function getTotal($cid = null) { $cond = $this->buildWhere($cid); $obj_tblTournament = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_CATEGORIES); $total = $obj_tblTournament->getTotal($cond); return $total; }
public function getExtensionById($id) { global $mainframe; $obj_row = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_EXTENSIONS); $obj_row->load($id); $path = Yii::app()->basePath . '/extensions/modules/' . $obj_row->folder; $module_xml_file = $path . "/" . $obj_row->folder . ".xml"; if (!file_exists($module_xml_file)) { YiiMessage::raseWarning("Error! file xml module is not existing!."); $mainframe->redirect(Yii::app()->createUrl("/modules")); } $params = sysLoadXmlParam($module_xml_file, $obj_row->params); $obj_row->params = $params; return $obj_row; }
function loadModule($moduleID = null, $field = null) { if ($moduleID === 0 || $moduleID == "") { return YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_MODULES); } if ($field == null) { $field = ", a.title, a.alias, a.cdate, a.mdate, a.ordering, a.position, a.module, a.description, a.status + 2*(b.status - 1) as status, a.params"; } $command = $this->_db->createCommand()->select($field)->from(TBL_MODULES . " as a")->rightjoin(TBL_EXTENSIONS . " as b", " ON a.module = b.folder"); if ($conditions != null) { $command->where(" = {$moduleID}"); } $items = $command->queryRow(); return $items; }
function getCategory($catID, $alias = null) { $obj_table = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_CATEGORIES); $obj_video = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_VIDEOS); if (intval($catID) > 0) { $item = $obj_table->loadRow("*", " status = 1 AND `id` = {$catID}"); } else { $item = $obj_table->loadRow("*", " status = 1 AND `alias` = '{$alias}'"); } if ($item) { $params = array("view" => "category", "id" => $item['id'], "alias" => $item['alias']); $item['link'] = Router::buildLink('videos', $params); $item['total'] = $obj_video->getTotal(" status = 1 AND `catID` = " . $item['id']); } return $item; }
public function store() { global $mainframe, $user; $cid = Request::getVar("id", 0); $obj_table = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_RSM_RESOURCES); $obj_table = $obj_table->load($cid); $obj_table->bind($_POST); if ($obj_table->id == 0) { $obj_table->created_by = $user->id; } $obj_table->modified_by = $user->id; $obj_table->app = $_POST['params_app']; $obj_table->store(); YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Successfully save Permission"); return $obj_table->id; }
function actionCheckMobile() { global $user; $mobile = Request::getVar('mobile', ''); $obj_return = new stdClass(); $obj_return->valid = false; if ($mobile == "") { $obj_return->valid = false; } else { $tbl_user = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_USERS); $cond = "mobile = '" . $mobile . "'"; $bool = $tbl_user->getTotal($cond); if ($bool == false or $bool == 0) { $obj_return->valid = true; } } echo json_encode($obj_return); die; }
function build($prefix_name = "params", $arr_size = array(5, 7)) { $table_menu = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_MENU); $this->value = (string) $this->value; $items = $table_menu->loads("id, title"); $name = $prefix_name . "[" . $this->node['name'] . "]"; $id = $prefix_name . "-" . $this->node['name'] . "-"; $html = '<div class="form-group row"> ' . '<div class="col-md-' . $arr_size[0] . '" title="' . $this->node['description'] . '">' . $this->node['label'] . '</div> ' . '<div class="col-md-' . $arr_size[1] . '"> '; $html .= '<select name="' . $name . '" id="' . $id . '" ' . $this->node['attr'] . '>'; foreach ($items as $item) { if ($this->value == $item['id']) { $html .= '<option value="' . $item['id'] . '" selected="">' . $item['title'] . '</option> '; } else { $html .= '<option value="' . $item['id'] . '">' . $item['title'] . '</option> '; } } $html .= "</select>"; $html .= '</div> ' . " </div>"; return $html; }
