Esempio n. 1
  * Sets the formating options of the localized currency string
  * If no parameter is passed, the standard setting of the
  * actual set locale will be used
  * @param  array $options (Optional) Options to set
  * @return Zend_Currency
 public function setFormat(array $options = array())
     if (isset($options['id'])) {
         $this->id = (int) $options['id'];
     return parent::setFormat($options);
Esempio n. 2
  * переводит значение заданного типа в строку
  * @param mixed $data значение, которое нужно сконвертировать
  * @param string $type тип данных ('bool','date')
  * @param int $precision_default задание точного количества знаков после запятой
  * @return string полученная строка, представляющая данные
 function type_to_str($data, $type, $precision_default = -1)
     switch ($type) {
         case 'encode':
             return htmlentities($data, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
         case 'translate':
             return __($data);
         case "integer":
              * Локально пустые значения спокойно форматируется зендом в 0,
              * но на сервере, на после форматирования пустого значение,
              * оно так и остаётся пустое. Я не знаю почему. 
             if (is_null($data) || $data == '') {
                 $data = 0;
             $res = Zend_Locale_Format::toInteger($data, array('locale' => get_instance()->locale));
             return $res;
         case "float":
             $precision = 2;
              * Определние нужной точности для денег
             if ($precision_default < 0) {
                 $vals = explode('.', strval((double) $data));
                 if (isset($vals[1])) {
                     $len = strlen($vals[1]);
                     if ($len > 3) {
                         $precision = 4;
                     } elseif ($len > 2) {
                         $precision = 3;
             } else {
                 $precision = $precision_default;
             return number_format($data, $precision, '.', '');
             //return Zend_Locale_Format::toFloat($data, array('locale'=> get_instance()->locale));
         //return Zend_Locale_Format::toFloat($data, array('locale'=> get_instance()->locale));
         case 'procent':
             return type_to_str($data, 'float', 2) . ' %';
         case "money":
             //return str_replace('%', type_to_str($data, 'float'), get_format('money'));
             if (is_null($data)) {
                 $data = 0;
              * @todo Возможно прийдётся определять тип валюты как-то глобально, 
              *  когда понадобится использовать что-нибудь отличное от доллара. 
             try {
                 $currency = new Zend_Currency(get_instance()->locale, 'USD');
             } catch (Zend_Currency_Exception $e) {
                 $currency = new Zend_Currency(get_instance()->default_locale, 'USD');
             $precision = 2;
              * Определние нужной точности для денег
             $vals = explode('.', strval((double) $data));
             if (isset($vals[1])) {
                 $len = strlen($vals[1]);
             $currency->setFormat(array('precision' => $precision));
             try {
                 $value = trim($currency->toCurrency($data));
                  * проверка preg_matchем нужна потмоу что, например в китайском валюта отображается
                  * как: US$0.00 
                 if (get_instance()->locale != 'en_US' && preg_match('|^[0-9,\\.\\$\\s\\xc2\\xa0]+$|', $value, $matches)) {
                     $value = '$' . trim(str_replace('$', '', $value));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $value = '0.00';
             return $value;
         case "nonzeromoney":
             if ($data == 0) {
                 return "—";
             return type_to_str($data, "money");
         case "mysqldate":
             $data = mktime(0, 0, 0, substr($data, 5, 2), substr($data, 8, 2), substr($data, 0, 4));
             return date(get_date_format(), $data);
         case "mysqlfloat":
             //return str_replace(',','.',$data);
             return number_format($data, 8, '.', '');
         case 'databasedate':
             return date("Y-m-d", $data);
         case 'databasedatetime':
             return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $data);
         case "date":
             if ($data == 0 || is_null($data)) {
                 return '';
             return date(get_date_format(), $data);
         case "datetime":
             $res = date(get_date_format(), $data) . ' ' . date(get_time_format(), $data);
             return $res;
         case "bool":
             return $data ? "true" : "false";
         case 'textcode':
             $num = (int) ($data ^ 67894523);
             $text = '';
             while ($num) {
                 $text .= chr(ord('a') + $num % 26);
                 $num = (int) ($num / 26);
             return $text;
         case "impressions":
             if ($data < 1000) {
                 return __('< 1 K');
             if ($data < 5000) {
                 return __('1~5 K');
             if ($data < 10000) {
                 return __('5~10 K');
             if ($data < 50000) {
                 return __('10~50 K');
             if ($data < 100000) {
                 return __('50~100 K');
             } else {
                 return __('> 100 K');
         case "clicks":
             if ($data < 100) {
                 return __('< 100');
             if ($data < 900) {
                 return '~ ' . round($data / 100) * 100;
             } else {
                 return '~ ' . round($data / 1000) . ' K';
         case "mime":
             return '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($data) . '?=';
             return $data;
Esempio n. 3
  * Create Zend_Currency object for current locale
