Esempio n. 1
 public function relativeDateTime(Zend_Date $date = null)
     if (null === $date) {
         return $this;
     $todayDate = new Zend_Date();
     $diff = $todayDate->sub($date);
     $mt = new Zend_Measure_Time($diff);
     $units = $mt->getConversionList();
     $chunks = array(Zend_Measure_Time::YEAR, Zend_Measure_Time::MONTH, Zend_Measure_Time::WEEK, Zend_Measure_Time::DAY, Zend_Measure_Time::HOUR, Zend_Measure_Time::MINUTE, Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
     for ($i = 0, $count = count($chunks); $i < $count; ++$i) {
         $seconds = $units[$chunks[$i]][0];
         $unitKey = $chunks[$i];
         if (0.0 !== ($result = floor($diff->get(Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP) / $seconds))) {
     $translateHelper = new Zend_View_Helper_Translate();
     if ($result === (double) 1) {
         $formatedString = $translateHelper->translate($this->getUnitTemplate($unitKey));
     } else {
         $formatedString = $translateHelper->translate($this->getUnitTemplate($unitKey . 'S'));
     $formatedString = str_replace('%value%', (string) $result, $formatedString);
     return $formatedString;
Esempio n. 2
  * this method returns the access for the last
  * 2 weeks.  it automatically cleans itself (drops any records older than
  * 2 weeks.)
 public function getLog()
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     $date->sub('2', Zend_Date::WEEK);
     $this->delete('date_time < ' . $date->get(Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP));
     return $this->fetchAll(null, 'date_time DESC');
Esempio n. 3
 public function andamento($projeto_id)
     $porcentagem = 0;
     $trabalhados = 0;
     $horas_projeto = 0;
     $horas_trabalhadas = 0;
     // dados do projeto
     $modelProjeto = new Model_DbTable_Projeto();
     $projeto = $modelProjeto->getById($projeto_id);
     $horas_projeto = $projeto->projeto_horas;
     $modelControleHoras = new Model_DbTable_ControleHoras();
     $horas = $modelControleHoras->fetchAll("projeto_id = {$projeto_id}");
     foreach ($horas as $hora) {
         $zendDateInicio = new Zend_Date($hora->controle_horas_data_inicio);
         $zendDateFim = new Zend_Date($hora->controle_horas_data_fim);
         $trabalhados += $zendDateFim->sub($zendDateInicio)->get(Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
     // converte horas trabalhadas para horas
     $horas_trabalhadas = $trabalhados / 3600;
     if ($horas_trabalhadas < 1) {
         return 0;
     if ($horas_projeto == 0) {
         return 100;
     $porcentagem = number_format($horas_trabalhadas * 100 / $horas_projeto, 2, '.', '');
     return $porcentagem;
Esempio n. 4
 public function pruneOldBackups()
     $current_bucket = Mage::getStoreConfig('system/cloudbackup/bucket_name');
     if (!$current_bucket) {
         $this->log("No bucket is set, we cannot prune old backups.");
     $s3 = Mage::helper('cloudbackup')->getS3Client();
     try {
         $bucket_contents = $s3->getBucket($current_bucket);
         $cutoff_date = new Zend_Date();
         $cutoff_date->sub($this->NUM_MONTHS, Zend_Date::MONTH);
         foreach ($bucket_contents as $key) {
             $bucket_date = new Zend_Date($key['time'], Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
             if ($bucket_date->compare($cutoff_date) == -1) {
                 $this->log($key['name'] . " was created on {$bucket_date} and is older than " . $this->NUM_MONTHS . " months, deleting.");
                 $s3->deleteObject($current_bucket, $key['name']);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->log("Failed to while pruning old backups - please see exception.log for details.");
Esempio n. 5
 public function isValid($data)
     $isValid = parent::isValid($data);
     if (empty($data['phone_number']) && empty($data['sms_id']) && (empty($data['date_until']) || empty($data['date_from']))) {
         $this->addErrorMessage('"Data do" i "Data od" sa wymagane jeżeli nie podasz "SMS ID" lub Numeru telefonu');
         return false;
     if (empty($data['sms_id']) && empty($data['phone_number'])) {
         try {
             $dateCheck = new Zend_Date($data['date_from']);
             if (!$dateCheck->isEarlier($data['date_until']) and 0 != strcmp($data['date_from'], $data['date_until'])) {
                 $isValid = false;
                 $this->addErrorMessage('"Data do" nie może być wcześniejsza niż "Data od"!');
             $dateSub = new Zend_Date($data['date_until']);
             $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
             if ($dateSub->sub($dateCheck)->toValue('DD') > $config['search']['mail']['filter']['interval']) {
                 $isValid = false;
                 $this->addErrorMessage('Maksymalny okres z jakiego można wyszukiwać dane to ' . $config['search']['sms']['filter']['interval'] . ' dni');
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             $isValid = false;
     return $isValid;
  * Determine selected BlogEntry items to show on this page
  * @param int $limit
  * @return PaginatedList
 public function FilteredBlogEntries($limit = null)
     require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
     if ($limit === null) {
         $limit = BlogTree::$default_entries_limit;
     // only use freshness if no action is present (might be displaying tags or rss)
     if ($this->owner->LandingPageFreshness && !$this->owner->request->param('Action')) {
         $d = new Zend_Date(SS_Datetime::now()->getValue());
         $d->sub($this->owner->LandingPageFreshness, Zend_Date::MONTH);
         $date = $d->toString('YYYY-MM-dd');
         $filter = "\"BlogEntry\".\"Date\" > '{$date}'";
     } else {
         $filter = '';
     // allow filtering by author field and some blogs have an authorID field which
     // may allow filtering by id
     if (isset($_GET['author']) && isset($_GET['authorID'])) {
         $author = Convert::raw2sql($_GET['author']);
         $id = Convert::raw2sql($_GET['authorID']);
         $filter .= " \"BlogEntry\".\"Author\" LIKE '" . $author . "' OR \"BlogEntry\".\"AuthorID\" = '" . $id . "'";
     } else {
         if (isset($_GET['author'])) {
             $filter .= " \"BlogEntry\".\"Author\" LIKE '" . Convert::raw2sql($_GET['author']) . "'";
         } else {
             if (isset($_GET['authorID'])) {
                 $filter .= " \"BlogEntry\".\"AuthorID\" = '" . Convert::raw2sql($_GET['authorID']) . "'";
     $date = $this->owner->SelectedDate();
     return $this->owner->Entries($limit, $this->owner->SelectedTag(), $date ? $date : '', array(get_class($this), 'FilterByDate'), $filter);
 public function indexAction()
      * Total de clientes
     $modelClientes = new Model_DbTable_Cliente();
     $this->view->clientes = $modelClientes->fetchAll();
      * Total de propostas
     $modelProposta = new Model_DbTable_Proposta();
     $propostas = $modelProposta->fetchAll();
     $this->view->propostas = $propostas;
     $total_horas_propostas = 0;
     $total_valor_propostas = 0;
     foreach ($propostas as $proposta) {
         $total_horas_propostas += $proposta->proposta_horas;
         $total_valor_propostas += $proposta->proposta_valor;
     $this->view->total_horas_proposta = $total_horas_propostas;
     $this->view->total_valor_proposta = $total_valor_propostas;
      * Total de Projetos
     $modelProjeto = new Model_DbTable_Projeto();
     $projetos = $modelProjeto->fetchAll();
     $this->view->projetos = $projetos;
      * Total Faturamento
     $modelFaturamento = new Model_DbTable_Faturamento();
     $faturamentos = $modelFaturamento->fetchAll();
     $faturamento_total = 0;
     $receber = 0;
     $recebido = 0;
     foreach ($faturamentos as $faturamento) {
         if ($faturamento->faturamento_status === self::STATUS_AGUARDANDO_PAGAMENTO) {
             $receber += $faturamento->faturamento_valor;
         if ($faturamento->faturamento_status === self::STATUS_PAGO) {
             $recebido += $faturamento->faturamento_valor;
         $faturamento_total += $faturamento->faturamento_valor;
     $this->view->faturamento_total = $faturamento_total;
     $this->view->receber = $receber;
     $this->view->recebido = $recebido;
      * Total de Horas Trbalhadas
     $modelControleHoras = new Model_DbTable_ControleHoras();
     $horas = $modelControleHoras->fetchAll();
     $horas_trabalhadas = 0;
     foreach ($horas as $hora) {
         $zendDateInicio = new Zend_Date($hora->controle_horas_data_inicio);
         $zendDateFim = new Zend_Date($hora->controle_horas_data_fim);
