protected function validateAPIKey()
     // Media API is no longer used internally and defaults to off in apostrophePlugin
     $this->forward404Unless(sfConfig::get('app_a_media_apienabled', false));
     if (!$this->hasRequestParameter('apikey')) {
         if (!aMediaTools::getOption("apipublic")) {
             $this->logMessage('info', 'flunking because no apikey');
     $apikey = $this->getRequestParameter('apikey');
     $apikeys = array_flip(aMediaTools::getOption('apikeys'));
     if (!isset($apikeys[$apikey])) {
         $this->logMessage('info', 'ZZ flunking because bad apikey');
     $this->validAPIKey = true;
     $this->user = false;
     if ($this->validAPIKey) {
         // With a valid API key you can request media info on behalf of any user
         $this->user = $this->getRequestParameter('user');
     if (!$this->user) {
         // Use of the API from javascript as an already authenticated user
         // is permitted
         if ($this->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
             $guardUser = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser();
             if ($guardUser) {
                 $this->user = $guardUser->getUsername();
Esempio n. 2
 public static function listenToRoutingLoadConfigurationEvent(sfEvent $event)
     $r = $event->getSubject();
     if (aMediaTools::getOption("routes_register") && in_array('aMedia', sfConfig::get('sf_enabled_modules'))) {
         // Since the media plugin is now an engine, we need our own
         // catch-all rule for administrative URLs in the media area.
         // Prepending it first means it matches last
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_other', new aRoute('/:action', array('module' => 'aMedia')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_show', new aRoute('/view/:slug', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'show'), array('slug' => '^[\\w\\-]+$')));
         // Allow permalinks for PDF originals
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_original', new sfRoute('/uploads/media_items/:slug.original.:format', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'original'), array('slug' => '^[\\w\\-]+$', 'format' => '^(jpg|png|gif|pdf)$')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image', new sfRoute('/uploads/media_items/:slug.:width.:height.:resizeType.:format', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'image'), array('slug' => '^[\\w\\-]+$', 'width' => '^\\d+$', 'height' => '^\\d+$', 'resizeType' => '^\\w$', 'format' => '^(jpg|png|gif)$')));
         // What we want:
         // /media   <-- everything
         // /image   <-- media of type image
         // /video   <-- media of type video
         // /tag/tagname <-- media with this tag
         // /image/tag/tagname <-- images with this tag
         // /video/tag/tagname <-- video with this tag
         // /media?search=blah blah blah  <-- searches are full of
         //                                   dirty URL-unfriendly characters and
         //                                   are traditionally query strings.
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index', new aRoute('/', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_type', new aRoute('/:type', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('type' => '(image|video)')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_category', new aRoute('/category/:category', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('category' => '.*')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_tag', new aRoute('/tag/:tag', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('tag' => '.*')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_select', new aRoute('/select', array('class' => 'aRoute', 'module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'select')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_info', new sfRoute('/info', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'info')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_tags', new sfRoute('/tags', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'tags')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_upload_images', new aRoute('/uploadImages', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'uploadImages')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit_images', new aRoute('/editImages', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'editImages')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_new_video', new aRoute('/newVideo', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'newVideo')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit_video', new aRoute('/editVideo', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'editVideo')));
Esempio n. 3
  * @param mixed $type
  * @param mixed $default
  * @return mixed
 protected function getExtensionFromType($type, $default = '')
     $extensionsByMimeType = array_flip(aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types'));
     if (isset($extensionsByMimeType[$type])) {
         return '.' . $extensionsByMimeType[$type];
     return $default;
  * Thanks yet again to
  * @param mixed $validator
  * @param mixed $values
  * @param mixed $args
  * @return mixed
 public function atLeastOne($validator, $values, $args)
