Esempio n. 1
 public function errorAction()
     $errors = $this->_getParam('error_handler');
     $logger = new Zend_Log();
     $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(dirname(APPLICATION_PATH) . '/logs/exceptions.log');
     //$logger->addWriter(new Keplin_Log_Writer_Email());
     switch ($errors->type) {
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ROUTE:
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_CONTROLLER:
         case Zend_Controller_Plugin_ErrorHandler::EXCEPTION_NO_ACTION:
             // 404 error -- controller or action not found
             $this->view->message = 'Page not found';
             $logger->log($errors->exception->getMessage(), Zend_Log::NOTICE);
             // application error
             $this->view->message = 'Application error';
             if (get_class($errors->exception) == 'Keplin_ProhibitedException') {
                 $this->view->message = 'Access Prohibited.';
                 $logger->log($errors->exception->getMessage(), Zend_Log::WARN);
             } else {
                 $logger->log($errors->exception->getMessage(), Zend_Log::ERR);
     // conditionally display exceptions
     if ($this->getInvokeArg('displayExceptions') == true) {
         $this->view->exception = $errors->exception;
     $this->view->request = $errors->request;
Esempio n. 2
 private function logUpdate($eventType, $table, $oldValue, $newValue, $user)
     $timestamp = Zend_Date::now()->toString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
     if ($this->trackFields != null) {
         // insert a log for each tracked field
         foreach ($this->trackFields as $field) {
             if (isset($oldValue[$field]) && isset($newValue[$field])) {
                 if ($oldValue[$field] != $newValue[$field]) {
                     $this->log->log('UPDATE on database', Zend_Log::INFO);
     } else {
         throw new Agana_Exception('Track Fields for audit trail is not set');
 public function echoAction()
     $console = $this->getConsoleOptions(array('name|n=s' => 'Tell me your name'));
     $message = 'Hello ' . $console->getOption("name");
     echo $message, "\n";
     $this->_logger->log($message, Zend_Log::INFO);
  * Logs with an arbitrary level.
  * @param int    $level
  * @param string $message
  * @param array  $context
  * @return null
 public function log($level, $message, array $context = [])
     if (!isset($this->logMap[$level])) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Level is not supported. See "Psr\\Log\\LogLevel"');
     $zendLogLevel = $this->logMap[$level];
     //Proxy log
     $this->logger->log($message, $zendLogLevel);
Esempio n. 5
  * calls prent _write and and writes temp log file
  * @param  array $event Event data
  * @return void
 protected function _write($event)
     if (!is_file($this->_tempfile)) {
         @\Pimcore\File::put($this->_tempfile, "... continued ...\r\n");
         $writerFile = new \Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($this->_tempfile);
         $this->_tempLogger = new \Zend_Log($writerFile);
     $this->_tempLogger->log($event['message'], $event['priority']);
 public function indexAction()
     // writer
     $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug();
     // log
     $log = new Zend_Log($writer);
     // messages
     $log->log($_REQUEST, Zend_Log::ERR);
     $log->log($_ENV, Zend_Log::ALERT);
     $log->log($_SERVER, Zend_Log::ALERT);
Esempio n. 7
  * calls prent _write and and writes temp log file
  * @param  array $event Event data
  * @return void
 protected function _write($event)
     if (!is_file($this->_tempfile)) {
         $fh = @fopen($this->_tempfile, 'a');
         @fwrite($fh, "... continued ...\r\n");
         $writerFile = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($this->_tempfile);
         $this->_tempLogger = new Zend_Log($writerFile);
     $this->_tempLogger->log($event['message'], $event['priority']);
Esempio n. 8
  * Required by ZIDS_Plugin_ActionPlugin_Interface
  * Writes output to Zend_Log instance registered
  * @return void
 public function fires(IDS_Report $ids_result, $impact, $levelname)
     // get options for the log plugin