         $horas_trabalhadas += $zendDateFim->sub($zendDateInicio)->get(Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
     $this->view->horas = ceil($horas_trabalhadas / 3600);
 public function collectValidatedAttributes($productCollection)
     $attribute = $this->getAttribute();
     $arr = explode('_', $attribute);
     $type = $arr[0];
     $period = $arr[1];
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     $date->sub($period * 24 * 60 * 60);
     $resource = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource');
     $connection = $resource->getConnection('core_read');
     switch ($type) {
         case 'clicks':
             $expr = new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(clicks)');
         case 'orders':
             $expr = new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(orders)');
         case 'revenue':
             $expr = new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(revenue)');
         case 'cr':
             $expr = new Zend_Db_Expr('SUM(orders) / SUM(clicks) * 100');
     $select = $connection->select();
     $select->from(array('ta' => $resource->getTableName('feedexport/performance_aggregated')), array($expr))->where('ta.product_id = e.entity_id')->where('ta.period >= ?', $date->toString('YYYY-MM-dd'));
     $select = $productCollection->getSelect()->columns(array($attribute => $select));
     return $this;
Esempio n. 9
  * Calculate the difference in seconds between closed and opened
  * @return int
 public function getTotal()
     if ($this->isOpen()) {
         return 0;
     $opened = new Zend_Date($this->opened);
     $closed = new Zend_Date($this->closed);
     return $closed->sub($opened);
Esempio n. 10
  * This uses the zend framwork date sub function.
  * Good for subtracting a number of days from a date.
  * @param  	string	$datestring MySQL formatted Date String Y-m-d.
  * @param  	string	number of days to be subtracted.
  * @return 	string	result date formatted as a MySQL Date Y-m-d.
 public function dateSub($datestring, $numberofdays = 1)
     $dateEl = explode("-", $datestring);
     $datearray = array('year' => date($dateEl[0]), 'month' => date($dateEl[1]), 'day' => date($dateEl[2]));
     $rmdate = new Zend_Date($datearray);
     $rmdate->sub($numberofdays, Zend_Date::DAY);
     $dateVal = $rmdate->toString('Y-m-d');
     return $dateVal;
Esempio n. 11
 public function weeklystatsAction()
     $type = $this->getParam('type');
     $end = new Zend_Date();
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     $date->sub(6, Zend_Date::DAY);
     //Build reference array
     $i = 0;
     //echo $end->getTimestamp(); echo "<br>";
     while ($i <= 6) {
         $referencearray[$date->get('dd-MM-YYYY')] = 0;
         $date->add(1, Zend_Date::DAY);
     //Get the results array
     $start = new Zend_date();
     $start->sub(6, Zend_Date::DAY);
     $stat = new \Object\Stats();
     $results = $stat->getStatistics($this->selectedLocation->getId(), $start, $end);
     $startoftheweek = $start->get('dd-MM-YYYY');
     //echo $start->getTimestamp(); echo "<br>";exit;
     foreach ($this->selectedLocation->getServings() as $serving) {
         //initiate orderarray and seatsarray
         $orderarray = $referencearray;
         $seatsarray = $referencearray;
         foreach ($results as $result) {
             $datein = date("d-m-Y", $result["date_start"]);
             if ($serving->getId() == $result['serving_id']) {
                 $servingid = $result['serving_id'];
                 if (array_key_exists($datein, $referencearray)) {
                     $orderarray[$datein] = $result["nbre"];
                     $seatsarray[$datein] = $result["couverts"];
         if ($type == 'seats') {
             $servingarray[$serving->getTitle()] = $seatsarray;
         } else {
             $servingarray[$serving->getTitle()] = $orderarray;
     $reponse = new Reponse();
     $reponse->data = $servingarray;
     $reponse->message = "TXT_STATS_SENT";
     $reponse->success = true;
Esempio n. 12
  * Is this current time before the edit deadline?
  * Assumes config directive core.presentation.deadline
  * @return boolean
 public function isBeforeEditDeadline()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $tStart = $this->getTable()->getAdapter()->fetchOne("select tstart from vw_sessions left join vw_session_presentations sp" . " ON (vw_sessions.session_id = sp.session_id) where presentation_id=:presentation_id", array(':presentation_id' => $this->presentation_id));
     if ($tStart) {
         $now = new Zend_Date();
         $tStart = new Zend_Date($tStart, Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
         $deadline = $tStart->sub($config->core->presentation->deadline, Zend_Date::SECOND);
         if ($now->isEarlier($deadline)) {
             return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 13
 public function getbookdetailsAction()
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $acc_no = $request->getParam('acc_no');
     $objIsbn = new Lib_Model_DbTable_Isbn();
     $objIssueReturn = new Lib_Model_DbTable_IssueReturn();
     $book = array();
     if (isset($acc_no)) {
         $bookInfo = Lib_Model_DbTable_Book::getBookInfo($acc_no);
         if (isset($bookInfo['isbn_id'])) {
             $book = $objIsbn->getIsbnDetails($bookInfo['isbn_id']);
             $bookIssued = $objIssueReturn->getIssuedBookInfo($acc_no);
             if ($bookIssued) {
                 $issueDate = new Zend_Date($bookIssued['issue_date'], Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
                 $book['member_id'] = $bookIssued['member_id'];
                 $member_limit = Lib_Model_DbTable_MembershipLimit::getMemberLimit($book['member_id'], $bookInfo['document_type_id']);
                 if (isset($_SESSION['dateFormat'])) {
                     $dateFormat = $_SESSION['dateFormat'];
                 } else {
                     $dateFormat = 'dd/MMM/yyyy';
                 $book['issue_date'] = $issueDate->toString($dateFormat);
                 $exp_return_date = $issueDate->addDay($member_limit['day_limit']);
                 $day_late = 0;
                 $objtoday = new Zend_Date(Zend_Date::now(), $dateFormat);
                 if ($exp_return_date->isToday() || $objtoday->isEarlier($exp_return_date)) {
                     $day_late = 0;
                 } else {
                     $day_late = $objtoday->get(Zend_Date::DAY) - 2;
                 $book['exp_return_date'] = $exp_return_date->toString($dateFormat);
                 $book['day_late'] = $day_late;
                 $bookStatus = 1;
             $book['bookInfo'] = $bookInfo;
             //echo Zend_Json::encode($book);
         } else {
             echo 'Either the Acc No "' . $acc_no . '" or its corrosponding ISBN is invalid.';
     } else {
         echo 'Parameters are insufficient to process.';
Esempio n. 14
 public function processOldLogs()
     $Date = new Zend_Date();
     Zend_Date::setOptions(array('extend_month' => true));
     $Date->sub(Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_LOGGER_STORE_DAYS), Zend_Date::DAY);
     $collection = $this->getCollection()->addOlderThanFilter($Date);
     if (Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_ENABLE_ARCHIVATION)) {
         $resourceSingleton = Mage::getResourceSingleton('aw_lib/logger');
         $sql = $resourceSingleton->getPartInsertSql('aw_lib_logger', $collection->getSelect());
     foreach ($collection as $entry) {
     return $this;
Esempio n. 15
 public function fieldBirthdate($subject, $field, $value)
     $label = $this->view->locale()->toDate($value->value, array('size' => 'long', 'timezone' => false));
     //$str = $this->view->date($value->value);
     $parts = @explode('-', $value->value);
     // Error if not filled out
     if (count($parts) < 3 || count(array_filter($parts)) < 3) {
         //$this->addError('Please fill in your birthday.');
         return false;
     $value = mktime(0, 0, 0, $parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[0]);
     // Error if too low
     $date = new Zend_Date($value);
     $age = (int) (-$date->sub(time()) / 365 / 86400);
     return $this->encloseInLink($subject, $field, $age, $label, true);
Esempio n. 16
 public function validateAge($value)
     $parts = @explode('-', $value);
     // Error if not filled out
     if (count($parts) < 3 || count(array_filter($parts)) < 3) {
         //$this->addError('Please fill in your birthday.');
         return false;
     $value = mktime(0, 0, 0, $parts[1], $parts[2], $parts[0]);
     // Error if too low
     $date = new Zend_Date($value);