     for ($i = 0; $i < aMediaTools::getOption('batch_max'); $i++) {
         if (!is_null($values["item-{$i}"]['file'])) {
             return $values;
     throw new sfValidatorError($validator, 'at_least_one');
 public function configure()
     for ($i = 0; $i < aMediaTools::getOption('batch_max'); $i++) {
         if (isset($this->active[$i])) {
             $this->embedForm("item-{$i}", new aMediaImageForm());
     // $this->widgetSchema->setFormFormatterName('aAdmin');
 public function configure()
     for ($i = 0; $i < aMediaTools::getOption('batch_max'); $i++) {
         $uploadImageForm = new aMediaUploadImageForm();
         $this->embedForm("item-{$i}", $uploadImageForm);
         $this->validatorSchema->setPostValidator(new sfValidatorCallback(array('callback' => array($this, 'atLeastOne'))));
Esempio n. 7
 public function postConfigure()
     if ($this->getObject()->isNew()) {
         $permissionIds = array();
         $permissionNames = array(sfConfig::get('app_a_group_editor_permission', 'editor'), aMediaTools::getOption('upload_credential'), 'blog_author', 'view_locked');
         foreach ($permissionNames as $permissionName) {
             $permission = Doctrine::getTable('sfGuardPermission')->findOneByName($permissionName);
             if ($permission) {
                 $permissionIds[] = $permission->id;
         $this->setDefault('permissions_list', $permissionIds);
 public function executeBrowser($request)
     // We don't use a single integrated form for this anymore. What we wanted was
     // individual-link behavior, and yet we overlaid a form on that,
     // which had some interesting aspects but was ultimately confusing
     // and a problem for search engine indexing etc
     // ... But we do now use a simple form for the search form
     $this->current = "aMedia/index";
     $params = array();
     $type = aMediaTools::getSearchParameter('type');
     if (strlen($type)) {
         $this->type = $type;
         $params['type'] = $type;
     $tag = aMediaTools::getSearchParameter('tag');
     if (strlen($tag)) {
         $this->selectedTag = $tag;
         $params['tag'] = $tag;
     $categorySlug = aMediaTools::getSearchParameter('category');
     if (strlen($categorySlug)) {
         $this->selectedCategory = Doctrine::getTable('aMediaCategory')->findOneBySlug($categorySlug);
         $params['category'] = $categorySlug;
     $search = aMediaTools::getSearchParameter('search');
     if (strlen($search)) {
         $this->search = $search;
         $params['search'] = $search;
     $this->searchForm = new aMediaSearchForm();
     $this->searchForm->bind(array('search' => $request->getParameter('search')));
     $this->current .= "?" . http_build_query($params);
     $this->allTags = aMediaItemTable::getAllTagNameForUserWithCount();
     $tagsByPopularity = $this->allTags;
     $this->popularTags = array();
     $n = 0;
     $max = aMediaTools::getOption('popular_tags');
     foreach ($tagsByPopularity as $tag => $count) {
         if ($n == $max) {
         $this->popularTags[$tag] = $count;
Esempio n. 9
 public function configure()
     $this->setWidget("file", new aWidgetFormInputFilePersistent(array("image-preview" => array("width" => 50, "height" => 50, "resizeType" => "c"))));
     $mimeTypes = aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types');
     // It comes back as a mapping of extensions to types, get the types
     $extensions = array_keys($mimeTypes);
     $mimeTypes = array_values($mimeTypes);
     $this->setValidator("file", new aValidatorFilePersistent(array("mime_types" => $mimeTypes, 'validated_file_class' => 'aValidatedFile', "required" => false), array("mime_types" => "The following file types are accepted: " . implode(', ', $extensions))));
     // Without this, the radio buttons on the edit form will not have a default
     $this->setWidget("view_is_secure", new sfWidgetFormInputHidden(array('default' => '0')));
     $this->setValidator("view_is_secure", new sfValidatorPass(array('required' => false)));
     $this->setDefault('view_is_secure', 0);
     // The same as the edit form by design
Esempio n. 10
 public static function listenToRoutingLoadConfigurationEvent(sfEvent $event)
     $r = $event->getSubject();
     if (aMediaTools::getOption("routes_register") && in_array('aMedia', sfConfig::get('sf_enabled_modules'))) {
         // Since the media plugin is now an engine, we need our own
         // catch-all rule for administrative URLs in the media area.
         // Prepending it first means it matches last
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_other', new aRoute('/:action', array('module' => 'aMedia')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_show', new aRoute('/view/:slug', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'show'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$')));
         // Allow permalinks for PDF originals
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_original', new sfRoute(sfConfig::get('app_a_routes_media_image_original', '/uploads/media_items/:slug.original.:format'), array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'original'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$', 'format' => '^(\\w+)$')));
