function gc() { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $table = XWB_S_TBPRE . 'common_cache'; $timestamp = time() - 15 * 60; $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$table}` WHERE `cachekey` LIKE 'xipct_%' AND `dateline` < '{$timestamp}' "; $db->query($sql); }
/** * 资源初始化 * @access public * @return xwbSiteUserRegister */ function xwbSiteUserRegister() { global $_G; loaducenter(); $this->db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $this->ip = (string) $_G['clientip']; $this->timestamp = TIMESTAMP; }
function switchMode($LTXCfg = 1, $UTXCfg = '', $BTXCfg = '') { $FTParams = 1 == $LTXCfg ? array('nbool_LTXCfg' => $LTXCfg, 'http_UTXCfg' => $UTXCfg, 'http_BTXCfg' => $BTXCfg) : array('nbool_LTXCfg' => $LTXCfg); if ($this->_FTHelper($FTParams)) { $config = 1 == $LTXCfg ? array('switch_to_xweibo' => (int) $LTXCfg, 'url_to_xweibo' => $UTXCfg, 'baseurl_to_xweibo' => $BTXCfg) : array('switch_to_xweibo' => (int) $LTXCfg); XWB_plugin::setPCfg($config) || $this->_ERHelper('4021001'); $this->rst = TRUE; } $this->_LogHelper($this->apiRoute . '/switchMode'); return array('rst' => $this->rst, 'errno' => $this->errno, 'err' => $this->err); }
function xwb_setSiteRegister($nickname, $email, $pwd = false) { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $uid = 0; $password = $pwd ? $pwd : rand(100000, 999999); $regstatus = jsg_member_register_check_status(); if ($regstatus['normal_enable'] || true === JISHIGOU_FORCED_REGISTER) { $uid = jsg_member_register($nickname, $password, $email); } $rst = array('uid' => $uid, 'password' => $password); return $rst; }
function _validate($A, $P, $T, $F) { /// 超时检测 if (XWB_REMOTE_API_TIME_VALIDATY < time() - $T) { $this->_ERHelper('4010004'); } $secret = md5(sprintf("#%s#%s#%s#%s#%s#", XWB_APP_KEY, $A, $P, $T, XWB_plugin::pCfg('encrypt_key'))); if (0 !== strcasecmp($F, $secret)) { $this->_ERHelper('4010003', TRUE, 'load'); } return; }
/** * 过滤已经绑定到新浪微博的discuz!帐号 * @version $Id: sinaUidFilter.function.php 817 2011-06-02 07:38:51Z yaoying $ * @param array $uid 要过滤的uid号码数组。传参前,请自行保证里面的全是int。此处不作检查 * @param bool $remote 是否也进行远程api查询?默认为否 * @return array */ function sinaUidFilter($uid, $remote = false) { $sina_uid = array(); if (empty($uid)) { return $sina_uid; } $rs = XWB_plugin::getBatchBindUser($uid, $remote); //远程API foreach ($rs as $row) { $sina_uid[$row['uid']] = $row['sina_uid']; } return $sina_uid; }
function step1() { $tokenhash = ''; if (!xwb_token::checkInput('g', 'xwbuninstall', false)) { echo 'XWB_TOKEN_HASH_CHECK_FAILURE!'; exit; } $cfg = $this->getCfg(); $tips = array(); $st = true; if (!empty($_GET['delete_data'])) { //delete db data $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); foreach ($cfg['db_data'] as $name => $format) { $tbSql = sprintf($format, DB::table($name)); $db->query($tbSql); $tips[] = array(1, "删除数据表 [PRE_]{$name} 成功"); } $_GET['delete_data'] = 1; } else { $tips[] = array(1, "已保留微博插件数据"); $_GET['delete_data'] = 0; } $lock_file_output = '论坛目录' . str_replace(dirname(dirname(XWB_P_DATA)), '', $this->v['lock_file']); if (false == @unlink($this->v['lock_file'])) { $tips[] = array(1, "无法删除或找不到安装锁定文件(位于:{$lock_file_output})。