Esempio n. 1
 public static function check($force = false)
     if ($force || XenForo_Application::getoptions()->dpAnalyticsInternal['d'] + 3600 < Xenforo_Application::$time) {
         $addOn = XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_AddOn')->getAddOnVersion(self::$_addOnId);
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
         $client->setParameterGet(array('item_id' => self::$_itemId, 'url' => XenForo_Application::get('options')->boardUrl, 'item_version' => $addOn['version_string']));
         try {
             $response = $client->request('GET');
             $response = @json_decode($response->getBody());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
         XenForo_Model::create('XenForo_Model_Option')->updateOption('dpAnalyticsInternal', array('d' => XenForo_Application::$time, 'v' => @$response->results->good));
         return @$response->results->good;
     } else {
         return @XenForo_Application::getoptions()->dpAnalyticsInternal['v'];
Esempio n. 2
  * Determines if CAPTCHA is valid (passed).
  * @see XenForo_Captcha_Abstract::isValid()
 public function isValid(array $input)
     if (!$this->_cKey) {
         return true;
         // if not configured, always pass
     if (empty($input['adcopy_challenge']) || empty($input['adcopy_response'])) {
         return false;
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
         $client->setParameterPost(array('privatekey' => $this->_vKey, 'challenge' => $input['adcopy_challenge'], 'response' => $input['adcopy_response'], 'remoteip' => isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : ''));
         $contents = trim($client->request('POST')->getBody());
         $parts = explode("\n", $contents, 3);
         $result = trim($parts[0]);
         $error = isset($parts[1]) ? trim($parts[1]) : null;
         if ($result == 'true') {
             return true;
         switch ($error) {
             case 'wrong answer':
             case 'invalid remoteip':
                 // generally end user mistakes
                 return false;
                 // this is likely a configuration error, log and let it through
                 XenForo_Error::logError("Solve Media CAPTCHA error: {$error}");
                 return true;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception $e) {
         // this is an exception with the underlying request, so let it go through
         XenForo_Error::logException($e, false, "Solve Media connection error: ");
         return true;
Esempio n. 3
  * Validates the callback request is valid. If failure happens, the response should
  * tell the processor to retry.
  * @param string $errorString Output error string
  * @return boolean
 public function validateRequest(&$errorString)
     try {
         if ($this->_filtered['test_ipn'] && XenForo_Application::debugMode()) {
             $validator = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
         } else {
             $validator = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
         $validator->setParameterPost('cmd', '_notify-validate');
         $validatorResponse = $validator->request('POST');
         if (!$validatorResponse || $validatorResponse->getBody() != 'VERIFIED' || $validatorResponse->getStatus() != 200) {
             $errorString = 'Request not validated';
             return false;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
         $errorString = 'Connection to PayPal failed';
         return false;
     if (strtolower($this->_filtered['business']) != strtolower(XenForo_Application::get('options')->payPalPrimaryAccount)) {
         $errorString = 'Invalid business';
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
  * @param int $position
  * @param array $options
  * @param string $detailedMessage
  * @return bool|int|string|true
 public function rebuild($position = 0, array &$options = array(), &$detailedMessage = '')
     $options['batch'] = max(1, isset($options['batch']) ? $options['batch'] : 10);
     /* @var sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Location $locationModel */
     $locationModel = XenForo_Model::create('sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Location');
     $locations = $locationModel->getLocationsWithoutCoordinate($position, $options['batch']);
     if (count($locations) < 1) {
         return true;
     $db = XenForo_Application::getDb();
     /** @var sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Location $locationModel */
     $locationModel = XenForo_Model::create('sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Location');
     foreach ($locations as $locationId => $location) {
         $position = $location['location_id'];
         try {
             $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($locationModel->getGeocodeUrlForAddress($location['location_name']));
             $response = $client->request('GET');
             $response = @json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
             if (empty($response['results'][0])) {
             $address = $response['results'][0]['formatted_address'];
             $lat = $response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
             $lng = $response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
             $db->update('sonnb_xengallery_location', array('location_name' => $address, 'location_lat' => $lat, 'location_lng' => $lng), array('location_id = ?' => $location['location_id']));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     $detailedMessage = XenForo_Locale::numberFormat($position);
     return $position;
Esempio n. 5
  * Determines if CAPTCHA is valid (passed).
