Esempio n. 1
  * Parses a validation response from a CAS server to see if the returning CAS request is valid
  * @param string $strResults		xml or plain text response from cas server
  * @return bool						true if valid, false otherwise
  * @exception 						throws exception if cannot parse response or invalid version
 private function isValid()
     // values from the request
     $strTicket = $this->request->getProperty("ticket");
     // configuration settings
     $configCasValidate = $this->registry->getConfig("CAS_VALIDATE", true);
     // figure out which type of response this is based on the service url
     $arrURL = explode("/", $configCasValidate);
     $service = array_pop($arrURL);
     // now get it!
     $strUrl = $configCasValidate . "?ticket=" . $strTicket . "&service=" . urlencode($this->validate_url);
     $strResults = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::request($strUrl);
     // validate is plain text
     if ($service == "validate") {
         $arrMessage = explode("\n", $strResults);
         if (count($arrMessage) >= 2) {
             if ($arrMessage[0] == "yes") {
                 return $arrMessage[1];
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Could not parse CAS validation response.");
     } elseif ($service == "serviceValidate" || $service == "proxyValidate") {
         // these are XML based
         $objXml = new DOMDocument();
         $strCasNamespace = "";
         $objUser = $objXml->getElementsByTagNameNS($strCasNamespace, "user")->item(0);
         $objFailure = $objXml->getElementsByTagNameNS($strCasNamespace, "authenticationFailure")->item(0);
         if ($objUser != null) {
             if ($objUser->nodeValue != "") {
                 return $objUser->nodeValue;
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("CAS validation response missing username value");
         } elseif ($objFailure != null) {
             // see if error, rather than failed authentication
             if ($objFailure->getAttribute("code") == "INVALID_REQUEST") {
                 throw new Exception("Invalid request to CAS server: " . $objFailure->nodeValue);
         } else {
             throw new Exception("Could not parse CAS validation response.");
     } else {
         throw new Exception("Unsupported CAS version.");
     // if we got this far, the request was invalid
     return false;
 public function doExecute()
     $configToken = $this->registry->getConfig("BX_TOKEN", false);
     if ($configToken != null) {
         $configBX = $this->registry->getConfig("BX_SERVICE_URL", false, "");
         $configLinkResolver = $this->registry->getConfig("LINK_RESOLVER_ADDRESS", true);
         $configSID = $this->registry->getConfig("APPLICATION_SID", false, "");
         $configMaxRecords = $this->registry->getConfig("BX_MAX_RECORDS", false, "10");
         $configMinRelevance = $this->registry->getConfig("BX_MIN_RELEVANCE", false, "0");
         $open_url = $this->request->getData("//openurl_kev_co");
         $url = $configBX . "/recommender/openurl?token={$configToken}&{$open_url}&res_dat=source=global&threshold={$configMinRelevance}&maxRecords={$configMaxRecords}";
         try {
             $xml = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::request($url, 4);
             if ($xml == "") {
                 throw new Exception("No response from bx service");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             trigger_error("Could not get result from bX service: " . $e->getTraceAsString(), E_USER_WARNING);
             return 1;
         // header("Content-type: text/xml"); echo $xml; exit;
         $doc = new Xerxes_BxRecord_Document();
         $objXml = new DOMDocument();
         $objXml->loadXML("<recommendations />");
         $results = $doc->records();
         $x = 0;
         if (count($results) > 1) {
             foreach ($doc->records() as $record) {
                 // first one is the same document
                 if ($x == 0) {
                 $objRecord = $objXml->createElement("record");
                 $objImport = $objXml->importNode($record->toXML()->documentElement, true);
                 $strOpenURL = $record->getOpenURL($configLinkResolver, $configSID);
                 $objOpenURL = $objXml->createElement("url_open", Xerxes_Framework_Parser::escapeXML($strOpenURL));
     return 1;
Esempio n. 3
  * Checks the spelling of the supplied query and offers spelling suggestion