         $route = new sfRoute(sfConfig::get('app_a_routes_media_image', '/uploads/media_items/:slug.:width.:height.:resizeType.:format'), array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'image'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$', 'width' => '^\\d+$', 'height' => '^\\d+$', 'resizeType' => '^\\w$', 'format' => '^(jpg|png|gif)$'));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image', $route);
         $route = new sfRoute(sfConfig::get('app_a_routes_media_image_cropped', '/uploads/media_items/:slug.:cropLeft.:cropTop.:cropWidth.:cropHeight.:width.:height.:resizeType.:format'), array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'image'), array('slug' => '^' . aTools::getSlugRegexpFragment() . '$', 'width' => '^\\d+$', 'height' => '^\\d+$', 'cropLeft' => '^\\d+$', 'cropTop' => '^\\d+$', 'cropWidth' => '^\\d+$', 'cropHeight' => '^\\d+$', 'resizeType' => '^\\w$', 'format' => '^(jpg|png|gif)$'));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_image_cropped', $route);
         // What we want:
         // /media   <-- everything
         // /image   <-- media of type image
         // /video   <-- media of type video
         // /tag/tagname <-- media with this tag
         // /image/tag/tagname <-- images with this tag
         // /video/tag/tagname <-- video with this tag
         // /media?search=blah blah blah  <-- searches are full of
         //                                   dirty URL-unfriendly characters and
         //                                   are traditionally query strings.
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index', new aRoute('/', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_type', new aRoute('/:type', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('type' => '(image|video)')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_category', new aRoute('/category/:category', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('category' => '.*')));
         // Support for existing pretty-URL tag links so they don't 404. We don't recommend
         // this for the generation of new links because it doesn't handle various
         // punctuation well with a wide variety of webserver configurations
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_deprecated_tag', new aRoute('/tag/:tag', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('tag' => '.*')));
         // We removed :tag because we allow tags with dots and such and pretty URLs
         // work great until your rewrite rules decide they are supposed to be static files
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_index_tag', new aRoute('/tag', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'index'), array('tag' => '.*')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_select', new aRoute('/select', array('class' => 'aRoute', 'module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'select')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_info', new sfRoute('/info', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'info')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_tags', new sfRoute('/tags', array('module' => 'aMediaBackend', 'action' => 'tags')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_upload', new aRoute('/upload', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'upload')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit_multiple', new aRoute('/editMultiple', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'editMultiple')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit', new aRoute('/edit', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'edit')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_new_video', new aRoute('/newVideo', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'newVideo')));
         $r->prependRoute('a_media_edit_video', new aRoute('/editVideo', array('module' => 'aMedia', 'action' => 'editVideo')));
 public function configure()
     $this->setWidget('file', new aWidgetFormInputFilePersistent(array('image-preview' => aMediaTools::getOption('gallery_constraints'))));
     $item = $this->getObject();
     if (!$item->isNew()) {
         $this->getWidget('file')->setOption('default-preview', $item->getOriginalPath());
     $this->setValidator('file', new aValidatorFilePersistent(array('mime_types' => array('image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'), 'required' => !$this->getObject()->getId()), array('mime_types' => 'JPEG, PNG and GIF only.', 'required' => 'Select a JPEG, PNG or GIF file')));
     $this->setValidator('title', new sfValidatorString(array('min_length' => 3, 'max_length' => 200, 'required' => true), array('min_length' => 'Title must be at least 3 characters.', 'max_length' => 'Title must be <200 characters.', 'required' => 'You must provide a title.')));
     $this->setWidget('view_is_secure', new sfWidgetFormSelectRadio(array('choices' => array(0 => 'Public', 1 => 'Hidden'), 'default' => 0)));
     $this->setValidator('view_is_secure', new sfValidatorBoolean());
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabel('view_is_secure', 'Permissions');
     // $this->widgetSchema->setFormFormatterName('aAdmin');
     $this->widgetSchema->setLabel('media_categories_list', 'Categories');
Esempio n. 12
echo $form->renderHiddenFields();
		<input type="hidden" name="active" value="<?php 
echo implode(",", $active);
" />