     $options = $this->getOptions($levelname);
     // parse log->items parameters
     $this->_logitems = explode(',', $options['items']);
     array_walk($this->_logitems, create_function('&$arr', '$arr=trim($arr);'));
     if (null == $this->_log) {
         throw new Exception('ZIDS cannot use the log action unless you register a Zend_Log instance.');
     $this->_log->log($this->getNotificationString($impact, $ids_result, $levelname), $options['loglevel']);
Esempio n. 9
  * @param string  $websiteId
  * @param string  $id
  * @param string  $name
  * @param string  $additionalinfo
  * @param integer $timestamp
  * @param string  $userid
  * @param string  $action
  * @param integer $priority
 protected function log($websiteId, $id, $name, $additionalinfo, $timestamp, $userlogin, $action, $priority = \Zend_Log::INFO)
     if ((int) $priority > (int) $this->level) {
     $this->logger->setEventItem('websiteid', $websiteId);
     $this->logger->setEventItem('id', $id);
     $this->logger->setEventItem('name', $name);
     $this->logger->setEventItem('additionalinfo', $additionalinfo);
     $this->logger->setEventItem('timestamp', $timestamp);
     $this->logger->setEventItem('userlogin', $userlogin);
     $this->logger->setEventItem('action', $action);
     $this->logger->log($action, $priority);
Esempio n. 10
File: Zend.php Progetto: jasny/Q
  * Log a message.
  * @param string $message
  * @param string $type
 public function log($message, $type = null)
     if (isset($message['type']) && !isset($type)) {
         $type = $message['type'];
     if (is_array($message)) {
         $message = count($message) == 1 ? reset($message) : '[' . join('] [', $message) . ']';
     try {
         $this->zendlog->log($message, isset($this->alias[$type]) ? $this->alias[$type] : $this->alias[null]);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         trigger_error('Logging using ' . get_class($this->zendlog) . ' failed: ' . $e->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING);
Esempio n. 11
 public function preDispatch($request)
     try {
         $locale = new Zend_Locale();
         $requestedLanguage = key($locale->getBrowser());
         $formatter = new Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple('%message%' . PHP_EOL);
         $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_LOG_PATH . 'translations.log');
         $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
         $frontendOptions = array('cache_id_prefix' => 'translation', 'lifetime' => 86400, 'automatic_serialization' => true);
         $backendOptions = array('cache_dir' => APPLICATION_CACHE_PATH);
         $cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions);
         $options = array('adapter' => 'gettext', 'scan' => Zend_Translate::LOCALE_FILENAME, 'content' => APPLICATION_PATH . '/languages/en/', 'locale' => 'auto', 'disableNotices' => true);
         $translate = new Zend_Translate($options);
         if (!$translate->isAvailable($locale->getLanguage())) {
         } else {
         Zend_Registry::set('locale', $locale->getLanguage());
         Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Translate', $translate);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_LOG_PATH . 'plugin-locale.log');
             $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
             $logger->log($e->getMessage(), Zend_Log::ERR);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
Esempio n. 12
 protected function _initLog()
     $log = new Zend_Log();
     $log->setEventItem('domain', 'error');
     // Non-production
     if (APPLICATION_ENV !== 'production') {
         $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug());
     // Get log config
     try {
         $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(WEB_ROOT . '/temporary/log/main.log'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Check directory
         if (!@is_dir(WEB_ROOT . '/temporary/log') && @mkdir(WEB_ROOT . '/temporary/log', 0777, true)) {
             $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(WEB_ROOT . '/temporary/log/main.log'));
         } else {
             // Silence ...
