Esempio n. 1
 public function __construct($translator)
     $this->core = \ZLanguage::getInstance();
     $this->translator = $translator;
     $this->parentDir = 'app/Resources/locale';
     $this->dirAccess = is_writable('app/Resources/locale');
Esempio n. 2
 public function onKernelRequestSiteOff(GetResponseEvent $event)
     if (!$event->isMasterRequest()) {
     $response = $event->getResponse();
     $request = $event->getRequest();
     if ($response instanceof PlainResponse || $response instanceof JsonResponse || $request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
     if (\System::isInstalling()) {
     // Get variables
     $module = strtolower($request->query->get('module'));
     $type = strtolower($request->query->get('type'));
     $func = strtolower($request->query->get('func'));
     $siteOff = (bool) \System::getVar('siteoff');
     $hasAdminPerms = \SecurityUtil::checkPermission('ZikulaSettingsModule::', 'SiteOff::', ACCESS_ADMIN);
     $urlParams = $module == 'users' && $type == 'user' && $func == 'siteofflogin';
     // params are lowercase
     $versionCheck = \Zikula_Core::VERSION_NUM != \System::getVar('Version_Num');
     // Check for site closed
     if ($siteOff && !$hasAdminPerms && !$urlParams || $versionCheck) {
         $hasOnlyOverviewAccess = \SecurityUtil::checkPermission('ZikulaUsersModule::', '::', ACCESS_OVERVIEW);
         if ($hasOnlyOverviewAccess && \UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
         // initialise the language system to enable translations (#1764)
         $lang = \ZLanguage::getInstance();
         $response = new Response();
         $response->headers->add(array('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable'));
         $content = (require_once \System::getSystemErrorTemplate('siteoff.tpl'));
         // move to CoreBundle and use Twig
Esempio n. 3
  * Initialise Zikula.
  * Carries out a number of initialisation tasks to get Zikula up and
  * running.
  * @param integer $stage Stage to load.
  * @return boolean True initialisation successful false otherwise.
 public function init($stage = self::STAGE_ALL)
     $coreInitEvent = new Zikula_Event('core.init', $this);
     // store the load stages in a global so other API's can check whats loaded
     $this->stage = $this->stage | $stage;
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_PRE && $this->stage & ~self::STAGE_PRE) {
         $this->eventManager->notify(new Zikula_Event('core.preinit', $this));
     // Initialise and load configuration
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_CONFIG) {
         if (System::isLegacyMode()) {
             require_once 'lib/legacy/Compat.php';
         // error reporting
         if (!System::isInstalling()) {
             // this is here because it depends on the config.php loading.
             $event = new Zikula_Event('setup.errorreporting', null, array('stage' => $stage));
         // initialise custom event listeners from config.php settings
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_CONFIG);
     // Check that Zikula is installed before continuing
     if (System::getVar('installed') == 0 && !System::isInstalling()) {
         System::redirect(System::getBaseUrl() . 'install.php?notinstalled');
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_DB) {
         try {
             $dbEvent = new Zikula_Event('core.init', $this, array('stage' => self::STAGE_DB));
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if (!System::isInstalling()) {
                 header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable');
                 require_once System::getSystemErrorTemplate('dbconnectionerror.tpl');
             } else {
                 return false;
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_TABLES) {
         // Initialise dbtables
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Extensions', 'Extensions');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Settings', 'Settings');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Theme', 'Theme');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Users', 'Users');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Groups', 'Groups');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Permissions', 'Permissions');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Categories', 'Categories');
         if (!System::isInstalling()) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_TABLES);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_SESSIONS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_SESSIONS);
     // Have to load in this order specifically since we cant setup the languages until we've decoded the URL if required (drak)
     // start block
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_LANGS) {
         $lang = ZLanguage::getInstance();
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_DECODEURLS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_DECODEURLS);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_LANGS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_LANGS);
     // end block
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_MODS) {
         // Set compression on if desired
         if (System::getVar('UseCompression') == 1) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_MODS);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_THEME) {
         // register default page vars
         PageUtil::setVar('title', System::getVar('defaultpagetitle'));
         PageUtil::registerVar('keywords', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('stylesheet', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('javascript', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('jsgettext', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('body', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('header', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('footer', true);
         $theme = Zikula_View_Theme::getInstance();
         // set some defaults
         // Metadata for SEO
         $this->serviceManager['zikula_view.metatags']['description'] = System::getVar('defaultmetadescription');
         $this->serviceManager['zikula_view.metatags']['keywords'] = System::getVar('metakeywords');
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_THEME);
     // check the users status, if not 1 then log him out
     if (UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
         $userstatus = UserUtil::getVar('activated');
         if ($userstatus != Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_ACTIVE) {
             // TODO - When getting logged out this way, the existing session is destroyed and
             //        then a new one is created on the reentry into index.php. The message
             //        set by the registerStatus call below gets lost.
             LogUtil::registerStatus(__('You have been logged out.'));
             System::redirect(ModUtil::url('Users', 'user', 'login'));
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_POST && $this->stage & ~self::STAGE_POST) {
         $this->eventManager->notify(new Zikula_Event('core.postinit', $this, array('stages' => $stage)));
Esempio n. 4
  * @TODO unused at the moment. probably is needed in the controller to display translations?
  * Load the right language.
  * @return string
 public function setupLang(ContainerInterface $container)
     // @TODO read this from parameters, not ini
     if (is_readable('config/installer.ini')) {
         $ini = parse_ini_file('config/installer.ini');
         $lang = isset($ini['language']) ? $ini['language'] : 'en';
     } else {
         $lang = 'en';
     // setup multilingual
     $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['language_i18n'] = $lang;
     $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['multilingual'] = true;
     $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['languageurl'] = true;
     $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['language_detect'] = false;
     $zLang = \ZLanguage::getInstance();
Esempio n. 5
     * display article as pdf
     * @author Erik Spaan
     * @param 'sid' The article ID
     * @param 'objectid' generic object id maps to sid if present
     * @return string HTML string
    public function displaypdf($args)
        // Get parameters from whatever input we need
        $sid = (int)FormUtil::getPassedValue('sid', null, 'REQUEST');
        $objectid = (int)FormUtil::getPassedValue('objectid', null, 'REQUEST');
        $title = FormUtil::getPassedValue('title', null, 'REQUEST');
        $year = FormUtil::getPassedValue('year', null, 'REQUEST');
        $monthnum = FormUtil::getPassedValue('monthnum', null, 'REQUEST');
        $monthname = FormUtil::getPassedValue('monthname', null, 'REQUEST');
        $day = FormUtil::getPassedValue('day', null, 'REQUEST');