如果文件存在,请自行删除。"); } $showTab = 'uninstall'; $btn_enable = 'class="btn"'; $btn_name = $st ? '完成' : '重试'; if ($st) { //根据安装来源给出完成跳转链接 if ($this->_sess->getInfo('boot_referer') == 'admincp') { $installtype = 'SC_' . XWB_S_CHARSET; if (version_compare(XWB_S_VERSION, '2', '<')) { //X1.5 $link = '../../admin.php?action=plugins&operation=pluginuninstall&dir=sina_xweibo&installtype=' . $installtype . '&finish=1'; } else { //X2 $link = '../../admin.php?action=plugins&operation=pluginuninstall&dir=sina_xweibo_x2&installtype=' . $installtype . '&finish=1'; } } else { $link = '../../index.php'; } } else { $link = 'uninstall.php?step=1&delete_data=' . $_GET['delete_data']; } $image_file = $st ? 'sucess.png' : "icon.gif"; include $this->tpl_dir . '/uninstall.php'; exit; }
/** * 关闭远程API */ function closeApi() { $stx = XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo'); if (XWB_plugin::setPCfg(array('switch_to_xweibo' => 0))) { $api = XWB_plugin::N('apixwb'); $response = $api->setNotice(0, '', FALSE); // if( !is_array($response) || 0 != $response['errno']) { // XWB_plugin::setPCfg(array('switch_to_xweibo' => $stx)); // } exit(json_encode($response)); } else { exit(json_encode(array('errno' => 1, 'err' => '配置文件无法写入'))); } }
/** * 进行身份验证 * 请保证传参所用字符集和论坛字符集一致,否则请先自行转换再传参 * @param string $username * @param string $password * @param int $questionid * @param string $answer * @param boolen $isuid 使用UID验证么? * @return array * 第一个数组下标($return[0])若大于0,则表示验证成功的登录uid。否则为错误信息: * -1:UC用户不存在,或者被删除 * -2:密码错 * -3:安全提问错 * -4:用户没有在dz注册 * 第二个数组下标($return[1])若大于等于0,则表示验证成功的adminid; * 否则为-1,表示验证失败 */ function verify($username, $password, $questionid = '', $answer = '', $isuid = 0) { $return = array(0 => -1, 1 => -1); $ip = XWB_plugin::getIP(); /** * 校验用户输入错误密码的次数 */ $failedlogins = $this->db->fetch_first("select * from " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "failedlogins where `ip`='{$ip}'"); if ($failedlogins && $failedlogins['count'] >= 5) { $return[0] = -5; return $return; } /** * 校验用户输入的用户名和密码是否正确 */ if (true === UCENTER) { //加载Ucenter客户端文件 include_once ROOT_PATH . './api/uc_client/client.php'; $uc_result = uc_user_login($username, $password, $isuid, 0, $questionid, $answer); $ucuid = $uc_result[0]; if ($ucuid < 1) { $return[0] = $ucuid; return $return; } } $member = $this->db->fetch_first("SELECT `uid`, `password`, `nickname`, `username`, `role_type`, `salt` FROM " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "members WHERE `nickname`='{$username}'"); if ($member) { /** * 在记事狗系统中比对用户输入的密码 */ if ($member['password'] == jsg_member_password($password, $member['salt'])) { $return[0] = (int) $member['uid']; $return[1] = 'admin' == $member['role_type'] ? 1 : 0; } else { $return[0] = -2; /** * 更新密码输入错误的次数 */ if ($failedlogins) { $this->db->query("update " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "failedlogins set `count`='" . (max(1, (int) $failedlogins['count']) + 1) . "', `lastupdate`='" . time() . "' where `ip`='{$ip}'"); } else { $this->db->query("insert into " . XWB_S_TBPRE . "failedlogins (`ip`,`count`,`lastupdate`) values ('{$ip}','1','" . time() . "')"); } } } return $return; }
/** * 关闭远程API */ function closeApi() { if (!xwb_token::checkInput('p', $this->tokehash, true)) { exit(json_encode(array('errno' => 1, 'err' => '令牌验证失败,请返回重试'))); } $stx = XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo'); if (XWB_plugin::setPCfg(array('switch_to_xweibo' => 0))) { $api = XWB_plugin::N('apixwb'); $response = $api->setNotice(0, '', FALSE); // if( !is_array($response) || 0 != $response['errno']) { // XWB_plugin::setPCfg(array('switch_to_xweibo' => $stx)); // } exit(json_encode($response)); } else { exit(json_encode(array('errno' => 1, 'err' => '配置文件无法写入'))); } }