             if (APPLICATION_ENV !== 'production') {
                 $log->log($e->__toString(), Zend_Log::CRIT);
             } else {
                 // Make sure logging doesn't cause exceptions
                 $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Null());
     // Save to registry
     Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Log', $log);
     return $log;
Esempio n. 13
  * PreDispatch method for ACL Plugin. It checks if current user has privileges for resources requested 
  * @see Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract::preDispatch()
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request 
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     try {
         $module = strtolower($request->getParam('module'));
         $controller = strtolower($request->getParam('controller'));
         $action = strtolower($request->getParam('action'));
         $resource = $module . ":" . $controller;
         $acl = Zend_Registry::get('ZendACL');
         $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
         $identity = $auth->getIdentity();
         $roleID = $auth->hasIdentity() ? $auth->getIdentity()->role_id : 3;
         #var_dump($acl->isAllowed( $roleID, $resource, $action), $roleID, $resource, $action);
         #Zend_Debug::dump($module, $controller, $action, $roleID, $acl);
         $redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
         if ($acl->isAllowed($roleID, $resource, $action) != true) {
         } else {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_LOG_PATH . 'plugins.log');
             $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
             $logger->log($e->getMessage(), Zend_Log::ERR);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
Esempio n. 14
   * Logs the message to the log with the given priority.
   * This method only works if the Log Level is higher than the given priority.
   * If there is no logger object than this method will instantiate it.
   * In contrary to the debug statement this only logs strings.
   * @see    DocBlock_Abstract::setLogLevel()
   * @see    Zend_Log
   * @param  string $message
   * @return void
  public function log($message, $priority = Zend_Log::INFO)
    // is the log level is below the priority; just skip this
    if ($this->getLogLevel() < $priority)

    if ($priority == Zend_Log::DEBUG)

    if (!self::$logger)
      $file = str_replace(array('{DATE}'), array(date('YmdHis')), $this->getConfig()->logging->paths->default);

      self::$logger = new Zend_Log(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(fopen($file, 'w')));

    static $priority_names = null;
    if ($priority_names === null)
      $r = new ReflectionClass('Zend_Log');
      $priority_names = array_flip($r->getConstants());

    $debug_info = ($this->getLogLevel() == Zend_Log::DEBUG) ? ', '.round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2).'mb' : '';
    echo '['.$priority_names[$priority].': '.date('H:i').$debug_info.']: '.$message.PHP_EOL;
    self::$logger->log($message, $priority);
Esempio n. 15
 private function log()
     $dir = APP_PATH . '/logs/request';
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         mkdir($dir, 0755);
     $file = $dir . '/' . date('Y-m-d') . '.log';
     $logger = new \Zend_Log();
     $formatter = new \Zend_Log_Formatter_Simple("%message%\n");
     $writer = new \Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($file);
     $data = array();
     $data[] = '[' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '] ';
     $url = Http::getUrl('current');
     $url = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, '?')) . '?' . http_build_query($this->getRequest()->getRequest());
     $data[] = $url;
     $line = implode('', $data);
     $debug = Application::app()->getConfig()->debug;
     if ($debug) {
         $res = $this->getResponse()->getBody('api');
         $line .= "\n\t" . $res;
     $logger->log($line, $logger::NOTICE);
Esempio n. 16
 public function log($message, $priority, $extras = null)
     if ($this->stream !== null && $this->stream !== "system") {
         $message = $this->stream . " " . $message;
     parent::log($message, $priority, $extras);
Esempio n. 17
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract::preDispatch()
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     try {
         $layout = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getLayout();
