/** * Creates a generic type * * @param lang.XPClass self * @param lang.Type[] arguments * @return string created type's literal name */ public static function createGenericType(XPClass $self, array $arguments) { // Verify $annotations = $self->getAnnotations(); if (!isset($annotations['generic']['self'])) { throw new IllegalStateException('Class ' . $self->name . ' is not a generic definition'); } $components = array(); foreach (explode(',', $annotations['generic']['self']) as $cs => $name) { $components[] = ltrim($name); } $cs++; if ($cs !== sizeof($arguments)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(sprintf('Class %s expects %d component(s) <%s>, %d argument(s) given', $self->name, $cs, implode(', ', $components), sizeof($arguments))); } // Compose names $cn = $qc = ''; foreach ($arguments as $typearg) { $cn .= '¸' . strtr($typearg->literal(), '\\', '¦'); $qc .= ',' . $typearg->getName(); } $name = $self->literal() . '··' . substr($cn, 1); $qname = $self->name . '<' . substr($qc, 1) . '>'; // Create class if it doesn't exist yet if (!class_exists($name, FALSE) && !interface_exists($name, FALSE)) { $meta = xp::$meta[$self->name]; // Parse placeholders into a lookup map $placeholders = array(); foreach ($components as $i => $component) { $placeholders[$component] = $arguments[$i]->getName(); } // Work on sourcecode $cl = self::_classLoaderFor($self->name); if (!$cl || !($bytes = $cl->loadClassBytes($self->name))) { throw new IllegalStateException($self->name); } // Namespaced class if (FALSE !== ($ns = strrpos($name, '\\'))) { $decl = substr($name, $ns + 1); $namespace = substr($name, 0, $ns); $src = 'namespace ' . $namespace . ';'; } else { $decl = $name; $namespace = NULL; $src = ''; } // Replace source $annotation = NULL; $matches = array(); $state = array(0); $counter = 0; $tokens = token_get_all($bytes); for ($i = 0, $s = sizeof($tokens); $i < $s; $i++) { if (T_COMMENT === $tokens[$i][0]) { continue; } else { if (0 === $state[0]) { if (T_ABSTRACT === $tokens[$i][0] || T_FINAL === $tokens[$i][0]) { $src .= $tokens[$i][1] . ' '; } else { if (T_CLASS === $tokens[$i][0] || T_INTERFACE === $tokens[$i][0]) { $meta['class'][DETAIL_GENERIC] = array($self->name, $arguments); $src .= $tokens[$i][1] . ' ' . $decl; array_unshift($state, $tokens[$i][0]); } } continue; } else { if (T_CLASS === $state[0]) { if (T_EXTENDS === $tokens[$i][0]) { $i += 2; $parent = ''; while ((T_STRING === $tokens[$i][0] || T_NS_SEPARATOR === $tokens[$i][0]) && $i < $s) { $parent .= $tokens[$i][1]; $i++; } $i--; '\\' === $parent[0] || ($parent = $namespace . '\\' . $parent); if (isset($annotations['generic']['parent'])) { $xargs = array(); foreach (explode(',', $annotations['generic']['parent']) as $j => $placeholder) { $xargs[] = Type::forName(strtr(ltrim($placeholder), $placeholders)); } $src .= ' extends \\' . self::createGenericType($self->getParentClass(), $xargs); } else { $src .= ' extends ' . $parent; } } else { if (T_IMPLEMENTS === $tokens[$i][0]) { $src .= ' implements'; $counter = 0; $annotation = @$annotations['generic']['implements']; array_unshift($state, 5); } else { if ('{' === $tokens[$i][0]) { array_shift($state); array_unshift($state, 1); $src .= ' {'; } } } continue; } else { if (T_INTERFACE === $state[0]) { if (T_EXTENDS === $tokens[$i][0]) { $src .= ' extends'; $counter = 0; $annotation = @$annotations['generic']['extends']; array_unshift($state, 5); } else { if ('{' === $tokens[$i][0]) { array_shift($state); array_unshift($state, 1); $src .= ' {'; } } continue; } else { if (1 === $state[0]) { // Class body if (T_FUNCTION === $tokens[$i][0]) { $braces = 0; $parameters = $default = array(); array_unshift($state, 3); array_unshift($state, 2); $m = $tokens[$i + 2][1]; $p = 0; $annotations = array($meta[1][$m][DETAIL_ANNOTATIONS], $meta[1][$m][DETAIL_TARGET_ANNO]); } else { if ('}' === $tokens[$i][0]) { $src .= '}'; break; } else { if (T_CLOSE_TAG === $tokens[$i][0]) { break; } } } } else { if (2 === $state[0]) { // Method declaration if ('(' === $tokens[$i][0]) { $braces++; } else { if (')' === $tokens[$i][0]) { $braces--; if (0 === $braces) { array_shift($state); $src .