        // User functions of this type can be called by other modules

        // At this stage we check to see if we have been passed $objectid, the
        // generic item identifier
        if ($objectid) {
            $sid = $objectid;

        // Validate the essential parameters
        if ((empty($sid) || !is_numeric($sid)) && (empty($title))) {
            return LogUtil::registerArgsError();
        if (!empty($title)) {

        // we set TEMPLATE caching to false because we will utilize
        // FILE caching of pdf files instead

        // Get the news story
        if (isset($sid)) {
            $item = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'get', array('sid' => $sid,
                        'status' => 0));
        } else {
            $item = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'get', array('title' => $title,
                        'year' => $year,
                        'monthname' => $monthname,
                        'monthnum' => $monthnum,
                        'day' => $day,
                        'status' => 0));
            $sid = $item['sid'];
            System::queryStringSetVar('sid', $sid);
        if ($item === false) {
            return LogUtil::registerError($this->__('Error! No such article found.'), 404);

        // check for cached pdf file
        if ($this->getVar('pdflink_enablecache', true)) {
            $cachedPdf = $this->pdfIsCached($item['urltitle']);
            if ($cachedPdf) {
                return true;

        // $info is array holding raw information.
        $info = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getArticleInfo', $item);

        // $links is an array holding pure URLs to specific functions for this article.
        $links = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getArticleLinks', $info);

        // $preformat is an array holding chunks of preformatted text for this article.
        $preformat = ModUtil::apiFunc('News', 'user', 'getArticlePreformat', array('info' => $info,
                    'links' => $links));

        // Assign the story info arrays
        $this->view->assign(array('info' => $info,
            'links' => $links,
            'preformat' => $preformat));

        // Store output in variable
        $articlehtml = $this->view->fetch('user/articlepdf.tpl');

        // Include and configure the TCPDF class
        define('K_TCPDF_EXTERNAL_CONFIG', true);
        $classfile = DataUtil::formatForOS('modules/News/lib/vendor/tcpdf/tcpdf.php');
        include_once $classfile;
        $lang = ZLanguage::getInstance();
        $langcode = $lang->getLanguageCodeLegacy();
        $langfile = DataUtil::formatForOS("modules/News/lib/vendor/tcpdf/config/lang/{$langcode}.php");
        if (file_exists($langfile)) {
            include_once $langfile;
        } else {
            // default to english
            include_once DataUtil::formatForOS('modules/News/lib/vendor/tcpdf/config/lang/eng.php');
        $configfile = DataUtil::formatForOS('modules/News/lib/vendor/tcpdf_news_config.php');
        require_once $configfile;