  * @see XenForo_Captcha_Abstract::isValid()
 public function isValid(array $input)
     if (!$this->_keyUserId) {
         return true;
         // if not configured, always pass
     if (empty($input['keycaptcha_code']) || !is_string($input['keycaptcha_code'])) {
         return false;
     $parts = explode('|', $input['keycaptcha_code']);
     if (count($parts) < 4) {
         return false;
     if ($parts[0] !== md5('accept' . $parts[1] . $this->_privateKey . $parts[2])) {
         return false;
     if (substr($parts[2], 0, 7) !== 'http://') {
         return false;
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($parts[2]);
         $contents = trim($client->request('GET')->getBody());
         return $contents == '1';
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception $e) {
         // this is an exception with the underlying request, so let it go through
         XenForo_Error::logException($e, false, 'KeyCAPTCHA connection error:');
         return true;
Esempio n. 6
 public function execute(array $deferred, array $data, $targetRunTime, &$status)
     $data = array_merge(array('batch' => 10, 'position' => 0, 'positionRebuild' => false), $data);
     /* @var sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Location $locationModel */
     $locationModel = XenForo_Model::create('sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Location');
     $locations = $locationModel->getLocationsWithoutCoordinate($data['position'], $data['batch']);
     if (count($locations) < 1) {
         return false;
     $db = XenForo_Application::getDb();
     /** @var sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Location $locationModel */
     $locationModel = XenForo_Model::create('sonnb_XenGallery_Model_Location');
     foreach ($locations as $locationId => $location) {
         $data['position'] = $location['location_id'];
         try {
             $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($locationModel->getGeocodeUrlForAddress($location['location_name']));
             $response = $client->request('GET');
             $response = @json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
             if (empty($response['results'][0])) {
             $address = $response['results'][0]['formatted_address'];
             $lat = $response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'];
             $lng = $response['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'];
             $db->update('sonnb_xengallery_location', array('location_name' => $address, 'location_lat' => $lat, 'location_lng' => $lng), array('location_id = ?' => $location['location_id']));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
     $actionPhrase = new XenForo_Phrase('rebuilding');
     $typePhrase = new XenForo_Phrase('sonnb_xengallery_location');
     $status = sprintf('%s... %s (%s)', $actionPhrase, $typePhrase, XenForo_Locale::numberFormat($data['position']));
     return $data;
Esempio n. 7
  * Gets the user picture for the current user.
  * @param string $accessToken FB access token (from code swap, or given by user)
  * @param string $size Size/type of picture. Defaults to large
  * @return string Binary data
 public static function getUserPicture($accessToken, $size = 'large')
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('' . $size);
         $client->setParameterGet('access_token', $accessToken);
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         return $response->getBody();
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
         return false;
Esempio n. 8
 protected static function _checkBranding($matches)
     $return = @$matches[1];
     $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
     $client->setParameterGet(array('item_id' => self::$_itemId, 'url' => XenForo_Application::get('options')->boardUrl));
     $response = $client->request('GET');
     $response = @json_decode($response->getBody());
     if (!@$response->results->has_brand_removal) {
         $return .= self::$_attributionHtml;
     return $return;
Esempio n. 9
 protected function _fetchAvatarsFromExternalSites()
     /* @var $externalAuthModel XenForo_Model_UserExternal */
     $externalAuthModel = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_UserExternal');
     $external = $externalAuthModel->getExternalAuthAssociationsForUser($this->get('user_id'));
     $fbUser = false;
     if (!empty($external['facebook'])) {
         $extra = @unserialize($external['twitter']['extra_data']);
         if (!empty($extra['token'])) {
             $avatarData = XenForo_Helper_Facebook::getUserPicture($extra['token']);
             if ($avatarData && $this->_applyAvatar($avatarData)) {
                 return true;
     $twitterUser = false;
     if (!empty($external['twitter'])) {
         $extra = @unserialize($external['twitter']['extra_data']);
         if (!empty($extra['token'])) {
             $credentials = XenForo_Helper_Twitter::getUserFromToken($extra['token'], $extra['secret']);
             if (!empty($credentials['profile_image_url'])) {
                 try {
                     // get the original size
                     $url = str_replace('_normal', '', $credentials['profile_image_url']);
                     $request = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($url)->request();
                     $avatarData = $request->getBody();
                 } catch (Exception $e) {
                     $avatarData = '';
                 if ($avatarData && $this->_applyAvatar($avatarData)) {
                     return true;
     $externalExtendedHelpers = array('battlenet' => 'BattleNet', 'github' => 'GitHub', 'linkedin' => 'LinkedIn', 'live' => 'Live', 'odnoklassniki' => 'Odnoklassniki', 'soundcloud' => 'SoundCloud', 'tumblr' => 'Tumblr', 'twitch' => 'Twitch', 'vk' => 'VK');
