Esempio n. 1
  * Get one or a set of databases from the knowledgebase
  * @param mixed $id			[optional] null returns all database, array returns a list of databases by id, 
  * 							string id returns single id
  * @param string $query   user-entered query to search for dbs. 
  * @return array			array of Xerxes_Data_Database objects
 public function getDatabases($id = null, $query = null, $alpha = null)
     $configDatabaseTypesExclude = $this->registry->getConfig("DATABASES_TYPE_EXCLUDE_AZ", false);
     $configAlwaysTruncate = $this->registry->getConfig("DATABASES_SEARCH_ALWAYS_TRUNCATE", false, false);
     $arrDatabases = array();
     $arrResults = array();
     $arrParams = array();
     $where = false;
     $sql_server_clean = null;
     // lowercase the query
     $query = strtolower($query);
     $strSQL = "SELECT * from xerxes_databases";
     // single database
     if ($id != null && !is_array($id)) {
         $strSQL .= " WHERE xerxes_databases.metalib_id = :id ";
         $arrParams[":id"] = $id;
         $where = true;
     } elseif ($id != null && is_array($id)) {
         $strSQL .= " WHERE ";
         $where = true;
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($id); $x++) {
             if ($x > 0) {
                 $strSQL .= " OR ";
             $strSQL .= "xerxes_databases.metalib_id = :id{$x} ";
             $arrParams[":id{$x}"] = $id[$x];
     } elseif ($alpha != null) {
         $strSQL .= " WHERE UPPER(title_display) LIKE :alpha ";
         $arrParams[":alpha"] = "{$alpha}%";
         $where = true;
     } elseif ($query != null) {
         $where = true;
         $sql_server_clean = array();
         $arrTables = array();
         // we'll use this to keep track of temporary tables
         // we'll deal with quotes later, for now
         // and gives us each term in an array
         $arrTerms = explode(" ", $query);
         // grab databases that meet our query
         $strSQL .= " WHERE metalib_id IN  (\r\n\t\t\t\tSELECT database_id FROM ";
         // by looking for each term in the xerxes_databases_search table
         // making each result a temp table
         for ($x = 0; $x < count($arrTerms); $x++) {
             $term = $arrTerms[$x];
             // to match how they are inserted
             $term = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9\\*]/', '', $term);
             // do this to reduce the results of the inner table to just one column
             $alias = "database_id";
             if ($x > 0) {
                 $alias = "db";
             // wildcard
             $operator = "=";
             // default operator is equal
             // user supplied a wildcard
             if (strstr($term, "*")) {
                 $term = str_replace("*", "%", $term);
                 $operator = "LIKE";
             } elseif ($configAlwaysTruncate == true) {
                 $term .= "%";
                 $operator = "LIKE";
             $arrParams[":term{$x}"] = $term;
             array_push($sql_server_clean, ":term{$x}");
             $strSQL .= " (SELECT distinct database_id AS {$alias} FROM xerxes_databases_search WHERE term {$operator} :term{$x}) AS table{$x} ";
             // if there is another one, we need to add a comma between them
             if ($x + 1 < count($arrTerms)) {
                 $strSQL .= ", ";
             // this essentially AND's the query by requiring results from all tables
             if ($x > 0) {
                 for ($y = 0; $y < $x; $y++) {
                     $column = "db";
                     if ($y == 0) {
                         $column = "database_id";
                     array_push($arrTables, "table{$y}.{$column} = table" . ($y + 1) . ".db");
         // add the AND'd tables to the SQL
         if (count($arrTables) > 0) {
             $strSQL .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $arrTables);
         $strSQL .= ")";
     // remove certain databases based on type(s), if so configured
     // unless we're asking for specific id's, yo
     if ($configDatabaseTypesExclude != null && $id == null) {
         $arrTypes = explode(",", $configDatabaseTypesExclude);
         $arrTypeQuery = array();
         // specify that the type NOT be one of these
         for ($q = 0; $q < count($arrTypes); $q++) {
             array_push($arrTypeQuery, "xerxes_databases.type != :type{$q}");
             $arrParams[":type{$q}"] = trim($arrTypes[$q]);
         // AND 'em but then also catch the case where type is null
         $joiner = "WHERE";
         if ($where == true) {
             $joiner = "AND";
         $strSQL .= " {$joiner} ( (" . implode(" AND ", $arrTypeQuery) . ") OR xerxes_databases.type IS NULL )";
     $strSQL .= " ORDER BY UPPER(title_display)";
     // echo $strSQL; print_r($arrParams); // exit;
     $arrResults = $this->select($strSQL, $arrParams, $sql_server_clean);
     // transform to internal data objects
     if ($arrResults != null) {
         foreach ($arrResults as $arrResult) {
             $objDatabase = new Xerxes_Data_Database();
             array_push($arrDatabases, $objDatabase);
     // limit to quoted phrases
     if (strstr($query, '"')) {
         // unload the array, we'll only refill the ones that match the query
         $arrCandidates = $arrDatabases;
         $arrDatabases = array();
         $found = false;
         $phrases = explode('"', $query);
         foreach ($arrCandidates as $objDatabase) {
             foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
                 $phrase = trim($phrase);
                 if ($phrase == "") {
                 $text = " ";
                 foreach ($this->searchable_fields as $searchable_field) {
                     $text .= $objDatabase->{$searchable_field} . " ";
                 if (!stristr($text, $phrase)) {
                     $found = false;
                 } else {
                     $found = true;
             if ($found == true) {
                 array_push($arrDatabases, $objDatabase);
     return $arrDatabases;
Esempio n. 2
  * Determines if the database is searchable by user
  * @param Xerxes_Data_Database $db
  * @param Xerxes_Framework_Request $objRequest	Xerxes request object
  * @param Xerxes_Framework_Registry $objRegistry Xerxes registry object
  * @return unknown
 public static function dbSearchableForUser(Xerxes_Data_Database $db, $objRequest, $objRegistry)
     $allowed = "";
     if ($db->searchable != 1) {
         //nobody can search it!
         $allowed = false;
     } elseif ($db->guest_access != "") {
         //anyone can search it!
         $allowed = true;
     } elseif (count($db->group_restrictions) > 0) {
         // they have to be authenticated, and in a group that is included
         // in the restrictions, or in an ip address associated with a
         // restricted group.
         $allowed = Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isAuthenticatedUser($objRequest) && array_intersect($_SESSION["user_groups"], $db->group_restrictions);
         if (!$allowed) {
             // not by virtue of a login, but now check for ip address
             $ranges = array();
             foreach ($db->get("group_restrictions") as $group) {
                 $ranges[] = $objRegistry->getGroupLocalIpRanges($group);
             $allowed = Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isIpAddrInRanges($objRequest->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), implode(",", $ranges));
     } else {
         // ordinary generally restricted resource.  they need to be
         // an authenticated user, or in the local ip range.
         if (Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isAuthenticatedUser($objRequest) || Xerxes_Framework_Restrict::isIpAddrInRanges($objRequest->getServer('REMOTE_ADDR'), $objRegistry->getConfig("LOCAL_IP_RANGE"))) {
             $allowed = true;
     return $allowed;