     $age = -$date->sub(time()) / 365 / 86400;
     if ($age < $this->min_age) {
         //$this->addError('You are not old enough.');
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 17
 protected function getDiff(Zend_Date $timeThen, $timeNow = null)
     if (!$timeNow instanceof Zend_Date) {
         $timeNow = new Zend_Date();
     $difference = $timeNow->isLater($timeThen) ? $timeNow->sub($timeThen) : $timeThen->sub($timeNow);
     //$difference = $timeNow->sub($timeThen);
     $measure = new Zend_Measure_Time($difference->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
     if ($measure->compare(new Zend_Measure_Time(0)) == 0) {
         return $measure->convertTo(Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND, 0);
     $units = array('SECOND' => array('1', 's'), 'MINUTE' => array('60', 'min'), 'HOUR' => array('3600', 'h'), 'DAY' => array('86400', 'day'), 'WEEK' => array('604800', 'week'), 'MONTH' => array('2628600', 'month'), 'YEAR' => array('31536000', 'year'));
     foreach ($units as $unitId => $unit) {
         if (is_array($unit) && $unit[0] / abs($measure->getValue(-1)) > 1) {
         $convertTo = $unitId;
     return $measure->convertTo($convertTo, 0);
Esempio n. 18
 public function render(Varien_Object $row)
     $html = '';
     $weekendsexclude = Mage::getStoreConfig('reminder/timesettings/weekendsexclude');
     // Obtain the order/reminder details
     $incrementid = $row->getIncrementId();
     $reminderorders = Mage::getModel('reminder/reminder')->getCollection()->addFieldToFilter('increment_id', $incrementid)->getItems();
     $reminderorder = reset($reminderorders);
     // Obtain the age
     $now = new Zend_Date(Mage::getModel('core/date')->gmtTimestamp());
     $orderdate = new Zend_Date($row->getCreatedAt(), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
     $age = $now->sub($orderdate)->toValue();
     $days = ceil($age / 60 / 60 / 24);
     // Obtain the age (weekend excluded)
     if ($weekendsexclude == 'enabled') {
         $start_date = new Zend_Date($row->getCreatedAt(), 'yyyy-MM-dd');
         $end_date = new Zend_Date($start_date);
         $dayscounter = $days;
         $weekenddays = 0;
         while ($dayscounter > 0) {
             $weekdaydigit = $end_date->toValue(Zend_Date::WEEKDAY_DIGIT);
             if ($weekdaydigit == 0 || $weekdaydigit == 6) {
         $days = $days - $weekenddays;
     // Display the HTML
     $html .= $reminderorder->getReminders();
     $html .= ' (age: ' . $days . ')';
     $html .= '<br/><a href="' . $this->getUrl('*/*/manipulate/option/add/id/' . $row->getIncrementId()) . '">' . Mage::helper('reminder')->__('add') . ' 1</a>';
     $html .= '<br/><a href="' . $this->getUrl('*/*/manipulate/option/sub/id/' . $row->getIncrementId()) . '">' . Mage::helper('reminder')->__('remove') . ' 1</a>';
     $html .= '<br/><a href="' . $this->getUrl('*/*/manipulate/option/reset/id/' . $row->getIncrementId()) . '">' . Mage::helper('reminder')->__('reset to') . ' 0</a>';
     return $html;
Esempio n. 19
 public function indexAction()
     if (!$this->_helper->requireUser->isValid()) {
     $viewer = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer();
     $sysTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
     $timezone = Engine_Api::_()->getApi('settings', 'core')->getSetting('core_locale_timezone', 'GMT');
     if ($viewer && $viewer->getIdentity() && !empty($viewer->timezone)) {
         $timezone = $viewer->timezone;
     $this->view->timezone = $timezone;
     if (null == ($campaign_id = $this->_getParam('campaign_id'))) {
         $campaign_id = 0;
     if (null == ($ad_id = $this->_getParam('ad_id'))) {
         $ad_id = 0;
     if (null == ($export = $this->_getParam('export'))) {
         $export = 0;
     if (null == ($export_type = $this->_getParam('export_type'))) {
         $export_type = 'xls';
     $this->view->form = $form = new Ynsocialads_Form_Report_Filter();
     $values = $form->getValues();
     $this->view->formValues = $values;
     if ($this->_hasParam('end_date')) {
         $end = $this->_getParam('end_date');
         if ($end && !is_numeric($end)) {
             $end_date = strtotime($end);
         } else {
             if ($end) {
                 $end_date = $end;
         $end_date = new Zend_Date($end_date);
     } else {
         $end_date = new Zend_Date();
     if ($this->_hasParam('start_date')) {
         $start = $this->_getParam('start_date');
         if ($start && !is_numeric($start)) {
             $start_date = strtotime($start);
         } else {
             if ($start) {
                 $start_date = $start;
         $start_date = new Zend_Date($start_date);
     } else {
         $start_date = new Zend_Date($end_date->getTimestamp());
         $start_date->sub(1, 'dd');
     $campaignTbl = Engine_Api::_()->getItemTable('ynsocialads_campaign');
     $select = $campaignTbl->select()->where('user_id = ?', $viewer->getIdentity());
     $campaigns = $campaignTbl->fetchAll($select);
     foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) {
         $form->campaign_id->addMultiOption($campaign['campaign_id'], $campaign['title']);
     $adTbl = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('ads', 'ynsocialads');
     $adTotal = array();
     if ($campaign_id == 0) {
         $form->ad_id->setAttrib('disabled', 'disabled');
         foreach ($campaigns as $campaign) {
             $adList = $adTbl->fetchAll($adTbl->select()->where('campaign_id = ?', $campaign['campaign_id']));
             foreach ($adList as $ad) {
                 $adTotal[] = $ad->ad_id;
     } else {
         $ads = $adTbl->fetchAll($adTbl->select('ad_id')->where('campaign_id = ?', $campaign_id));
         foreach ($ads as $ad) {
             $form->ad_id->addMultiOption($ad['ad_id'], $ad['name']);
             if ($ad_id == 0) {
                 array_push($adTotal, $ad['ad_id']);
         if ($ad_id != 0) {
             $adTotal = array($ad_id);
     $staTable = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('tracks', 'ynsocialads');
     $staName = $staTable->info('name');
     $select = $staTable->select();
     $select->where('ad_id IN (?)', $adTotal)->where('date >= ?', $start_date->get('yyyy-MM-dd'))->where('date <= ?', $end_date->get('yyyy-MM-dd'))->order('ad_id ASC');
     if (count($adTotal)) {
         $tracks = $staTable->fetchAll($select);
     } else {
         $tracks = array();
     if ($export == 0) {
         $page = $this->_getParam('page', 1);
         $this->view->paginator = $paginator = Zend_Paginator::factory($tracks);
     } else {
         //export to file
         $filename = "/tmp/csv-" . date("m-d-Y") . ".csv";
         $realPath = realpath($filename);
         if (false === $realPath) {
             chmod($filename, 0777);
         $filename = realpath($filename);
         $handle = fopen($filename, "w");
         $finalData[] = array(utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Date')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Ad')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Campaign')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Start Date')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('End Date')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Running Date')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Reaches')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Impressions')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Clicks')), utf8_decode($this->view->translate('Unique Clicks')));
         foreach ($tracks as $item) {
             $ad = Engine_Api::_()->getItem('ynsocialads_ad', $item['ad_id']);
             $date = new Zend_Date(strtotime($item['date']));
             $finalData[] = array($date->setLocale()->get(Zend_Date::DATE_LONG), $ad->getTitle(), $ad->getCampaign()->getTitle(), $ad->start_date ? utf8_decode($ad->getStartDate()->setLocale()->get(Zend_Date::DATE_LONG)) : '', $ad->end_date ? utf8_decode($ad->getEndDate()->setLocale()->get(Zend_Date::DATE_LONG)) : '', $ad->getRunningDate()->setLocale()->get(Zend_Date::DATE_LONG), $item['reaches'], $item['impressions'], $item['clicks'], $item['unique_clicks']);
         if ($export_type == 'xls') {
             $xls = new Ynsocialads_Api_ExcelExport('UTF-8', false, $start_date->setLocale()->get('MM_dd_YYYY') . '_' . $end_date->setLocale()->get('MM_dd_YYYY'));
             $xls->generateXML('campaign' . $campaign_id . '_ad' . $ad_id . '_' . $start_date->setLocale()->get('MM_dd_YYYY') . '_' . $end_date->setLocale()->get('MM_dd_YYYY'));
         } else {