= ')'; continue; } } } if (T_VARIABLE === $tokens[$i][0]) { $parameters[] = $tokens[$i][1]; } else { if ('=' === $tokens[$i][0]) { $p = sizeof($parameters) - 1; $default[$p] = ''; } else { if (T_WHITESPACE !== $tokens[$i][0] && isset($default[$p])) { $default[$p] .= is_array($tokens[$i]) ? $tokens[$i][1] : $tokens[$i]; } } } } else { if (3 === $state[0]) { // Method body if (';' === $tokens[$i][0]) { // Abstract method if (isset($annotations[0]['generic']['return'])) { $meta[1][$m][DETAIL_RETURNS] = strtr($annotations[0]['generic']['return'], $placeholders); } if (isset($annotations[0]['generic']['params'])) { foreach (explode(',', $annotations[0]['generic']['params']) as $j => $placeholder) { if ('' !== ($replaced = strtr(ltrim($placeholder), $placeholders))) { $meta[1][$m][DETAIL_ARGUMENTS][$j] = $replaced; } } } $annotations = array(); unset($meta[1][$m][DETAIL_ANNOTATIONS]['generic']); array_shift($state); } else { if ('{' === $tokens[$i][0]) { $braces = 1; array_shift($state); array_unshift($state, 4); $src .= '{'; if (isset($annotations[0]['generic']['return'])) { $meta[1][$m][DETAIL_RETURNS] = strtr($annotations[0]['generic']['return'], $placeholders); } if (isset($annotations[0]['generic']['params'])) { $generic = array(); foreach (explode(',', $annotations[0]['generic']['params']) as $j => $placeholder) { if ('' === ($replaced = strtr(ltrim($placeholder), $placeholders))) { $generic[$j] = NULL; } else { $meta[1][$m][DETAIL_ARGUMENTS][$j] = $replaced; $generic[$j] = $replaced; } } foreach ($generic as $j => $type) { if (NULL === $type) { continue; } else { if ('...' === substr($type, -3)) { $src .= $j ? '$·args= array_slice(func_get_args(), ' . $j . ');' : '$·args= func_get_args();'; $src .= ' if (!is(\'' . substr($generic[$j], 0, -3) . '[]\', $·args)) throw new \\lang\\IllegalArgumentException(' . '"Vararg ' . ($j + 1) . ' passed to ".__METHOD__."' . ' must be of ' . $type . ', ".\\xp::stringOf($·args)." given"' . ');'; } else { $src .= ' if (' . (isset($default[$j]) ? '(' . $default[$j] . ' !== ' . $parameters[$j] . ') && ' : '') . '!is(\'' . $generic[$j] . '\', ' . $parameters[$j] . ')) throw new \\lang\\IllegalArgumentException(' . '"Argument ' . ($j + 1) . ' passed to ".__METHOD__."' . ' must be of ' . $type . ', ".\\xp::typeOf(' . $parameters[$j] . ')." given"' . ');'; } } } } $annotations = array(); unset($meta[1][$m][DETAIL_ANNOTATIONS]['generic']); continue; } } } else { if (4 === $state[0]) { // Method body if ('{' === $tokens[$i][0]) { $braces++; } else { if ('}' === $tokens[$i][0]) { $braces--; if (0 === $braces) { array_shift($state); } } } } else { if (5 === $state[0]) { // Implements (class), Extends (interface) if (T_STRING === $tokens[$i][0]) { $rel = ''; while ((T_STRING === $tokens[$i][0] || T_NS_SEPARATOR === $tokens[$i][0]) && $i < $s) { $rel .= $tokens[$i][1]; $i++; } $i--; '\\' === $rel[0] || ($rel = $namespace . '\\' . $rel); if (isset($annotation[$counter])) { $iargs = array(); foreach (explode(',', $annotation[$counter]) as $j => $placeholder) { $iargs[] = Type::forName(strtr(ltrim($placeholder), $placeholders)); } $src .= '\\' . self::createGenericType(new XPClass(new ReflectionClass($rel)), $iargs); } else { $src .= $rel; } $counter++; continue; } else { if ('{' === $tokens[$i][0]) { array_shift($state); array_unshift($state, 1); } } } } } } } } } } } $src .= is_array($tokens[$i]) ? $tokens[$i][1] : $tokens[$i]; } // Create class // DEBUG fputs(STDERR, "@* ".substr($src, 0, strpos($src, '{'))." -> $qname\n"); eval($src); method_exists($name, '__static') && call_user_func(array($name, '__static')); unset($meta['class'][DETAIL_ANNOTATIONS]['generic']); xp::$meta[$qname] = $meta; xp::$cn[$name] = $qname; // Create alias if no PHP namespace is present and a qualified name exists if (!$ns && strstr($qname, '.')) { class_alias($name, strtr($self->getName(), '.', '\\') . '··' . substr($cn, 1)); } } return $name; }