Esempio n. 1
 function getMailings($listId, $listType, $start = -1, $limit = -1, $emailsearch, &$total, $order, $showOnlyPublished = true, $viewArchive = false)
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         // joomla 15
         $my =& JFactory::getUser();
         $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
     } else {
         //joomla 1x
         global $my, $database;
     $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__);
     $where = array();
     $flag = false;
     $sortList = false;
     $query = 'SELECT * FROM `#__acajoom_mailings`';
     if ($listType > 0) {
         $where[] = '  `list_type` = ' . $listType . ' ';
     } elseif ($listId > 0) {
         $where[] = '  `list_id` = ' . $listId . ' ';
         $sortList = true;
     if ($showOnlyPublished) {
         $where[] = ' `published` =1 ';
         $where[] = ' `visible`=1 ';
     } else {
         $where[] = ' `published`<>-1 ';
     if (class_exists('pro') && $sortList) {
     } elseif (!acajoom::checkPermissions('admin') && !$viewArchive) {
         $where[] = ' `author_id` = ' . $my->id;
     if (!empty($emailsearch)) {
         $where[] = ' (subject LIKE \'%' . $emailsearch . '%\' OR fromname LIKE \'%' . $emailsearch . '%\') ';
     $query .= count($where) ? " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $where) : "";
     if (empty($order)) {
         $order = 'idD';
     $query .= acajoom::orderBy($order);
     if ($start != -1 && $limit != -1) {
         $query .= ' LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $limit;
     $mailing = $database->loadObjectList();
     $erro->err = $database->getErrorMsg();
     if (!$erro->E(__LINE__, '8400', $database)) {
         return '';
     } else {
         foreach ($mailing as $key => $mail) {
             $mailing[$key]->htmlcontent = stripslashes($mailing[$key]->htmlcontent);
             $mailing[$key]->subject = stripslashes($mailing[$key]->subject);
             $mailing[$key]->attachments = stripslashes($mailing[$key]->attachments);
             $mailing[$key]->images = stripslashes($mailing[$key]->images);
             $mailing[$key]->textonly = stripslashes($mailing[$key]->textonly);
             $mailing[$key]->send_date = stripslashes($mailing[$key]->send_date);
         return $mailing;
Esempio n. 2
 function sendSchedule($d, $showHTML, $receivers, $list, &$message, &$max, $tags = null)
     static $countEmails = 0;
     $mailing = $d['mailing'];
     $h = '';
     $xf = new xonfig();
     if (empty($mailing)) {
         $message = _ACA_NO_MAILING_ENTERED;
         return false;
     } elseif (empty($receivers)) {
         $message = _ACA_NO_ADDRESS_ENTERED;
         return false;
     } elseif (empty($list)) {
         $message = _ACA_NO_LIST_ENTERED;
         return false;
     } else {
         $message = '';
     $mailingId = $mailing->id;
     $issue_nb = $mailing->issue_nb;
     $subject = $mailing->subject;
     $content = $mailing->htmlcontent;
     $textonly = $mailing->textonly;
     $fromname = $mailing->fromname;
     $fromemail = $mailing->fromemail;
     $images = $mailing->images;
     $listId = $list->id;
     $html = $list->html;
     $layout = $list->layout;
     $totalsofar = number_format(0, 4, ',', '');
     $nbPause = 0;
     $tags['issuenb'] = $issue_nb;
     if (ini_get('safe_mode')) {
     } else {
         @set_time_limit(60 * $GLOBALS[ACA . 'script_timeout']);
     ### create the mail
     $mail = acajoom_mail::getMailer($mailing);
     ### create content
     acajoom_mail::getContent($images, $layout, $content, $textonly);
     $mtime = microtime();
     $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
     $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
     $starttime = $mtime;
     $html_sent = 0;
     $text_sent = 0;
     $size = sizeof($receivers);
     $log_detailed = "\r\n" . "\r\n" . '*** ' . strftime(_DATE_FORMAT_LC) . ' ***' . "\r\n";
     foreach ($receivers as $receiver) {
         $tags['user_id'] = $receiver->user_id;
         if ($html && intval($receiver->receive_html) == 1) {
             $ashtml = 1;
             $Altbody = acajoom_mail::replaceTags($textonly, $receiver, $list, $mailingId, 0, $tags);
             $mail->AltBody = acajoom_mail::safe_utf8_encode($Altbody, $mail->CharSet);
             $mail->Body = acajoom_mail::replaceTags($content, $receiver, $list, $mailingId, $ashtml, $tags);
         } else {
             $mail->AltBody = '';
             $ashtml = 0;
             $mail->Body = acajoom_mail::replaceTags($textonly, $receiver, $list, $mailingId, $ashtml, $tags);
             // if we are in TEXT Mode, Why do we add embedded images???