/** * 启动session */ function _session_start() { $operatorType = defined('XWB_P_SESSION_OPERATOR') ? strtolower(XWB_P_SESSION_OPERATOR) : 'native'; $storageType = defined('XWB_P_SESSION_STORAGE_TYPE') ? strtolower(XWB_P_SESSION_STORAGE_TYPE) : ''; //session操作器初始化 $this->_operator = XWB_plugin::O('session/session_operator_' . $operatorType); //session存储器注册到session操作器中 if (!empty($storageType)) { $sessStorage = XWB_plugin::O('session/session_storage_' . $storageType); $this->_operator->setStorageHandler($sessStorage); //模拟操作器必须要有一个session存储器 } elseif ('simulator' == $operatorType) { //XWB_plugin::showError('管理员设置错误,导致程序被终止。请联系管理员解决。<br />错误原因:You have defined SIMULATOR session operator but does not define a session STORAGE type! SYSTEM HALTED!'); trigger_error('You have defined SIMULATOR session operator but does not define a session STORAGE type! SYSTEM HALTED!', 256); } $this->_operator->session_start(); }
function xwb_setSiteUserLogin($uid) { global $_G; if (empty($uid)) { return false; } $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); //登录 $member = DB::fetch_first("SELECT * FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='" . $uid . "'"); if (!$member) { return false; } setloginstatus($member, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 ? 2592000 : 0); DB::query("UPDATE " . DB::table('common_member_status') . " SET lastip='" . $_G['clientip'] . "', lastvisit='" . time() . "' WHERE uid='{$uid}'"); include_once libfile('function/stat'); updatestat('login'); updatecreditbyaction('daylogin', $uid); checkusergroup($uid); return true; }
/** * 新浪微博签名替换函数 * @version $Id: xwb_format_signature.function.php 1004 2012-06-11 10:32:46Z yaoying $ * @param string $s */ function xwb_format_signature($s) { static $xweibourl = null; if (null == $xweibourl) { $xweibourl = rtrim(strval(XWB_plugin::pCfg('baseurl_to_xweibo')), '/'); } if (XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo') && !empty($xweibourl)) { $xweibourl_ta = $xweibourl . '/index.php?m=ta&id='; } else { $xweibourl_ta = ''; } $p = "#<-sina_sign,(\\d+),([a-z0-9]+),(\\d+)->#sim"; $rp = '<a href="' . $xweibourl_ta . '\\1" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="\\1/\\2/\\3.png"/></a>'; //$p = XWB_plugin::convertEncoding($p,'UTF8', XWB_S_CHARSET); //$rp= XWB_plugin::convertEncoding($rp,'UTF8', XWB_S_CHARSET); if (!empty($s) && preg_match($p, $s, $m)) { return preg_replace($p, $rp, $s); } return $s; }
?> <div class="users"> <a href="<?php echo XWB_plugin::getWeiboProfileLink($value['sina_uid']); ?> " target="_blank"><?php echo $value['avatar']; ?> </a> <div class="user-info"> <p><?php echo XWB_plugin::convertEncoding($value['username'], XWB_S_CHARSET, 'UTF-8'); ?> </p> <a class="addfollow-btn" href="<?php echo XWB_plugin::getWeiboProfileLink($value['sina_uid']); ?> " target="_blank"></a> <a class="already-addfollow-btn hidden" href="javascript:void(0)#"></a> </div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } ?>
<?php /* * @version $Id: viewthread.hack.php 673 2011-05-03 02:06:05Z yaoying $ */ if (!defined('IS_IN_XWB_PLUGIN')) { exit('Access Denied!'); } global $_G; $uids = array(); $sina_uid = array(); foreach ($GLOBALS['postlist'] as $key => $row) { $uids[] = (int) $row['authorid']; //签名替换 $GLOBALS['postlist'][$key]['signature'] = isset($row['signature']) ? XWB_plugin::F('xwb_format_signature', $row['signature']) : ''; if ($row['first'] && XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_rebutton_display')) { $this->viewthread_subject = $row['subject']; } } $sina_uid = XWB_plugin::F('sinaUidFilter', $uids, false);