$n = 0;

for ($i = 0; $i < aMediaTools::getOption('batch_max'); $i++) {
    if (isset($form["item-{$i}"])) {
        // What we're passing here is actually a widget schema
        // (they get nested when embedded forms are present), but
        // it supports the same methods as a form for rendering purposes
        include_partial('aMedia/editImage', array("item" => false, "firstPass" => $firstPass, "form" => $form["item-{$i}"], "n" => $n, 'i' => $i, 'itemFormScripts' => 'false'));
Esempio n. 13
        echo a_('Add  ' . $typeLabel);
	      <li><a href="<?php 
        echo url_for("aMedia/searchServices");
" class="a-btn icon big a-search"><span class="icon"></span><?php 
        echo a_('Search Services');
    if (aMediaTools::getOption('linked_accounts') && aMediaTools::userHasAdminPrivilege()) {
			<a href="<?php 
        echo url_for("aMedia/link");
" class="a-btn icon a-users lite mini a-align-right a-media-link-accounts alt"><span class="icon"></span><?php 
        echo a_('Linked Accounts');

    a_js_call('apostrophe.clickOnce(?)', '#a-save-media-selection,.a-media-select-video,.a-select-cancel');
  * The input value must be an array potentially containing two
  * keys, newfile and persistid. newfile must contain an array of
  * the following subkeys, if it is present:
  * * tmp_name: The absolute temporary path to the newly uploaded file
  * name:     The browser-submitted file name (optional, but necessary to distinguish amongst Microsoft Office formats)
  * type:     The browser-submitted file content type (required although our guessers never trust it)
  * error:    The error code (optional)
  * size:     The file size in bytes (optional)
  * The persistid key allows lookup of a previously uploaded file
  * when no new file has been submitted.
  * A RARE BUT USEFUL CASE: if you need to prefill this cache before
  * invoking the form for the first time, you can instantiate this
  * validator yourself:
  * $vfp = new aValidatorFilePersistent();
  * $guid = aGuid::generate();
  * $vfp->clean(
  * array(
  * 'newfile' =>
  * array('tmp_name' => $myexistingfile),
  * 'persistid' => $guid));
  * Then set array('persistid' => $guid) as the default value
  * for the file widget. This logic is most easily encapsulated in
  * the configure() method of your form class.
  * @see sfValidatorFile
  * @see sfValidatorBase
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return mixed
 public function clean($value)
     $persistid = false;
     if (isset($value['persistid'])) {
         $persistid = $value['persistid'];
     $newFile = false;
     $persistentDir = $this->getPersistentDir();
     if (!self::validPersistId($persistid)) {
         $persistid = false;
     $cvalue = false;
     // Why do we tolerate the newfile fork being entirely absent?
     // Because with persistent file upload widgets, it's safe to
     // redirect a form submission to another action via the GET method
     // after validation... which is extremely useful if you want to
     // split something into an iframed initial upload action and
     // a non-iframed annotation action and you need to be able to
     // stuff the state of the form into a URL and do window.parent.location =.
     // As long as we tolerate the absence of the newfile button, we can
     // rebuild the submission from what's in
     // getRequest()->getParameterHolder()->getAll(), and that is useful.
     if (!isset($value['newfile']) || $this->isEmpty($value['newfile'])) {
         if ($persistid !== false) {
             $filePath = "{$persistentDir}/{$persistid}.file";
             $data = false;
             if (file_exists($filePath)) {
                 $dataPath = "{$persistentDir}/{$persistid}.data";
                 // Don't let them expire
                 $data = file_get_contents($dataPath);
                 if (strlen($data)) {
                     $data = unserialize($data);
             if ($data) {
                 $cvalue = $data;
     } else {
         $newFile = true;
         $cvalue = $value['newfile'];
     if (isset($cvalue['name'])) {
         $this->originalName = $cvalue['name'];
     } else {
         $this->originalName = '';
     try {
         $result = parent::clean($cvalue);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // If there is a validation error stop keeping this
         // file around and don't display the reassuring
         // "you don't have to upload again" message side by side
         // with the validation error.
         if ($persistid !== false) {
             $infoPath = "{$persistentDir}/{$persistid}.data";
             $filePath = "{$persistentDir}/{$persistid}.file";
         throw $e;
     if ($newFile) {
         // Expiration of abandoned stuff has to happen somewhere
         if ($persistid !== false) {
             $filePath = "{$persistentDir}/{$persistid}.file";
             copy($cvalue['tmp_name'], $filePath);
             $data = $cvalue;
             $data['newfile'] = true;
             $data['tmp_name'] = $filePath;
             // It's useful to know the mime type and true extension for
             // supplying previews and icons
             $extensionsByMimeType = array_flip(aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types'));
             if (!isset($cvalue['type'])) {
                 // It's not sensible to trust a browser-submitted mime type anyway,
                 // so don't force non-web invocations of this code to supply one
                 $cvalue['type'] = 'unknown/unknown';
             $data['mime_type'] = $this->getMimeType($filePath, $cvalue['type']);
             if (isset($extensionsByMimeType[$data['mime_type']])) {
                 $data['extension'] = $extensionsByMimeType[$data['mime_type']];
             self::putFileInfo($persistid, $data);
     } elseif ($persistid !== false) {
         $data = self::getFileInfo($persistid);
         if ($data !== false) {
             $data['newfile'] = false;
             self::putFileInfo($persistid, $data);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 15