        // create new PDF document
        $pdf = new TCPDF(PDF_PAGE_ORIENTATION, PDF_UNIT, PDF_PAGE_FORMAT, true, 'UTF-8', false);

        // set pdf document information
        // set default header data
        $sitename = System::getVar('sitename');
        /*    $pdf->SetHeaderData(
          $this->__f('Article %1$s by %2$s', array($info['title'], $info['contributor'])),
          $sitename . ' :: ' . $this->__('News publisher')); */
        $pdf->SetHeaderData($this->getVar('pdflink_headerlogo'), $this->getVar('pdflink_headerlogo_width'), '', $sitename . ' :: ' . $info['cattitle'] . ' :: ' . $info['topicname']);
        // set header and footer fonts
        $pdf->setHeaderFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN));
        $pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
        // set default monospaced font
        //set margins
        //set auto page breaks
        $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM);
        //set image scale factor
        //set some language-dependent strings
        $pdf->setLanguageArray($l); // $l is undefined??? TODO
        // set font, freeserif is big !
        //$pdf->SetFont('freeserif', '', 10);
        // For Unicode data put dejavusans in tcpdf_config.php
        $pdf->SetFont(PDF_FONT_NAME_MAIN, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_MAIN);

        // add a page

        // output the HTML content
        $pdf->writeHTML($articlehtml, true, 0, true, 0);

        // reset pointer to the last page

        if ($this->getVar('pdflink_enablecache', true)) {
            $pdfMode = "FI";
            $dir = CacheUtil::getLocalDir('NewsPDF');
            $pdfFileName = $dir . '/' . $info['urltitle'] . '.pdf';
        } else {
            $pdfMode = "I";
            $pdfFileName = $info['urltitle'] . '.pdf';
        //Close and output PDF document
        $pdf->Output($pdfFileName, $pdfMode);