             if (!empty($images)) {
                 foreach ($images as $image) {
                     $img = explode('|', $image);
                     $attrib = explode("/", $img[0]);
                     $path = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/images/stories/';
                     if (count($img) == 1) {
                         $imageName = $img[0];
                     } else {
                         $imageName = $attrib[count($attrib) - 1];
                         for ($index = 0; $index < sizeof($attrib) - 1; $index++) {
                             $path .= $attrib[$index] . '/';
                     $mail->AddAttachment($path . $imageName);
         $tname = explode(" ", $receiver->name);
         $firstname = $tname[0];
         $mail->AddAddress($receiver->email, $receiver->name);
         $sujetReplaced = str_replace('[NAME]', $receiver->name, $subject);
         $sujetReplaced = str_replace('[FIRSTNAME]', $firstname, $sujetReplaced);
         if (class_exists('auto')) {
             auto::tags($sujetReplaced, $tags);
         $mail->Subject = $sujetReplaced;
         $mailssend = $mail->Send();
         if ($countEmails >= $GLOBALS[ACA . 'cron_max_emails']) {
             $max = true;
         if ($mail->error_count > 0) {
             static $info = false;
             if (!$info and acajoom::checkPermissions('admin')) {
                 echo '<br/>Mailer Error : ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
                 $info = true;
             $log_detailed .= '[' . $mailingId . '] ' . $subject . ' : ' . $receiver->email . ' -> ' . _ACA_MESSAGE_NOT . "\r\n" . _ACA_MAILER_ERROR . ': ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . "\r\n";
             if ($html && intval($receiver->receive_html) == 1) {
             } else {
         } else {
             $log_detailed .= '[' . $mailingId . '] ' . $subject . ' : ' . $receiver->email . ' -> ' . _ACA_MESSAGE_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY . "\r\n";
             if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'enable_statistics'] == 1 and $GLOBALS[ACA . 'statistics_per_subscriber'] == 1) {
                 xmailing::insertStats($mailingId, $receiver->id, $ashtml);
             $d['qids'] = array();
             $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__);
             if ($d['listype'] == '2') {
                 $d['qids'][0] = queue::whatQID($mailingId, $receiver->id, $d['listype']);
                 $erro->ck = auto::updateAutoresponderSent($d);
                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8137', $d);
             } elseif ($d['listype'] == '1' || $d['listype'] == '7') {
                 $d['qids'][0] = queue::whatQID($mailingId, $receiver->id, $d['listype']);
                 $erro->ck = queue::deleteQueues($d['qids']);
                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8127', $d);
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'enable_statistics'] == 1) {
         xmailing::updateStatsGlobal($mailingId, $html_sent, $text_sent, false);
     $mtime = microtime();
     $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
     $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
     $endtime = $mtime;
     if ($totalsofar > 0) {
         $totaltime = $totalsofar;
         $totalstr = strval($totaltime);
     } else {
         $totaltime = number_format($endtime - $starttime - $nbPause * $GLOBALS[ACA . 'pause_time'], 4, ',', '');
         $totalstr = strval($totaltime);
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'send_data'] == 1) {
         acajoom_mail::sendReport($fromemail, $totalstr, $html_sent, $text_sent);
     $xf->plus('totalmailingsent' . $list->list_type, $html_sent + $text_sent);
     $xf->plus('totalmailingsent0', $html_sent + $text_sent);
     $log_simple = 'Time to send: ' . $totalstr . ' ' . _ACA_SECONDS . "\r\n" . 'Number of subscribers: ' . ($text_sent + $html_sent) . "\r\n" . 'HTML format: ' . $html_sent . "\r\n" . 'Text format: ' . $text_sent . "\r\n";
     $log_detailed = $log_simple . 'Details: ' . "\r\n" . $log_detailed . "\r\n";
     if (class_exists('lisType')) {
         acajoom_mail::writeLogs($list, $log_simple, $log_detailed);
     if ($d['listype'] == '2') {
         echo '<br/>' . _ACA_QUEUE_AUTO_PROCESSED;
     } elseif ($d['listype'] == '1') {
         echo '<br/>' . _ACA_QUEUE_NEWS_PROCESSED;
     if ($html_sent + $text_sent > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $message = xmailing::M('no', _ACA_NO_MAILING_SENT);
         return false;
Esempio n. 3
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2009 Joobi Limited All rights reserved.
* @license This file is released under the GPL license ( )
* @link
function subscribers($action, $task, $userid, $listId, $cid)
    $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__);
    if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
        // joomla 15
        $subscriberId = intval(JRequest::getVar('subscriber_id', ''));
        $message = JRequest::getVar('message', '');
    } else {
        //joomla 1x
        $subscriberId = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'subscriber_id', ''));
        $message = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'message', '');
    $doShowSubscribers = true;
    switch ($task) {
        case 'updateOneSub':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::updateOneSubscriber(), _ACA_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'deleteOneSub':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::deleteOneSubscriber($subscriberId), _ACA_SUBSCRIBER_DELETED, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'cancelSub':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'edit':
            foreach ($cid as $id) {
                compa::redirect('index2.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribers&task=show&userid=' . $id);
        case 'show':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            $qid[0] = $userid;
            $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscribersFromId($qid, false);
            $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false);
            $queues = queue::getSubscriberLists($userid);