     foreach ($externalExtendedHelpers as $provider => $class) {
         if (!empty($external[$provider])) {
             $extra = $external[$provider]['extra_data'];
             if (!empty($extra['token'])) {
                 $helper = $this->_getExternalExtendedHelper($class);
                 if ($helper->avatarExists) {
                     $eeUser = $helper->getUserInfo($extra['token']);
                     $avatarData = $helper->getAvatar($eeUser);
                     if ($avatarData && $this->_applyAvatar($avatarData)) {
                         return true;
     return false;
Esempio n. 10
  * Gets the Twitter service object for a token
  * @param string|Zend_Oauth_Token_Access $token Access token object or access token string
  * @param null|string $secret Access token secret if token is provided as string
  * @return Zend_Service_Twitter
 public static function getService($token, $secret = null)
     $options = XenForo_Application::getOptions();
     if ($token instanceof Zend_Oauth_Token_Access) {
         $accessToken = $token;
     } else {
         $accessToken = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Access();
     return new Zend_Service_Twitter(array('accessToken' => $accessToken, 'oauthOptions' => array('consumerKey' => trim($options->twitterAppKey), 'consumerSecret' => trim($options->twitterAppSecret)), 'httpClientOptions' => XenForo_Helper_Http::getExtraHttpClientOptions('')));
Esempio n. 11
 public function getUserInfo($userId, $accessToken)
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient(sprintf('%s://%s/user', $this->schema, $this->api));
         $client->setHeaders('Authorization', 'Bearer ' . $accessToken);
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         $body = $response->getBody();
         $body = json_decode($body, true);
         return $body;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
         return false;
 public function querySfs($user)
     $apiUrl = $this->_getSfsApiUrl(array('username' => $user['username'], 'email' => $user['email'], 'ip' => $user['ip']));
     $apiResponse = false;
     $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($apiUrl);
     try {
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         $body = $response->getBody();
         $apiResponse = $this->_decodeSfsApiData($body);
     } catch (Zend_Http_Exception $e) {
     return $apiResponse;
Esempio n. 13
 public static function getTitle($url, $text)
     if (preg_match('#^https?://#i', $url)) {
         try {
             $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($url, array('timeout' => 10));
             $request = $client->request();
             if ($request->isSuccessful()) {
                 $html = $request->getBody();
                 if (preg_match('#<title[^>]*>(.*)</title>#siU', $html, $match)) {
                     return $match[1];
         } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
             return $text;
     return $text;
Esempio n. 14
  * Validates the callback request is valid. If failure happens, the response should
  * tell the processor to retry.
  * @param string $errorString Output error string
  * @return boolean
 public function validateRequest(&$errorString)
     try {
         if ($this->_filtered['test_ipn'] && XenForo_Application::debugMode()) {
             $validator = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
         } else {
             $validator = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
         $validator->setParameterPost('cmd', '_notify-validate');
         $validatorResponse = $validator->request('POST');
         if (!$validatorResponse || $validatorResponse->getBody() != 'VERIFIED' || $validatorResponse->getStatus() != 200) {
             $host = XenForo_Model_Ip::getHost($this->_request->getClientIp(false));
             if (preg_match('#(^|\\.)$#i', $host)) {
                 $errorString = 'Request not validated';
             } else {
                 $errorString = array(false, 'Request not validated (from unknown source)');
             return false;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
         $errorString = 'Connection to PayPal failed';
         return false;
     $business = strtolower($this->_filtered['business']);
     $receiverEmail = strtolower($this->_filtered['receiver_email']);
     $options = XenForo_Application::get('options');
     $accounts = preg_split('#\\r?\\n#', $options->payPalAlternateAccounts, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
     $accounts[] = $options->payPalPrimaryAccount;
     $matched = false;
     foreach ($accounts as $account) {
         $account = trim(strtolower($account));
         if ($account && ($business == $account || $receiverEmail == $account)) {
             $matched = true;
     if (!$matched) {
         $errorString = 'Invalid business or receiver_email';
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 15
 public function getThumbnailUrl($videoId)
     $this->_videoId = $videoId;
     $this->_mediaSiteId = 'youtube';
     $urlVideoId = rawurlencode($videoId);
     $preferredThumbnail = "{$urlVideoId}/maxresdefault.jpg";
     $fallbackThumbnail = "{$urlVideoId}/hqdefault.jpg";
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($preferredThumbnail);
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
             $this->_thumbnailUrl = $preferredThumbnail;
         } else {
             $this->_thumbnailUrl = $fallbackThumbnail;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
     return $this->verifyThumbnailUrl($this->_thumbnailUrl);
Esempio n. 16
 public function getThumbnailUrl($videoId)