        // Since the output doesn't need the theme wrapped around it,
        // let the theme know that the function is already finished
        return true;
Esempio n. 6
 * Install controller.
 * @return void
function install(Core $core)
    define('_ZINSTALLVER', Core::VERSION_NUM);
    $serviceManager = $core->getContainer();
    $eventManager = $core->getDispatcher();
    // Lazy load DB connection to avoid testing DSNs that are not yet valid (e.g. no DB created yet)
    $dbEvent = new GenericEvent(null, array('lazy' => true));
    $eventManager->dispatch('doctrine.init_connection', $dbEvent);
    $core->init(Core::STAGE_ALL & ~Core::STAGE_THEME & ~Core::STAGE_MODS & ~Core::STAGE_LANGS & ~Core::STAGE_DECODEURLS & ~Core::STAGE_SESSIONS);
    // Power users might have moved the temp folder out of the root and changed the config.php
    // accordingly. Make sure we respect this security related settings
    $tempDir = isset($GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['temp']) ? $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['temp'] : 'ztemp';
    // define our smarty object
    $smarty = new Smarty();
    $smarty->caching = false;
    $smarty->compile_check = true;
    $smarty->left_delimiter = '{';
    $smarty->right_delimiter = '}';
    $smarty->compile_dir = $tempDir . '/view_compiled';
    $smarty->template_dir = 'install/templates';
    $smarty->plugins_dir = array('plugins', 'install/templates/plugins');
    file_put_contents("{$tempDir}/view_compiled/index.html", '');
    $lang = FormUtil::getPassedValue('lang', '', 'GETPOST');
    $dbhost = FormUtil::getPassedValue('dbhost', '', 'GETPOST');
    $dbusername = FormUtil::getPassedValue('dbusername', '', 'GETPOST');
    $dbpassword = FormUtil::getPassedValue('dbpassword', '', 'GETPOST');
    $dbname = FormUtil::getPassedValue('dbname', '', 'GETPOST');
    $dbprefix = '';
    $dbdriver = FormUtil::getPassedValue('dbdriver', '', 'GETPOST');
    $dbtabletype = FormUtil::getPassedValue('dbtabletype', '', 'GETPOST');
    $username = FormUtil::getPassedValue('username', '', 'POST');
    $password = FormUtil::getPassedValue('password', '', 'POST');
    $repeatpassword = FormUtil::getPassedValue('repeatpassword', '', 'POST');
    $email = FormUtil::getPassedValue('email', '', 'GETPOST');
    $action = FormUtil::getPassedValue('action', '', 'GETPOST');
    $notinstalled = isset($_GET['notinstalled']);
    $installedState = isset($GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['installed']) ? $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['installed'] : 0;
    // If somehow we are browsing the not installed page but installed, redirect back to homepage
    if ($installedState && $notinstalled) {
        $response = new RedirectResponse(System::getHomepageUrl());
        return $response->send();
    // see if the language was already selected
    $languageAlreadySelected = $lang ? true : false;
    if (!$notinstalled && $languageAlreadySelected && empty($action)) {
        $response = new RedirectResponse(System::getBaseUri() . "/install.php?action=requirements&lang={$lang}");
        return $response->send();
    // see if the language was already selected
    $languageAlreadySelected = $lang ? true : false;
    if (!$notinstalled && $languageAlreadySelected && empty($action)) {
        $response = new RedirectResponse(System::getBaseUri() . "/install.php?action=requirements&lang={$lang}");
        return $response->send();
    // load the installer language files
    if (empty($lang)) {
        if (is_readable('config/installer.ini')) {
            $test = parse_ini_file('config/installer.ini');
            $lang = isset($test['language']) ? $test['language'] : 'en';
        } else {
            $available = ZLanguage::getInstalledLanguages();
            $detector = new ZLanguageBrowser($available);
            $lang = $detector->discover();
        $lang = DataUtil::formatForDisplay($lang);
    // setup multilingual
    $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['language_i18n'] = $lang;
    $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['multilingual'] = true;
    $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['languageurl'] = true;
    $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['language_detect'] = false;
    $_lang = ZLanguage::getInstance();
    $lang = ZLanguage::getLanguageCode();
    $installbySQL = file_exists("install/sql/custom-{$lang}.sql") ? "install/sql/custom-{$lang}.sql" : false;
    $smarty->assign('lang', $lang);
    $smarty->assign('installbySQL', $installbySQL);
    $smarty->assign('langdirection', ZLanguage::getDirection());
    $smarty->assign('charset', ZLanguage::getEncoding());
    // show not installed case
    if ($notinstalled) {
        header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable');
        file_put_contents("{$tempDir}/view_compiled/index.html", '');
    // assign the values from config.php
    // if the system is already installed, halt.
    if ($GLOBALS['ZConfig']['System']['installed']) {
    // check for an empty action - if so then show the first installer page
    if (empty($action)) {
        $action = 'lang';
    // perform tasks based on our action
    switch ($action) {
        case 'processBDInfo':
            $dbname = trim($dbname);
            $dbusername = trim($dbusername);
            if (empty($dbname) || empty($dbusername)) {
                $action = 'dbinformation';
                $smarty->assign('dbconnectmissing', true);
            } elseif (!preg_match('/^[\\w-]*$/', $dbname) || strlen($dbname) > 64) {
                $action = 'dbinformation';
                $smarty->assign('dbinvalidname', true);
            } else {
                update_config_php($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword, $dbname, $dbdriver, $dbtabletype);
                try {
                    $dbh = new PDO("{$dbdriver}:host={$dbhost};dbname={$dbname}", $dbusername, $dbpassword);
                } catch (PDOException $e) {
                    $action = 'dbinformation';
                    $smarty->assign('reason', $e->getMessage());
                    $smarty->assign('dbconnectfailed', true);
            if ($action != 'dbinformation') {
                $action = 'createadmin';
        case 'finish':
            if (!$username || preg_match('/[^\\p{L}\\p{N}_\\.\\-]/u', $username)) {
