Esempio n. 1
  * Copy Categories by Path (recursive copy).
  * @param string  $apath        The path to copy from.
  * @param integer $newparent_id The categoryID of the new parent category.
  * @param string  $field        The field to use for the path reference (optional) (default='ipath').
  * @param boolean $includeRoot  Whether or not to also move the root folder (optional) (default=true).
  * @return boolean
 public static function copyCategoriesByPath($apath, $newparent_id, $field = 'ipath', $includeRoot = true)
     if (!$apath || !$newparent_id) {
         return false;
     $cats = self::getSubCategoriesByPath($apath, 'ipath', $field, true, true);
     $newParentCats = self::getSubCategories($newparent_id, true, true, true, true, true);
     $newParent = $newParentCats[0];
     if (!$newParent || !$cats) {
         return false;
     $currentPaths = array();
     foreach ($newParentCats as $p) {
         $currentPaths[] = $p['path_relative'];
     // need to make sure that after copying categories will have unique paths
     foreach ($cats as $k => $cat) {
         if ($includeRoot) {
             // root node is included - just check path uniqueness for root
             // subnodes will inherit it's name in paths
             $catBasePath = $newParent['path_relative'] . '/';
             if ($k === 0 && in_array($catBasePath . $cats[0]['name'], $currentPaths)) {
                 // path is not unique - add arbitrary " Copy" suffix to category name
                 $cats[0]['name'] .= ' ' . __('Copy');
                 if (in_array($catBasePath . $cats[0]['name'], $currentPaths)) {
                     // if there is already such name
                     // find first free name by adding number at the end
                     $i = 1;
                     $name = $cats[0]['name'];
                     while (in_array($catBasePath . $name, $currentPaths)) {
                         $name = $cats[0]['name'] . ' ' . $i++;
                     $cats[0]['name'] = $name;
         } elseif ($k !== 0) {
             // root node is excluded - need to check each subnode if it's path will be unique
             // follow the same routin that for the root node
             $catPath = explode('/', $cat['path_relative']);
             $catBasePath = $newParent['path_relative'] . '/' . implode('/', $catPath);
             if (in_array($catBasePath . $cats[$k]['name'], $currentPaths)) {
                 $cats[$k]['name'] .= ' ' . __('Copy');
                 if (in_array($catBasePath . $cats[$k]['name'], $currentPaths)) {
                     $i = 1;
                     $name = $cats[$k]['name'];
                     while (in_array($catBasePath . $name, $currentPaths)) {
                         $name = $cats[$k]['name'] . ' ' . $i++;
                     $cats[$k]['name'] = $name;
     $em = ServiceUtil::get('doctrine.entitymanager');
     $oldToNewID = array();
     $oldToNewID[$cats[0]['parent']['id']] = $em->getReference('ZikulaCategoriesModule:CategoryEntity', $newParent['id']);
     // since array_shift() resets numeric array indexes, we remove the leading element like this
     if (!$includeRoot) {
         foreach ($cats as $k => $v) {
             if (isset($v['ipath']) && $v['ipath'] == $apath) {
     $ak = array_keys($cats);
     foreach ($ak as $v) {
         $cat = $cats[$v];
         // unset some variables
         $oldID = $cat['id'];
         $cat['id'] = '';
         $cat['parent'] = isset($oldToNewID[$cat['parent']['id']]) ? $oldToNewID[$cat['parent']['id']] : $em->getReference('ZikulaCategoriesModule:CategoryEntity', $newParent['id']);
         $catObj = new Zikula\Module\CategoriesModule\Entity\CategoryEntity();
         $oldToNewID[$oldID] = $em->getReference('ZikulaCategoriesModule:CategoryEntity', $catObj['id']);
     // rebuild iPath since now we have all new PathIDs
     self::rebuildPaths('ipath', 'id');
     // rebuild also paths since names could be changed
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
  * @Route("/save", options={"expose"=true})
  * @Method("POST")
  * Save a category
  * @param Request $request
  * @return AjaxResponse ajax response object
 public function saveAction(Request $request)
     $mode = $request->request->get('mode', 'new');
     $accessLevel = $mode == 'edit' ? ACCESS_EDIT : ACCESS_ADD;
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('ZikulaCategoriesModule::', '::', $accessLevel)) {
         return new ForbiddenResponse($this->__('No permission for this action'));
     // get data from post
     $data = $request->request->get('category', null);
     if (!isset($data['is_locked'])) {
         $data['is_locked'] = 0;
     if (!isset($data['is_leaf'])) {
         $data['is_leaf'] = 0;