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n";
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
            backHTML::formStart('', 0, '');
            echo subscribersHTML::editSubscriber($subscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, acajoom::checkPermissions('admin'), false, false);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('subscriber_id', $subscriber->id);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('user_id', $subscriber->user_id);
        case 'new':
        case 'add':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            $newSubscriber->id = '';
            $newSubscriber->user_id = 0;
            $newSubscriber->name = '';
            $newSubscriber->email = '';
            $newSubscriber->receive_html = 1;
            $newSubscriber->confirmed = 1;
            $newSubscriber->blacklist = 0;
            $newSubscriber->timezone = '00:00:00';
            $newSubscriber->language_iso = 'eng';
            $newSubscriber->params = '';
            $newSubscriber->subscribe_date = acajoom::getNow();
            $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, '', false, false);
            $queues = '';
            $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n";
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
            backHTML::formStart('', 0, '');
            echo subscribersHTML::editSubscriber($newSubscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, acajoom::checkPermissions('admin'), false, false);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('subscriber_id', $newSubscriber->id);
            $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('user_id', $newSubscriber->user_id);
        case 'doNew':
            $doShowSubscribers = true;
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::insertOneSubscriber(), _ACA_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'delete':
            if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) {
                echo "<script> alert('Select an item to delete'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                $status = true;
                foreach ($cid as $id) {
                    $erro->ck = subscribers::deleteOneSubscriber($id);
                    if (!$erro->ck) {
                        $status = false;
                $message = acajoom::printYN($status, _ACA_SUBSCRIBER_DELETED, _ACA_ERROR);
                backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'update':
            if (!is_array($cid) || count($cid) < 1) {
                echo "<script> alert('Select an item to update'); window.history.go(-1);</script>\n";
                return false;
            } else {
                foreach ($cid as $id) {
                    if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
                        // joomla 15
                        $changes = JRequest::getVar($id, array(0));
                    } else {
                        //joomla 1x
                        $changes = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, $id, array(0));
                    if (!isset($changes['receive_html'])) {
                        $changes['receive_html'] = 0;
                    if (!isset($changes['confirmed'])) {
                        $changes['confirmed'] = 0;
            $message = acajoom::print_message(_ACA_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY, 1);
        case 'export':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            subscribersHTML::export($action, $listId);
        case 'doExport':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::export($listId), _EXPORT, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'import':
            $doShowSubscribers = false;
            $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, 1, 'listnameA', false, false, true);
            subscribersHTML::import($action, $lists);
        case 'doImport':
            $message = acajoom::printYN(subscribers::import($listId), _ACA_IMPORT_FINISHED, _ACA_ERROR);
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'subscribeAll':
        case 'unsubscribeAll':
        case 'cancel':
            if ($listId != 0) {
                $listId = 0;
            } else {
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
        case 'cpanel':
            $doShowSubscribers = 0;
            backHTML::_header(_ACA_MENU_SUBSCRIBERS, 'addusers.png', $message, $task, $action);
    if ($doShowSubscribers) {
        if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
            // joomla 15
            $start = intval(JRequest::getVar('start', 0));
            $conf =& JFactory::getConfig();
            $mail->Mailer = $conf->getValue('config.mailer');
            // $GLOBALS['mosConfig_mailer'];
            $limit = intval(JRequest::getVar('limit', $conf->getValue('config.list_limit')));
            $emailsearch = JRequest::getVar('emailsearch', '');
        } else {
            //joomla 1x
            $mail->Mailer = $GLOBALS['mosConfig_mailer'];
            $start = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'start', 0));
            $limit = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'limit', $GLOBALS['mosConfig_list_limit']));
            $emailsearch = mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'emailsearch', '');
        $total = 0;
        $subscribers = subscribers::getSubscribers($start, $limit, $emailsearch, $total, $listId, '', '', '', 'sub_dateD');
        if ($listId != 0) {
            $showAdmin = true;
        } else {
            $showAdmin = false;
        $dropDownList = lisType::getListsDropList(0, '', '');
        if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
            // joomla 15
            $lists['listid'] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $dropDownList, 'listid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.AcajoomFilterForm.submit();"', 'id', 'list_name', $listId);
        } else {
            //joomla 1x
            $lists['listid'] = mosHTML::selectList($dropDownList, 'listid', 'class="inputbox" size="1" onchange="document.AcajoomFilterForm.submit();"', 'id', 'list_name', $listId);