             foreach ($finalData as $finalRow) {
                 fputcsv($handle, $finalRow);
             $csvname = 'campaign' . $campaign_id . '_ad' . $ad_id . '_' . $start_date->setLocale()->get('MM_dd_YYYY') . '_' . $end_date->setLocale()->get('MM_dd_YYYY') . '.csv';
             $this->getResponse()->setRawHeader("Content-Type: application/csv; charset=UTF-8")->setRawHeader("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $csvname)->setRawHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary")->setRawHeader("Expires: 0")->setRawHeader("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0")->setRawHeader("Pragma: public")->setRawHeader("Content-Length: " . filesize($filename))->sendResponse();
             // fix for print out data
 public function chartDataAction()
     // Disable layout and viewrenderer
     // Get params
     $type = $this->_getParam('type');
     $start = $this->_getParam('start');
     $offset = $this->_getParam('offset', 0);
     $mode = $this->_getParam('mode');
     $chunk = $this->_getParam('chunk');
     $period = $this->_getParam('period');
     $periodCount = $this->_getParam('periodCount', 1);
     //$end = $this->_getParam('end');
     // Validate chunk/period
     if (!$chunk || !in_array($chunk, $this->_periods)) {
         $chunk = Zend_Date::DAY;
     if (!$period || !in_array($period, $this->_periods)) {
         $period = Zend_Date::MONTH;
     if (array_search($chunk, $this->_periods) >= array_search($period, $this->_periods)) {
     // Validate start
     if ($start && !is_numeric($start)) {
         $start = strtotime($start);
     if (!$start) {
         $start = time();
     // Fixes issues with month view
     Zend_Date::setOptions(array('extend_month' => true));
     // Get timezone
     $timezone = Engine_Api::_()->getApi('settings', 'core')->getSetting('core_locale_timezone', 'GMT');
     $viewer = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer();
     if ($viewer && $viewer->getIdentity() && !empty($viewer->timezone)) {
         $timezone = $viewer->timezone;
     // Make start fit to period?
     $startObject = new Zend_Date($start);
     $partMaps = $this->_periodMap[$period];
     foreach ($partMaps as $partType => $partValue) {
         $startObject->set($partValue, $partType);
     // Do offset
     if ($offset != 0) {
         $startObject->add($offset, $period);
     // Get end time
     $endObject = new Zend_Date($startObject->getTimestamp());
     $endObject->add($periodCount, $period);
     $endObject->sub(1, Zend_Date::SECOND);
     // Subtract one second
     // Get data
     $statsTable = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('statistics', 'core');
     $statsSelect = $statsTable->select()->where('type = ?', $type)->where('date >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('date < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('date ASC');
     $rawData = $statsTable->fetchAll($statsSelect);
     // Now create data structure
     $currentObject = clone $startObject;
     $nextObject = clone $startObject;
     $data = array();
     $dataLabels = array();
     $cumulative = 0;
     $previous = 0;
     do {
         $nextObject->add(1, $chunk);
         $currentObjectTimestamp = $currentObject->getTimestamp();
         $nextObjectTimestamp = $nextObject->getTimestamp();
         $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $cumulative;
         // Get everything that matches
         $currentPeriodCount = 0;
         foreach ($rawData as $rawDatum) {
             $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->date);
             if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) {
                 $currentPeriodCount += $rawDatum->value;
         // Now do stuff with it
         switch ($mode) {
             case 'normal':
                 $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $currentPeriodCount;
             case 'cumulative':
                 $cumulative += $currentPeriodCount;
                 $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $cumulative;
             case 'delta':
                 $data[$currentObjectTimestamp] = $currentPeriodCount - $previous;
                 $previous = $currentPeriodCount;
         $currentObject->add(1, $chunk);
     } while ($currentObject->getTimestamp() < $endObject->getTimestamp());
     // Reprocess label
     $labelStrings = array();
     $labelDate = new Zend_Date();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $labelStrings[] = $this->view->locale()->toDate($labelDate, array('size' => 'short'));
         //date('D M d Y', $key);
     // Let's expand them by 1.1 just for some nice spacing
     $minVal = min($data);
     $maxVal = max($data);
     $minVal = floor($minVal * ($minVal < 0 ? 1.1 : 1 / 1.1) / 10) * 10;
     $maxVal = ceil($maxVal * ($maxVal > 0 ? 1.1 : 1 / 1.1) / 10) * 10;
     // Remove some labels if there are too many
     $xlabelsteps = 1;
     if (count($data) > 10) {
         $xlabelsteps = ceil(count($data) / 10);
     // Remove some grid lines if there are too many
     $xsteps = 1;
     if (count($data) > 100) {
         $xsteps = ceil(count($data) / 100);
     // Create base chart
     require_once 'OFC/OFC_Chart.php';
     // Make x axis labels
     $x_axis_labels = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X_Label_Set();
     // Make x axis
     $labels = new OFC_Elements_Axis_X();
     // Make y axis
     $yaxis = new OFC_Elements_Axis_Y();
     $yaxis->set_range($minVal, $maxVal);
     // Make data
     $graph = new OFC_Charts_Line();
     // Make title
     $locale = Zend_Registry::get('Locale');
     $translate = Zend_Registry::get('Zend_Translate');
     $titleStr = $translate->_('_CORE_ADMIN_STATS_' . strtoupper(trim(preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/', '_', $type), '_')));
     $title = new OFC_Elements_Title($titleStr . ': ' . $this->view->locale()->toDateTime($startObject) . ' to ' . $this->view->locale()->toDateTime($endObject));
     $title->set_style("{font-size: 14px;font-weight: bold;margin-bottom: 10px; color: #777777;}");
     // Make full chart
     $chart = new OFC_Chart();
     // Send
  * Instancia o formulario de emissão de RPS
  * @param string                                  $sCodigoVerificacao Código de Verificação
  * @param Contribuinte_Model_ContribuinteAbstract $oContribuinte      Dados do contribuinte
  * @return Contribuinte_Form_Nota
 private function formNota($sCodigoVerificacao, Contribuinte_Model_ContribuinteAbstract $oContribuinte = NULL)
     // Seta o contribuinte da sessão se não for enviado por parâmetro
     $oContribuinte = $oContribuinte ? $oContribuinte : $this->_session->contribuinte;
     $iIdContribuinte = $oContribuinte->getIdUsuarioContribuinte();
     $maxNota = 0;
     $maxGuia = 0;
     $aListaIdContribuinte = $oContribuinte->getContribuintes();
     // Calcula quantos dias no passado a nota pode ser emtidida
     $oParametrosPrefeitura = Administrativo_Model_Prefeitura::getDadosPrefeituraBase();
     $max = $oParametrosPrefeitura->getNotaRetroativa();
     $oUltimaGuia = Contribuinte_Model_Guia::getUltimaGuiaNota($oContribuinte);
     $uDataUltimaNota = Contribuinte_Model_Nota::getUltimaNotaEmitidaByContribuinte($aListaIdContribuinte);
     $dia = new DateTime();
     if ($oUltimaGuia != NULL) {
         if ($oUltimaGuia->getMesComp() + 1 > 12) {
             $iMes = 1;
         } else {
             $iMes = $oUltimaGuia->getMesComp();
         $uDataUltimoDiaCompetencia = new Zend_Date("01/{$iMes}/{$oUltimaGuia->getAnoComp()}");
         $uDataUltimoDiaCompetencia->sub(1, Zend_date::DAY);
         $diff = $dia->diff(new DateTime($uDataUltimoDiaCompetencia->get('YYYY-MM-dd')), TRUE);
         $maxGuia = $diff->d < $max ? $diff->d : $max;
     if ($uDataUltimaNota != NULL) {
         $diff = $dia->diff(new DateTime($uDataUltimaNota), TRUE);
         $maxNota = $diff->d < $max ? $diff->d : $max;
     if ($maxNota - $maxGuia < $maxGuia) {
         $max = $maxGuia - 1;
     } else {
         if ($maxNota > 0) {
             $max = $maxNota;
         } else {
             $max = 0;
     $dia = $dia->sub(new DateInterval('P' . $max . 'D'));
     $oForm = new Contribuinte_Form_Nota($sCodigoVerificacao, $dia, '/contribuinte/rps/index', TRUE);
     if ($oContribuinte !== NULL) {
         $oParametros = Contribuinte_Model_ParametroContribuinte::getById($iIdContribuinte);
     return $oForm;
Esempio n. 22
 public function calcDiffDaysAction()
     $dateInit = new Zend_Date($this->_getParam('date_start'));
     $dateFinish = new Zend_Date($this->_getParam('date_finish'));
