function user_menu($menu, $theme) { if ($theme->page_subtype != "login") { $user = identity::active_user(); if ($user->guest) { $menu->append(Menu::factory("dialog")->id("user_menu_login")->css_id("g-login-link")->url(url::site("login/ajax"))->label(t("Login"))); } else { $csrf = access::csrf_token(); $menu->append(Menu::factory("link")->id("user_menu_edit_profile")->css_id("g-user-profile-link")->view("login_current_user.html")->url(user_profile::url($user->id))->label($user->display_name())); if (Router::$controller == "admin") { $continue_url = url::abs_site(""); } else { if ($item = $theme->item()) { if (access::user_can(identity::guest(), "view", $theme->item)) { $continue_url = $item->abs_url(); } else { $continue_url = item::root()->abs_url(); } } else { $continue_url = url::abs_current(); } } $menu->append(Menu::factory("link")->id("user_menu_logout")->css_id("g-logout-link")->url(url::site("logout?csrf={$csrf}&continue_url=" . urlencode($continue_url)))->label(t("Logout"))); } } }
public function owner_cant_view_photo_test() { $user = user::create("access_test", "Access Test", ""); foreach ($user->groups as $group) { $user->remove($group); } $user->save(); $root = ORM::factory("item", 1); $album = album::create($root, rand(), "test album"); access::deny(group::everybody(), "view", $album); $item = photo::create($album, MODPATH . "gallery/images/gallery.png", "", "", null, $user->id); $this->assert_false(access::user_can($user, "view", $item), "Should not be able to view"); }
private function _fetch_album_images(&$input, &$reply) { $name = trim($input->post('set_albumName')); $albums = trim($input->post('albums_too')); //yes/no [optional, since 2.13] $random = trim($input->post('random')); //yes/no [optional, G2 since ***] $limit = trim($input->post('limit')); //number-of-images [optional, G2 since ***] $extra = trim($input->post('extrafields')); //yes/no [optional, G2 since 2.12] $sizes = trim($input->post('all_sizes')); //yes/no [optional, G2 since 2.14] if ($name == '0') { $album = item::root(); } $album = ORM::factory("item")->where("id", "=", $name)->find(); if (isset($album) && $album->loaded() && $album->id != '' && access::can('view', $album)) { if ($albums != 'no') { $iterator = ORM::factory("item")->where("parent_id", "=", $album->id)->find_all(); } else { $iterator = ORM::factory("item")->where("parent_id", "=", $album->id)->where("type", "<>", "album")->find_all(); } $reply->set('status_text', 'Album images query successful.'); $reply->set('album.caption', $album->title); $reply->set('album.extrafields', 'Summary'); /* $reply->set('image_count', '0'); $reply->send(); return; //*/ $count = 0; foreach ($iterator as $item) { if (access::can('view', $item)) { $count++; if ($item->type != "album") { $info = pathinfo($item->file_path()); $reply->set('' . $count, $item->id); $reply->set('image.raw_width.' . $count, $item->width); $reply->set('image.raw_height.' . $count, $item->height); $reply->set('image.raw_filesize.' . $count, filesize($item->file_path())); $reply->set('image.resizedName.' . $count, $item->name); //g3 stores resizes and thumbs different than g1 $reply->set('image.resized_width.' . $count, $item->resize_width); $reply->set('image.resized_height.' . $count, $item->resize_height); /* $reply->set('image.resizedNum.'.$count, 'the number of resized versions for this image [since 2.14]'); $reply->set(''.$count, 'filename of the resized-numth resize [G2 since 2.14]'); $reply->set('image.resized.resized-num.width.'.$count, 'the width of the resized-numth resize [G2 since 2.14]'); $reply->set('image.resized.resized-num.height.'.$count, 'the height of the resized-numth resize [G2 since 2.14]'); //*/ $reply->set('image.thumbName.' . $count, $item->name); //g3 stores resizes and thumbs different than g1 $reply->set('image.thumb_width.' . $count, $item->thumb_width); $reply->set('image.thumb_height.' . $count, $item->thumb_height); $reply->set('image.caption.' . $count, $item->title); $reply->set('image.title.' . $count, $item->name); //$reply->set('image.extrafield.fieldname.'.$count, 'value of the extra field of key fieldname'); $reply->set('image.extrafield.summary.' . $count, $item->description); $reply->set('image.clicks.' . $count, $item->view_count); $reply->set('image.capturedate.year.' . $count, date("Y", $item->captured)); $reply->set('image.capturedate.mon.' . $count, date("m", $item->captured)); $reply->set('image.capturedate.mday.' . $count, date("d", $item->captured)); $reply->set('image.capturedate.hours.' . $count, date("H", $item->captured)); $reply->set('image.capturedate.minutes.' . $count, date("i", $item->captured)); $reply->set('image.capturedate.seconds.' . $count, date("s", $item->captured)); $reply->set('image.forceExtension.' . $count, $info['extension']); $reply->set('image.hidden.' . $count, access::user_can(identity::guest(), 'view', $item) ? 'no' : 'yes'); } else { $reply->set('' . $count, $item->id); } } } $reply->set('image_count', $count); //* The baseurl contains a fully-qualified URL. A URL to each image // can be obtained by appending the filename of the image to this. if (isset($item) && $item->loaded()) { $url = $item->file_url(true); $pos = strrpos($url, '/'); $reply->set('baseurl', $pos !== false ? substr($url, 0, $pos + 1) : $url); } else { $reply->set('baseurl', $album->abs_url()); } //*/ $reply->send(); } else { $reply->set('status_text', t('Failed to load album with name %name.', array('name' => $name))); $reply->send(gallery_remote::NO_VIEW_PERMISSION); } }