                $action = 'createadmin';
                $smarty->assign('uservalidatefailed', true);
                $smarty->assign(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'repeatpassword' => $repeatpassword, 'email' => $email));
            } elseif (mb_strlen($password) < 7) {
                $action = 'createadmin';
                $smarty->assign('badpassword', true);
                $smarty->assign(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'repeatpassword' => $repeatpassword, 'email' => $email));
            } elseif ($password !== $repeatpassword) {
                $action = 'createadmin';
                $smarty->assign('passwordcomparefailed', true);
                $smarty->assign(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'repeatpassword' => $repeatpassword, 'email' => $email));
            } elseif (!validateMail($email)) {
                $action = 'createadmin';
                $smarty->assign('emailvalidatefailed', true);
                $smarty->assign(array('username' => $username, 'password' => $password, 'repeatpassword' => $repeatpassword, 'email' => $email));
            } else {
                $installedOk = false;
                // if it is the distribution and the process have not failed in a previous step
                if ($installbySQL) {
                    // checks if exists a previous installation with the same prefix
                    $proceed = true;
                    $dbnameConfig = $GLOBALS['ZConfig']['DBInfo']['databases']['default']['dbname'];
                    $exec = $dbdriver == 'mysql' || $dbdriver == 'mysqli' ? "SHOW TABLES FROM `{$dbnameConfig}` LIKE '%'" : "SHOW TABLES FROM {$dbnameConfig} LIKE '%'";
                    $tables = DBUtil::executeSQL($exec);
                    if ($tables->rowCount() > 0) {
                        $proceed = false;
                        $action = 'dbinformation';
                        $smarty->assign('dbexists', true);
                    if ($proceed) {
                        // checks if file exists
                        if (!file_exists($installbySQL)) {
                            $action = 'dbinformation';
                            $smarty->assign('dbdumpfailed', true);
                        } else {
                            // execute the SQL dump
                            $lines = file($installbySQL);
                            $exec = '';
                            foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
                                $line = trim($line);
                                if (empty($line) || strpos($line, '--') === 0) {
                                $exec .= $line;
                                if (strrpos($line, ';') === strlen($line) - 1) {
                                    if (!DBUtil::executeSQL($exec)) {
                                        $action = 'dbinformation';
                                        $smarty->assign('dbdumpfailed', true);
                                    $exec = '';
                            ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Users', 'Users');
                            ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('Extensions', 'Extensions');
                            createuser($username, $password, $email);
                            $installedOk = true;
                } else {
                    createuser($username, $password, $email);
                    $installedOk = true;
                if ($installedOk) {
                    // create our new site admin
                    // TODO: Email username/password to administrator email address.  Cannot use ModUtil::apiFunc for this.
                    $authenticationInfo = array('login_id' => $username, 'pass' => $password);
                    $authenticationMethod = array('modname' => 'Users', 'method' => 'uname');
                    UserUtil::loginUsing($authenticationMethod, $authenticationInfo);
                    // add admin email as site email
                    System::setVar('adminmail', $email);
                    if (!$installbySQL) {
                    // set site status as installed and protect config.php file
                    @chmod('config/config.php', 0400);
                    if (!is_readable('config/config.php')) {
                        @chmod('config/config.php', 0440);
                        if (!is_readable('config/config.php')) {
                            @chmod('config/config.php', 0444);
                    // install all plugins
                    $systemPlugins = PluginUtil::loadAllSystemPlugins();
                    foreach ($systemPlugins as $plugin) {
                    LogUtil::registerStatus(__('Congratulations! Zikula has been successfullly installed.'));
                    $response = new RedirectResponse(ModUtil::url('Admin', 'admin', 'adminpanel'));
        case 'requirements':
            $checks = _check_requirements();
            $ok = true;
            foreach ($checks as $check) {
                if (!$check) {
                    $ok = false;
            foreach ($checks['files'] as $check) {
                if (!$check['writable']) {
                    $ok = false;
            if ($ok) {
                $response = new RedirectResponse(System::getBaseUri() . "/install.php?action=dbinformation&lang={$lang}");
            $smarty->assign('checks', $checks);
    // check our action template exists
    $action = DataUtil::formatForOS($action);
    if ($smarty->template_exists("installer_{$action}.tpl")) {
        $smarty->assign('action', $action);
        $templateName = "installer_{$action}.tpl";
    } else {
        $smarty->assign('action', 'error');
        $templateName = 'installer_error.tpl';
    $smarty->assign('maincontent', $smarty->fetch($templateName));
    file_put_contents("{$tempDir}/view_compiled/index.html", '');
Esempio n. 7
  * Initialise Zikula.
  * Carries out a number of initialisation tasks to get Zikula up and
  * running.
  * @param integer $stage Stage to load.
  * @return boolean True initialisation successful false otherwise.
 public function onInit(GetResponseEvent $event)
     if ($event->getRequestType() === HttpKernelInterface::SUB_REQUEST) {
     $this->dispatcher = $event->getDispatcher();
     $this->stage = $stage = self::STAGE_ALL;
     $coreInitEvent = new GenericEvent($this);
