Esempio n. 1
 public function errorAction()
     $config = Zend_Registry::get('config');
     $viewRenderer = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer($this->view);
     require_once 'Zend/Log.php';
     require_once 'Zend/Log/Writer/Stream.php';
     $logger = new Zend_Log();
     $error = Zend_Controller_Action::_getParam('error_handler');
     $errorMsg = $error->exception->getMessage();
     try {
         $writer = new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($config->setup->logfile);
         $logger->log($this->getRequest()->getRequestUri() . ' ' . $errorMsg, Zend_Log::ERR);
         $this->view->errorMsg = $errorMsg;
     } catch (Zend_Exception $e) {
         $this->view->errorMsg = 'oopsie, problem with writing log files ... WTF ?';
Esempio n. 2
 public function setlocationAction()
     //used in ajax
     try {
         $common = new Common();
         $datasUser = $common->GeoIPArray();
         $timeZone = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers();
         $townRandom[0] = array('city' => 'Los Angeles', 'timezone' => 'America/Los_Angeles', 'state' => 'Ca');
         $townRandom[1] = array('city' => 'New york', 'timezone' => 'America/New_York', 'state' => 'Ny');
         $townRandom[2] = array('city' => 'Tennessee', 'timezone' => 'America/Chicago', 'state' => 'Il');
         $townRandom[3] = array('city' => 'Denver', 'timezone' => 'America/New_York', 'state' => 'Ny');
         $townRandom[4] = array('city' => 'Las vegas', 'timezone' => 'America/Denver', 'state' => 'Nv');
         if (Zend_Controller_Action::_getParam('name') == 'autodetect') {
             $city_name = strtolower(Tag::myUrlEncode($datasUser['city']));
             $state_code = strtolower(Tag::myUrlEncode($datasUser['region']));
             $this->view->locationweather = ucfirst($city_name) . ', ' . ucfirst($state_code);
             //always a state from geoip
             $timezoneUser = $datasUser['timezone'];
             if (empty($timezoneUser)) {
                 //in case there is a  bug
                 $nbtown = count($townRandom);
                 $whichone = rand(0, $nbtown - 1);
                 $this->view->locationweather = $townRandom[$whichone]['city'] . ', ' . $townRandom[$whichone]['state'];
                 $timezoneUser = $townRandom[$whichone]['timezone'];
                 logEmpty('Weather issue: ', Tag::myUrlEncode($datasUser['city']));
             setcookie("yellowpages_location", '', -1);
             //delete cookie
         } elseif (strpos(Zend_Controller_Action::_getParam('name'), '*')) {
             //submit search - basic
             $city = str_replace('*', '', Zend_Controller_Action::_getParam('name'));
             $citys = explode(',', $city);
             $city_name = trim(strtolower($citys[0]));
             $state_code = isset($citys[1]) && $citys[1] != '' ? trim(strtolower($citys[1])) : '';
             $this->view->locationweather = $state_code != '' ? ucfirst($city_name) . ", " . ucfirst($state_code) : ucfirst($city_name);
             $coord = $this->getCoordinates($city_name, $state_code);
             $timezoneUser = $coord['timezone'];
             if (empty($timezoneUser)) {
                 //in case of bug
                 $nbtown = count($townRandom);
                 $whichone = rand(0, $nbtown - 1);
                 $this->view->locationweather = ucfirst($townRandom[$whichone]['city']) . ', ' . ucfirst($townRandom[$whichone]['state']);
                 $timezoneUser = $townRandom[$whichone]['timezone'];
                 logEmpty('Weather issue: ', $city);
             setcookie("yellowpages_location", '', -1);
             //delete cookie
         } elseif (isset($_COOKIE["yellowpages_location"])) {
             //if there is a cookie
             $this->view->locationweather = $_COOKIE["yellowpages_location"];
             $city = explode(',', $_COOKIE["yellowpages_location"]);
             $city_name = strtolower($city[0]);
             $state_code = isset($citys[1]) && $citys[1] != '' ? trim(strtolower($citys[1])) : '';
             $coord = $this->getCoordinates($city_name, $state_code);
             $timezoneUser = $coord['timezone'];
             if (empty($timezoneUser)) {
                 //in case of bug
                 $nbtown = count($townRandom);
                 $whichone = rand(0, $nbtown - 1);
                 $this->view->locationweather = $townRandom[$whichone]['city'] . ', ' . $townRandom[$whichone]['state'];
                 $timezoneUser = $townRandom[$whichone]['timezone'];
                 logEmpty('Weather issue: ', $_COOKIE["yellowpages_location"]);
         } else {
             $varcity = Zend_Controller_Action::_getParam('name');
             if (empty($varcity)) {
                 //then its first page
