Zebra_Session implements session locking. Session locking is a way to ensure that data is correctly handled in a scenario with multiple concurrent AJAX requests. Read more about it in this excellent article by Andy Bakun called {@link http://thwartedefforts.org/2006/11/11/race-conditions-with-ajax-and-php-sessions/ Race Conditions with Ajax and PHP Sessions}. This library is also a solution for applications that are scaled across multiple web servers (using a load balancer or a round-robin DNS) and where the user's session data needs to be available. Storing sessions in a database makes them available to all of the servers! Zebra_Session supports "flashdata" - session variable which will only be available for the next server request, and which will be automatically deleted afterwards. Typically used for informational or status messages (for example: "data has been successfully updated"). Zebra_Session is was inspired by John Herren's code from the {@link http://devzone.zend.com/413/trick-out-your-session-handler/ Trick out your session handler} article and {@link http://shiflett.org/articles/the-truth-about-sessions Chris Shiflett}'s articles about PHP sessions. The code is heavily commented and generates no warnings/errors/notices when PHP's error reporting level is set to E_ALL. Visit {@link http://stefangabos.ro/php-libraries/zebra-session/} for more information. For more resources visit {@link http://stefangabos.ro/}
Esempio n. 1
// from the 'install' folder!
// change the values to match the setting of your MySQL database
$host = '';
$username = '';
$password = '';
// this is the name of the database where you created the table used by this class
$database = 'salesreport';
// try to connect to the MySQL server
$link = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $database) or die('Could not connect to database!');
// include the Zebra_Session class
require '../Zebra_Session.php';
// instantiate the class
// note that you don't need to call the session_start() function
// as it is called automatically when the object is instantiated
// also note that we're passing the database connection link as the first argument
$session = new Zebra_Session($link, 'sEcUr1tY_c0dE');
// current session settings
print_r('<pre><strong>Current session settings:</strong><br><br>');
// from now on, use sessions as you would normally
// the only difference is that session data is no longer saved on the server
// but in your database
        The first time you run the script there should be an empty array (as there\'s nothing in the $_SESSION array)<br>
        After you press "refresh" on your browser, you will se the values that were written in the $_SESSION array<br>
// add some values to the session
Esempio n. 2
  * logout by destroying the session
 public static function logout()
     if (!self::$testMode) {
         // This is handled by cascading delete in database schema
         // This way if the GC deletes the session the event subscriptions will
         // be cleaned up
         // $userId = self::getUserId();
         // if (isset($userId))
         // {
         // // Unsubscribe from all events
         // $pdo = new EventServicePDO();
         // $pdo->unsubscribeForUser($userId);
         // }
          * NO_ZEBRA_SESSION $_SESSION = array(); // destroy all of the session
          * variables session_destroy();
         $link = mysqliConnect();
         $session = new Zebra_Session($link, SESSION_HASH, SESSION_LIFETIME_SECONDS);
         self::$xactSession = NULL;