         $boostrap = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getParam('bootstrap');
         $userAgent = $boostrap->getResource('useragent');
         $device = $userAgent->getDevice();
         $mdlSkin = new System_Model_Skin();
         $skin = $mdlSkin->getSkinSelected();
         $skinName = is_null($skin) ? 'default' : strtolower($skin->name);
         $vr = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('Layout');
         $view = $vr->getView();
         $skinData = new Zend_Config_Xml('./skins/' . $skinName . '/skin.xml');
         # css files
         $stylesheet = (int) $device->getFeature('is_desktop') == 1 ? $skinData->files->stylesheet : $skinData->files->stylesheetMobile;
         $view->headLink()->prependStylesheet($view->baseUrl() . '/skins/' . $skinName . '/css/' . $stylesheet);
         $view->headLink()->headLink(array('rel' => 'favicon', 'href' => $view->baseUrl() . '/skins/' . $skinName . '/favicon.ico'), 'PREPEND');
         Zend_Registry::set('skin', $skinName);
         # javascript files
         $jsfiles = $skinData->files->js->toArray();
         foreach ($jsfiles as $js) {
             $view->headScript()->prependFile($view->baseUrl() . '/skins/' . $skinName . '/js/' . $js);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_LOG_PATH . 'plugins.log');
             $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
             $logger->log($e->getMessage(), Zend_Log::ERR);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
Esempio n. 18
  * @param $lty_id Tipo do Log / Tabela log_type / 1 Geral / 2 Usuário logado / 3 Administrador logado 
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Zend_Log::log()
 public function log($message, $priority, $extras = null)
     $data = array('lty_id' => 1, 'log_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'log_userAgent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
     //Envio de e-mail em caso de erro crítico, Emergency ou Alerta
     if ($priority <= Zend_Log::CRIT) {
                 $strEmails = Zend_Registry::get('config')->erroEmergencialAlerta;
                 if ($strEmails != '') {
                     $emails = explode(',', Zend_Registry::get('config')->erroEmergencialAlerta);
                 if(!empty($emails)) {
                     try {
                             'Erro Emergencial Comunidade',
                                 'msg_message' => $additional_message
                     catch (Exception $e) {
     return parent::log($message, $priority, $data);
Esempio n. 19
 function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     try {
         require_once 'IDS/Init.php';
         require_once 'IDS/Log/Composite.php';
         require_once 'IDS/Log/Database.php';
         #require_once 'IDS/Log/File.php';
         $request = array('REQUEST' => $_REQUEST, 'GET' => $_GET, 'POST' => $_POST, 'COOKIE' => $_COOKIE);
         $init = IDS_Init::init(APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/phpids/lib/IDS/Config/Config.ini.php');
         $ids = new IDS_Monitor($request, $init);
         $result = $ids->run();
         if (!$result->isEmpty()) {
             // This is where you should put some code that
             // deals with potential attacks, e.g. throwing
             // an exception, logging the attack, etc.
             $compositeLog = new IDS_Log_Composite();
             echo $result;
             die('<h1>Go away!</h1>');
             #$redirector = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('redirector');
         return $request;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_LOG_PATH . 'plugin-ids.log');
             $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
             $logger->log($e->getMessage() . ' line ' . $e->getLine() . ' file ' . $e->getFile(), Zend_Log::ERR);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
Esempio n. 20
  * Log a message at a priority
  * @param  string   $message   Message to log
  * @param  integer  $priority  Priority of message
  * @param  mixed    $extras    Extra information to log in event
  * @return void
  * @throws Zend_Log_Exception
 public function log($message, $priority = Zend_Log::DEBUG, $extras = null)
     if ($this->stamp) {
         $message = '[' . $this->stamp . '] ' . $message;
     parent::log($message, $priority, $extras);
Esempio n. 21
  * Check the application.ini file for security settings.
  * If the url requires being secured, rebuild a secure url
  * and redirect.