     $this->_videoId = $videoId;
     $this->_mediaSiteId = 'dailymotion';
     $urlVideoId = rawurlencode($videoId);
     $thumbnailUrl = "{$urlVideoId}?fields=thumbnail_url";
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($thumbnailUrl);
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         $body = $response->getBody();
         if (preg_match('#^[{\\[]#', $body)) {
             $videoData = json_decode($body, true);
             if (!empty($videoData['thumbnail_url'])) {
                 $this->_thumbnailUrl = $videoData['thumbnail_url'];
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
     return $this->verifyThumbnailUrl($this->_thumbnailUrl);
Esempio n. 17
 public function getThumbnailUrl($videoId)
     $this->_videoId = $videoId;
     $this->_mediaSiteId = 'liveleak';
     $urlVideoId = rawurlencode($videoId);
     $videoUrl = "{$urlVideoId}";
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($videoUrl);
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         $body = $response->getBody();
         if ($body) {
             $dom = new Zend_Dom_Query($body);
             $thumbnailUrl = $dom->query('meta[property="og:image"]');
             if ($thumbnailUrl->count()) {
                 $this->_thumbnailUrl = $thumbnailUrl->current()->getAttribute('content');
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
     return $this->verifyThumbnailUrl($this->_thumbnailUrl);
Esempio n. 18
 public static function getGroups($accessToken)
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
         $client->setParameterGet('access_token', $accessToken);
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         $jsonDecoded = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
         if (!empty($jsonDecoded['data'])) {
             $groups = array();
             foreach ($jsonDecoded['data'] as $entry) {
                 $groups[$entry['id']] = array('name' => $entry['name'], 'target_id' => bdSocialShare_Helper_Common::encryptTargetId($entry['name'], array('targetId' => $entry['id'], 'accessToken' => $accessToken, 'type' => 'group')));
             return $groups;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
         if (XenForo_Application::debugMode()) {
             XenForo_Error::logException($e, false);
     return false;
Esempio n. 19
  * Internal function to get title and page description etc.
  * Slightly amended from XenForo_Helper_Url::getTitle.
  * @return string
 protected function _getTitleAndDescription($url)
     if (preg_match('#^https?://#i', $url)) {
         try {
             $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($url, array('timeout' => 10));
             $request = $client->request();
             if ($request->isSuccessful()) {
                 $html = $request->getBody();
                 preg_match('#<title[^>]*>(.*?)</title>#simU', $html, $urlTitleMatches);
                 preg_match('#<[\\s]*meta[\\s]*(name|property)="(og:|twitter:|)description"?[\\s]*content="?([^>"]*)"?[\\s]*[\\/]?[\\s]*>#simU', $html, $urlDescriptionMatches);
                 $urlTitle = isset($urlTitleMatches[1]) ? $urlTitleMatches[1] : '';
                 $urlTitle = $this->_prepareString($urlTitle);
                 $urlDescription = isset($urlDescriptionMatches[3]) ? $urlDescriptionMatches[3] : '';
                 $urlDescription = $this->_prepareString($urlDescription);
                 return array($urlTitle, $urlDescription);
         } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
             return false;
     return false;
Esempio n. 20
  * Determines if CAPTCHA is valid (passed).
  * @see XenForo_Captcha_Abstract::isValid()
 public function isValid(array $input)
     if (!$this->_siteKey || !$this->_secretKey) {
         return true;
         // if not configured, always pass
     if (empty($input['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
         return false;
     $ip = isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient('');
         $client->setParameterGet(array('secret' => $this->_secretKey, 'response' => $input['g-recaptcha-response'], 'remoteip' => $ip));
         $response = json_decode($client->request()->getBody(), true);
         if (isset($response['success'])) {
             return $response['success'];
         return false;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Adapter_Exception $e) {
         // this is an exception with the underlying request, so let it go through
         XenForo_Error::logException($e, false, "ReCAPTCHA (No CAPTCHA) connection error: ");
         return true;
Esempio n. 21
 public function getEmbedVideoData($type, $key)
     if (!isset(self::$_siteApi[$type])) {
         return array();
     $url = str_replace("{video_key}", $key, self::$_siteApi[$type]);
     if ($type === 'facebook') {
         return array('title' => '', 'thumbnailUrl' => $url, 'description' => '', 'duration' => 0);
     } elseif ($type === 'metacafe') {
         $key = explode('/', $key);
         $key = $key[0];
         $url = str_replace("{video_key}", $key, self::$_siteApi[$type]);
     try {
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($url);
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         $function = "_" . $type;
         $return = $this->{$function}($response->getBody());
         if (isset($return['title'])) {
             $return['title'] = strip_tags($return['title']);
         if (isset($return['description'])) {
             $return['description'] = strip_tags($return['description']);
         return $return;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return array();
Esempio n. 22
  * Registers a new account (or associates with an existing one) using Google.