function getListEdit($mainItem) { $moduleID = Request::getInt('cid', ""); $lists = array(); $obj_menu = YiiMenu::getInstance(); $obj_module = YiiModule::getInstance(); $items = $obj_menu->loadMenus(); $items_xref = $obj_module->loadXrefMenu($moduleID); $attr = ""; $meu_seletec = "selected"; if ($mainItem->menu == "none") { $attr = 'disabled="disabled"'; } else { if ($mainItem->menu == "all") { $attr = 'disabled="disabled"'; } } $str_html = '<select id="selection-menu" class="inputbox" multiple="multiple" ' . $attr . ' size="15" name="selection-menu[]" style="min-width: 180px;">'; foreach ($items as $item) { $str_html .= '<optgroup label="' . $item['title'] . '">'; $_items = $item["_items"]; foreach ($_items as $_item) { $str = str_repeat(" ", $_item['level'] - 1); if ($mainItem->menu == "all") { $str_html .= '<option value="' . $_item['id'] . '" selected ="">' . $str . $_item['title'] . '</option>'; } else { if ($mainItem->menu == "none") { $str_html .= '<option value="' . $_item['id'] . '">' . $str . $_item['title'] . '</option>'; } else { if (in_array($_item['id'], $items_xref)) { $str_html .= '<option value="' . $_item['id'] . '" selected ="">' . $str . $_item['title'] . '</option>'; } else { $str_html .= '<option value="' . $_item['id'] . '">' . $str . $_item['title'] . '</option>'; } } } } $str_html .= '</optgroup>'; } $str_html .= "</select>"; $lists['selection-menu'] = $str_html; // position $tbl_MP = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_MODULE_POSITION); $items = $tbl_MP->loads("temp, position", null, " temp DESC"); $str_html = '<div style="position: relative;">'; $str_html .= '<select id="combobox-position" class="form-control" style="width: 180px; height: 25px;">' . "\r\n"; $cur_temp = ""; foreach ($items as $k => $item) { if ($cur_temp != $item['temp']) { if ($cur_temp != "") { $str_html .= '</optgroup>' . "\r\n"; } $str_html .= '<optgroup label="' . $item['temp'] . '">' . "\r\n"; $cur_temp = $item['temp']; } if ($mainItem->position == $item['position']) { $str_html .= '<option value="' . $item['position'] . '" selected ="">' . $item['position'] . '</option>' . "\r\n"; } else { $str_html .= '<option value="' . $item['position'] . '">' . $item['position'] . '</option>' . "\r\n"; } if ($k == count($items) - 1) { $str_html .= '</optgroup>' . "\r\n"; } } $str_html .= "</select>"; $str_html .= '<input id="position" class="form-control" type="text" value="' . $mainItem->position . '" name="position" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1000; left: 0px; top: 0px; width: 162px; height: 25px; padding: 3px;">' . "\r\n"; $str_html .= '</div>'; $str_html .= '<script> $(window).ready(function($) { $("#combobox-position").change(function(){ var cur_pos = $("#combobox-position").val(); $("#position").val(cur_pos); }); });</script>'; $lists['position'] = $str_html; $items = array(); $items[] = array("value" => 0, "text" => "Unpublish"); $items[] = array("value" => 1, "text" => "Publish"); $items[] = array("value" => -1, "text" => "Hidden"); $lists['status'] = buildHtml::select($items, $mainItem->status, "status"); return $lists; }
function getGranted() { $cid = Request::getVar('cid', 0); $obj_res_xref = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_RSM_RESOURCE_XREF); $items = $obj_res_xref->loads("*", " object_type = 2 AND objectID = {$cid}"); if (count($items)) { $arr_new = array(); $arr_new['allow'] = array(); $arr_new['deny'] = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { if ($item['value'] == 1) { $arr_new['allow'][$item['resourceID']] = $item['resourceID']; } else { $arr_new['deny'][$item['resourceID']] = $item['resourceID']; } } $items = $arr_new; } return $items; }
public function actionUploadext() { global $mainframe, $user; if (!$user->isSuperAdmin()) { YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to install extension"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("cpanel")); } $pack_install = $_FILES['install_package']; if ($pack_install == null or $pack_install['error'] != 0) { YiiMessage::raseWarning("Unable to find install package"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("installer")); } // $YiiFile = new YiiFile; $path_file_pach_install = PATH_TMP . $pack_install['name']; YiiFile::upload($pack_install['tmp_name'], $path_file_pach_install); $file_info = pathinfo($path_file_pach_install); if (strtolower($file_info['extension']) != "zip") { YiiMessage::raseWarning("Invalid extension install package"); YiiFile::delete($path_file_pach_install); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("installer")); } $filename = $file_info['filename']; $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($path_file_pach_install); $path_extact = PATH_TMP . $filename; if ($res === TRUE) { $zip->extractTo($path_extact); $zip->close(); } else { YiiMessage::raseWarning("Invalid extract file install package"); YiiFile::delete($path_file_pach_install); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("installer")); } $files_xml = YiiFolder::files($path_extact, "\\.xml", 1, true); if (count($files_xml) == 0) { YiiFile::delete($path_file_pach_install); YiiFolder::delete($path_extact); YiiMessage::raseWarning("Invalid extension install package"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("installer")); } $xml = null; foreach ($files_xml as $file_xml) { $xml = simplexml_load_file($file_xml); if (!