  * @param Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request            
  * @return void
  * @author Travis Boudreaux
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     try {
         $shouldSecureUrl = false;
         $options = Zend_Registry::getInstance()->get('options');
         // ar_dump($options['ssl'][$request->module][$request->controller][$request->action]['require_ssl']);
         // ie();
         // check configuration file for one of three require_ssl directives
         // secure an entire module with modules.module_name.require_ssl =
         // true
         // secure an entire controller with
         // modules.module_name.controller_name.require_ssl = true
         // secure an action with
         // modules.module_name.controller_name.action_name.require_ssl =
         // true
         if (@$options['ssl'][$request->module]['require_ssl'] || @$options['ssl'][$request->module][$request->controller]['require_ssl'] || @$options['ssl'][$request->module][$request->controller][$request->action]['require_ssl']) {
             $shouldSecureUrl = true;
         if ($shouldSecureUrl) {
             $this->_secureUrl($request, true);
         } else {
             $this->_secureUrl($request, false);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_LOG_PATH . 'plugins.log');
             $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
             $logger->log($e->getMessage(), Zend_Log::ERR);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
 protected function _initLog()
     $log = new Zend_Log();
     // Non-production
     if (APPLICATION_ENV !== 'production') {
         $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug());
     // Production
     try {
         $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_PATH . '/temporary/log/install.log'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Check directory
         if (!@is_dir(APPLICATION_PATH . '/temporary/log') && @mkdir(APPLICATION_PATH . '/temporary/log', 0777, true)) {
             $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_PATH . '/temporary/log/install.log'));
         } else {
             // Silence ...
             if (APPLICATION_ENV !== 'production') {
                 $log->log($e->__toString(), Zend_Log::CRIT);
             } else {
                 // Make sure logging doesn't cause exceptions
                 $log->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Null());
     Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Log', $log);
     if ('production' != APPLICATION_ENV) {
     return $log;
Esempio n. 23
  * Log something.
  * @param string $msg
  * @param int $severity
 public function log($msg = null, $severity = Zend_Log::DEBUG)
     if ($msg == null) {
         return $this->logger;
     $this->logger->log($msg, $severity);
  * Inject logging logic
  * @see Exception
 public function __construct($message = '', $code = 0, Exception $previous = null)
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0) {
         // Add previous if we're >= 5.3.0
         parent::__construct((string) $message, (int) $code, $previous);
     } else {
         parent::__construct((string) $message, (int) $code);
     if (null !== self::$_log) {
         self::$_log->log($this->__toString(), Zend_Log::WARN);
     if (true === self::$_exitImmediately) {
         echo $this->__toString();
Esempio n. 25
 public function logException($exception, $priority, $extras = null)
     $extras['hierarchy'] = Zend_Json::encode($exception->getPrevious());
     $extras['line'] = $exception->getLine();
     $extras['file'] = $exception->getFile();
     $extras['xdebug_message'] = $exception->xdebug_message;
     parent::log($exception->getMessage(), $priority, $extras);
Esempio n. 26
 protected function _initRestRoute()
     // Info Log
     $this->_logging->log('RestRoute initialized...', Zend_Log::INFO);
     $front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance();
     $restRoute = new Zend_Rest_Route($front, array(), array('kebab' => array('session', 'password', 'forgot-password', 'story', 'feedback', 'feedback-manager', 'profile', 'role', 'role-story', 'user', 'user-role', 'user-sign-up', 'user-activation', 'user-invitation', 'application')));
     $front->getRouter()->addRoute('rest', $restRoute);
Esempio n. 27
  * Log that pesky error to a file
  * @param ArrayObject $errors
  * @return void
 public static function logErrorToFile($errors)
     $errorMessage = self::_composeFullErrorMessage($errors);
     $stream = fopen(APPLICATION_PATH . '/data/logs/errors.log', 'a');
     $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($stream);
     $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
     $logger->log($errorMessage, Zend_Log::ALERT);
  * constructor  method
  * @author          Eddie Jaoude
  * @param           void
  * @return           void
 public function __construct($message, $level)
     if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'development') {
         $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Firebug();