  * @return XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract
 public function actionGoogleRegister()
     $session = XenForo_Application::getSession();
     $credentials = $session->get('googleCredentials');
     if (!$credentials) {
         return $this->responseError(new XenForo_Phrase('you_did_not_grant_permission_to_access_external_account'));
     $userExternalModel = $this->_getUserExternalModel();
     $doAssoc = $this->_input->filterSingle('associate', XenForo_Input::STRING) || $this->_input->filterSingle('force_assoc', XenForo_Input::UINT);
     $redirect = XenForo_Application::getSession()->get('loginRedirect');
     if (!$redirect) {
         $redirect = $this->getDynamicRedirect(false, false);
     if ($doAssoc) {
         $userId = $this->_associateExternalAccount();
         $userExternalModel->updateExternalAuthAssociation('google', $credentials['basic']['sub'], $userId, $credentials['extra']);
         return $this->responseRedirect(XenForo_ControllerResponse_Redirect::SUCCESS, $redirect);
     $googleUser = $credentials['user'];
     $data = $this->_input->filter(array('username' => XenForo_Input::STRING, 'timezone' => XenForo_Input::STRING, 'location' => XenForo_Input::STRING, 'dob_day' => XenForo_Input::UINT, 'dob_month' => XenForo_Input::UINT, 'dob_year' => XenForo_Input::UINT));
     $data['email'] = $credentials['basic']['email'];
     if (!empty($googleUser['currentLocation'])) {
         $data['location'] = $googleUser['currentLocation'];
     } else {
         if (!empty($googleUser['placesLived']) && is_array($googleUser['placesLived'])) {
             foreach ($googleUser['placesLived'] as $place) {
                 if (!empty($place['primary'])) {
                     $data['location'] = $place['value'];
     if (isset($googleUser['gender'])) {
         switch ($googleUser['gender']) {
             case 'male':
             case 'female':
                 $data['gender'] = $googleUser['gender'];
     if (!empty($googleUser['birthday'])) {
         $birthday = $this->_validateBirthdayString($googleUser['birthday'], 'y-m-d');
         if ($birthday) {
             $data['dob_year'] = $birthday[0];
             $data['dob_month'] = $birthday[1];
             $data['dob_day'] = $birthday[2];
     $writer = $this->_setupExternalUser($data);
     if (!$this->_validateBirthdayInput($writer, $birthdayError)) {
     $spamModel = $this->_runSpamCheck($writer);
     $user = $writer->getMergedData();
     $spamModel->logSpamTrigger('user', $user['user_id']);
     if (!empty($googleUser['image']['url']) && $this->_canApplyAvatar()) {
         try {
             // get the original size
             $url = preg_replace('/(\\?|&)sz=\\d+/', '', $googleUser['image']['url']);
             $request = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($url)->request();
             $avatarData = $request->getBody();
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $avatarData = '';
         $this->_applyAvatar($user, $avatarData);
     $userExternalModel->updateExternalAuthAssociation('google', $credentials['basic']['sub'], $user['user_id'], $credentials['extra']);
     return $this->_completeRegistration($user);
Esempio n. 23
 public function publish($targetId, bdSocialShare_Shareable_Abstract $shareable, $accessToken)
     try {
         $link = $shareable->getLink($this);
         $imageDataPath = $shareable->getImageDataPath($this);
         $userText = $shareable->getUserText($this);
         $title = $shareable->getTitle($this);
         $description = $shareable->getDescription($this);
         $image = $shareable->getImage($this);
         $userText = strval($userText);
         $title = strval($title);
         $description = strval($description);
         $sendLinkData = (bdSocialShare_Option::get('facebookSendLinkData') or $shareable instanceof bdSocialShare_Shareable_StaffShare);
         if ($sendLinkData and !empty($imageDataPath)) {
             // upload as a new photo in the app album
             $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient(sprintf('', $targetId));
             $client->setFileUpload($imageDataPath, 'source');
             $parts = array();
             if (!empty($title)) {
                 $parts[] = $title;
             if (empty($parts)) {
                 if (!empty($description)) {
                     $parts[] = $description;
             if (!empty($link)) {
                 $parts[] = $link;
             if (!empty($parts)) {
                 $client->setParameterPost('message', implode("\n", $parts));
         if (empty($client) and !empty($link)) {
             // publish as a link
             $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient(sprintf('', $targetId));
             $client->setParameterPost('link', $link);
             if ($sendLinkData and !empty($title)) {
                 // send link data
                 $client->setParameterPost('name', $title);
                 if (!empty($image)) {
                     $client->setParameterPost('picture', $image);
                 if (!empty($description)) {
                     $client->setParameterPost('description', $description);
             if (!empty($userText)) {
                 $client->setParameterPost('message', $userText);