function _LogHelper($apiRoute) { if (!defined('XWB_LOCAL_API_LOG') || XWB_LOCAL_API_LOG != TRUE) { return; } $data = array("\r\n" . str_repeat('-', 45), "[REQUEST_URI]:\t\t" . ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '_UNKNOWN_'), "[API_ROUTE]:\t\t" . $apiRoute, "[ERROR_NO]:\t\t" . $this->errno, "[ERROR_MSG]:\t\t" . ($this->err ? $this->err : '_EMPTY_'), "[API_RESULT]:\t\t" . ($this->rst && !is_bool($this->rst) ? "\r\n" . print_r($this->rst, TRUE) : (is_bool($this->rst) ? $this->rst ? 'TRUE' : 'false' : '_EMPTY_')), str_repeat('-', 45) . "\r\n\r\n"); $logFile = XWB_P_DATA . '/api/api_local_log_' . date("Y-m-d_H") . '.txt'; XWB_plugin::LOG(implode("\r\n", $data), $logFile); return; }
<td colspan="3"> <em id="regErrorTips" class="xwb-plugin-error" style="display:none;"></em> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php } ?> </div> <div id="bindBox" class="xwb-plugin-form" style="display:none;"> <form action="<?php echo XWB_plugin::URL("xwbSiteInterface.doBindAtNotLog"); ?> " id="siteBindFrom" method="post" target="xwbSiteRegister" > <input type="hidden" name="FORMHASH" value="<?php echo FORMHASH; ?> " /> <table class="xwb-plugin-table"> <tr class="xwb-plugin-tr"> <td class="xwb-plugin-td-msg"><label for="bindPwd">帐号昵称:</label></td> <td class="xwb-plugin-td-input"> <input type="text" name="siteBindName" id="siteBindName" class="xwb-plugin-input-a" value="" /> <br />请输入您在 <?php echo XWB_S_TITLE; ?> 的昵称
runhooks(); //dx的设置文件中有个['output']['forceheader'],为1时会强制输出一个header编码,故只能如此处理,防止干扰插件,但不能做到100%完美 if (0 != $discuz->config['output']['forceheader'] && 'UTF-8' != strtoupper($discuz->config['output']['charset'])) { @header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); } //在钩子环境中,可能无法读取$discuz实例,因此要做如此处理 } elseif (!isset($discuz) || !is_a($discuz, 'discuz_core')) { $discuz =& discuz_core::instance(); } $GLOBALS[XWB_SITE_GLOBAL_V_NAME]['site_db'] =& DB::object(); // 附属站点所用的字符集 UTF8 GBK BIG5 define('XWB_S_CHARSET', str_replace("-", "", strtoupper($discuz->config['output']['charset']))); // 附属站点所用的表前缀 define('XWB_S_TBPRE', $discuz->db->tablepre); // 附属站点 的版本号 define('XWB_S_VERSION', substr($discuz->var['setting']['version'], 1)); // 附属站点 的类型名称 define('XWB_S_NAME', 'DiscuzX'); // 附属站点 的标题名称 define('XWB_S_TITLE', XWB_plugin::convertEncoding($discuz->var['setting']['bbname'], XWB_S_CHARSET, 'UTF-8')); // 附属站点 的用户UID define('XWB_S_UID', (int) $discuz->var['uid']); define('XWB_S_IS_ADMIN', (int) $discuz->var['adminid'] == 1 ? true : false); if (!defined('CURSCRIPT') || CURSCRIPT == '') { $XWB_S_CURSCRIPT = isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) ? substr(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), 0, -4) : 'unknown'; define('XWB_S_CURSCRIPT', $XWB_S_CURSCRIPT); } else { define('XWB_S_CURSCRIPT', CURSCRIPT); } //echo '<pre>';print_r(get_defined_constants());echo '</pre>';exit; define('XWB_PLUGIN_SITE_ENV_LOADED', true);