  * @param   string $currency
  * @return  Zend_Currency
 public function currency($currency)
     if (!isset(self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency])) {
         try {
             $currencyObject = new Zend_Currency($currency, $this->getLocale());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $currencyObject = new Zend_Currency($this->getCurrency(), $this->getLocale());
             $options = array('name' => $currency, 'currency' => $currency, 'symbol' => $currency);
         self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency] = $currencyObject;
     return self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency];
Esempio n. 4
  * Create Zend_Currency object for current locale
  * @param   string $currency
  * @return  Zend_Currency
 public function currency($currency)
     if (!isset(self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency])) {
         $options = array();
         try {
             $currencyObject = new Zend_Currency($currency, $this->getLocale());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $currencyObject = new Zend_Currency($this->getCurrency(), $this->getLocale());
             $options['name'] = $currency;
             $options['currency'] = $currency;
             $options['symbol'] = $currency;
         $options = new Varien_Object($options);
         Mage::dispatchEvent('currency_display_options_forming', array('currency_options' => $options, 'base_code' => $currency));
         self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency] = $currencyObject;
     return self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency];
Esempio n. 5
  * testing getRegionList
 public function testGetRegionList()
     // look if locale is detectable
     try {
         $locale = new Zend_Locale();
     } catch (Zend_Locale_Exception $e) {
         $this->markTestSkipped('Autodetection of locale failed');
     try {
         $currency = new Zend_Currency(array('currency' => 'USD'));
         $this->assertTrue(in_array('US', $currency->getRegionList()));
     } catch (Zend_Currency_Exception $e) {
         $this->assertContains('No region found within the locale', $e->getMessage());
     $currency = new Zend_Currency(array('currency' => 'USD'), 'en_US');
     $currency->setFormat(array('currency' => null));
     try {
         $this->assertTrue(in_array('US', $currency->getRegionList()));
         $this->fail("Exception expected");
     } catch (Zend_Currency_Exception $e) {
         $this->assertContains("No currency defined", $e->getMessage());
     $currency = new Zend_Currency(array('currency' => 'USD'), 'en_US');
     $this->assertEquals(array(0 => 'AS', 1 => 'EC', 2 => 'FM', 3 => 'GU', 4 => 'IO', 5 => 'MH', 6 => 'MP', 7 => 'PR', 8 => 'PW', 9 => "SV", 10 => 'TC', 11 => 'TL', 12 => 'UM', 13 => 'US', 14 => 'VG', 15 => 'VI'), $currency->getRegionList());
Esempio n. 6
  * Return Zend_Currency object
  * @param string $code
  * @return Zend_Currency
 public function getCurrency($code = '')
     if (empty($code)) {
         $code = $this->getCode();
     if (!isset($this->_currency[$code])) {
         $options = $this->_getCurrencyOptions($code);
         try {
             $currency = new Zend_Currency($options['currency'], $options['format'] === null ? Axis_Locale::getLocale() : $options['format']);
         } catch (Zend_Currency_Exception $e) {
             Axis::message()->addError($e->getMessage() . ": " . Axis::translate('locale')->__("Try to change the format of this currency to English (United States) - en_US"));
             $options = $this->_getSystemSafeCurrencyOptions();
             $currency = new Zend_Currency($options['currency'], $options['format']);
         $this->_currency[$code] = $currency;
     return $this->_currency[$code];
Esempio n. 7
  * testing setFormat
 public function testSetFormat()
     $USD = new Zend_Currency('USD', 'en_US');
     $USD->setFormat(null, 'Arab');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), '$ ٢٥٣,٢٩٢.١٨٣٢');
     $USD->setFormat(null, 'Arab', 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), '$ ٢٥٣.٢٩٢,١٨٣٢');
     $USD->setFormat(null, 'Default', 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), '$ 253.292,1832');
     // allignment of currency signs
     $USD->setFormat(Zend_Currency::RIGHT, null, 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), '253.292,1832 $');
     $USD->setFormat(Zend_Currency::LEFT, null, 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), '$ 253.292,1832');
     $USD->setFormat(Zend_Currency::STANDARD, null, 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), '$ 253.292,1832');
     // enable/disable currency symbols & currency names
     $USD->setFormat(Zend_Currency::NO_SYMBOL, null, 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), 'US Dollar 253.292,1832');
     $USD->setFormat(Zend_Currency::USE_SHORTNAME, null, 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), 'USD 253.292,1832');
     $USD->setFormat(Zend_Currency::USE_NAME, null, 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), 'US Dollar 253.292,1832');
     $USD->setFormat(Zend_Currency::USE_SYMBOL, null, 'de_AT');
     $this->assertSame($USD->toCurrency(253292.1832), '$ 253.292,1832');
Esempio n. 8
  * Create Zend_Currency object for current locale
  * @param   string $currency
  * @return  Zend_Currency
 public function currency($currency)
     if (!isset(self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency])) {
         $options = array();
         try {
             $currencyObject = new Zend_Currency($currency, $this->getLocale());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
              * catch specific exceptions like "Currency 'USD' not found"
              * - back end falls with specific locals as Malaysia and etc.