        $forms['main'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='adminForm'> \n";
        $forms['select'] = " <form action='index2.php' method='post' name='AcajoomFilterForm'> \n";
        backHTML::formStart('show_mailing', 0, '');
        subscribersHTML::showSubscribers($subscribers, $action, $listId, $lists, $start, $limit, $total, $showAdmin, $listId, $emailsearch, $forms);
    return true;
Esempio n. 4
 function showType($listType, $screen)
     switch ($screen) {
         case 'editmailing':
             if (class_exists($GLOBALS[ACA . 'classes' . $listType])) {
                 $view = new $GLOBALS[ACA . 'classes' . $listType]();
                 $show = $view->editmailing();
             } else {
                 $show['sender_info'] = true;
                 $show['published'] = true;
                 $show['pub_date'] = true;
                 $show['hide'] = true;
                 $show['issuenb'] = true;
                 $show['delay'] = false;
                 $show['htmlcontent'] = true;
                 $show['textcontent'] = true;
                 $show['attachement'] = true;
                 $show['images'] = true;
                 $show['sitecontent'] = true;
                 $show['admin'] = true;
         case 'editlist':
             $show['access'] = $GLOBALS[ACA . 'type'] == 'PRO' ? true : false;
             if (class_exists($GLOBALS[ACA . 'classes' . $listType])) {
                 $view = new $GLOBALS[ACA . 'classes' . $listType]();
                 $show = array_merge($show, $view->editlist());
             } else {
                 $show['sender_info'] = true;
                 $show['hide'] = true;
                 $show['auto_option'] = true;
                 $show['htmlmailing'] = true;
                 $show['auto_subscribe'] = true;
                 $show['email_unsubcribe'] = false;
                 $show['unsusbcribe'] = false;
         case 'showMailings':
             $show['admin'] = acajoom::checkPermissions('admin');
             $show['index'] = 'index2';
             $show['buttons'] = false;
             if ($show['admin']) {
                 if (class_exists($GLOBALS[ACA . 'classes' . $listType])) {
                     $view = new $GLOBALS[ACA . 'classes' . $listType]();
                     $show = array_merge($show, $view->showMailings());
                 } else {
                     $show['id'] = true;
                     $show['dropdown'] = true;
                     $show['select'] = true;
                     $show['issue'] = true;
                     $show['sentdate'] = true;
                     $show['delay'] = false;
                     $show['status'] = true;
             } else {
                 $show['id'] = false;
                 $show['dropdown'] = false;
                 $show['select'] = false;
                 $show['issue'] = true;
                 $show['sentdate'] = true;
                 $show['delay'] = false;
                 $show['status'] = false;
         case 'showListsBack':
             if (acajoom::checkPermissions('admin')) {
                 $show['id'] = true;
             } else {
                 $show['id'] = false;
             $show['index'] = 'index2';
             $show['select'] = true;
             $show['published'] = true;
             $show['sender'] = true;
             $show['sender_email'] = false;
             $show['mailings_link'] = true;
             $show['mailings_sub'] = true;
             $show['list_type'] = true;
             $show['visible'] = true;
             $show['buttons'] = false;
             $show['front'] = false;
         case 'showListsFront':
             if (acajoom::checkPermissions('admin')) {
                 $show['id'] = true;
                 $show['published'] = true;
                 $show['sender'] = true;
                 $show['sender_email'] = false;
                 $show['list_type'] = true;
                 $show['visible'] = true;
                 $show['mailings_sub'] = false;
                 $show['mailings_link'] = true;
                 $show['front'] = true;
             } else {
                 $show['id'] = false;
                 $show['published'] = false;
                 $show['sender'] = false;
                 $show['sender_email'] = false;
                 $show['list_type'] = false;
                 $show['visible'] = false;
                 $show['mailings_sub'] = false;
                 $show['mailings_link'] = false;
                 $show['front'] = true;
             $show['index'] = 'index';
             $show['select'] = false;
             $show['buttons'] = true;
             $show = '';
     return $show;
Esempio n. 5
 function sendSchedule($d, $showHTML, $receivers, $list, &$message, &$max, $tags = null)
     static $countEmails = 0;
     $mailing = $d['mailing'];
     $h = '';
     $xf = new xonfig();
     if (empty($mailing)) {
         $message = _ACA_NO_MAILING_ENTERED;
         return false;
     } elseif (empty($receivers)) {
         $message = _ACA_NO_ADDRESS_ENTERED;
         return false;
     } elseif (empty($list)) {
         $message = _ACA_NO_LIST_ENTERED;
         return false;
     } else {
         $message = '';
     $mailingId = $mailing->id;
     $issue_nb = $mailing->issue_nb;
     $subject = $mailing->subject;
     $content = $mailing->htmlcontent;
     $textonly = $mailing->textonly;
     $fromname = $mailing->fromname;
     $fromemail = $mailing->fromemail;
     $images = $mailing->images;
     $listId = $list->id;
     $html = $list->html;
     $layout = $list->layout;
     $totalsofar = number_format(0, 4, ',', '');
     $nbPause = 0;
     $tags['issuenb'] = $issue_nb;
     //Just in case of...
     @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
     @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M');
     ### create the mail
     $mail = acajoom_mail::getMailer($mailing);
     ### create content
     acajoom_mail::getContent($images, $layout, $content, $textonly, true);
     $mtime = microtime();
     $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
     $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
     $starttime = $mtime;
     $html_sent = 0;
     $text_sent = 0;
     $size = sizeof($receivers);