     if (!isset($data['status'])) {
         $data['status'] = 'I';
     $valid = GenericUtil::validateCategoryData($data);
     if (!$valid) {
         $args = array('cid' => isset($data['cid']) ? $data['cid'] : 0, 'parent' => $data['parent_id'], 'mode' => $mode);
         return $this->editAction($args);
     // process name
     $data['name'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryName($data['name']);
     // process parent
     $data['parent'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryParent($data['parent_id']);
     // process display names
     $data['display_name'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryDisplayName($data['display_name'], $data['name']);
     // save category
     if ($mode == 'edit') {
         $category = $this->entityManager->find('ZikulaCategoriesModule:CategoryEntity', $data['id']);
     } else {
         $category = new \Zikula\Module\CategoriesModule\Entity\CategoryEntity();
     $prevCategoryName = $category['name'];
     // process path and ipath
     $category['path'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryPath($data['parent']['path'], $category['name']);
     $category['ipath'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryIPath($data['parent']['ipath'], $category['id']);
     // process category attributes
     $attrib_names = $request->request->get('attribute_name', array());
     $attrib_values = $request->request->get('attribute_value', array());
     GenericUtil::processCategoryAttributes($category, $attrib_names, $attrib_values);
     // since a name change will change the object path, we must rebuild it here
     if ($prevCategoryName != $category['name']) {
         CategoryUtil::rebuildPaths('path', 'name', $category['id']);
     $categories = CategoryUtil::getSubCategories($category['id'], true, true, true, true, true);
     $node = CategoryUtil::getJsTreeNodeFromCategoryArray(array(0 => $category));
     $leafStatus = array('leaf' => array(), 'noleaf' => array());
     foreach ($categories as $c) {
         if ($c['is_leaf']) {
             $leafStatus['leaf'][] = $c['id'];
         } else {
             $leafStatus['noleaf'][] = $c['id'];
     $result = array('action' => $mode == 'edit' ? 'edit' : 'add', 'cid' => $category['id'], 'parent' => $category['parent']->getId(), 'node' => $node, 'leafstatus' => $leafStatus, 'result' => true);
     return new AjaxResponse($result);
Esempio n. 3
  * @Route("/edituser")
  * edit categories for the currently logged in user
  * @param Request $request
  * @return Response a symfony reponse
  * @throws AccessDeniedException Thrown if the user doesn't have edit permissions over categories in the module or
  *                                                                                 if the user is not logged in
 public function edituserAction(Request $request)
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('ZikulaCategoriesModule::category', '::', ACCESS_EDIT)) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     if (!UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException($this->__('Error! Editing mode for user-owned categories is only available to users who have logged-in.'));
     $allowUserEdit = $this->getVar('allowusercatedit', 0);
     if (!$allowUserEdit) {
         $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__('Error! User-owned category editing has not been enabled. This feature can be enabled by the site administrator.'));
         return $this->response($this->view->fetch('User/editcategories.tpl'));
     $userRoot = $this->getVar('userrootcat', 0);
     if (!$userRoot) {
         $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__('Error! Could not determine the user root node.'));
         return $this->response($this->view->fetch('User/editcategories.tpl'));
     $userRootCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($userRoot);
     if (!$userRoot) {
         $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__f('Error! The user root node seems to point towards an invalid category: %s.', $userRoot));
         return $this->response($this->view->fetch('User/editcategories.tpl'));
     if ($userRootCat == 1) {
         $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__("Error! The root directory cannot be modified in 'user' mode"));
         return $this->response($this->view->fetch('User/editcategories.tpl'));
     $userCatName = $this->getusercategorynameAction();
     if (!$userCatName) {
         $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__('Error! Cannot determine user category root node name.'));
         return $this->response($this->view->fetch('User/editcategories.tpl'));
     $thisUserRootCatPath = $userRoot . '/' . $userCatName;