     $diff = $dateFinish->sub($dateInit);
     $measure = new Zend_Measure_Time($diff->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
     $diffDays = $measure->convertTo(Zend_Measure_Time::DAY, 0);
     $this->_helper->json(array('diff' => preg_replace('/[^0-9]/i', '', $diffDays) + 1));
Esempio n. 23
  * test looseBehaviour
 public function testLoose()
     $date = new Zend_Date(0, 'de_DE');
     try {
         $date->set(null, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->set(10, 'de_DE');
     $this->assertEquals(10, $date->getTimestamp());
     try {
         $date->add(null, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->add(10, 'de_DE');
     $this->assertEquals(20, $date->getTimestamp());
     try {
         $date->sub(null, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->sub(10, 'de_DE');
     $this->assertEquals(10, $date->getTimestamp());
     try {
         $date->compare(null, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->equals(null, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->isEarlier(null, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->isLater(null, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
Esempio n. 24
	 * Report pause payment action.
	 * Reports the payment pause to payment provider.
	public function pauseAction()
		$transactionId = $this->Request()->getParam('transactionID');
		$pause = new Zend_Date($this->Request()->getParam('pause'));
		$now = new Zend_Date();
		$pause = round($pause->getTimestamp() / 60 / 60 / 24);
		$pause = $pause > 10 ? 10 : $pause;
		try {
			$client = Shopware()->BillsafeClient();
			$result = $client->pauseTransaction(array(
				'transactionId' => $transactionId,
				'pause' => $pause
			if($result->ack == 'ERROR') {
				throw new Exception($result->errorList->message, $result->errorList->code);

			$this->setPaymentStatus($transactionId, 19); // Verzoegert
			$this->View()->assign(array('success' => true));
		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$this->View()->assign(array('message' => $e->getMessage(), 'success' => false));
Esempio n. 25
  * Test for sub
 public function testSub()
     $locale = new Zend_Locale('de_AT');
     $date = new Zend_Date(0, null, $locale);
     $d2 = new Zend_Date(1010101010, null, $locale);
     $retour = $date->set(1234567890);
     $this->assertSame((string) $retour, '1234567890');
     $this->assertSame((string) $date->sub(-10), '1234567900');
     $this->assertSame((string) $date->sub(10), '1234567890');
     $this->assertSame((string) $date->sub(0), '1234567890');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::DAY);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-14T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::DAY);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('Mon', Zend_Date::WEEKDAY_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::DAY_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-14T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::DAY_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('Montag', Zend_Date::WEEKDAY);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(1, Zend_Date::WEEKDAY_8601);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T00:36:50+01:00');
     try {
         $date->sub($d2, Zend_Date::DAY_SUFFIX);
         $this->fail('exception expected');
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->sub(1, Zend_Date::WEEKDAY_DIGIT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-02T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::DAY_OF_YEAR);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-14T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::DAY_OF_YEAR);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('M', Zend_Date::WEEKDAY_NARROW);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('Mo', Zend_Date::WEEKDAY_NAME);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::WEEK);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-03-15T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::WEEK);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('April', Zend_Date::MONTH);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2001-09-06T01:36:50+02:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::MONTH_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-11-06T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::MONTH_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-06T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('Apr', Zend_Date::MONTH_NAME);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2001-09-06T01:36:50+02:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::MONTH_DIGIT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-11-06T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::MONTH_DIGIT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-06T00:36:50+01:00');
     try {
         $date->sub($d2, Zend_Date::MONTH_DAYS);
         $this->fail('exception expected');
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->sub('M', Zend_Date::MONTH_NARROW);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2001-10-06T01:36:50+02:00');
     try {
         $date->sub($d2, Zend_Date::LEAPYEAR);
         $this->fail('exception expected');
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::YEAR_8601);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2012-01-05T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::YEAR_8601);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-05T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2012-01-05T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::YEAR);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-05T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::YEAR_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '-8-01-07T00:36:50+01:00');
     try {
         $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::YEAR_SHORT);
         $this->fail('exception expected');
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::YEAR_SHORT_8601);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '-8-01-07T00:36:50+01:00');
     try {
         $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::YEAR_SHORT_8601);
         $this->fail('exception expected');
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::MERIDIEM);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::SWATCH);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:51:15+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::SWATCH);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:51+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::HOUR_SHORT_AM);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T10:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::HOUR_SHORT_AM);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::HOUR_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T10:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::HOUR_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::HOUR_AM);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T10:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::HOUR_AM);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::HOUR);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T10:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::HOUR);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::MINUTE);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:46:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::MINUTE);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::MINUTE_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:46:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::MINUTE_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::SECOND);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:37:00+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::SECOND);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::SECOND_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:37:00+01:00');
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::SECOND_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::MILLISECOND);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::MILLISECOND), 10);
     $date->sub(10, Zend_Date::MILLISECOND);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::MILLISECOND), 0);