     $format = defined('_DATE_FORMAT_LC') ? _DATE_FORMAT_LC : JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC');
     $log_detailed = "\r\n" . "\r\n" . '*** ' . strftime($format) . ' ***' . "\r\n";
     //variables used in integration of jLinks
     $mailCatID = null;
     $convertedLinks = null;
     foreach ($receivers as $receiver) {
         $tags['user_id'] = $receiver->user_id;
         if ($html && intval($receiver->receive_html) == 1) {
             $ashtml = 1;
             $Altbody = acajoom_mail::replaceTags($textonly, $receiver, $list, $mailingId, 0, $tags);
             $mail->AltBody = acajoom_mail::safe_utf8_encode($Altbody, $mail->CharSet);
             $mail->Body = acajoom_mail::replaceTags($content, $receiver, $list, $mailingId, $ashtml, $tags);
             acajoom_mail::replaceClass($mail->Body, $mail->AltBody, $receiver);
         } else {
             $mail->AltBody = '';
             $ashtml = 0;
             $mail->Body = acajoom_mail::replaceTags($textonly, $receiver, $list, $mailingId, $ashtml, $tags);
             $simpleText = '';
             acajoom_mail::replaceClass($mail->Body, $simpleText, $receiver);
         $tname = explode(" ", $receiver->name);
         $firstname = $tname[0];
         $toUser = $GLOBALS[ACA . 'minisendmail'] ? '' : $receiver->name;
         $mail->AddAddress($receiver->email, $toUser);
         if (!empty($receiver->id)) {
             $mail->addCustomHeader("X-SubscriberID: {$receiver->id}");
         $username = empty($receiver->username) ? $firstname : $receiver->username;
         $date = ACA_CMSTYPE ? JHTML::_('date', acajoom::getNow(), JText::_('DATE_FORMAT_LC1'), 0) : mosFormatDate(acajoom::getNow(), '', 0);
         $replaceWhat = array('[NAME]', '[FIRSTNAME]', '[USERNAME]', '[DATE]');
         $replaceBy = array($receiver->name, $firstname, $username, $date);
         $sujetReplaced = str_replace($replaceWhat, $replaceBy, $subject);
         if (class_exists('auto')) {
             auto::tags($sujetReplaced, $tags);
         $mail->Subject = $sujetReplaced;
         if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'embed_images']) {
         $mailssend = $mail->Send();
         if ($countEmails >= $GLOBALS[ACA . 'cron_max_emails']) {
             $max = true;
         if (!$mailssend || $mail->error_count > 0) {
             static $info = false;
             if (!$info and acajoom::checkPermissions('admin')) {
                 echo '<br/>Mailer Error : ' . $mail->ErrorInfo;
                 echo " : Newsletter '{$sujetReplaced}' to {$receiver->email}";
                 $info = true;
             $log_detailed .= '[' . $mailingId . '] ' . $subject . ' : ' . $receiver->email . ' -> ' . _ACA_MESSAGE_NOT . "\r\n" . _ACA_MAILER_ERROR . ': ' . $mail->ErrorInfo . "\r\n";
             if ($html && intval($receiver->receive_html) == 1) {
             } else {
             if (!subscribers::validEmail($receiver->email, true)) {
                 $deleteQueue = array();
                 $deleteQueue[0] = queue::whatQID($mailingId, $receiver->id, $d['listype']);
         } else {
             $log_detailed .= '[' . $mailingId . '] ' . $subject . ' : ' . $receiver->email . ' -> ' . _ACA_MESSAGE_SENT_SUCCESSFULLY . "\r\n";
             if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'enable_statistics'] == 1 and $GLOBALS[ACA . 'statistics_per_subscriber'] == 1) {
                 xmailing::insertStats($mailingId, $receiver->id, $ashtml);
             $d['qids'] = array();
             $erro = new xerr(__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, __CLASS__);
             if ($d['listype'] == '2') {
                 $d['qids'][0] = queue::whatQID($mailingId, $receiver->id, $d['listype']);
                 $erro->ck = auto::updateAutoresponderSent($d);
                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8137', $d);
             } elseif ($d['listype'] == '1' || $d['listype'] == '7') {
                 $d['qids'][0] = queue::whatQID($mailingId, $receiver->id, $d['listype']);
                 $erro->ck = queue::deleteQueues($d['qids']);
                 $erro->Eck(__LINE__, '8127', $d);
     if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'enable_statistics'] == 1) {
         xmailing::updateStatsGlobal($mailingId, $html_sent, $text_sent, false);
     $mtime = microtime();
     $mtime = explode(" ", $mtime);
     $mtime = $mtime[1] + $mtime[0];
     $endtime = $mtime;
     if ($totalsofar > 0) {
         $totaltime = $totalsofar;
         $totalstr = strval($totaltime);
     } else {
         $totaltime = number_format($endtime - $starttime - $nbPause * $GLOBALS[ACA . 'pause_time'], 4, ',', '');
         $totalstr = strval($totaltime);
     $xf->plus('totalmailingsent' . $list->list_type, $html_sent + $text_sent);
     $xf->plus('totalmailingsent0', $html_sent + $text_sent);
     $log_simple = 'Time to send: ' . $totalstr . ' ' . _ACA_SECONDS . "\r\n" . 'Number of subscribers: ' . ($text_sent + $html_sent) . "\r\n" . 'HTML format: ' . $html_sent . "\r\n" . 'Text format: ' . $text_sent . "\r\n";
     $log_detailed = $log_simple . 'Details: ' . "\r\n" . $log_detailed . "\r\n";
     if (class_exists('lisType')) {
         acajoom_mail::writeLogs($list, $log_simple, $log_detailed);
     if ($d['listype'] == '2') {
         echo '<br/>' . _ACA_QUEUE_AUTO_PROCESSED;
     } elseif ($d['listype'] == '1') {
         echo '<br/>' . _ACA_QUEUE_NEWS_PROCESSED;
     if ($html_sent + $text_sent > 0) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $message = xmailing::M('no', _ACA_NO_MAILING_SENT);
         return false;
    function showListingLists($lists, $action, $task, $forms, $show)
        global $Itemid, $mainframe, $my;
        $loggedin = false;
        if ($my->id > 0) {
            $loggedin = true;
        if (!$mainframe->isAdmin() and !empty($GLOBALS[ACA . 'itemidAca'])) {
            $Itemid = $GLOBALS[ACA . 'itemidAca'];
            $item = '&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
        } else {
            $item = '';
        echo $forms['main'];
        echo '<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%" class="adminlist"><tr>';
        if ($show['id']) {
            echo '<th width="2%" class="title">id#</td>';