$xml) { unset($xml); continue; } if ($xml->getName() != 'extension') { unset($xml); continue; } $type = (string) $xml->attributes()->type; if (!in_array($type, array("app", "module"))) { unset($xml); continue; } } $type = (string) $xml->attributes()->type; $row_ext = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_EXTENSIONS); $arr_info = array(); $arr_info['title'] = (string) $xml->title; $arr_info['name'] = (string) $xml->name; $arr_info['alias'] = $this->convertalias($arr_info['title']); $arr_info['author'] = (string) $xml->author; $arr_info['version'] = (string) $xml->version; $arr_info['creationDate'] = (string) $xml->creationDate; $arr_info['description'] = (string) $xml->description; $arr_info['type'] = (string) $xml->attributes()->type; $arr_info['folder'] = trim(preg_replace('/[^\\w\\d]+/is', '', $row_ext->title)); $arr_info['client'] = (string) $xml->attributes()->client; if ($arr_info['client'] == "") { $arr_info['client'] = 1; } $row_ext->loadRow("*", "title = '" . $arr_info['title'] . "' OR alias = '" . $arr_info['alias'] . "'"); $ext_new = false; if ($row_ext->id == 0) { $row_ext->cdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $ext_new = true; } $row_ext->mdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $row_ext->bind($arr_info); $path_ext = PATH_MODULES . $row_ext->folder; if ($row_ext->type == "app" and $row_ext->client == 1) { $path_ext = PATH_APPS_FRONT . $row_ext->folder; } else { if ($row_ext->type == "app" and $row_ext->client == 0) { $path_ext = PATH_APPS_BACKEND . $row_ext->folder; } } if (!YiiFolder::create($path_ext, 0775)) { YiiMessage::raseWarning("FILESYSTEM ERROR Could not create directory"); YiiFile::delete($path_file_pach_install); YiiFolder::delete($path_extact); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("installer")); } $bool = YiiFolder::copy($path_extact, $path_ext, '', 1); if ($row_ext->type == "module" and $ext_new == true) { $row_module = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_MODULES); $row_module->title = $row_ext->title; $row_module->alias = $row_ext->alias; $row_module->cdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $row_module->mdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $row_module->module = $row_ext->folder; $row_module->status = 0; $row_module->store(); } YiiFile::delete($path_file_pach_install); YiiFolder::delete($path_extact); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("installer"), "Succesfully install package"); }
function getListEdit($main_item) { $cid = Request::getVar("cid", 0); $lists = array(); $items = array(); $obj_tblTournament = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_GS_TOURNAMEMANTS); $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance(); $condition = ""; if ($main_item->id != 0) { $condition = "(`lft` <" . $main_item->lft . " OR `lft` > " . $main_item->rgt . ")"; } $results = $obj_tblTournament->loads('id value, name text, level', $condition, 'lft ASC', null); $items = array_merge($items, $results); $lists['parentID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->parentID, "parentID", "", "size=10", " ", "-"); $items = array(); if ($main_item->id != 0) { $condition = "parentID = " . $main_item->parentID; $results = $obj_tblTournament->loads('id value, name text, level', $condition, 'lft ASC', null); $items = array_merge($items, $results); $lists['ordering'] = buildHtml::select($items, $cid, "ordering", "", "size=5"); } else { $lists['ordering'] = "Ordering this item after save first"; } return $lists; }