<div id="a-media-plugin">
include_component('aMedia', 'browser');

<div class="a-media-library">
$id = $mediaItem->getId();
$options = aDimensions::constrain($mediaItem->getWidth(), $mediaItem->getHeight(), $mediaItem->getFormat(), aMediaTools::getOption('show_constraints'));
$embedCode = $mediaItem->getEmbedCode($options['width'], $options['height'], $options['resizeType'], $options['format']);

// This was inside a ul which doesn't make sense

echo link_to(__('Media Library', null, 'apostrophe'), '@a_media_index', array('class' => 'a-btn big icon a-arrow-left thin', 'id' => 'media-library-back-button'));

<ul class="a-media-item-content" id="a-media-item-content-<?php 
echo $mediaItem->getId();
Esempio n. 16
<hr class="a-hr"/>
<h4 class="a-account-preview-name">Account: <span><?php 
echo a_entities($name);
<h5 class="a-account-preview-description"><?php 
echo $description;
<ul class="a-account-preview-recent">
foreach ($results['results'] as $result) {
    echo $service->embed($result['id'], aMediaTools::getOption('video_account_preview_width'), aMediaTools::getOption('video_account_preview_height'));

<div class="a-account-preview-confirm">
<p class="a-help">Add this account so that all new media associated with it will automatically be added to the media repository on an ongoing basis.</p>
<ul class="a-ui a-controls">
echo a_js_button(a_('Add This Account'), array('big', 'icon', 'a-add'), 'a-account-preview-ok');
Esempio n. 17
if ($type == 'video') {
<span class="a-media-play-btn"></span><?php 
if ($type == 'pdf') {
<span class="a-media-pdf-btn"></span><?php 
    <img src="<?php 
echo url_for($mediaItem->getScaledUrl(aMediaTools::getOption('gallery_constraints')));
" />

// Stored as HTML
<li class="a-media-item-title">
		<a <?php 
echo $linkAttributes;
echo htmlspecialchars($mediaItem->getTitle());
Esempio n. 18
  * @return mixed
 public function isAdmin()
     return sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->hasCredential(aMediaTools::getOption('admin_credential'));
Esempio n. 19