        if ($show['select']) {
            echo '<th width="3%" class="title"></th>';
        if ($show['published']) {
            echo '<th width="5%" class="title">' . _ACA_PUBLISHED . '</th>';
        echo '<th width="30%" class="title">' . _ACA_LIST_NAME . '</th>';
        if ($show['sender']) {
            echo '<th width="20%" class="title">' . _ACA_LIST_SENDER . ' </th>';
        if ($show['sender_email']) {
            echo ' <th width="15%" class="title">' . _ACA_SENDER_EMAIL . '</th>';
        if ($show['mailings_link']) {
            echo '<th width="17%" class="title">' . _ACA_MENU_MAILING_TITLE . '</th>';
        if ($show['mailings_sub']) {
            echo '<th width="17%" class="title">' . _ACA_SUBSCRIBER_CONFIG . '</th>';
        if ($show['list_type']) {
            echo '<th width="10%" class="title">' . _ACA_LIST_TYPE . '</th>';
        if ($show['visible']) {
            echo '<th width="5%" class="title">' . _ACA_VISIBLE . '</th>';
        if ($show['buttons']) {
            if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'allow_unregistered'] or $loggedin) {
                echo '<th class="title" width="90"><center>' . _ACA_SUBSCRIB . '</center></th>';
            if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'show_archive'] == '1') {
                echo '<th class="title" width="90"><center>' . _ACA_VIEW_ARCHIVE . '</center></th>';
        echo '</tr>';
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($lists as $list) {
            if ($list->list_type == 1 or $list->list_type == 7) {
                $linkArchive = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listid=' . $list->id . '&listype=' . $list->list_type . '&task=archive' . $item;
            } else {
                $linkArchive = '#';
            if ($list->published == 1) {
                $img = 'publish_g.png';
                $alt = 'Published';
            } else {
                if ($list->published == 2) {
                    $img = 'publish_y.png';
                    $alt = 'Scheduled';
                } else {
                    $img = 'publish_x.png';
                    $alt = 'Unpublished';
		<tr class="row<?php 
            echo $i % 2;

            if ($show['id']) {
                echo '<td width="2%" class="title"><center>' . $list->id . '<center></td>';
            if ($show['select']) {
			<td><input type="radio" name="listid" value="<?php 
                echo $list->id;
" onClick="isChecked(this.checked);" /></td>
            if ($show['published']) {
			<td align="center"><center>
				<img src="<?php 
                echo $GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'];
                echo $img;
" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="<?php 
                echo $alt;
" />
            if ($show['index'] == 'index') {
                if (acajoom::checkPermissions('admin')) {
                    $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=' . $action . '&task=' . $task . '&listid=' . $list->id . $item;
                } else {
                    $link = $linkArchive;
                compa::completeLink($link, false);
            } else {
                $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=' . $action . '&task=' . $task . '&listid=' . $list->id;
				<span class="aca_letter_names" <?php 
            if ($link == "#" or $link == "administrator/#") {
                echo " onClick='return false;' ";
            echo compa::toolTip($list->list_desc, $list->list_name, '', '', $list->list_name, $link, 1);

            if ($show['sender']) {
                echo '<td>' . $list->sendername . '</td>';
            if ($show['sender_email']) {
                echo ' <td width="20%" class="title">' . $list->senderemail . '</td>';
            if ($show['mailings_link']) {
                if ($show['index'] == 'index') {
                    $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&task=show&listid=' . $list->id . '&listype=' . $list->list_type . $item;
                    compa::completeLink($link, false);
                } else {
                    $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&task=show&listid=' . $list->id . '&listype=' . $list->list_type;
				<td><a href="<?php 
                echo $link;
"> <?php 
                echo _ACA_MALING_EDIT_VIEW;
            if ($show['mailings_sub']) {
                if ($show['index'] == 'index') {
                    $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribers&listid=' . $list->id . $item;
                    compa::completeLink($link, false);
                } else {
                    $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscribers&listid=' . $list->id;
				<td><a href="<?php 
                echo $link;
"> <?php 
                echo _ACA_SUBCRIBERS_VIEW;
            if ($show['list_type']) {
                if ($show['index'] == 'index') {
                    $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listype=' . $list->list_type . $item;
                    compa::completeLink($link, false);
                } else {
                    $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listype=' . $list->list_type;
				<td><a href="<?php 
                echo $link;
" ><?php 
                echo @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listname' . $list->list_type]);
            if ($show['visible']) {
                if ($list->hidden == 1) {
                    $img = 'tick.png';
                } else {
                    $img = 'publish_x.png';
			<td height="20"><center><img src="<?php 
                echo $GLOBALS['mosConfig_live_site'];
                echo $img;
" width="12" height="12" border="0" alt="" /></center></td>

            if ($show['buttons']) {
                if ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'allow_unregistered'] or $loggedin) {
                    if (function_exists('sefRelToAbs') and $GLOBALS[ACA . 'use_sef']) {
                        $link = sefRelToAbs($show['index'] . '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subone&listid=' . $list->id . $item);
                    } else {
                        $link = $show['index'] . '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subone&listid=' . $list->id . $item;