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::TIMEZONE_NAME);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::DAYLIGHT);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::GMT_DIFF);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::GMT_DIFF_SEP);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::TIMEZONE);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::TIMEZONE_SECS);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->sub('1000-01-02 20:05:12', Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1001-11-25T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('1000-01-02T20:05:12+01:00', Zend_Date::ISO_8601);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1001-11-25T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('Thu, 02 Jan 1000 20:05:12 +0100', Zend_Date::RFC_2822);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1001-11-25T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub(-10, Zend_Date::TIMESTAMP);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:37:00+01:00');
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::ERA);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     try {
         $date->sub('noday', Zend_Date::ERA_NAME);
     } catch (Zend_Date_Exception $e) {
         // success
     $date->sub('10.02.0005', Zend_Date::DATES);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1996-10-27T01:36:50+02:00');
     $date->sub('Samstag, 10. Februar 0005', Zend_Date::DATE_FULL);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1996-10-27T01:36:50+02:00');
     $date->sub('10. Februar 0005', Zend_Date::DATE_LONG);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1996-10-27T01:36:50+02:00');
     $date->sub('10.02.0005', Zend_Date::DATE_MEDIUM);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1996-10-27T01:36:50+02:00');
     $date->sub('10.02.05', Zend_Date::DATE_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '-4-10-29T00:36:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('10:05:05', Zend_Date::TIMES);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T14:31:45+01:00');
     $date->sub('10:05 Uhr CET', Zend_Date::TIME_FULL);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T14:31:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('10:05:05 CET', Zend_Date::TIME_LONG);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T14:31:45+01:00');
     $date->sub('10:05:05', Zend_Date::TIME_MEDIUM);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T14:31:45+01:00');
     $date->sub('10:05', Zend_Date::TIME_SHORT);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-03T14:31:50+01:00');
     $date->sub('1000-01-02T20:05:12+01:00', Zend_Date::ATOM);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1001-11-25T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('Saturday, 02-Jan-00 20:05:12 Europe/Vienna', Zend_Date::COOKIE);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1-12-03T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('Sat, 02 Jan 00 20:05:12 +0100', Zend_Date::RFC_822);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1-12-03T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('Saturday, 02-Jan-00 20:05:12 Europe/Vienna', Zend_Date::RFC_850);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1-12-03T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('Sat, 02 Jan 00 20:05:12 +0100', Zend_Date::RFC_1036);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1-12-03T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('Sat, 02 Jan 1000 20:05:12 +0100', Zend_Date::RFC_1123);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1001-11-25T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('1000-01-02T20:05:12+01:00', Zend_Date::RFC_3339);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1001-11-25T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('Sat, 02 Jan 1000 20:05:12 +0100', Zend_Date::RSS);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1001-11-25T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('1000-01-02T20:05:12+01:00', Zend_Date::W3C);
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '1001-11-25T04:31:38+01:00');
     $date->sub('1000', 'xx');
     $this->assertSame($date->get(Zend_Date::W3C), '2002-01-04T00:20:10+01:00');
Esempio n. 26
  * @param int $feContract
  * @return string 
 public function getFEGreaterDuration($feContract)
     $view = Zend_Layout::getMvcInstance()->getView();
     $link = '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>';
     $feContractNum = Fefop_Model_Mapper_Contract::buildNumRow($feContract);
     $feLink = sprintf($link, $view->baseUrl('/fefop/fe-contract/edit/id/' . $feContract->id_fe_contract), $feContractNum);
     $measure = new Zend_Measure_Time(Fefop_Model_Mapper_FEContract::MOUNTH_LIMIT, Zend_Measure_Time::MONTH);
     $diffMonths = $measure->convertTo(Zend_Measure_Time::MONTH, 0);
     $dateInit = new Zend_Date($feContract->date_start);
     $dateFinish = new Zend_Date($feContract->date_finish);
     $diff = $dateFinish->sub($dateInit);
     $measure = new Zend_Measure_Time($diff->toValue(), Zend_Measure_Time::SECOND);
     $diiffMonth = $measure->convertTo(Zend_Measure_Time::MONTH, 0);
     return sprintf(self::FE_DURATION_GREATER, $feLink, $diffMonths, $diiffMonth);
Esempio n. 27
 public function coldChainCapacityAction()
     $id = $this->_request->getParam('id', '');
     if ($id == 4 || $id == "") {
         $form = new Form_Maps_Mos();
         $date = new Zend_Date();
         $day = $date->get(Zend_Date::DAY);
         if ($day > 10) {
             $date->sub('1', 'MM');
         } else {
             $date->sub('2', 'MM');
         $this->view->form = $form;
         $baseurl = Zend_Registry::get('baseurl');
         $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($baseurl . '/css/default/maps/map.css');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/symbology.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/ccc-district.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/IntervalLegend.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/Filter.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/refineLegend.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/download.js');
     } else {
         $form = new Form_Maps_Mos();
         if ($this->_identity->getProvinceId()) {
         if ($this->_identity->getDistrictId()) {
         } else {
         $date = new Zend_Date();
         $day = $date->get(Zend_Date::DAY);
         if ($day > 10) {
             $date->sub('1', 'MM');
         } else {
             $date->sub('2', 'MM');
         $this->view->form = $form;
         $baseurl = Zend_Registry::get('baseurl');
         $this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($baseurl . '/css/default/maps/map.css');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/symbology.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/ccc-tehsil.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/IntervalLegend.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/Filter.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/refineLegend.js');
         $this->view->inlineScript()->appendFile($baseurl . '/js/default/maps/download.js');
  * This function just butchers the date to subtract 5 hours to make webleads work correctly
  * @param None
  * @return ZendDate object offset by 5 hours
  * @author John Burrin
 private function _offsetDate()
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     // changes $date by subtracting 5 hours
     $date->sub('5', Zend_Date::HOUR);
     return $date;
Esempio n. 29
 public function chartAction()
     // Disable layout and viewrenderer
     $viewer = Engine_Api::_()->user()->getViewer();
     // Get params
     $start = $this->_getParam('start');
     $offset = $this->_getParam('offset', 0);
     $type = $this->_getParam('type', 'all');
     $mode = $this->_getParam('mode');
     $chunk = $this->_getParam('chunk');
     $period = $this->_getParam('period');
     $periodCount = $this->_getParam('periodCount', 1);
     $campaign_ids = $this->_getParam('campaign_ids');
     // Validate chunk/period
     if (!$chunk || !in_array($chunk, $this->_periods)) {
         $chunk = Zend_Date::DAY;
     if (!$period || !in_array($period, $this->_periods)) {
         $period = Zend_Date::MONTH;
     if (array_search($chunk, $this->_periods) >= array_search($period, $this->_periods)) {
     // Validate start
     if ($start && !is_numeric($start)) {
         $start = strtotime($start);
     if (!$start) {
         $start = time();
     // Fixes issues with month view
     Zend_Date::setOptions(array('extend_month' => true));
     // Get timezone
     $timezone = Engine_Api::_()->getApi('settings', 'core')->getSetting('core_locale_timezone', 'GMT');
     if ($viewer && $viewer->getIdentity() && !empty($viewer->timezone)) {
         $timezone = $viewer->timezone;
     // Make start fit to period?