  * @param string $strQuery		supplied query
  * @param string $strYahooId	yahoo access id
  * @param string $strAltLocation an alternate location for the Yahoo spell check, in case you need to balanace
  * @return string				spelling suggesting
 public function checkSpelling($strQuery, $strYahooId, $strAltLocation = "")
     return "";
     if ($strAltLocation != "") {
         $this->url = $strAltLocation . "?appid=" . $strYahooId . "&query=" . urlencode($strQuery);
     } else {
         $this->url = "" . $strYahooId . "&query=" . urlencode($strQuery);
     $strResponse = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::request($this->url);
     $objSpelling = new DOMDocument();
     if ($objSpelling->getElementsByTagName("Result")->item(0) != null) {
         return $objSpelling->getElementsByTagName("Result")->item(0)->nodeValue;
     } else {
         return "";
Esempio n. 4
 public function doExecute()
     $configMemory = $this->registry->getConfig("HARVEST_MEMORY_LIMIT", false, "500M");
     ini_set("memory_limit", $configMemory);
     // You can define the export file on sfx as having an instance extension, so
     // give the client the opportunity to define that here
     $strInstance = $this->request->getProperty("instance");
     if ($strInstance != "") {
         $strInstance = "-" . $strInstance;
     // construct the address to Google Scholar institutional
     // holdings file on SFX. Either SFX specific config, or
     // general link resolver config.
     $configSfx = $this->registry->getConfig("ALTERNATE_FULLTEXT_HARVEST_ADDRESS", false, $this->registry->getConfig("LINK_RESOLVER_ADDRESS", false));
     if (!$configSfx) {
         throw new Exception("Can not run populate action, no link resolver address configured. " . "Need config ALTERNATE_FULLTEXT_HARVEST_ADDRESS or LINK_RESOLVER_ADDRESS.");
     // fire-up a transaction with the database
     $objData = new Xerxes_DataMap();
     // clear old data
     echo "  Flushing SFX fulltext table . . . ";
     echo "done.\n";
     // try to get the data from sfx
     $done = false;
     $x = 0;
     while ($done == false) {
         $strUrl = $configSfx . "/cgi/public/get_file.cgi?file=institutional_holding" . $strInstance . '-.prt' . str_pad($x, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . ".xml";
         echo "  Pulling down SFX inst holding file ({$x}) . . . ";
         try {
             $strResponse = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::request($strUrl);
             $objXml = new SimpleXMLElement($strResponse);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             if ($x == 1) {
                 throw new Exception("cannot get institutional holding file from sfx: '{$strUrl}'. " . "If this is the correct SFX server address, make sure your SFX allows access to " . "institutional holding file from this IP address in config/get_file_restriction.config " . "on SFX server.");
             $done = true;
         echo "done.\n";
         if (!$done) {
             echo "  Processing file . . . ";
             $objItems = $objXml->xpath("//item[@type != 'other']");
             if ($objItems == false) {
                 throw new Exception("could not find items in inst holding file.");
             echo "done.\n";
             echo "  Adding to database . . . ";
             foreach ($objItems as $objItem) {
                 foreach ($objItem->coverage as $objCoverage) {
                     $objFullText = new Xerxes_Data_Fulltext();
                     $objFullText->issn = (string) $objItem->issn;
                     $objFullText->issn = str_replace("-", "", $objFullText->issn);
                     $objFullText->title = (string) $objItem->title;
                     $objFullText->title = urlencode($objFullText->title);
                     $objFullText->title = substr(Xerxes_Framework_Parser::strtolower($objFullText->title), 0, 100);
                     $objFullText->startdate = (int) $objCoverage->from->year;
                     $objFullText->enddate = (int) $objCoverage->to->year;
                     if ($objFullText->enddate == 0) {
                         $objFullText->enddate = 9999;
                     $objFullText->embargo = (int) $objCoverage->embargo->days_not_available;
                     $objFullText->updated = date("YmdHis");
                     // add it to the database
             echo "done.\n";