<!--安装失败的信息:给出提示信息--> <div class="mainTxt"> <hr /> <div class="con red"><p><strong>安装失败,安装数据已全部回退。</strong></p></div> <div class="con red"><p>如果您能将“初始化程序以及数据”提示信息,以及论坛地址、论坛版本和论坛字符编码等信息反馈给我们(比如<a href="" target="_blank">官方论坛</a>),将有助于我们的产品改进,感谢您的支持!</p></div> <div class="con red"><p>联系邮箱:<a href=""></a> | 技术支持:<a href="" target="_blank">Xweibo官网</a></p></div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <?php } ?> <div class="footer">Copyright © 1996-2010 SINA</div> </div> </div> <?php //统计上报[安装] $xwb_statType = 'in'; $xwb_statArgs = array(); $xwb_statArgs['akey'] = $appkey; $xwb_statArgs['uid'] = 0; $xwb_statArgs['domain'] = str_replace(array('http://', 'https://'), '', XWB_plugin::baseUrl()); $xwb_statArgs['qq'] = $qq; echo XWB_plugin::statUrl($xwb_statType, $xwb_statArgs, true); ?> </body> </html>
/** * 获取新浪微博或者xweibo的个人主页link * @param bigint $sina_uid * @return string */ function getWeiboProfileLink($sina_uid = 0) { $xweibourl = rtrim(XWB_plugin::pCfg('baseurl_to_xweibo'), '/'); if (XWB_plugin::pCfg('switch_to_xweibo') && !empty($xweibourl)) { $xweibourl_ta = $xweibourl . '/index.php?m=ta&id=' . $sina_uid; } else { $xweibourl_ta = '' . $sina_uid; } return $xweibourl_ta; }
<ul> <li> <label for="part90"> <input class="chk" id="part90" name="pluginCfg[is_rebutton_relateUid_assoc]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('is_rebutton_relateUid_assoc') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />转发到微博时关联官方帐号<span>(官方账号在转发时会被@,并在转发后提示关注他)</span> </label> </li> <?php if (version_compare(XWB_S_VERSION, '2', '>=')) { ?> <li> <label for="part91"> <input class="chk" id="part91" name="pluginCfg[display_ow_in_forum_index]" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo XWB_plugin::pCfg('display_ow_in_forum_index') ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> />在论坛首页显示官方帐号和关注按钮 </label> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="btn"> <input class="conmon-btn" name="submit" type="submit" value="保存设置" /> </div> </form> <iframe src="" name="xwbHideFrame" frameborder="0" height="0" width="0"></iframe> </div>
</div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <b class="bg_regBot"> </b> </div> </div> <?php $xwb_sess = XWB_plugin::getUser(); $xwb_statInfo = $xwb_sess->getStat(); foreach ($xwb_statInfo as $k => $stat) { $xwb_statType = isset($stat['xt']) ? (string) $stat['xt'] : 'unknown'; echo XWB_plugin::statUrl($xwb_statType, $stat, true); } if (!empty($xwb_statInfo)) { $xwb_sess->clearStat(); } ?> </body> </html>
function SyncReply() { $sina = jconf::get('sina'); if (!$sina['is_syncreply_tojishigou']) { return; } $tid = max(0, (int) ($this->Post['tid'] ? $this->Post['tid'] : $this->Get['tid'])); if (!$tid) { return; } $info = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "xwb_bind_topic where `tid`='{$tid}'"); if (!$info) { return; } $mid = $info['mid']; if (!$mid) { return; } if ($sina['syncweibo_tojishigou_time'] > 0 && $info['last_read_time'] + $sina['syncweibo_tojishigou_time'] > time()) { return; } if (!($topic_info = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "topic where `tid`='{$tid}'"))) { return; } $xwb_bind_info = sina_weibo_bind_info($topic_info['uid']); if (!$xwb_bind_info) { return; } if (!sina_weibo_bind($topic_info['uid'])) { return; } if (!sina_weibo_syncreply_tojishigou($topic_info['uid'])) { return; } if (!$this->MemberHandler->HasPermission('xwb', '__syncreply', 0, $topic_info['uid'])) { return; } if ($this->module_config['oauth2_enable']) { $p = array('id' => $mid, 'access_token' => $xwb_bind_info['access_token']); $rets = sina_weibo_api('2/comments/show', $p, 'GET'); $datas = $rets['comments']; } else { require_once ROOT_PATH . 