function make_matches($tourID, $matches_data_table) { global $user; $db = Yii::app()->db; $obj_team = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_GS_TEAMS, null, true); foreach ($matches_data_table as $matches_intable) { if ($matches_intable == null) { continue; } foreach ($matches_intable as $table) { if ($table->name == "") { $team_a = $obj_team->load($table->teamaID); $table->teama_name = $team_a->name; $table->teama_alias = $team_a->alias; $team_b = $obj_team->load($table->teambID); $table->teamb_name = $team_b->name; $table->teamb_alias = $team_b->alias; $table->name = "{$table->teama_name} VS {$table->teamb_name}"; $table->alias = "{$table->teama_alias}-vs-{$table->teamb_alias}"; } $query = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_GS_MATCHES . " SET id = {$table->id} " . " , `name` = '{$table->name}'" . " ,`alias` = '{$table->alias}'" . " , tourID = '{$table->tourID}'" . " , teamaID = '{$table->teamaID}'" . " , teambID = '{$table->teambID}'" . " , `round` = '{$table->round}'" . " , `group` = '{$table->group}'" . " , subround = '{$table->subround}'" . " , `ordering` = '{$table->ordering}'" . " , `cdate` = now()" . " , `mdate` = now()" . " , `status` = 1" . " , `created_by` = {$user->id}" . " , `modified_by` = {$user->id}" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `name` = '{$table->name}'" . " , `alias` = '{$table->alias}'" . " , teamaID = '{$table->teamaID}'" . " , teambID = '{$table->teambID}'" . " , ordering = '{$table->ordering}'" . " , `mdate` = now()" . " , `status` = 1" . " , `modified_by` = {$user->id}"; $command = $db->createCommand($query); $command->execute(); } } }
function actionRemove() { global $mainframe, $user; if (!$user->isSuperAdmin()) { YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to remove menu item"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("menus", array("view" => 'menutype'))); } $menuID = Request::getInt('menu', ""); $cids = Request::getVar("cid", 0); $table_menu = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_MENU_ITEM); if (count($cids) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($cids); $i++) { $cid = $cids[$i]; //check item first $table_menu->remove($cid); } } YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Successfully remove Menuitem(s)"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink('menus', array("view" => "menuitem", 'menu' => $menuID))); }
function getListEdit($main_item) { global $user; $modelGroup = new Group(); $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance(); $group = $modelGroup->getItem($user->groupID); $condition = ""; if ($group->parentID != 1) { $condition = "`lft` >= {$group->lft} AND `rgt` <= {$group->rgt} "; } $items = $obj_user->getGroups($condition, 'id value, name text, level'); $lists['groupID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->groupID, "groupID", "", "size=10", " ", "-"); $items = array(); $items[] = array("value" => -2, "text" => "- Select status -"); $items[] = array("value" => 0, "text" => "Unpublish"); $items[] = array("value" => 1, "text" => "Publish"); $items[] = array("value" => -1, "text" => "Block"); $lists['status'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->status, "status", "status"); $items_status = array(); $items_status[] = array(-1, 'Default', 'danger'); $items_status[] = array(1, 'Allow', 'success'); $items_status[] = array(0, 'Deny', 'danger'); $lists['item_status'] = $items_status; $table_ext = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_EXTENSIONS); $lists['ext_default_1'] = $table_ext->loadColumn("name", "allowall = 1 "); return $lists; }
function changeStatus($cid, $value) { global $user; $obj_tblTeam = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_GS_TEAMS); $obj_tblTeam->load($cid); $obj_tblTeam->status = $value; $obj_tblTeam->store(); }
function changeStatus($cid, $value) { global $user; $obj_tblTournament = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_GS_TOURNAMEMANTS); $obj_tblTournament->load($cid); $obj_tblTournament->status = $value; $obj_tblTournament->store(); }
function changeStatus($cid, $value) { global $user; $obj_tblLocation = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_LOCATIONS); $obj_tblLocation->load($cid); $obj_tblLocation->status = $value; $obj_tblLocation->store(); }
/** * desc: lay 1 menu item * $menuItemID: */ function loadItem($menuItemID = null, $field = "*") { $table_menu_item = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_MENU_ITEM); $table_menu_item->load($menuItemID); return $table_menu_item; }