     echo "  Commiting changes . . . ";
     echo "done.\n";
     return 1;
Esempio n. 5
 public function checkSpelling()
     $registry = Xerxes_Framework_Registry::getInstance();
     $strAltYahoo = $registry->getConfig("ALTERNATE_YAHOO_LOCATION", false);
     $configYahooID = $registry->getConfig("YAHOO_ID", false, "calstate");
     $spell_return = array();
     // we'll return this one
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->query_list); $x++) {
         $term = $this->query_list[$x];
         $url = "";
         if ($strAltYahoo != "") {
             $url = $strAltYahoo;
         } else {
             $url = "";
         $url .= "?appid=" . $configYahooID . "&query=" . urlencode($term->phrase);
         $strResponse = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::request($url);
         $objSpelling = new DOMDocument();
         if ($objSpelling->getElementsByTagName("Result")->item(0) != null) {
             $term->spell_correct = $objSpelling->getElementsByTagName("Result")->item(0)->nodeValue;
             $spell_return[$term->id] = $term->spell_correct;
         // also put it here so we can return it
         $this->query_list[$x] = $term;
     return $spell_return;
Esempio n. 6
  * Fetches and normalize the API data
  * @param string $url 	url of patron dump or pint test
  * @return array			patron data
 private function getContent($url)
     $arrRawData = array();
     $arrData = array();
     // get the data and strip out html tags
     $strResponse = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::request($url);
     $strResponse = trim(strip_tags($strResponse));
     if ($strResponse == "") {
         throw new Exception("Could not connect to Innovative Patron API");
     } else {
         // cycle thru each line in the response, splitting each
         // on the equal sign into an associative array
         $arrRawData = explode("\n", $strResponse);
         foreach ($arrRawData as $strLine) {
             $arrLine = explode("=", $strLine);
             // strip out the code, leaving just the attribute name
             $arrLine[0] = preg_replace("/\\[[^\\]]{1,}\\]/", "", $arrLine[0]);
             $arrData[trim($arrLine[0])] = trim($arrLine[1]);
     return $arrData;
Esempio n. 7
  * Fetch the data from Metalib and check for errors
  * @param string $url		url of the request
 private function getResponse($url, $timeout = null, $retry = 0)
     // metalib takes little care to ensure propper encoding of its xml, so we will set
     // recover to true here in order to allow libxml to recover from errors and continue
     // processing the document
     $objXml = new DOMDocument();
     $objXml->recover = true;
     // time out, should only be defined for search-related functions
     $strResponse = Xerxes_Framework_Parser::request($url, $timeout);
     if ($strResponse == "") {
         throw new Exception("Cannot process search at this time.");
     // no response?
     if ($objXml->documentElement == null) {
         throw new Exception("cannot connect to metalib server");
     // error in response
     if ($objXml->getElementsByTagName("error_code") != null) {
         // for easier handling
         $xml = simplexml_import_dom($objXml->documentElement);
         foreach ($xml->xpath("//global_error|//local_error") as $error) {
             $error_code = (int) $error->error_code;
             $error_text = (string) $error->error_text;
             // now examine them
             // metalib session has timed out!
             if ($error_code == 0151) {
                 // this particular metalib error message is confusing to end-users, so make it more clear
                 $error_text = "The Metalib session has expired";
                 // also try to re-up the session in the event metalib was restarted or something
                 if ($retry == 0) {
                     $this->session = $this->session();
                     return $this->getResponse($url, $timeout, 1);
             // these are just warnings
             if ($error_code == 2114 || $error_code == 6039 || $error_code == 6033 || $error_code == 6034 || $error_code == 6023 || $error_code == 134 || $error_code == 6022) {
                 trigger_error("Metalib warning ({$error_code}): {$error_text}", E_USER_WARNING);
             } else {
                 throw new Exception("Metalib exception ({$error_code}): {$error_text}");
     return $objXml;