'include/ext/xwb/sina.php'; $wb = XWB_plugin::getWB(); $datas = $wb->getComments($mid); } if ($datas) { krsort($datas); $TopicLogic = jlogic('topic'); foreach ($datas as $data) { $mid = $data['idstr'] ? $data['idstr'] : ($data['mid'] ? $data['mid'] : $data['id']); $sina_uid = $data['user']['id']; if ($mid && ($bind_info = DB::fetch_first("select * from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "xwb_bind_info where `sina_uid`='{$sina_uid}'")) && !DB::fetch_first("select * from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "xwb_bind_topic where `mid`='{$mid}'") && ($content = trim(strip_tags(array_iconv('utf-8', $this->Config['charset'], $data['text'] . (isset($data['retweeted_status']) ? " /" . "/@{$data['retweeted_status']['user']['name']}: {$data['retweeted_status']['text']}" : "")))))) { DB::query("insert into " . TABLE_PREFIX . "xwb_bind_topic (`mid`) values ('{$mid}')"); $_t = time(); if ($data['created_at']) { $_t = strtotime($data['created_at']); } $_t = is_numeric($_t) ? $_t : 0; $add_datas = array('totid' => $tid, 'content' => $content, 'from' => 'sina', 'type' => 'reply', 'uid' => $bind_info['uid'], 'timestamp' => $_t); $add_result = $TopicLogic->Add($add_datas); if (is_array($add_result) && count($add_result)) { $_tid = max(0, (int) $add_result['tid']); if ($_tid) { if ($sina['is_syncimage_tojishigou'] && $data['original_pic']) { $TopicLogic->_parse_url_image($add_result, $data['original_pic']); } DB::query("replace into " . DB::table('xwb_bind_topic') . " (`tid`, `mid`) values ('{$_tid}', '{$mid}')"); } } } } } DB::query("update `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "xwb_bind_topic` set `last_read_time`='" . time() . "' where `tid`='{$tid}'"); }
/** * 根据发送过来的数据,组装出已经转码的、要插入对应数据库的回帖内容 * * @param array $data API发送过来的数据 * @return string 要插入的回帖内容(已经转码) */ function _createContent($data) { //转换为论坛所需要的字符集 if (empty($data['nick'])) { $data['nick'] = '回推'; } $nickname = XWB_plugin::convertEncoding((string) $data['nick'], 'UTF-8', XWB_S_CHARSET); $content = XWB_plugin::convertEncoding((string) $data['text'], 'UTF-8', XWB_S_CHARSET); //DZ函数 $content = dhtmlspecialchars($content); $content = $this->_replaceSinaUrlToUBB($content); $content = $this->_filterContent($content); if (empty($content)) { return ''; } if (isset($data['pic']) && !empty($data['pic'])) { $content .= "\n\n" . '[img]' . $data['pic'] . '.jpg[/img]'; } $content = $content . "\n\n" . '[img]' . XWB_plugin::getPluginUrl('images/bgimg/icon_logo.png') . '[/img] ' . '[size=2][color=gray]' . '[url=' . XWB_plugin::getWeiboProfileLink($data['uid']) . ']' . XWB_plugin::L('xwb_reply_from_2', $nickname) . '[/url][/color][/size]'; return $content; }
<?php /* * @version $Id: newarticle.hack.php 453 2010-12-23 04:36:02Z yaoying $ */ if (!defined('IS_IN_XWB_PLUGIN')) { exit('Access Denied!'); } global $_G; $aid = isset($GLOBALS['aid']) ? (int) $GLOBALS['aid'] : 0; $subject = isset($_POST['title']) ? (string) $_POST['title'] : ''; if ($aid >= 1) { if (XWB_plugin::V('p:syn')) { $xp_publish = XWB_plugin::N('xwb_plugins_publish'); register_shutdown_function(array(&$xp_publish, 'articleSync'), (int) $aid, $subject); } }