function store() { global $mainframe, $db, $user; $post = $_POST; $model = Players::getInstance(); global $user; if (!$user->isSuperAdmin()) { YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to add/edit Players"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("gamesport", array('view' => 'players'))); } $id = Request::getVar("id", 0); $obj_tblTeam = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_GS_PLAYERS); $obj_tblTeam->load($id); $obj_tblTeam->bind($post); // var_dump($obj_tblTeam); die; $obj_tblTeam->store(); return $obj_tblTeam->id; }
function loadXrefMenu($moduleID) { $obj_menuitem = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_MODULE_MENUITEM_REF); return $obj_menuitem->loadColumn("menuID", "moduleID = {$moduleID}", null, null); }
function store() { global $mainframe, $user; $u_id = Request::getInt("id", 0); $query = "DELETE FROM " . TBL_RSM_RESOURCE_XREF . " WHERE objectID = {$u_id} AND object_type = 1"; Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->execute(); if (count($_POST['form'])) { foreach ($_POST['form'] as $key => $value) { $key = str_replace("resource-", "", $key); $obj_table = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_RSM_RESOURCE_XREF); $query = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_RSM_RESOURCE_XREF . " " . "SET objectID = {$u_id}" . ", object_type = 1" . ", resourceID = {$key}" . ", value = {$value}"; Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->execute(); } } return $u_id; }
function actionRemove() { global $user; $cids = Request::getVar("cid", 0); $obj_table = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_VIDEOS); if (count($cids) > 0) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($cids); $i++) { $cid = $cids[$i]; $obj_table->load($cid); if (!($bool = $user->modifyChecking($obj_table->created_by))) { $obj_users = YiiUser::getInstance(); $item_user = $obj_users->getUser($obj_table->created_by); YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission to delete video: {$obj_table->title}"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("videos")); return false; } //check item first $obj_table->remove($cid); } } YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Successfully remove Video(s)"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("videos")); }
function getListEdit($main_item) { $cid = Request::getVar("cid", 0); $lists = array(); $items = array(); $obj_user = YiiUser::getInstance(); $condition = ""; if ($main_item->id != 0) { $condition = "(`lft` <" . $main_item->lft . " OR `lft` > " . $main_item->rgt . ")"; } $results = $obj_user->getGroups($condition, 'id value, name text, level'); $items = array_merge($items, $results); $lists['parentID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->parentID, "parentID", "", "size=10", " ", "-"); $items = array(); if ($main_item->id != 0) { $condition = "parentID = " . $main_item->parentID; $results = $obj_user->getGroups($condition, 'id value, name text, level'); $items = array_merge($items, $results); $lists['ordering'] = buildHtml::select($items, $cid, "ordering", "", "size=5"); } else { $lists['ordering'] = "Ordering this item after save first"; } $items_status = array(); $items_status[] = array(-1, 'Default', 'danger'); $items_status[] = array(1, 'Allow', 'success'); $items_status[] = array(0, 'Deny', 'danger'); $lists['item_status'] = $items_status; $table_ext = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_EXTENSIONS); $lists['ext_default_1'] = $table_ext->loadColumn("name", "allowall = 1 "); return $lists; }
function getListEdit($main_item) { $cid = Request::getVar("cid", 0); $lists = array(); $db = Yii::app()->db; $command = $db->createCommand()->select(",")->from(TBL_GS_TOURNAMEMANTS . " A")->rightJoin(TBL_GS_TEAM_REGISTER_TOUR . ' B', ' = B.tourID')->rightJoin(TBL_GS_TEAMS . ' C', ' = B.teamID')->where(" B.teamID= 1")->group("")->order('A.startDate DESC'); $lists['tournaments'] = $command->queryAll(); $obj_tblLocation = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_LOCATIONS); $locations = $obj_tblLocation->loads("*", 'parentID != 0 ', "lft ASC", null, 0); $arr_new = array(); foreach ($locations as $loc) { $arr_new[$loc['id']] = $loc; } $lists['locations'] = $arr_new; return $lists; }