         if (empty($client) and !empty($userText)) {
             // publish as a status
             $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient(sprintf('', $targetId));
             if (!empty($link)) {
                 // merge user text and link
                 $client->setParameterPost('message', sprintf('%s %s', $userText, $link));
             } else {
                 $client->setParameterPost('message', $userText);
         if (empty($client)) {
             return false;
         $client->setParameterPost('access_token', $accessToken);
         $response = $client->request('POST');
         $responseBody = $response->getBody();
         $responseArray = json_decode($responseBody, true);
         if (isset($responseArray['id'])) {
             return $responseArray;
         } else {
             throw new bdSocialShare_Exception_Interrupted($responseBody);
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
         throw new bdSocialShare_Exception_HttpClient($e->getMessage());
Esempio n. 24
  * Queries the SFS spam check API with the spam check data and returns an array of response data
  * @param array $user
  * @param string $apiUrl
  * @param boolean $fromCache
  * @return array
 protected function _getSfsApiResponse(array $user, &$apiUrl = '', &$fromCache = false)
     $apiUrl = $this->_getSfsApiUrl($user);
     $cacheKey = $this->_getSfsCacheKey($apiUrl);
     $fromCache = false;
     if ($result = $this->_getRegistrationResultFromCache($cacheKey)) {
         $fromCache = true;
         return unserialize($result);
     $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($apiUrl);
     try {
         $response = $client->request('GET');
         $body = $response->getBody();
         $contents = $this->_decodeSfsApiData($body);
         return is_array($contents) ? $contents : false;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Exception $e) {
         //XenForo_Error::logException($e, false);
         return false;
Esempio n. 25
    public function stepAvatars($start, array $options)
        $options = array_merge(array('avatarPath' => isset($this->_config['avatarPath']) ? $this->_config['avatarPath'] : '', 'attachmentPaths' => isset($this->_config['attachmentPaths']) ? $this->_config['attachmentPaths'] : '', 'limit' => 50, 'max' => false), $options);
        $sDb = $this->_sourceDb;
        $prefix = $this->_prefix;
        /* @var $model XenForo_Model_Import */
        $model = $this->_importModel;
        if ($options['max'] === false) {
            $options['max'] = $sDb->fetchOne('
				SELECT MAX(members.id_member)
				FROM ' . $prefix . 'members AS members
				LEFT JOIN ' . $prefix . 'attachments AS avatar ON
					(members.id_member = avatar.id_member
						AND avatar.attachment_type IN (0, 1))
				WHERE (members.avatar <> \'\' OR avatar.id_attach IS NOT NULL)
					AND (avatar.id_msg IS NULL OR avatar.id_msg = 0)
					AND (avatar.id_member IS NULL OR avatar.id_member <> 0)
        $avatars = $sDb->fetchAll($sDb->limit('
				SELECT members.*, avatar.*,
					IF (avatar.id_member IS NULL, members.id_member, avatar.id_member) AS id_member
				FROM ' . $prefix . 'members AS members
				LEFT JOIN ' . $prefix . 'attachments AS avatar ON
					(members.id_member = avatar.id_member
						AND avatar.attachment_type IN (0, 1))
				WHERE members.id_member > ' . $sDb->quote($start) . '
					AND (members.avatar <> \'\' OR avatar.id_attach IS NOT NULL)
					AND (avatar.id_msg IS NULL OR avatar.id_msg = 0)
					AND (avatar.id_member IS NULL OR avatar.id_member <> 0)
				ORDER BY members.id_member
			', $options['limit']));
        if (!$avatars) {
            return true;
        $userIdMap = $model->getUserIdsMapFromArray($avatars, 'id_member');
        $next = 0;
        $total = 0;
        foreach ($avatars as $avatar) {
            $next = $avatar['id_member'];
            $newUserId = $this->_mapLookUp($userIdMap, $avatar['id_member']);
            if (!$newUserId) {
            $avatarFile = null;
            // We have a path to an avatar in the members table, otherwise it's an attachment.
            if ($avatar['avatar']) {
                // Only import an avatar if it is a URL, otherwise it's a gallery avatar (skip it).
                if (Zend_Uri::check($avatar['avatar'])) {
                    try {
                        $httpClient = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($avatar['avatar']);
                        $response = $httpClient->request('GET');
                        if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
                            $avatarFile = tempnam(XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir(), 'xf');
                            file_put_contents($avatarFile, $response->getBody());
                    } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
            } else {
                $filePath = '';
                switch ($avatar['attachment_type']) {
                    // Attachment directory
                    case 0:
                        if (!isset($options['attachmentPaths'][$avatar['id_folder']])) {
                            // Going to have to assume that it was a single attachment directory environment.