/** * 将用户帐号导入(主要应对用了UC的多论坛) * 本函数主要供_setPushbackSiteAccount方法使用 * @param array $userInfo uc_get_user返回的数据 */ function _importUserFromUC($userInfo) { $uid = (int) $userInfo[0]; $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $exist_uid = intval($db->result_first("SELECT uid FROM " . DB::table('common_member') . " WHERE uid='{$userInfo[0]}' LIMIT 0,1 ")); if ($exist_uid > 0) { return true; } $username = mysql_real_escape_string($userInfo[1]); $email = mysql_real_escape_string($userInfo[2]); $password = md5(rand(1, 10000)); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member') . " (uid, username, password, adminid, groupid, email)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}', '{$username}', '{$password}', '0', '10', '{$email}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_status') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_profile') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_field_forum') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_field_home') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); $db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO " . DB::table('common_member_count') . " (uid)\n\t\t\tVALUES ('{$uid}')"); manyoulog('user', $this->uid, 'add'); return true; }
echo $GLOBALS['_J']['site_url'] . ('/images/xwb/xwb_' . XWB_S_VERSION . '.css'); ?> " /> <style> </style> </head> <body> <div class="bind-setting xwb-plugin"> <p class="alert-tips">你还没有绑定新浪微博帐号!</p> <div class="bing-text"> <h4>绑定后,你将获得以下特权:</h4> <p>可以使用新浪微博帐号登录本站,不用担心忘记密码</p> <p>在本站发微博可选同步发到新浪微博,吸引更多人关注</p> <!-- <p>可使用新浪微博签名</p> --> </div> <a class="bind-btn" href="<?php echo XWB_plugin::URL('xwbAuth.login'); ?> " class="mibLoginBtn" target="_top"></a> <p class="txtb">还没有新浪微博帐号?<a href="" class="cp_more" target="_blank">30秒完成免费注册</a></p> </div> </body> </html>
<div class="bing-text"> <?php if ('api' == $errorType) { ?> <p>服务器无法连接到新浪微博API服务器;或新浪微博API服务器无响应。</p> <p>稍候一下,然后重新打开此页面;如果此错误信息重复出现,<strong>请联系网站管理员处理。</strong></p> <?php } elseif ('file' == $errorType) { ?> <p>请确保拥有权限,无法创建数据缓存文件。</p> <?php } ?> </div> <div class="setting-box"> <form id="unbindFrm" action="<?php echo XWB_plugin::getEntryURL('xwbSiteInterface.unbind'); ?> " method="post" target="xwbSiteRegister" > <h3>解除绑定</h3> <div class="xwb-plugin-btn"><input type="button" class="button" value="解除绑定" onclick="xwb_unbind();return false;" ></div> <p class="tips"></p> </form> </div> </div> <iframe src="" name="xwbSiteRegister" frameborder="0" height="0" width="0"></iframe> </body> </html>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $GLOBALS['_J']['site_url'] . ('/images/xwb/xwb_' . XWB_S_VERSION . '.css'); ?> " /> <style> </style> </head> <body> <div class="bind-setting xwb-plugin"> <p class="alert-tips">与新浪微博帐号绑定成功!</p> <div class="bing-text"> <h4>您现在可以:</h4> <p>使用新浪微博帐号登录本站,不用担心忘记密码</p> <p>在本站发微博可选同步发到新浪微博上,吸引更多人关注</p> </div> <p class="txtb"> <a href="<?php echo XWB_plugin::URL('xwbSiteInterface.bind&share=1'); ?> "><strong>发一条微博告诉我的粉丝</strong></a> <a href="<?php echo XWB_plugin::URL('xwbSiteInterface.bind&skip_share=1'); ?> ">或者点此进入设置页面</a> </p> </div> </body> </html>
/** * 设置帖子同步标志 * @param $tid int thread id * @param $mid int 微博id */ function _setSynId($tid, $mid) { $tid = is_numeric($tid) ? $tid : 0; $mid = is_numeric($mid) ? $mid : 0; if ($tid > 0 && $mid > 0) { $db = XWB_plugin::getDB(); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . XWB_S_TBPRE . 'xwb_bind_topic(`tid`,`mid`) VALUES("' . $tid . '", "' . mysql_real_escape_string($mid) . '")'; $db->query($sql); if ($db->affected_rows()) { return true; } } return false; }