Esempio n. 1
  * Reset password
  * @param   string	$mail Subscriber mail
  * @param   string	$new_pwd Subscriber password
  * @return  integer
 public function reset($mail, $new_pwd)
     $id = $this->db->query_var('SELECT id FROM ' . $this->table . ' WHERE mail = ' . $this->db->escape(strtolower($mail)));
     if ($id) {
         $array = array('password' => X4Utils_helper::hashing($new_pwd));
         $result = $this->update($id, $array);
         return intval($result[1]);
     } else {
         return 0;
Esempio n. 2
  * Register User profile
  * @access	private
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function profiling($_post)
     $msg = null;
     // ther'is no permission check because each user can only change his profile
     // handle _post
     $post = array('lang' => $_post['lang'], 'username' => $_post['username'], 'description' => strip_tags($_post['description']), 'mail' => $_post['mail'], 'phone' => $_post['phone']);
     // check for password update
     if (!empty($_post['password'])) {
         $post['password'] = X4Utils_helper::hashing($_post['password']);
     $user = new User_model();
     // check if username or email address are already used by another user
     $check = (bool) $user->exists($post['username'], $post['mail'], $_SESSION['xuid']);
     if ($check) {
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
     } else {
         // update profile
         $result = $user->update($_SESSION['xuid'], $post);
         // if user changes his password then send a reminder
         if ($result[1] && !empty($_post['password'])) {
             // build subject and message
             $s = array('DOMAIN', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD');
             $r = array($this->site->site->domain, $_post['username'], $_post['password']);
             $subject = str_replace($s, $r, _SUBJECT_PROFILE);
             $msg = str_replace($s, $r, _MSG_PROFILE);
             $to = array(array('mail' => $_post['mail'], 'name' => $_post['username']));
             // send
             X4Mailer_helper::mailto(MAIL, false, $subject, $msg, $to);
         // set message
         $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
         // set update
         if ($result[1]) {
             $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'topic', 'url' => urldecode(BASE_URL . 'profile'), 'title' => null);
Esempio n. 3
  * Perform login
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @param	integer	$id_area Area ID
  * @return  void
 public function do_login($_post, $id_area)
     if ($_SESSION['failed'] < 5) {
         // fields to set in sessions
         $fields = array('mail' => 'mail', 'username' => 'username', 'id' => 'uid', 'last_in' => 'last_in');
         // conditions
         $conditions = array('id_area' => $id_area, 'username' => $_post['username']);
         // remember me
         $conditions['password'] = isset($_post['hpwd']) && $_post['password'] == '12345678' ? $_post['hpwd'] : X4Utils_helper::hashing($_post['password']);
         // log in
         $login = X4Auth_helper::log_in('users', $conditions, $fields);
         if ($login) {
             $_SESSION['failed'] = 0;
             // post login operations
             $_SESSION['site'] = SITE;
             $_SESSION['id_area'] = $id_area;
             // set cookie for remember me
             if (isset($_post['remember_me'])) {
                 setcookie(COOKIE . '_login', $conditions['username'] . '-' . $conditions['password'], time() + 2592000, '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
             $mod = new X4Auth_model('users');
             // log
             if (LOGS) {
                 $mod->logger($_SESSION['uid'], $id_area, 'users', 'log in');
             $area = $mod->get_by_id($id_area, 'areas', 'name');
             // redirect
             header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . $area->name);
         } else {
             // increase failure counter
             if (LOGS) {
                 $mod = new X4Auth_model('users');
                 $mod->logger(0, $id_area, 'users', 'log in failed for ' . $_post['username']);
     header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . 'login');
Esempio n. 4
  * Perform login
  * @access	private
  * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
  * @return  void
 private function do_login($_post)
     // check failure counter
     if ($_SESSION['failed'] < 5) {
         // fields to set in sessions
         $fields = array('mail' => 'mail', 'username' => 'username', 'id' => 'xuid', 'lang' => 'lang', 'last_in' => 'last_in', 'level' => 'level');
         // conditions
         $conditions = array('id_area' => 1, 'username' => $_post['username']);
         // remember me
         $conditions['password'] = isset($_post['hpwd']) && $_post['password'] == '12345678' ? $_post['hpwd'] : X4Utils_helper::hashing($_post['password']);
         // log in
         $login = X4Auth_helper::log_in('users', $conditions, $fields, true, true);
         if ($login) {
             // post login operations
             $_SESSION['site'] = SITE;
             $_SESSION['id_area'] = 1;
             // admin AREA ID
             // set cookie for remember me
             if (isset($_post['remember_me'])) {
                 setcookie(COOKIE . '_login', $conditions['username'] . '-' . $conditions['password'], time() + 2592000, '/', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
             // refactory permissions
             $mod = new Permission_model();
             // log
             if (LOGS) {
                 $mod = new X4Auth_model('users');
                 $mod->logger($_SESSION['xuid'], 1, 'users', 'log in');
             // redirect
             header('Location: ' . $this->site->site->domain . '/' . $_SESSION['lang'] . '/admin');
         } else {
             // increase failure counter
             if (LOGS) {
                 $mod = new X4Auth_model('users');
                 $mod->logger(0, 1, 'users', 'log in failed for ' . $_post['username']);
     // redirect
     header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . 'login');
Esempio n. 5
 * Register Edit / New User form data
 (if 0 then is a new item)
 * @param   integer $id item ID (if 0 then is a new item)
 * @param   array 	$_post _POST array
 * @return  void
 private function editing($id, $_post)
     $msg = null;
     // check permission
     $msg = $id ? AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], 'users', $id, 2) : AdmUtils_helper::chk_priv_level($_SESSION['xuid'], '_user_creation', 0, 4);
     if (is_null($msg)) {
         // handle _post
         $post = array('lang' => $_post['lang'], 'id_group' => $_post['id_group'], 'username' => $_post['username'], 'description' => $_post['description'], 'mail' => $_post['mail'], 'phone' => $_post['phone'], 'level' => $_post['level']);
         // update password
         if (!empty($_post['password'])) {
             $post['password'] = X4Utils_helper::hashing($_post['password']);
         // check if an user with the same username or password already exists
         $user = new User_model();
         $check = (bool) $user->exists($post['username'], $post['mail'], $id);
         if ($check) {
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg(false, '', $this->dict->get_word('_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS', 'msg'));
         } else {
             $perm = new Permission_model();
             if ($id) {
                 // update
                 $result = $user->update($id, $post);
                 // update user privileges on areas
                 $perm->set_aprivs($id, $_post['domain']);
                 // redirect
                 $where = '/detail/' . $id;
             } else {
                 // insert
                 $result = $user->insert($post);
                 // redirect
                 $where = '';
                 if ($result[1]) {
                     $id = $result[0];
                     // set privileges on areas
                     $perm->set_aprivs($id, $_post['domain']);
                     // add privs on new user
                     $array[] = array('action' => 'insert', 'id_what' => $result[0], 'id_user' => $_SESSION['xuid'], 'level' => 4);
                     $res = $perm->pexec('users', $array, $_post['id_area']);
                     // refactory permissions for the user
             // set message
             $msg = AdmUtils_helper::set_msg($result);
             // set what update
             if ($result[1]) {
                 $msg->update[] = array('element' => 'tdown', 'url' => BASE_URL . 'users' . $where, 'title' => null);