/** * Switch lang * * @return string */ public function switchLang($newLang) { $routeParams = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest()->getUserParams(); //$routeParams['module'] = 'default'; //$routeParams['controller'] = 'index'; //$routeParams['action'] = 'index'; $routeParams['lang'] = $newLang; if (isset($routeParams['error_handler'])) { unset($routeParams['error_handler']); } if (isset($routeParams['url_id'])) { $routeParams['url_id'] = htmlspecialchars(urldecode($routeParams['url_id'])); } return $this->_view->url($routeParams, 'cms', true); }
/** * Returns the search URL for an author. */ public function getAuthorUrl($author) { if (!is_null($this->view)) { $author = str_replace(' ', '+', $author); $url = array('module' => 'solrsearch', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'search', 'searchtype' => 'authorsearch', 'author' => '"' . $author . '"'); return $this->view->url($url, null, true); } else { return null; } }
public function forgetPassword($controller, $model, $module = "default") { $view = new Zend_View(); $items = $model->getItemsByCriteria(array("email=?" => $model->email)); //print_r($exhibitors);exit; if (count($items["rows"]) > 0) { list($item) = $items["rows"]; } if (isset($item)) { //$mail_model=Default_Model_Mail(); $timestamp = time(); $security_code = md5($item->id . $timestamp . $item->created); $retrieve_pw_uri = $view->serverUrl() . $view->url(array("module" => $module, "controller" => $controller, "action" => "resetpw", "id" => $item->id, "t" => $timestamp, "c" => $security_code), null, true); return $retrieve_pw_uri; } else { return null; } }
/** * Check if we have the 'Unknown' consent, and present a warning. The project default consent is * normally 'Unknown' but this can be overruled in project.ini so checking for default is not right * * @static boolean $warned We need only one warning in case of multiple consents * @param string $consent */ public function checkConsent($consent) { static $warned; if ($warned) { return $consent; } $unknown = $this->util->getConsentUnknown(); // Value is translated by now if in bridge if ($consent == $unknown || $consent == $this->_($unknown)) { $warned = true; $msg = $this->_('Please settle the informed consent form for this respondent.'); if ($this->view instanceof \Zend_View) { $url[$this->request->getControllerKey()] = 'respondent'; $url[$this->request->getActionKey()] = 'edit'; $url[\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID1] = $this->request->getParam(\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID1); $url[\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID2] = $this->request->getParam(\MUtil_Model::REQUEST_ID2); $urlString = $this->view->url($url) . '#tabContainer-frag-4'; $this->addMessage(\MUtil_Html::create()->a($urlString, $msg)); } else { $this->addMessage($msg); } } return $consent; }
/** * Get img * * @param Zend_View $view * @return string */ public function getImg(\Zend_View $view) { return sprintf('<img src="%s" width="%d" height="%d" alt="" />', $view->url(array('src' => $this->src), 'image', true, false), $this->width, $this->height); }
/** * Get img * * @param Zend_View $view * @return string */ public function getImg(\Zend_View $view) { return sprintf('<center><img src="%s" alt="" /></center>', $view->url(array('src' => $this->src), 'image', true, false)); }