// Make sure we're compatible with sf_escaping_strategy: true
$items = isset($items) ? $sf_data->getRaw('items') : array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
  <li id="a-media-selection-preview-<?php 
    echo $item->getId();
" class="a-media-selection-preview-item">
		<h4 class="a-media-selection-title">You are cropping "<?php 
    echo $item->getTitle();
    <img src="<?php 
    echo url_for($item->getScaledUrl(aMediaTools::getOption('crop_constraints')));
" />
Esempio n. 20
  * Default is to return only services that are ready to be used.
  * If you pass boolean false, you'll get services that are NOT ready to be used.
  * If you pass null, you'll get all services
  * @param mixed $configured
  * @return mixed
 public static function getEmbedServices($configured = true)
     if (!isset(aMediaTools::$embedServices[$configured])) {
         aMediaTools::$embedServices[$configured] = array();
         $serviceInfos = aMediaTools::getOption('embed_services');
         foreach ($serviceInfos as $serviceInfo) {
             $class = $serviceInfo['class'];
             $service = new $class();
             if ($configured) {
                 if (!$service->configured()) {
             } elseif ($configured === false) {
                 if ($service->configured()) {
             } else {
                 // null = all
             aMediaTools::$embedServices[$configured][] = $service;
     return aMediaTools::$embedServices[$configured];
Esempio n. 21
 public function configure()
     // This call was missing, preventing easy extension of all media item edit forms at the project level
     $this->setWidget('file', new aWidgetFormInputFilePersistent(array()));
     $item = $this->getObject();
     // A safe assumption because we always go through the separate upload form on the first pass.
     // This label is a hint that changing the file is not mandatory
     // The 'Replace File' label is safer than superimposing a file button
     // on something that may or may not be a preview or generally a good thing
     // to try to read a button on top of
     $this->getWidget('file')->setLabel('Select a new file');
     if (!$item->isNew()) {
         $this->getWidget('file')->setOption('default-preview', $item->getOriginalPath());
     $mimeTypes = aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types');
     // It comes back as a mapping of extensions to types, get the types
     $extensions = array_keys($mimeTypes);
     $mimeTypes = array_values($mimeTypes);
     $type = false;
     if (!$this->getObject()->isNew()) {
         // You can't change the major type of an existing media object as
         // this would break slots (a .doc where a .gif should be...)
         $type = $this->getObject()->type;
     // What we are selecting to add to a page
     if (!$type) {
         $type = aMediaTools::getType();
     if (!$type) {
         // What we are filtering for
         $type = aMediaTools::getSearchParameter('type');
     if ($type) {
         // This supports composite types like _downloadable
         $infos = aMediaTools::getTypeInfos($type);
         $extensions = array();
         foreach ($infos as $info) {
             if ($info['embeddable']) {
                 // This widget is actually supplying a thumbnail - allow gif, jpg and png
                 $info['extensions'] = array('gif', 'jpg', 'png');
             foreach ($info['extensions'] as $extension) {
                 $extensions[] = $extension;
         $mimeTypes = array();
         $mimeTypesByExtension = aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types');
         foreach ($extensions as $extension) {
             // Careful, if we are filtering for a particular type then not everything
             // will be on the list
             if (isset($mimeTypesByExtension[$extension])) {
                 $mimeTypes[] = $mimeTypesByExtension[$extension];
     // The file is mandatory if it's new. Otherwise
     // we have a problem when they get the file type wrong
     // for one of two and we have to reject that one,
     // then they resubmit - we can add an affirmative way
     // to remove one item from the annotation form later
     $this->setValidator("file", new aValidatorFilePersistent(array("mime_types" => $mimeTypes, 'validated_file_class' => 'aValidatedFile', "required" => $this->getObject()->isNew() ? true : false), array("mime_types" => "The following file types are accepted: " . implode(', ', $extensions))));
     // Necessary to work around FCK's "id and name cannot differ" problem
     // ... But we do it in the action which knows when that matters
     // $this->widgetSchema->setNameFormat('a_media_item_'.$this->getObject()->getId().'_%s');
     // $this->widgetSchema->setFormFormatterName('aAdmin');
Esempio n. 22
  * @return mixed
 public function isAdmin()
     $isAdmin = $this->getUser()->hasCredential(aMediaTools::getOption('admin_credential'));
     return $isAdmin;
Esempio n. 23

$options = array('choose-one' => a_('Choose Categories'));
if (sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->hasCredential(aMediaTools::getOption('admin_credential'))) {
    $options['add'] = a_('+ New Category');
a_js_call('aMultipleSelectAll(?)', $options);
Esempio n. 24

// Compatible with sf_escaping_strategy: true
$mediaItem = isset($mediaItem) ? $sf_data->getRaw('mediaItem') : null;
$layout = isset($layout) ? $sf_data->getRaw('layout') : null;