     $coreInitEvent['request'] = $event->getRequest();
     // store the load stages in a global so other API's can check whats loaded
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::PREINIT, new GenericEvent($this));
     //        // Initialise and load configuration
     //        if ($stage & self::STAGE_CONFIG) {
     //            // error reporting
     //            if (!\System::isInstalling()) {
     //                // this is here because it depends on the config.php loading.
     //                $event = new GenericEvent(null, array('stage' => $stage));
     //                $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::ERRORREPORTING, $event);
     //            }
     //            // initialise custom event listeners from config.php settings
     //            $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_CONFIG);
     //            $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::INIT, $coreInitEvent);
     //        }
     //        // Check that Zikula is installed before continuing
     //        if (\System::getVar('installed') == 0 && !\System::isInstalling()) {
     //            $response = new RedirectResponse(\System::getBaseUrl().'install.php?notinstalled');
     //            $response->send();
     //            \System::shutdown();
     //        }
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_DB) {
         try {
             $dbEvent = new GenericEvent();
             $this->dispatcher->dispatch('doctrine.init_connection', $dbEvent);
             $dbEvent = new GenericEvent($this, array('stage' => self::STAGE_DB));
             $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::INIT, $dbEvent);
         } catch (\PDOException $e) {
             if (!\System::isInstalling()) {
                 header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable');
                 require_once \System::getSystemErrorTemplate('dbconnectionerror.tpl');
             } else {
                 return false;
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_TABLES) {
         // Initialise dbtables
         \ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('SettingsModule', 'SettingsModule');
         \ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ThemeModule', 'ThemeModule');
         \ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('UsersModule', 'UsersModule');
         \ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('GroupsModule', 'GroupsModule');
         \ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('PermissionsModule', 'PermissionsModule');
         \ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('CategoriesModule', 'CategoriesModule');
         if (!\System::isInstalling()) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_TABLES);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::INIT, $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_SESSIONS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_SESSIONS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::INIT, $coreInitEvent);
     // Have to load in this order specifically since we cant setup the languages until we've decoded the URL if required (drak)
     // start block
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_LANGS) {
         $lang = \ZLanguage::getInstance();
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_DECODEURLS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_DECODEURLS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::INIT, $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_LANGS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_LANGS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::INIT, $coreInitEvent);
     // end block
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_MODS) {
         // Set compression on if desired
         if (\System::getVar('UseCompression') == 1) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_MODS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::INIT, $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_THEME) {
         // register default page vars
         \PageUtil::setVar('title', \System::getVar('defaultpagetitle'));
         \PageUtil::registerVar('keywords', true);
         \PageUtil::registerVar('stylesheet', true);
         \PageUtil::registerVar('javascript', true);
         \PageUtil::registerVar('jsgettext', true);
         \PageUtil::registerVar('body', true);
         \PageUtil::registerVar('header', true);
         \PageUtil::registerVar('footer', true);
         $theme = \Zikula_View_Theme::getInstance();
         // set some defaults
         // Metadata for SEO
         $this->container['zikula_view.metatags']['description'] = \System::getVar('defaultmetadescription');
         $this->container['zikula_view.metatags']['keywords'] = \System::getVar('metakeywords');
         $coreInitEvent->setArg('stage', self::STAGE_THEME);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::INIT, $coreInitEvent);
     // check the users status, if not 1 then log him out
     if (\UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
         $userstatus = \UserUtil::getVar('activated');
         if ($userstatus != UsersConstant::ACTIVATED_ACTIVE) {
             // TODO - When getting logged out this way, the existing session is destroyed and
             //        then a new one is created on the reentry into index.php. The message
             //        set by the registerStatus call below gets lost.
             \LogUtil::registerStatus(__('You have been logged out.'));
             $response = new RedirectResponse(\ModUtil::url('Users', 'user', 'login'));
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_POST && $this->stage & ~self::STAGE_POST) {
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch(CoreEvents::POSTINIT, new GenericEvent($this, array('stages' => $stage)));
     $this->dispatcher->dispatch('frontcontroller.predispatch', new GenericEvent());
Esempio n. 8
  * Initialise Zikula.
  * Carries out a number of initialisation tasks to get Zikula up and
  * running.
  * @param integer             $stage Stage to load.
  * @param Zikula_Request_Http $request
  * @return boolean True initialisation successful false otherwise.
 public function init($stage = self::STAGE_ALL, Request $request)
     $GLOBALS['__request'] = $request;
     // hack for pre 1.5.0 - drak
     $coreInitEvent = new GenericEvent($this);