                            $attachmentPath = $options['attachmentPaths'][0];
                        } else {
                            $attachmentPath = $options['attachmentPaths'][$avatar['id_folder']];
                        if ($avatar['file_hash'] === '') {
                            $filePath = "{$attachmentPath}/{$avatar['filename']}";
                        } else {
                            $filePath = "{$attachmentPath}/{$avatar['id_attach']}_{$avatar['file_hash']}";
                        // Custom avatar directory
                    // Custom avatar directory
                    case 1:
                        $filePath = "{$options['avatarPath']}/{$avatar['filename']}";
                if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
                $avatarFile = tempnam(XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir(), 'xf');
                copy($filePath, $avatarFile);
            if ($this->_importModel->importAvatar($avatar['id_member'], $newUserId, $avatarFile)) {
        return array($next, $options, $this->_getProgressOutput($next, $options['max']));
Esempio n. 26
 protected function _getHandler($url)
     if (self::canUseCurlMulti()) {
         // need to reset the URL if sending parameters
         $this->_url = $url;
         $this->_currentHandle = curl_init($url);
     } else {
         $this->_currentHandle = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($url);
Esempio n. 27
 protected function _getHandler()
     if (self::_canUseCurlMulti()) {
         $this->_currentHandle = curl_init(self::$_analyticsEndPoint);
     } else {
         $this->_currentHandle = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient(self::$_analyticsEndPoint);
Esempio n. 28
    public function stepAvatars($start, array $options)
        $options = array_merge(array('path' => $this->_config['ipboard_path'] . '/uploads', 'limit' => 50, 'max' => false, 'fetchRemote' => false, 'importPhotos' => false), $options);
        $where = array("pp.avatar_type = 'upload'");
        if ($options['fetchRemote']) {
            $where[] = "pp.avatar_type = 'url'";
        if ($options['importPhotos']) {
            $where[] = "pp.pp_main_photo <> ''";
        $where = '(' . implode(' OR ', $where) . ')';
        $sDb = $this->_sourceDb;
        $prefix = $this->_prefix;
        /* @var $model XenForo_Model_Import */
        $model = $this->_importModel;
        if ($options['max'] === false) {
            $options['max'] = $sDb->fetchOne('
				SELECT MAX(pp_member_id)
				FROM ' . $prefix . 'profile_portal AS pp
				WHERE ' . $where . '
        $avatars = $sDb->fetchAll($sDb->limit('
				SELECT members.member_id,
					pp.pp_main_photo, pp.pp_main_width, pp.pp_main_height,
					pp.avatar_location, pp.avatar_size, pp.avatar_type
				FROM ' . $prefix . 'profile_portal AS pp
				INNER JOIN ' . $prefix . 'members AS members ON
					(members.member_id = pp.pp_member_id)
				WHERE ' . $where . '
					AND pp.pp_member_id > ' . $sDb->quote($start) . '
				ORDER BY pp.pp_member_id
			', $options['limit']));
        if (!$avatars) {
            return true;
        $userIdMap = $model->getUserIdsMapFromArray($avatars, 'member_id');
        $next = 0;
        $total = 0;
        foreach ($avatars as $avatar) {
            $next = $avatar['member_id'];
            $newUserId = $this->_mapLookUp($userIdMap, $avatar['member_id']);
            if (!$newUserId) {
            $avatarFile = null;
            // use profile photo instead of avatar
            if (!empty($options['importPhotos']) && $avatar['pp_main_photo'] && file_exists("{$options['path']}/{$avatar['pp_main_photo']}")) {
                $avatarFile = tempnam(XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir(), 'xf');
                copy("{$options['path']}/{$avatar['pp_main_photo']}", $avatarFile);
            } else {
                if (!empty($options['fetchRemote']) && $avatar['avatar_type'] == 'url' && $avatar['avatar_location'] && $avatar['avatar_location'] != 'noavatar' && Zend_Uri::check($avatar['avatar_location'])) {
                    try {
                        $httpClient = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient(preg_replace('/\\s+/', '%20', $avatar['avatar_location']));
                        $response = $httpClient->request('GET');
                        if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
                            $avatarFile = tempnam(XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir(), 'xf');
                            file_put_contents($avatarFile, $response->getBody());
                    } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
            // regular avatar import
            if (empty($avatarFile) && $avatar['avatar_type'] == 'upload' && $avatar['avatar_location'] && file_exists("{$options['path']}/{$avatar['avatar_location']}")) {
                $avatarFile = tempnam(XenForo_Helper_File::getTempDir(), 'xf');
                copy("{$options['path']}/{$avatar['avatar_location']}", $avatarFile);
            $isTemp = true;
            if ($this->_importModel->importAvatar($avatar['member_id'], $newUserId, $avatarFile)) {
            if ($isTemp) {
        return array($next, $options, $this->_getProgressOutput($next, $options['max']));
Esempio n. 29
File: Api.php Progetto: burtay/bdApi
 protected static function _request($method, array $provider, $path, $accessToken = false, $expectedKey = false, array $params = array())
     try {
         if (Zend_Uri::check($path)) {
             $uri = $path;
         } else {
             $uri = call_user_func_array('sprintf', array('%s/index.php?%s', rtrim($provider['root'], '/'), $path));
         $client = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($uri);
         if ($accessToken !== false and !isset($params['oauth_token'])) {
             $params['oauth_token'] = $accessToken;
         if ($method === 'GET') {
         } else {
         $response = $client->request($method);
         $body = $response->getBody();
         $json = @json_decode($body, true);
         if (!is_array($json)) {
             $json = array('_body' => $body);
         if ($expectedKey !== false) {
             if (!isset($json[$expectedKey])) {
                 XenForo_Error::logException(new XenForo_Exception(sprintf('Key "%s" not found in %s `%s`: %s', $method, $expectedKey, $path, $body)), false);
                 return false;
         $json['_headers'] = $response->getHeaders();
         $json['_responseStatus'] = $response->getStatus();
         return $json;
     } catch (Zend_Http_Client_Exception $e) {
         XenForo_Error::logException($e, false);
         return false;
Esempio n. 30
  * Fetches the image at the specified URL using the standard proxy config.