function changepass() { global $mainframe; $user = $mainframe->getUser(); $db = $this->db; $password = Request::getVar("password"); $newpassword = Request::getVar("new-password"); $renewpassword = Request::getVar("renew-password"); if ($password != "") { if (md5($password) != $user->password) { YiiMessage::raseNotice('Type old password !!!'); return FALSE; } } if ($newpassword == "") { YiiMessage::raseNotice('Type new password !!!'); return FALSE; } if ($newpassword !== $renewpassword) { YiiMessage::raseNotice('Type verifi password !!!'); return FALSE; } $tbl_user = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_USERS, null, true); $tbl_user->load($user->id); $tbl_user->password = md5($newpassword); $tbl_user->store(); return true; }
function registration($data_post) { $tbl_user = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_USERS, null, true); $cond = "mobile = '" . $data_post['mobile'] . "'"; $bool = $tbl_user->getTotal($cond); if ($bool) { YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your telephone number is already registered"); return false; } $cond = " username = '******'username'] . "'"; $bool = $tbl_user->getTotal($cond); if ($bool) { YiiMessage::raseNotice("username is already registered"); return false; } $data_post['password'] = md5($data_post['password']); $tbl_user->bind($data_post); $tbl_user->store(); $this->setLogin($tbl_user->id); }
public function getLocations() { $obj_tblLocation = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_LOCATIONS); $locations = $obj_tblLocation->loads("*", 'parentID != 0 ', "lft ASC", null, 0); $arr_new = array(); foreach ($locations as $loc) { $arr_new[$loc['id']] = $loc; } $locations = $arr_new; return $locations; }
function make_matches($tourID, $matches_data_subround) { global $user; $db = Yii::app()->db; $obj_team = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_GS_TEAMS, null, true); $arr_matches_id = array(); foreach ($matches_data_subround as $num_round => $matches_data_table) { if ($matches_data_table == null) { continue; } $arr_matches_id[$num_round] = array(); foreach ($matches_data_table as $matches_intable) { $team_a = $obj_team->load($matches_intable->teamaID); $matches_intable->teama_name = $team_a->name; $matches_intable->teama_alias = $team_a->alias; $team_b = $obj_team->load($matches_intable->teambID); $matches_intable->teamb_name = $team_b->name; $matches_intable->teamb_alias = $team_b->alias; $matches_intable->name = "{$matches_intable->teama_name} VS {$matches_intable->teamb_name}"; $matches_intable->alias = "{$matches_intable->teama_alias}-vs-{$matches_intable->teamb_alias}"; $query = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_GS_MATCHES . " SET id = {$matches_intable->id} " . " , `name` = '{$matches_intable->name}'" . " ,`alias` = '{$matches_intable->alias}'" . " , tourID = '{$matches_intable->tourID}'" . " , teamaID = '{$matches_intable->teamaID}'" . " , teambID = '{$matches_intable->teambID}'" . " , `round` = '{$matches_intable->round}'" . " , `group` = '{$matches_intable->group}'" . " , subround = '{$matches_intable->subround}'" . " , `ordering` = '{$matches_intable->ordering}'" . " , `cdate` = now()" . " , `mdate` = now()" . " , `status` = 1" . " , `created_by` = {$user->id}" . " , `modified_by` = {$user->id}" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `name` = '{$matches_intable->name}'" . " , `alias` = '{$matches_intable->alias}'" . " , teamaID = '{$matches_intable->teamaID}'" . " , teambID = '{$matches_intable->teambID}'" . " , ordering = '{$matches_intable->ordering}'" . " , `mdate` = now()" . " , `status` = 1" . " , `modified_by` = {$user->id}"; $command = $db->createCommand($query); $result = $command->execute(); $arr_matches_id[$num_round][] = $db->getLastInsertID(); } } // tao cac tran dau cua vong tiep theo $cur_table = Request::getVar('cur_table', 1); $team_intable = $this->getTeams($tourID, $cur_table); $tour_detail = $this->getItem($tourID); $number_team_pass = $tour_detail->number_teams_de / $tour_detail->number_table; $arr_level = array(); for ($j = 0; $j <= $tour_detail->number_team_table; $j++) { $val = $number_team_pass * pow(2, $j); if ($val > $tour_detail->number_team_table) { break; } $arr_level[] = $val; $max_round = $j; } $max_level = $arr_level[$max_round]; $arr_level = array_reverse($arr_level); for ($i = $num_round + 1; $i < count($arr_level); $i++) { $num_matches = $arr_level[$i]; $arr_insertedID = $arr_matches_id[$i - 1]; for ($j = 0; $j < $num_matches; $j++) { $teamaID = $arr_insertedID[$j * 2] * -1; $teambID = $arr_insertedID[$j * 2 + 1] * -1; $subround = $i; $query = "INSERT INTO " . TBL_GS_MATCHES . " SET tourID = '{$tourID}'" . " , teamaID = '{$teamaID}'" . " , teambID = '{$teambID}'" . " , `round` = '1'" . " , `group` = '{$cur_table}'" . " , subround = '{$subround}'" . " , `ordering` = {$j}" . " , `cdate` = now()" . " , `mdate` = now()" . " , `status` = 1" . " , `created_by` = {$user->id}" . " , `modified_by` = {$user->id}" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ordering = {$j}" . " , teamaID = '{$teamaID}'" . " , teambID = '{$teambID}'" . " , `round` = '1'" . " , `group` = '{$cur_table}'" . " , subround = '{$subround}'" . " , `mdate` = now()" . " , `status` = 1" . " , `modified_by` = {$user->id}"; $command = $db->createCommand($query); $result = $command->execute(); $arr_matches_id[$subround][] = $db->getLastInsertID(); } } }
function getListEdit($main_item) { $cid = Request::getVar("cid", 0); $menuID = Request::getInt('menu', ""); $list = array(); $items[] = array("value" => "-1", "text" => "-- Select Menu --"); $obj_menu = YiiMenu::getInstance(); $results = $obj_menu->loadMenus('id value, title text', false); $items = array_merge($items, $results); $list['menuID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $menuID, "menuID"); $condition = null; if ($main_item->id != 0) { $items = array(); $condition = "parentID = " . $main_item->parentID; $results = $obj_menu->loadItems($menuID, 'id value, title text, level', $condition); $items = array_merge($items, $results); $list['ordering'] = buildHtml::select($items, $cid, "ordering", "", "size=5"); $condition = "(`lft` <" . $main_item->lft . " OR `lft` > " . $main_item->rgt . ")"; } else { $list['ordering'] = " New Menu Items default to the last position. Ordering can be changed after this Menu Item is saved."; } $items = array(); $items[] = array("value" => "1", "text" => "Top", "level" => 0); $results = $obj_menu->loadItems($menuID, 'id value, title text, level', $condition); $items = array_merge($items, $results); $list['parentID'] = buildHtml::select($items, $main_item->parentID, "parentID", "", "size=10", " ", "-"); // danh sach app $obj_ext = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_EXTENSIONS); $list['apps'] = $obj_ext->loads("*", "type = 'app'", "ordering ASC"); foreach ($list['apps'] as $k => $app) { if (!is_dir(PATH_APPS_FRONT . "/" . $app['folder'])) { unset($list['apps'][$k]); continue; } $file_xml = PATH_APPS_FRONT . "/" . $app['folder'] . "/" . $app['folder'] . ".xml"; if (!file_exists($file_xml)) { YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Invalid xml: " . $app['folder']); break; } $xml = simplexml_load_file($file_xml); $views = array(); foreach ($xml->views->view as $view) { $obj_view = new stdClass(); $obj_view->name = (string) $view->attributes()->name; $obj_view->title = (string) $view->attributes()->title; $obj_view->desc = (string) $view->attributes()->desc; if ($view->layouts) { $obj_view->layouts = array(); foreach ($view->layouts->layout as $layout) { $obj_layout = new stdClass(); $obj_layout->value = (string) $layout->attributes()->value; $obj_layout->desc = (string) $layout->attributes()->desc; $obj_layout->title = (string) $layout; $obj_view->layouts[] = $obj_layout; } } $views[] = $obj_view; } $app['views'] = $views; $list['apps'][$k] = $app; } $app = array(); $app['name'] = "System"; $app['title'] = "System Link"; $app['views'] = array(); $obj_view = new stdClass(); $obj_view->name = "ExternalURL"; $obj_view->title = "External URL"; $obj_view->desc = "An external or internal URL."; $app['views'][] = $obj_view; $obj_view = new stdClass(); $obj_view->name = "MenuItemAlias"; $obj_view->title = "Menu Item Alias"; $obj_view->desc = "Create an alias to another menu item."; $app['views'][] = $obj_view; $obj_view = new stdClass(); $obj_view->name = "Separator"; $obj_view->title = "Separator"; $obj_view->desc = "Separator, Only title"; $app['views'][] = $obj_view; $list['apps'][] = $app; return $list; }
function actionRemove() { global $mainframe, $user; if (!$user->isSuperAdmin()) { YiiMessage::raseNotice("Your account not have permission remove category"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("categories")); } $cids = Request::getVar("cid", 0); if (count($cids) > 0) { $obj_table = YiiTables::getInstance(TBL_CATEGORIES); for ($i = 0; $i < count($cids); $i++) { $cid = $cids[$i]; $obj_table->remove($cid); } } YiiMessage::raseSuccess("Successfully delete GroupUser(s)"); $this->redirect(Router::buildLink("categories")); }