         $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
         $logger->log($message, $level);
Esempio n. 29
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract::preDispatch()
 public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
     try {
         $mdlRole = new Acl_Model_Role();
         $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
         $acl = Zend_Registry::get('ZendACL');
         if ($auth->hasIdentity()) {
             $identity = $auth->getIdentity();
             $this->role = $mdlRole->find($identity->role_id)->current();
         } else {
             $this->role = $mdlRole->find(3)->current();
         $mdlMenuItem = new menu_Model_Item();
         $mdlMenu = new menu_Model_Menu();
         $navLinks = array();
         $nav = new Zend_Navigation($navLinks);
         $menuList = $mdlMenu->getByStatus(1);
         foreach ($menuList as $menu) {
             $options = array('id' => 'menu-' . $menu->id, 'label' => $menu->name, 'uri' => '');
             $page = Zend_Navigation_Page::factory($options);
             $menuitemList = $mdlMenuItem->getItemsForNavigationByMenu($menu);
             foreach ($menuitemList as $menuItem) {
                 if ($menuItem->parent_id == 0) {
                     if ($menuItem->external == 1) {
                         $this->addExternalPage($page, $menuItem);
                     } else {
                         $this->addInternalPage($page, $menuItem);
                 } else {
                     $parent = $nav->findBy('id', 'mii-' . $menuItem->parent_id);
                     if ($menuItem->external == 1) {
                         $this->addExternalPage($parent, $menuItem);
                     } else {
                         $this->addInternalPage($parent, $menuItem);
         $this->addCurrentPageUnregistered($nav, $request);
         $page = $nav->findBy("id", "mii-" . $request->getParam("mid"));
         if ($page) {
         Zend_Registry::set('Zend_Navigation', $nav);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         try {
             $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream(APPLICATION_LOG_PATH . 'plugins.log');
             $logger = new Zend_Log($writer);
             $logger->log($e->getMessage(), Zend_Log::ERR);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
Esempio n. 30
  * Logs a message to the error log along with its trace.
  * The backtrace is automatically retrieved, even if the entry is a string, so NO backtrace
  * information should be provided in the message. However, if you need to save other context
  * data, as the URL, HTTP headers, or ENV variables, these should be part of the message.
  * @param mixed $entry Can be of type string, ErrorException or Exception
  * @param int   $priority One of the Cli_Service_Log class constants.
  * @param bool  $addTrace Whether to add a trace to log message.
 public static function log($entry, $priority = self::ERR, $addTrace = true)
     if (!self::$_logger) {
         self::$_logger = Zend_Registry::get('errorLog');
     $logData = array('message' => '', 'priority' => $priority);
     if ($entry instanceof ErrorException) {
         $severity = $entry->getSeverity();
         switch ($severity) {
             case E_NOTICE:
                 $logData['priority'] = self::NOTICE;
             case E_WARNING:
                 $logData['priority'] = self::WARN;
             case E_ERROR:
                 $logData['priority'] = self::ERR;
         if ($addTrace) {
             $logData['message'] = '';
             $traceString = str_replace("#", "\t#", $entry->getTraceAsString());
             $logData['message'] .= $entry->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $traceString . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $logData['message'] = $entry->getMessage();
     } elseif ($entry instanceof Exception) {
         // add a tab beofre each new line of the trace string
         $logData['priority'] = $entry->getCode();
         if ($addTrace) {
             $logData['message'] = '';
             $traceString = str_replace("#", "\t#", $entry->getTraceAsString());
             $logData['message'] .= $entry->getMessage() . PHP_EOL . $traceString . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $logData['message'] = $entry->getMessage();
     } elseif (is_string($entry)) {
         if ($addTrace) {
             $rawBacktrace = debug_backtrace();
             $formattedBacktrace = self::_getFormattedBacktrace($rawBacktrace);
             $logData['message'] = $entry . PHP_EOL . $formattedBacktrace;
         } else {
             $logData['message'] = $entry;
     } else {
         throw new BadMethodCallException('Logging service called with unknown entry type: ' . gettype($entry));
     if ($logData['priority'] >= self::EMERG && $logData['priority'] <= self::DEBUG) {
         self::$_logger->log($logData['message'], $logData['priority']);
     } else {
     if (ini_get('display_errors')) {
         echo $logData['message'] . PHP_EOL;