  * @param string $url
  * @return array
 protected function _fetchImageForProxy($url)
     $urlHash = md5($url);
     $urlParts = parse_url($url);
     // convert kilobytes to bytes
     XenForo_ImageProxyStream::setMaxSize(XenForo_Application::getOptions()->imageProxyMaxSize * 1024);
     $streamUri = 'xf-image-proxy://' . $urlHash . '-' . uniqid();
     $streamFile = XenForo_ImageProxyStream::getTempFile($streamUri);
     $requestFailed = true;
     $error = false;
     $imageMeta = null;
     $fileName = !empty($urlParts['path']) ? basename($urlParts['path']) : '';
     $mimeType = '';
     $fileSize = 0;
     $image = false;
     $requestUrl = strtr($url, array(' ' => '+'));
     if (preg_match_all('/[^A-Za-z0-9._~:\\/?#\\[\\]@!$&\'()*+,;=%-]/', $requestUrl, $matches)) {
         foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
             $requestUrl = str_replace($match[0], '%' . strtoupper(dechex(ord($match[0]))), $requestUrl);
     try {
         $response = XenForo_Helper_Http::getClient($requestUrl, array('output_stream' => $streamUri, 'timeout' => 10))->setHeaders('Accept-encoding', 'identity')->request('GET');
         if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
             $disposition = $response->getHeader('Content-Disposition');
             if (is_array($disposition)) {
                 $disposition = end($disposition);
             if ($disposition && preg_match('/filename=(\'|"|)(.+)\\1/siU', $disposition, $match)) {
                 $fileName = $match[2];
             if (!$fileName) {
                 $fileName = 'image';
             $mimeHeader = $response->getHeader('Content-Type');
             if (is_array($mimeHeader)) {
                 $mimeHeader = end($mimeHeader);
             $mimeType = $mimeHeader ? $mimeHeader : 'unknown/unknown';
             $imageMeta = XenForo_ImageProxyStream::getMetaData($streamUri);
             if (!empty($imageMeta['error'])) {
                 switch ($imageMeta['error']) {
                     case 'not_image':
                         $error = new XenForo_Phrase('file_not_an_image');
                     case 'too_large':
                         $error = new XenForo_Phrase('file_is_too_large');
                     case 'invalid_type':
                         $error = new XenForo_Phrase('image_is_invalid_type');
                         $error = $imageMeta['error'];
             } else {
                 $requestFailed = false;
                 $image = $imageMeta['image'];
                 $mimeType = $image['mime'];
                 $fileSize = $imageMeta['length'];
                 $extension = XenForo_Helper_File::getFileExtension($fileName);
                 $extensionMap = array(IMAGETYPE_GIF => array('gif'), IMAGETYPE_JPEG => array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe'), IMAGETYPE_PNG => array('png'));
                 $validExtensions = $extensionMap[$image[2]];
                 if (!in_array($extension, $validExtensions)) {
                     $extensionStart = strrpos($fileName, '.');
                     $fileName = ($extensionStart ? substr($fileName, 0, $extensionStart) : $fileName) . '.' . $validExtensions[0];
         } else {
             $error = new XenForo_Phrase('received_unexpected_response_code_x_message_y', array('code' => $response->getStatus(), 'message' => $response->getMessage()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = $e->getMessage();
         $response = null;
     $response = null;
     return array('url' => $url, 'failed' => $requestFailed, 'error' => $error, 'image' => $image, 'fileName' => $fileName, 'mimeType' => $mimeType, 'fileSize' => $fileSize, 'tempFile' => $streamFile);