     // store the load stages in a global so other API's can check whats loaded
     $this->stage = $this->stage | $stage;
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_PRE && $this->stage & ~self::STAGE_PRE) {
         $args = !System::isInstalling() ? array('lazy' => true) : array();
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.preinit', new GenericEvent($this, $args));
     // Initialise and load configuration
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_CONFIG) {
         // for BC only. remove this code in 2.0.0
         if (!System::isInstalling()) {
             $this->dispatcher->dispatch('setup.errorreporting', new GenericEvent(null, array('stage' => $stage)));
         // initialise custom event listeners from config.php settings
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_CONFIG);
          * NOTE: this event is monitored by
          * \Zikula\Bundle\CoreInstallerBundle\EventListener\InstallUpgradeCheckListener
          * to see if install or upgrade is needed
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_DB) {
         try {
             $dbEvent = new GenericEvent($this, array('stage' => self::STAGE_DB));
             $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $dbEvent);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if (!System::isInstalling()) {
                 header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable');
                 require_once System::getSystemErrorTemplate('dbconnectionerror.tpl');
             } else {
                 return false;
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_TABLES) {
         // Initialise dbtables
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaExtensionsModule', 'ZikulaExtensionsModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaSettingsModule', 'ZikulaSettingsModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaThemeModule', 'ZikulaThemeModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaUsersModule', 'ZikulaUsersModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaGroupsModule', 'ZikulaGroupsModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaPermissionsModule', 'ZikulaPermissionsModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaCategoriesModule', 'ZikulaCategoriesModule');
         // Add AutoLoading for non-symfony 1.3 modules in /modules
         if (!System::isInstalling()) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_TABLES);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_SESSIONS) {
         //            SessionUtil::requireSession();
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_SESSIONS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     // Have to load in this order specifically since we cant setup the languages until we've decoded the URL if required (drak)
     // start block
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_LANGS) {
         $lang = ZLanguage::getInstance();
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_DECODEURLS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_DECODEURLS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_LANGS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_LANGS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     // end block
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_MODS) {
         if (!System::isInstalling()) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_MODS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_THEME) {
         // register default page vars
         PageUtil::registerVar('polyfill_features', true);
         PageUtil::setVar('title', System::getVar('defaultpagetitle'));
         PageUtil::registerVar('keywords', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('stylesheet', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('javascript', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('jsgettext', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('body', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('header', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('footer', true);
         // set some defaults
         // Metadata for SEO
         $this->container->setParameter('zikula_view.metatags', array('description' => System::getVar('defaultmetadescription'), 'keywords' => System::getVar('metakeywords')));
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_THEME);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     // check the users status, if not 1 then log him out
     if (!System::isInstalling() && UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
         $userstatus = UserUtil::getVar('activated');
         if ($userstatus != Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_ACTIVE) {
             // TODO - When getting logged out this way, the existing session is destroyed and
             //        then a new one is created on the reentry into index.php. The message
             //        set by the registerStatus call below gets lost.
             LogUtil::registerStatus(__('You have been logged out.'));
             System::redirect(ModUtil::url('ZikulaUsersModule', 'user', 'login'));
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_POST && $this->stage & ~self::STAGE_POST) {
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.postinit', new GenericEvent($this, array('stages' => $stage)));
Esempio n. 9
  * Initialise Zikula.
  * Carries out a number of initialisation tasks to get Zikula up and
  * running.
  * @param integer             $stage Stage to load.
  * @param Zikula_Request_Http $request
  * @return boolean True initialisation successful false otherwise.
 public function init($stage = self::STAGE_ALL, Request $request)
     $GLOBALS['__request'] = $request;
     // hack for pre 1.5.0 - drak
     $coreInitEvent = new GenericEvent($this);
     // store the load stages in a global so other API's can check whats loaded
     $this->stage = $this->stage | $stage;
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_PRE && $this->stage & ~self::STAGE_PRE) {
         $args = !System::isInstalling() ? array('lazy' => true) : array();
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.preinit', new GenericEvent($this, $args));
     // Initialise and load configuration
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_CONFIG) {
         // for BC only. remove this code in 2.0.0