                    $img = 'folder_add_f2.png';
                    echo '<td align="center" height="24"><center>';
                    echo '<a href="' . $link . '" >' . "\n\r";
                    echo '<img src="components/com_acajoom/images/' . $img . '" width="20" height="20" border="0" alt="" /></a></center></td>' . "\n\r";
                if (($list->list_type == 1 or $list->list_type == 7) && $GLOBALS[ACA . 'show_archive'] == '1') {
                    if (function_exists('sefRelToAbs') and $GLOBALS[ACA . 'use_sef']) {
                        $linkArchive = sefRelToAbs($show['index'] . '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listid=' . $list->id . '&listype=' . $list->list_type . '&task=archive' . $item);
                    } else {
                        $linkArchive = $show['index'] . '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=mailing&listid=' . $list->id . '&listype=' . $list->list_type . '&task=archive' . $item;
                    $img = 'move_f2.png';
                    echo '<td height="24"><center>';
                    echo '<a href="' . $linkArchive . '" >' . "\n\r";
                    echo '<img src="components/com_acajoom/images/' . $img . '" width="20" height="20" border="0" alt="' . _ACA_VIEW_ARCHIVE . '" /></a></center></td>' . "\n\r";
                } elseif ($GLOBALS[ACA . 'show_archive'] == '1') {
                    echo '<td height="24"><center>-</center></td>' . "\n\r";
            echo '	</tr>' . "\n\r";
        echo '</table>';
Esempio n. 7
 function mailingEdit($subscriberId, $mailingId, $listId, $listType, $action)
     global $my, $Itemid;
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         // joomla 15
         $issue_nb = JRequest::getVar('issue_nb', '0');
         $my =& JFactory::getUser();
     } else {
         //joomla 1x
         $issue_nb = intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'issue_nb', 0));
         global $my;
     $accessGrant = false;
     $new = 0;
     if (class_exists('pro')) {
         if ($issue_nb == 0) {
             $issue_nb = xmailing::countMailings($listId, '');
         if ($listId > 0) {
             $list = lists::getOneList($listId);
             $mailing = xmailing::getOneMailing($list, $mailingId, $issue_nb, $new);
             $acc_level = $list->acc_level;
         } else {
             return false;
         if (acajoom::checkPermissions('hello', 0, $acc_level)) {
             $accessGrant = true;
     } else {
         if ($subscriberId != 0 and ($my->usertype == 'Administrator' or $my->usertype == 'Super Administrator')) {
             $accessGrant = true;
     if ($accessGrant) {
         if ($issue_nb == 0) {
             $issue_nb = xmailing::countMailings($listId, '');
         if (empty($mailing)) {
             if ($mailingId > 0) {
                 $mailing = xmailing::getOneMailing('', $mailingId, $issue_nb, $new);
             } else {
                 if ($listId > 0) {
                     $list = lists::getOneList($listId);
                     $mailing = xmailing::getOneMailing($list, $mailingId, $issue_nb, $new);
                 } else {
                     return false;
         $mainLink = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=savemailing';
         compa::completeLink($mainLink, false);
         $forms['main'] = '<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' . $mainLink . '" onsubmit="submitbutton();return false;" name="adminForm" >' . "\n\r";
         $forms['main'] .= '<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="' . $Itemid . '" />';
         $show = lisType::showType($mailing->list_type, 'editmailing');
         frontHTML::formStart(_ACA_EDIT_A . @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listname' . $mailing->list_type]), $mailing->html, 'edit_mailing');
         mailingsHTML::editMailing($mailing, $new, $listId, $forms, $show);
         $go[] = acajoom::makeObj('act', $action);
         frontHTML::formEnd(_CMN_SAVE . ' ' . @constant($GLOBALS[ACA . 'listname' . $mailing->list_type]), $go);
     } else {
         echo acajoom::printM('red', _NOT_AUTH);
     return true;
    function quickiconButton($link, $image, $text, $external = false, $accessLevel = '', $frontEnd = false)
        if (acajoom::checkPermissions($accessLevel)) {
            if ($frontEnd and $GLOBALS[ACA . 'use_sef'] and function_exists('sefRelToAbs')) {
                $link = sefRelToAbs($link);
		<div style="float:left;">
			<div class="icon">
				<a href="<?php 
            echo $link;
" <?php 
            if ($external) {
                echo 'target="_blank"';
            compa::showIcon($image, $text);
            echo $text;
Esempio n. 9
 function showPanel()
     global $Itemid;
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         $database =& JFactory::getDBO();
         $acl =& JFactory::getACL();
         $my =& JFactory::getUser();
     } else {
         global $my, $database, $acl;
     if (isset($my->id) && $my->id > 0) {
         if (!empty($my->username)) {
             $greeting_message = _HI . ' ' . $my->username;
         } else {
             $greeting_message = '';
         backHTML::controlPanelBottonStart(_UCP_USER_MENU, 'cpanel.png');
         $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=show&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
         compa::completeLink($link, false);
         backHTML::quickiconButton($link, 'addusers.png', _UCP_USER_CONTACT, false, 'Registered', false);
         if (class_exists('pro')) {
             $aro_id = isset($my->id) && $my->id > 0 ? $acl->get_object_id('users', $my->id, 'ARO') : 1;
             $qacl = "SELECT `group_id` FROM `#__core_acl_groups_aro_map` WHERE `aro_id` =" . $aro_id;
             $usergid = $database->loadResult();
             $gidAdmin = $acl->get_group_id('Administrator', 'ARO');
             $ex_groups = $acl->get_group_children($gidAdmin, 'ARO', 'RECURSE');
             $ex_groups[] = $gidAdmin;
             if (in_array($usergid, $ex_groups)) {
                 $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=list&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
                 compa::completeLink($link, false);