$domId = 'a-media-thumb-link-' . $mediaItem->getId();
$galleryConstraints = aMediaTools::getOption('gallery_constraints');
isset($layout['showSuccess']) ? $embedConstraints = aMediaTools::getOption('show_constraints') : ($embedConstraints = $galleryConstraints);
$showUrl = url_for("aMedia/show?" . http_build_query(array("slug" => $mediaItem->getSlug())));
$embeddable = $mediaItem->getEmbeddable();
isset($autoplay) ? $autoplay : ($autoplay = false);
if ($selecting) {
    // When we are selecting downloadables *in general*, we don't want cropping etc., just simple selection
    // When we are selecting single images *specifically*, we do force the cropping UI.
    if (aMediaTools::isMultiple() || $mediaItem->getType() === 'image' && aMediaTools::getType() !== '_downloadable') {
        $linkHref = "#select-media-item";
        $multipleStyleSelect = true;
Esempio n. 25
 public function executeUploadImages(sfRequest $request)
     // Belongs at the beginning, not the end
     $this->form = new aMediaUploadImagesForm();
     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
         $this->form->bind($request->getParameter('a_media_items'), $request->getFiles('a_media_items'));
         if ($this->form->isValid()) {
             $request->setParameter('first_pass', true);
             $active = array();
             // Saving embedded forms is weird. We can get the form objects
             // via getEmbeddedForms(), but those objects were never really
             // bound, so getValue will fail on them. We have to look at the
             // values array of the parent form instead. The widgets and
             // validators of the embedded forms are rolled into it.
             // See:
             for ($i = 0; $i < aMediaTools::getOption('batch_max'); $i++) {
                 $values = $this->form->getValues();
                 if ($values["item-{$i}"]['file']) {
                     $active[] = $i;
                 } else {
                     // So the editImagesForm validator won't complain about these
                     $items = $request->getParameter("a_media_items");
                     $request->setParameter("a_media_items", $items);
             $request->setParameter('active', implode(",", $active));
             // We'd like to just do this...
             // $this->forward('aMedia', 'editImages');
             // But we need to break out of the iframe, and
             // modern browsers ignore Window-target: _top which
             // would otherwise be perfect for this.
             // Fortunately, the persistent file upload widget can tolerate
             // a GET-method redirect very nicely as long as we pass the
             // persistids. So we make the current parameters available
             // to a template that breaks out of the iframe via
             // JavaScript and passes the prameters on.
             $this->parameters = $request->getParameterHolder('a_media_items')->getAll();
             // If I don't do this I just get redirected back to myself
             return 'Redirect';
Esempio n. 26
if (!aMediaTools::getType() || substr(aMediaTools::getType(), 0, 1) === '_') {
			<hr class="a-hr" />
			<div class='a-subnav-section types'>
    echo a_('Browse by');
			  <div class="a-filter-options type clearfix">
    $type = isset($type) ? $type : '';
    $typesInfo = aMediaTools::getOption('types');
    foreach ($typesInfo as $typeName => $typeInfo) {
        // If a metatype such as _downloadable or _embeddable is in force show only types that support it
        $metatype = aMediaTools::getMetatype();
        if ($metatype) {
            if (!a_get_option($typeInfo, substr($metatype, 1), false)) {
Esempio n. 27
 public function go()
     $dir_iterator = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->dir);
     $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_iterator, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     $count = 0;
     $mimeTypes = aMediaTools::getOption('mime_types');
     // It comes back as a mapping of extensions to types, get the types
     $extensions = array_keys($mimeTypes);
     $mimeTypes = array_values($mimeTypes);
     foreach ($iterator as $sfile) {
         if ($sfile->isFile()) {
             $file = $sfile->getPathname();
             if (preg_match('/(^|\\/)\\./', $file)) {
                 # Silently ignore all dot folders to avoid trouble with svn and friends
                 $this->giveFeedback("info", "Ignoring dotfile", $file);
             $pathinfo = pathinfo($file);
             // basename and filename seem backwards to me, but that's how it is in the PHP docs and