         if (!System::isInstalling()) {
             $this->dispatcher->dispatch('setup.errorreporting', new GenericEvent(null, array('stage' => $stage)));
         // initialise custom event listeners from config.php settings
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_CONFIG);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     // create several booleans to test condition of request regrading install/upgrade
     $installed = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('installed');
     if ($installed) {
     $requiresUpgrade = $installed && version_compare(ZIKULACORE_CURRENT_INSTALLED_VERSION, self::VERSION_NUM, '<');
     // can't use $request->get('_route') to get any of the following
     // all these routes are hard-coded in xml files
     $uriContainsInstall = strpos($request->getRequestUri(), '/install') !== false;
     $uriContainsUpgrade = strpos($request->getRequestUri(), '/upgrade') !== false;
     $uriContainsDoc = strpos($request->getRequestUri(), '/installdoc') !== false;
     $uriContainsWdt = strpos($request->getRequestUri(), '/_wdt') !== false;
     $uriContainsProfiler = strpos($request->getRequestUri(), '/_profiler') !== false;
     $uriContainsRouter = strpos($request->getRequestUri(), '/js/routing?callback=fos.Router.setData') !== false;
     $doNotRedirect = $uriContainsProfiler || $uriContainsWdt || $uriContainsRouter || $request->isXmlHttpRequest();
     // check if Zikula Core is not installed
     if (!$installed && !$uriContainsDoc && !$uriContainsInstall && !$doNotRedirect) {
         // compensate for sub-directory installs
         $url = $this->container->get('router')->generate('install');
         $response = new RedirectResponse($url);
     // check if Zikula Core requires upgrade
     if ($requiresUpgrade && !$uriContainsDoc && !$uriContainsUpgrade && !$doNotRedirect) {
         // compensate for sub-directory installs
         $url = $this->container->get('router')->generate('upgrade');
         $response = new RedirectResponse($url);
     if (!$installed || $requiresUpgrade || $this->getContainer()->hasParameter('upgrading')) {
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_DB) {
         try {
             $dbEvent = new GenericEvent($this, array('stage' => self::STAGE_DB));
             $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $dbEvent);
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             if (!System::isInstalling()) {
                 header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Unavailable');
                 require_once System::getSystemErrorTemplate('dbconnectionerror.tpl');
             } else {
                 return false;
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_TABLES) {
         // Initialise dbtables
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaExtensionsModule', 'ZikulaExtensionsModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaSettingsModule', 'ZikulaSettingsModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaThemeModule', 'ZikulaThemeModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaUsersModule', 'ZikulaUsersModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaGroupsModule', 'ZikulaGroupsModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaPermissionsModule', 'ZikulaPermissionsModule');
         ModUtil::dbInfoLoad('ZikulaCategoriesModule', 'ZikulaCategoriesModule');
         // Add AutoLoading for non-symfony 1.3 modules in /modules
         if (!System::isInstalling()) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_TABLES);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_SESSIONS) {
         //            SessionUtil::requireSession();
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_SESSIONS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     // Have to load in this order specifically since we cant setup the languages until we've decoded the URL if required (drak)
     // start block
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_LANGS) {
         $lang = ZLanguage::getInstance();
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_DECODEURLS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_DECODEURLS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_LANGS) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_LANGS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     // end block
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_MODS) {
         if (!System::isInstalling()) {
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_MODS);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_THEME) {
         // register default page vars
         PageUtil::registerVar('polyfill_features', true);
         PageUtil::setVar('title', System::getVar('defaultpagetitle'));
         PageUtil::registerVar('keywords', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('stylesheet', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('javascript', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('jsgettext', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('body', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('header', true);
         PageUtil::registerVar('footer', true);
         // set some defaults
         // Metadata for SEO
         $this->container->setParameter('zikula_view.metatags', array('description' => System::getVar('defaultmetadescription'), 'keywords' => System::getVar('metakeywords')));
         $coreInitEvent->setArgument('stage', self::STAGE_THEME);
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.init', $coreInitEvent);
     // check the users status, if not 1 then log him out
     if (!System::isInstalling() && UserUtil::isLoggedIn()) {
         $userstatus = UserUtil::getVar('activated');
         if ($userstatus != Users_Constant::ACTIVATED_ACTIVE) {
             // TODO - When getting logged out this way, the existing session is destroyed and
             //        then a new one is created on the reentry into index.php. The message
             //        set by the registerStatus call below gets lost.
             LogUtil::registerStatus(__('You have been logged out.'));
             System::redirect(ModUtil::url('ZikulaUsersModule', 'user', 'login'));
     if ($stage & self::STAGE_POST && $this->stage & ~self::STAGE_POST) {
         $this->dispatcher->dispatch('core.postinit', new GenericEvent($this, array('stages' => $stage)));