     $startObject = new Zend_Date($start);
     $partMaps = $this->_periodMap[$period];
     foreach ($partMaps as $partType => $partValue) {
         $startObject->set($partValue, $partType);
     // Do offset
     if ($offset != 0) {
         $startObject->add($offset, $period);
     $arr_campaigns = array();
     if ($campaign_ids) {
         $arr_campaigns = explode(',', $campaign_ids);
     // Get end time
     $endObject = new Zend_Date($startObject->getTimestamp());
     $endObject->add($periodCount, $period);
     $endObject->sub(1, Zend_Date::SECOND);
     // Subtract one second
     $adTbl = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('ads', 'ynsocialads');
     if (count($arr_campaigns)) {
         $adList = $adTbl->fetchAll($adTbl->select()->from($adTbl->info("name"), 'ad_id')->where('campaign_id IN (?)', $arr_campaigns));
         $adList = $adList->toArray();
     } else {
         $adList = array();
     // Get data
     $staTable = Engine_Api::_()->getDbtable('statistics', 'ynsocialads');
     $staName = $staTable->info('name');
     if ($type != "all") {
         $select = $staTable->select();
         // Get data
         if (count($adList)) {
             $select->where('ad_id IN (?)', $adList)->where('timestamp >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('timestamp < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('timestamp ASC');
             if ($type != "all") {
                 $select->where('type = ?', $type);
             $rawData = $staTable->fetchAll($select);
         } else {
             $rawData = array();
         // Now create data structure
         $currentObject = clone $startObject;
         $nextObject = clone $startObject;
         $data = array();
         $dataLabels = array();
         $cumulative = 0;
         $previous = 0;
         do {
             $nextObject->add(1, $chunk);
             $currentObjectTimestamp = $currentObject->getTimestamp();
             $nextObjectTimestamp = $nextObject->getTimestamp();
             $data[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulative;
             // Get everything that matches
             $currentPeriodCount = 0;
             foreach ($rawData as $rawDatum) {
                 $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->timestamp);
                 if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) {
                     $currentPeriodCount += 1;
             // Now do stuff with it
             switch ($mode) {
                 case 'normal':
                     $data[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCount;
                 case 'cumulative':
                     $cumulative += $currentPeriodCount;
                     $data[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulative;
                 case 'delta':
                     $data[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCount - $previous;
                     $previous = $currentPeriodCount;
             $currentObject->add(1, $chunk);
         } while ($currentObject->getTimestamp() < $endObject->getTimestamp());
         // Remove some grid lines if there are too many
         $xsteps = 1;
         if (count($data) > 100) {
             $xsteps = ceil(count($data) / 100);
         $title = $this->view->locale()->toDate($startObject) . ' to ' . $this->view->locale()->toDate($endObject);
         echo Zend_Json::encode(array('json' => $data, 'title' => $title));
     } else {
         $selectClick = $staTable->select();
         // Get data
         if (count($adList)) {
             $selectClick->where('ad_id IN (?)', $adList)->where('timestamp >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('timestamp < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('timestamp ASC');
             $selectClick->where("type = 'click'");
             $clickData = $staTable->fetchAll($selectClick);
         } else {
             $clickData = array();
         $selectImpression = $staTable->select();
         // Get data
         if (count($adList)) {
             $selectImpression->where('ad_id IN (?)', $adList)->where('timestamp >= ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $startObject->getTimestamp()))->where('timestamp < ?', gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $endObject->getTimestamp()))->order('timestamp ASC');
             $selectImpression->where("type = 'impression'");
             $impressionData = $staTable->fetchAll($selectImpression);
         } else {
             $impressionData = array();
         // Now create data structure
         $currentObject = clone $startObject;
         $nextObject = clone $startObject;
         $dataClick = array();
         $dataImpression = array();
         $dataLabels = array();
         $cumulativeClick = 0;
         $cumulativeIm = 0;
         $previousClick = 0;
         $previousIm = 0;
         do {
             $nextObject->add(1, $chunk);
             $currentObjectTimestamp = $currentObject->getTimestamp();
             $nextObjectTimestamp = $nextObject->getTimestamp();
             $dataClick[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulativeClick;
             $dataImpression[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulativeIm;
             // Get everything that matches
             $currentPeriodCountClick = 0;
             foreach ($clickData as $rawDatum) {
                 $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->timestamp);
                 if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) {
                     $currentPeriodCountClick += 1;
             $currentPeriodCountIm = 0;
             foreach ($impressionData as $rawDatum) {
                 $rawDatumDate = strtotime($rawDatum->timestamp);
                 if ($rawDatumDate >= $currentObjectTimestamp && $rawDatumDate < $nextObjectTimestamp) {
                     $currentPeriodCountIm += 1;
             // Now do stuff with it
             switch ($mode) {
                 case 'normal':
                     $dataClick[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCountClick;
                     $dataImpression[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCountIm;
                 case 'cumulative':
                     $cumulativeClick += $currentPeriodCountClick;
                     $cumulativeIm += $currentPeriodCountIm;
                     $dataClick[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulativeClick;
                     $dataImpression[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $cumulativeIm;
                 case 'delta':
                     $dataClick[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCountClick - $previousClick;
                     $dataImpression[$this->view->locale()->toDate($currentObjectTimestamp)] = $currentPeriodCountIm - $previousIm;
                     $previousClick = $currentPeriodCountClick;
                     $previousIm = $currentPeriodCountIm;
             $currentObject->add(1, $chunk);
         } while ($currentObject->getTimestamp() < $endObject->getTimestamp());
         // Remove some grid lines if there are too many
         $xsteps = 1;
         if (count($dataClick) > 100) {
             $xsteps = ceil(count($dataClick) / 100);
         $title = $this->view->locale()->toDate($startObject) . ' to ' . $this->view->locale()->toDate($endObject);
         echo Zend_Json::encode(array('json' => $dataClick, 'title' => $title, 'json2' => $dataImpression));
     return true;
Esempio n. 30
 function getRandomRecipientForCampaign($campaign_id)
     require_once 'Zend/Date.php';
     $campaign_info = array();
     $campaign_info['id'] = $campaign_id;
     $campaign_info = $this->getMailCampaigns($campaign_info);
     $campaign_info = $campaign_info[0];
     $table_clean = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send';
     $table_clean2 = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send_log';
     $q = "SELECT  COUNT(*) as qty,  job_email \n\t\tFROM  {$table_clean} where job_email !='0'  \n\t\tand is_active = 1\n\t\tgroup by job_email\n\t   \torder by qty desc\n\t   \tlimit 3";
     //	print $q ;