             // sure enough that's how it behaves
             if ($pathinfo['basename'] === 'Thumbs.db') {
             $vfp = new aValidatorFilePersistent(array('mime_types' => $mimeTypes, 'validated_file_class' => 'aValidatedFile', 'required' => false), array('mime_types' => 'The following file types are accepted: ' . implode(', ', $extensions)));
             $guid = aGuid::generate();
             try {
                 $vf = $vfp->clean(array('newfile' => array('tmp_name' => $file, 'name' => $pathinfo['basename']), 'persistid' => $guid));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("warning", "Not supported or corrupt", $file);
             $item = new aMediaItem();
             // Split it up to make tags out of the portion of the path that isn't dir (i.e. the folder structure they used)
             $dir = $this->dir;
             $dir = preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $dir) . '/';
             $relevant = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($dir, '/') . '/', '', $file);
             // TODO: not Microsoft-friendly, might matter in some setting
             $components = preg_split('/\\//', $relevant);
             $tags = array_slice($components, 0, count($components) - 1);
             foreach ($tags as &$tag) {
                 // We don't strictly need to be this harsh, but it's safe and definitely
                 // takes care of some things we definitely can't allow, like periods
                 // (which cause mod_rewrite problems with pretty Symfony URLs).
                 // TODO: clean it up in a nicer way without being UTF8-clueless
                 // (aTools::slugify is UTF8-safe)
                 $tag = aTools::slugify($tag);
             $item->title = aMediaTools::filenameToTitle($pathinfo['basename']);
             if (!strlen($item->title)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Files must have a basename", $file);
             // The preSaveImage / save / saveImage dance is necessary because
             // the sluggable behavior doesn't kick in until save and the image file
             // needs a slug based filename.
             if (!$item->preSaveFile($vf)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Save failed", $file);
             if (!$item->saveFile($vf)) {
                 $this->giveFeedback("error", "Save failed", $file);
             $this->giveFeedback("completed", $count, $file);
     $this->giveFeedback("total", $count);
Esempio n. 28
File: _edit.php Progetto: hashir/UoA
				<label class="full">Embed Preview</label>
				<div class="a-form-field">
            echo $embedCode;
				<label class="full">Embed Thumbnail</label>
        $widget = $form['file']->getWidget();
        $previewUrl = $widget->getPreviewUrl($form['file']->getValue(), aMediaTools::getOption('gallery_constraints'));
			<div class="a-form-field">
        if ($previewUrl) {
            echo image_tag($previewUrl);
        } else {
            $format = $widget->getFormat($form['file']->getValue());
Esempio n. 29
			<ul class="a-controls a-media-upload-form-footer" id="a-media-video-add-by-url-form-submit">
        <li><input type="submit" value="<?php 
echo __('Go', null, 'apostrophe');
" class="a-submit" /></li>
echo link_to_function(__("Cancel", null, 'apostrophe'), "\$('#a-media-video-add-by-url-form').hide(); \$('#a-media-video-add-by-url-heading').hide(); \$('#a-media-video-buttons').show();", array("class" => "a-cancel a-btn icon event-default"));
if (aMediaTools::getOption('embed_codes')) {
			<h4 id="a-media-video-add-by-embed-heading" class="a-media-video-heading"><?php 
    echo __('Add by Embed Code', null, 'apostrophe');
			<form id="a-media-video-add-by-embed-form" class="a-media-search-form" method="POST" action="<?php 
    echo url_for("aMedia/editVideo");

			<div class="a-form-row a-search-field" style="position:relative">
        <label for="a-media-video-embed"></label>
    $form = new aMediaVideoEmbedForm();
Esempio n. 30

<script type="text/javascript">
function aMediaVideoSearchRenderResults()
  if (!aMediaVideoSearchResults)
  var perPage = <?php 
echo aMediaTools::getOption('video_search_per_page');
  var start = (aMediaVideoSearchPage - 1) * perPage;
  var template = <?php 
echo json_encode(aYoutube::embed('_ID_', aMediaTools::getOption('video_search_preview_width'), aMediaTools::getOption('video_search_preview_height')));
  var i;
  var limit = start + perPage;
  var total = aMediaVideoSearchResults.length;
  var pages = Math.ceil(total / perPage);
  if (limit > total)
    limit = total;
  for (i = start; (i < limit); i++)
		li_class = "normal";