                 $this->view->locationweather = ucfirst(strtolower(Tag::myUrlEncode($datasUser['city']))) . ', ' . ucfirst(strtolower(Tag::myUrlEncode($datasUser['region'])));
                 $timezoneUser = $datasUser['timezone'];
                 if (empty($timezoneUser)) {
                     //in case there is a  bug
                     $nbtown = count($townRandom);
                     $whichone = rand(0, $nbtown - 1);
                     $this->view->locationweather = $townRandom[$whichone]['city'] . ', ' . $townRandom[$whichone]['state'];
                     $timezoneUser = $townRandom[$whichone]['timezone'];
                     logEmpty('Weather issue: ', Tag::myUrlEncode($datasUser['city']));
             } else {
                 //save for the future
                 $citys = explode(',', $varcity);
                 $city_name = strtolower($citys[0]);
                 $state_code = isset($citys[1]) && $citys[1] != '' ? trim(strtolower($citys[1])) : '';
                 $this->view->locationweather = $state_code != '' ? ucfirst($city_name) . ", " . ucfirst($state_code) : ucfirst($city_name);
                 $coord = $this->getCoordinates($city_name, $state_code);
                 $timezoneUser = $coord['timezone'];
                 if (empty($timezoneUser)) {
                     //in case of bug
                     $nbtown = count($townRandom);
                     $whichone = rand(0, $nbtown - 1);
                     $this->view->locationweather = $townRandom[$whichone]['city'] . ', ' . $townRandom[$whichone]['state'];
                     $timezoneUser = $townRandom[$whichone]['timezone'];
                     logEmpty('Weather issue: ', $_COOKIE["yellowpages_location"]);
         $city = trim($this->view->locationweather);
         $googleapiweather = '' . $city . ',' . $datasUser['country_name'];
         if (isset($timezoneUser) && in_array($timezoneUser, $timeZone)) {
             //changed by xinghao 27/02/2009 for feature #97
             $timeUser = $common->getTimeByTimeZone($timezoneUser);
             $this->view->hours = $timeUser["hours"];
             $this->view->minutes = $timeUser["minutes"];
         } else {
             //in case of bug display local time from server
             //changed by xinghao 27/02/2009 for feature #97
             $timeUser = $common->getLocalTime();
             $this->view->hours = $timeUser["hours"];
             $this->view->minutes = $timeUser["minutes"];
         if (Zend_Controller_Action::_getParam('cookie') == 'yes') {
             setcookie("yellowpages_location", $this->view->locationweather, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 2);
         //get  the xml for the weather
         $xml = simplexml_load_file($googleapiweather);
         if ($xml->weather->current_conditions->condition['data']) {
             //current weather
             $this->view->currentWeather = $xml->weather->current_conditions->condition['data'];
             $this->view->currentTemperature = $xml->weather->current_conditions->temp_f['data'];
             $this->view->picture = '' . $xml->weather->current_conditions->icon['data'];
             //tomorrow weather
             $this->view->tomorrowDay = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions[0]->day_of_week['data'];
             $this->view->tomorrowLow = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions[0]->low['data'];
             $this->view->tomorrowHigh = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions[0]->high['data'];
             $this->view->tomorrowIcon = '' . $xml->weather->forecast_conditions[0]->icon['data'];
             $this->view->tomorrowWeather = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions[0]->condition['data'];
         } else {
             $this->view->currentWeather = '';
             $this->view->currentTemperature = '';
             $this->view->picture = '';
             //tomorrow weather
             $this->view->tomorrowDay = 'Sorry, The weather is not available for this town.';
             $this->view->tomorrowLow = '';
             $this->view->tomorrowHigh = '';
             $this->view->tomorrowIcon = '';
             $this->view->tomorrowWeather = '';
         $this->view->locationweather = Tag::nameDecode($this->view->locationweather);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         logError('WeatherController', $e->getMessage());
Esempio n. 3
  * Using patern 'extend parent' we add extra functionality to check
  * PHP magic quotes and if them on remove slashes from value
  * @param string $paramName
  * @param mixed $default
  * @return mixed
 protected function _getParam($paramName, $default = null)
     $value = parent::_getParam($paramName, $default);
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $value !== $default) {
         $value = $this->_getParamFilter($value);
     return $value;