              * as we can see from Zend framework ticket
              * zend team is not going to change it behaviour in the near time
             $currencyObject = new Zend_Currency($currency);
             $options['name'] = $currency;
             $options['currency'] = $currency;
             $options['symbol'] = $currency;
         $options = new Varien_Object($options);
         Mage::dispatchEvent('currency_display_options_forming', array('currency_options' => $options, 'base_code' => $currency));
         self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency] = $currencyObject;
     return self::$_currencyCache[$this->getLocaleCode()][$currency];
  * Muestra el dato de la columna
  * @param /Model/Entity/xxxx $item
  * @return array 
 protected function _getDataColumn($item)
     $salida = array();
     foreach ($this->_data['columns'] as $key => $value) {
         if (count($value) > 0) {
             if (is_array($value['column_table'])) {
                 $obj = $item;
                 foreach ($value['column_table'] as $i => $metodo) {
                     if ((string) $i == "json") {
                         $sha = sha1($obj[$metodo]);
                         if (Zend_Registry::isRegistered($sha)) {
                             $json = Zend_Registry::get($sha);
                         } else {
                             $json = Zend_Json::decode($obj[$metodo]);
                             Zend_Registry::set($sha, $json);
                         $obj = $json[$value['column_json']];
                     } else {
                         $obj = $obj[$metodo];
                 $valor = $obj;
             } else {
                 if (isset($value['column_table']) && isset($item[$value['column_table']])) {
                     $valor = $item[$value['column_table']];
                 } else {
                     $valor = "";
             switch ($value['column_type']) {
                 case "date":
                     $fecha = $this->fecha_conversion->fechaToDateTime($valor, $value['column_formato']);
                     if ($fecha instanceof DateTime) {
                         $salida[] = $fecha->format($value['column_formato_salida']);
                     } else {
                         $salida[] = "";
                 case "html":
                     $salida[] = str_replace("?", $valor, $value["column_html"]);
                 case "helper":
                     $parametros = array();
                     foreach ($value["column_helper_params"] as $h => $param) {
                         if ((string) $h == "json") {
                             $sha = sha1($valor);
                             if (Zend_Registry::isRegistered($sha)) {
                                 $json = Zend_Registry::get($sha);
                             } else {
                                 $json = Zend_Json::decode($valor);
                                 Zend_Registry::set($sha, $json);
                             if (isset($json[$param])) {
                                 $parametros[] = $json[$param];
                             } else {
                                 $parametros[] = "";
                         } else {
                             $parametros[] = $item[$param];
                     $salida[] = call_user_func_array($value["column_helper"], $parametros);
                 case "money":
                     if (!is_numeric($valor)) {
                         $valor = 0;
                     $currency = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $valor));
                     $currency->setFormat(array("precision" => 0));
                     $salida[] = $currency->toCurrency();
                     $salida[] = $valor;
     return $salida;
Esempio n. 10
     * testing setFormat
    public function testSetFormat()
        $locale = new Zend_Locale('en_US');
        $USD    = new Zend_Currency('USD','en_US');

        $USD->setFormat(array('script' => 'Arab'));
        $this->assertSame('$ ٥٣,٢٩٢.١٨', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('script' => 'Arab', 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('$ ٥٣.٢٩٢,١٨', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('script' => 'Latn', 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('$ 53.292,18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('script' => 'Latn', 'format' => $locale));
        $this->assertSame('$ 53,292.18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        // allignment of currency signs
        $USD->setFormat(array('position' => Zend_Currency::RIGHT, 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('53.292,18 $', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('position' => Zend_Currency::RIGHT, 'format' => $locale));
        $this->assertSame('53,292.18 $', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('position' => Zend_Currency::LEFT, 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('$ 53.292,18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('position' => Zend_Currency::LEFT, 'format' => $locale));
        $this->assertSame('$ 53,292.18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('position' => Zend_Currency::STANDARD, 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('$ 53.292,18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('position' => Zend_Currency::STANDARD, 'format' => $locale));
        $this->assertSame('$ 53,292.18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        // enable/disable currency symbols & currency names
        $USD->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::NO_SYMBOL, 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('53.292,18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::NO_SYMBOL, 'format' => $locale));
        $this->assertSame('53,292.18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::USE_SHORTNAME, 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('USD 53.292,18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::USE_SHORTNAME, 'format' => $locale));
        $this->assertSame('USD 53,292.18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::USE_NAME, 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('US Dollar 53.292,18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::USE_NAME, 'format' => $locale));
        $this->assertSame('US Dollar 53,292.18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::USE_SYMBOL, 'format' => 'de_AT'));
        $this->assertSame('$ 53.292,18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));

        $USD->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::USE_SYMBOL, 'format' => $locale));
        $this->assertSame('$ 53,292.18', $USD->toCurrency(53292.18));
 public function getFormPrice()
     $zc = new Zend_Currency(array('value' => $this->_get('price')), strtoupper(Model_Lang::getCurrent()));
     $zc->setFormat(array('display' => Zend_Currency::NO_SYMBOL));
     return $zc->toString();