     $thisUserRootCat = CategoryUtil::getCategoryByPath($thisUserRootCatPath);
     $dr = null;
     if (!$thisUserRootCat) {
         $autoCreate = $this->getVar('autocreateusercat', 0);
         if (!$autoCreate) {
             $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('error', $this->__("Error! The user root category node for this user does not exist, and the automatic creation flag (autocreate) has not been set."));
             return $this->response($this->view->fetch('User/editcategories.tpl'));
         $cat = array('id' => '', 'parent' => $this->entityManager->getReference('ZikulaCategoriesModule:CategoryEntity', $userRootCat['id']), 'name' => $userCatName, 'display_name' => array(ZLanguage::getLanguageCode() => $userCatName), 'display_desc' => array(ZLanguage::getLanguageCode() => ''), 'path' => $thisUserRootCatPath, 'status' => 'A');
         $obj = new \Zikula\Module\CategoriesModule\Entity\CategoryEntity();
         // since the original insert can't construct the ipath (since
         // the insert id is not known yet) we update the object here
         $obj->setIPath($userRootCat['ipath'] . '/' . $obj['id']);
         $dr = $obj->getID();
         $autoCreateDefaultUserCat = $this->getVar('autocreateuserdefaultcat', 0);
         if ($autoCreateDefaultUserCat) {
             $userdefaultcatname = $this->getVar('userdefaultcatname', $this->__('Default'));
             $cat = array('id' => '', 'parent' => $this->entityManager->getReference('ZikulaCategoriesModule:CategoryEntity', $dr), 'is_leaf' => 1, 'name' => $userdefaultcatname, 'sort_value' => 0, 'display_name' => array(ZLanguage::getLanguageCode() => $userdefaultcatname), 'display_desc' => array(ZLanguage::getLanguageCode() => ''), 'path' => $thisUserRootCatPath . '/' . $userdefaultcatname, 'status' => 'A');
             $obj2 = new \Zikula\Module\CategoriesModule\Entity\CategoryEntity();
             // since the original insert can't construct the ipath (since
             // the insert id is not known yet) we update the object here
             $obj2->setIPath($obj['ipath'] . '/' . $obj2['id']);
     } else {
         $dr = $thisUserRootCat['id'];
     return new RedirectResponse($this->get('router')->generate('zikulacategoriesmodule_user_edit', array('dr' => $dr), RouterInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
Esempio n. 4
  * @Route("/new")
  * @Method("POST")
  * create category
  * @param Request $request
  * @return RedirectResponse
  * @throws AccessDeniedException Thrown if the user doesn't have add permissions to the module
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException Thrown if the document root is invalid
 public function newcatAction(Request $request)
     if (!SecurityUtil::checkPermission('ZikulaCategoriesModule::', '::', ACCESS_ADD)) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException();
     $dr = (int) $request->request->get('dr', 0);
     $url = $request->server->get('HTTP_REFERER');
     if (!$dr) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException($this->__('Error! The document root is invalid.'));
     // get data from post
     $data = $request->request->get('category', null);
     $valid = GenericUtil::validateCategoryData($data);
     if (!$valid) {
         return new RedirectResponse($this->get('router')->generate('zikulacategoriesmodule_user_edit', array('dr' => $dr), RouterInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL));
     // process name
     $data['name'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryName($data['name']);
     // process parent
     $data['parent'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryParent($data['parent_id']);
     // process display names
     $data['display_name'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryDisplayName($data['display_name'], $data['name']);
     // process sort value
     $data['sort_value'] = 0;
     // save category
     $category = new \Zikula\Module\CategoriesModule\Entity\CategoryEntity();
     // process path and ipath
     $category['path'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryPath($data['parent']['path'], $category['name']);
     $category['ipath'] = GenericUtil::processCategoryIPath($data['parent']['ipath'], $category['id']);
     // process category attributes
     $attrib_names = $request->request->get('attribute_name', array());
     $attrib_values = $request->request->get('attribute_value', array());
     GenericUtil::processCategoryAttributes($category, $attrib_names, $attrib_values);
     $msg = $this->__f('Done! Inserted the %s category.', $data['name']);
     $request->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add('status', $msg);
     return new RedirectResponse(System::normalizeUrl($url));