                 backHTML::quickiconButton($link, 'addedit.png', _ACA_MENU_LIST, false, 'admin', false);
             } else {
                 $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, true);
                 $access = false;
                 foreach ($lists as $list) {
                     $bit = acajoom::checkPermissions('hello', 0, $list->acc_level);
                     if ($bit) {
                         $access = true;
                 $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=list&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
                 compa::completeLink($link, false);
                 if ($access) {
                     backHTML::quickiconButton($link, 'addedit.png', _ACA_MENU_LIST, false, 'Registered', false);
         } else {
             $link = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=list&Itemid=' . $Itemid;
             compa::completeLink($link, false);
             backHTML::quickiconButton($link, 'addedit.png', _ACA_MENU_LIST, false, 'admin', false);
         if (class_exists('auto')) {
Esempio n. 10
 function getEditTab($tab, $user, $ui)
     global $Itemid;
     if (ACA_CMSTYPE) {
         // joomla 15
         $my =& JFactory::getUser();
         if ($my->get('id') < 1) {
             echo JText::_('ALERTNOTAUTH');
             echo "<br />" . JText::_('You need to login.');
             return false;
     } else {
         //joomla 1x
         global $my;
         if (intval($my->id) < 1) {
             return false;
     if (!getAcajoomTab::checkInstalled()) {
     $html = '';
     require_once ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . '/administrator/components/com_acajoom/classes/class.acajoom.php';
     require_once ACA_JPATH_ROOT_NO_ADMIN . '/administrator/components/com_acajoom/subscribers.acajoom.html.php';
     if (!empty($user->id)) {
         $userId = $user->id;
         $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($userId);
         if (empty($subscriber)) {
             $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($userId);
         $subscriberId = $subscriber->id;
         $queues = queue::getSubscriberLists($subscriberId);
         $access = acajoom::checkPermissions('admin', $my->id);
     } else {
         $userId = 0;
         $queues = '';
         $access = false;
         $subscriberId = 0;
         $subscriber->id = '';
         $subscriber->user_id = 0;
         $subscriber->name = '';
         $subscriber->email = '';
         $subscriber->receive_html = 1;
         $subscriber->confirmed = 1;
         $subscriber->blacklist = 0;
         $subscriber->timezone = '00:00:00';
         $subscriber->language_iso = 'eng';
         $subscriber->params = '';
         $subscriber->subscribe_date = acajoom::getNow();
     $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, $subscriberId, '', false, true, false);
     $doShowSubscribers = false;
     $mainLink = '.php?option=com_acajoom';
     $selectLink = '.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscriber';
     compa::completeLink($mainLink, false);
     compa::completeLink($selectLink, false);
     $forms['main'] = '<form method="post" action="' . $mainLink . '" onsubmit="submitbutton();return false;" name="mosForm" >' . "\n\r";
     $forms['select'] = '<form method="post" action="' . $selectLink . '"  name="AcajoomFilterForm">';
     $html .= subscribersHTML::editSubscriber($subscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, $access, false, true);
     //$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="'.$Itemid.'" />';
     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="subscriber_id" value="' . $subscriber->id . '" />';
     return $html;
Esempio n. 11
 function getEditTab($tab, $user, $ui)
     global $my, $Itemid;
     if (intval($my->id) < 1) {
         return false;
     if (!getAcajoomTab::checkInstalled()) {
     $html = '';
     require_once $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/administrator/components/com_acajoom/classes/class.acajoom.php';
     require_once $GLOBALS['mosConfig_absolute_path'] . '/administrator/components/com_acajoom/subscribers.acajoom.html.php';
     if (!empty($user->id)) {
         $userId = $user->id;
         $subscriber = subscribers::getSubscriberInfoFromUserId($userId, false);
         $subscriberId = $subscriber->id;
         $queues = queue::getSubscriberLists($subscriberId);
         $access = acajoom::checkPermissions('admin', $my->id);
     } else {
         $userId = 0;
         $queues = '';
         $access = false;
         $subscriberId = 0;
         $subscriber->id = '';
         $subscriber->user_id = 0;
         $subscriber->name = '';
         $subscriber->email = '';
         $subscriber->receive_html = 1;
         $subscriber->confirmed = 1;
         $subscriber->blacklist = 0;
         $subscriber->timezone = '00:00:00';
         $subscriber->language_iso = 'eng';
         $subscriber->params = '';
         $subscriber->subscribe_date = acajoom::getNow();
     $lists = lists::getLists(0, 0, $subscriberId, '', false, true, false);
     $doShowSubscribers = false;
     if ($ui == 1 and $GLOBALS[ACA . 'use_sef'] and function_exists('sefRelToAbs')) {
         $forms['main'] = '<form method="post" action="' . sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_acajoom') . '" onsubmit="submitbutton();return false;" name="mosForm" >' . "\n\r";
         $forms['select'] = '<form method="post" action="' . sefRelToAbs('index.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscriber') . '"  name="AcajoomFilterForm">';
     } else {
         $forms['main'] = '<form method="post" action="index.php?option=com_acajoom" onsubmit="submitbutton();return false;" name="mosForm" >' . "\n\r";
         $forms['select'] = '<form method="post" action="index.php?option=com_acajoom&act=subscriber"  name="AcajoomFilterForm">';
     $html .= subscribersHTML::editSubscriber($subscriber, $lists, $queues, $forms, $access, false, true);
     //$html .= '<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="'.$Itemid.'" />';
     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="subscriber_id" value="' . $subscriber->id . '" />';
     return $html;