     $query = CI::db()->query($q);
     $query = $query->result_array();
     if (!empty($query)) {
         foreach ($query as $clean_item) {
             if (intval($clean_item['qty']) > 1) {
                 $q = "select id, job_email from {$table_clean} where job_email='{$clean_item['job_email']}' order by id asc ";
                 $q_clean = CI::db()->query($q);
                 $q_clean = $q_clean->result_array();
                 $fruit = array_pop($q_clean);
                 foreach ($q_clean as $lets_clean) {
                     //print 'clean up ' . $lets_clean ['job_email'] . "\n";
                     //$q = "delete from $table_clean  where id='{$lets_clean['id']}' ";
                     //$q = CI::db()->query ( $q );
                     print 'Set inactive ' . $lets_clean['job_email'] . "\n";
                     $q = "update {$table_clean}  set is_active=0 where job_email='{$clean_item['job_email']}'  ";
                     //print $q;
                     $q = CI::db()->query($q);
                     //$q = "delete from $table_clean2  where mail_id='{$lets_clean['id']}' ";
                     //$q = CI::db()->query ( $q );
     $table_clean = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send';
     $q = " update {$table_clean} set is_active=0 where for_download=0 and (job_email='0' )    ";
     //print $q;
     $q = CI::db()->query($q);
     //more housekeeping
     $table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send_log';
     $table2 = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send';
     $q = "SELECT  mail_id \n\t\tFROM  {$table} where job_email is null  \n\t\t\n\t   \tlimit 300";
     //	print $q ;
     $query = CI::db()->query($q);
     $query = $query->result_array();
     //	var_dump($query);
     if (!empty($query)) {
         foreach ($query as $clean_item) {
             if (intval($clean_item['mail_id']) != 0) {
                 //print $clean_item ['mail_id'];
                 $q = "select id, job_email from {$table2} where id='{$clean_item['mail_id']}' limit 1 ";
                 //print $q;
                 $q_clean = CI::db()->query($q);
                 $q_clean = $q_clean->row_array();
                 //	var_dump($q_clean);
                 if (!empty($q_clean)) {
                     $q = "update {$table} set job_email='{$q_clean['job_email']}' where mail_id='{$clean_item['mail_id']}'";
                     //	print $q;
                     $q_clean = CI::db()->query($q);
     $table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send_log';
     $send_to_those_mailing_lists = array();
     if (intval($campaign_info['mailists_single_id']) != 0) {
         $send_to_those_mailing_lists[] = intval($campaign_info['mailists_single_id']);
     } else {
         $send_to_those_mailing_lists = explode(',', $campaign_info['mailists_groups_ids']);
         $ids = array();
         foreach ($send_to_those_mailing_lists as $i) {
             $data = array();
             $data['group_id'] = $i;
             $data['is_active'] = 1;
             $data = $this->getJobfeeds($data);
             if (!empty($data)) {
                 foreach ($data as $i2) {
                     $ids[] = $i2['id'];
         $send_to_those_mailing_lists = $ids;
     if (!empty($send_to_those_mailing_lists)) {
         $mailing_list_groups_query = ' feed_id=0  ';
         foreach ($send_to_those_mailing_lists as $item) {
             $mailing_list_groups_query = $mailing_list_groups_query . "  or feed_id={$item}   ";
         $mailing_list_groups_query = "  ({$mailing_list_groups_query})  and   ";
     } else {
         return false;
     $date = new Zend_Date();
     $date->sub('24', Zend_Date::HOUR);
     $past = $date->toValue();
     $past = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $past);
     $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $q = " SELECT mail_id FROM {$table} where mailsent_date > '{$campaign_info['campaign_start_date']}' and mailsent_date < '{$campaign_info['campaign_end_date']}' and campaign_id={$campaign_info['id']} ";
     $query = CI::db()->query($q);
     $query = $query->result_array();
     $mail_ids_to_exclude = array();
     $mails_to_exclude = array();
     if (!empty($query)) {
         foreach ($query as $item) {
             if (intval($item['mail_id']) != 0) {
                 $mail_ids_to_exclude[] = intval($item['mail_id']);
                 $table2 = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send';
                 $q = " SELECT job_email FROM {$table2} where id={$item['mail_id']} limit 1  ";
                 $q = CI::db()->query($q);
                 $q = $q->row_array();
                 $mails_to_exclude[] = $q['job_email'];
         $mails_to_exclude = array_unique($mails_to_exclude);
         $mail_ids_to_exclude = array_unique($mail_ids_to_exclude);
     if (!empty($mail_ids_to_exclude)) {
         $exclude_q = '   id!=0   ';
         $exclude_mails_q = '   job_email is not null  ';
         foreach ($mail_ids_to_exclude as $i) {
             $exclude_q = $exclude_q . "  AND id<>{$i}  ";
         foreach ($mails_to_exclude as $i) {
             $exclude_mails_q = $exclude_mails_q . "  AND job_email not like '{$i}'  ";
         //print $exclude_q;
         $exclude_q = " ({$exclude_q})  and ";
         $exclude_mails_q = " ({$exclude_mails_q})  and ";
     //print $exclude_q;
     $repeat_q = false;
     if (intval($campaign_info['campaign_repeat_days']) != 0) {
         $sub = intval($campaign_info['campaign_repeat_days']) * 24;
         //print $sub;
         $date = new Zend_Date();
         $date->sub($sub, Zend_Date::HOUR);
         $future = $date->toValue();
         $future = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $future);
         $repeat_q = " AND ( job_mailsent_date<'{$future}' or job_mailsent_date is null) ";
     $table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send';
     $table2 = TABLE_PREFIX . 'cacaomail_mails_to_send_log';
     $q = " SELECT * from   {$table}  where\n\t\t{$mailing_list_groups_query} \n\t\n\t{$exclude_q}\n\t{$exclude_mails_q}\n\t\tis_active=1 and \n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t job_email NOT IN (SELECT job_email FROM\n       {$table2} where job_email is not null group by job_email) and\n\t\t\n\t\t id NOT IN (SELECT mail_id FROM\n        {$table2} where mail_id is not null\n         group by mail_id) and\n\t\t\n\t\t\n\t\t(for_download=0 or for_download IS NULL ) and \n\t\tjob_pub_date>='{$campaign_info['campaign_start_date']}' and\n\t\t(  job_email IS NOT NULL and\n       job_email <> '0' and job_email <> '@' )\n\t\t{$repeat_q}\n\n\t\tgroup by job_email\n\t\tORDER BY rand() DESC\n\t\tlimit 1\n\t\t";
     //print $q;
     //$q = " SELECT * from   $table  where id=587";
     //exit ();
     $query = CI::db()->query($q);
     $query = $query->row_array();
     if (empty($query)) {
         return false;
     //print $query ['job_email'];
     //$check = $this->checkIfEmailExits($query ['job_email']);
     $query['job_auto_subject'] = $query['job_title'];
     if ($query['job_title'] != '') {
         $temp = false;
         if (stristr($query['job_title'], 'is looking for') == true) {
             $mystring = $query['job_title'];
             $findme = 'looking for';
             $pos = strpos($mystring, $findme);
             $temp = substr($query['job_title'], $pos + strlen($findme), strlen($query['job_title']));
             $query['job_auto_subject'] = $temp;
         if (stristr($query['job_title'], '-') == true) {
             $mystring = $query['job_title'];
             $findme = '-';
             $pos = strpos($mystring, $findme);
             $temp = substr($query['job_title'], 0, $pos);
             $query['job_auto_subject'] = $temp;
         if (stristr($query['job_title'], ':') == true) {
             $mystring = $query['job_title'];
             $findme = ':';
             $pos = strpos($mystring, $findme);
             $temp = substr($query['job_title'], $pos + strlen($findme), strlen($query['job_title']));
             $query['job_auto_subject'] = $temp;
     //var_dump ( $query ['job_email'] );
     return $query;