/** * Will create the contents of the classes Base and delegate your writing */ public function Create() { foreach ($this->schema as $table => $rows) { $classPeerBase = $this->returnClassNameType('PeerBase', $table); $classBase = $this->returnClassNameType('Base', $table); $classPeer = $this->returnClassNameType('Peer', $table); $content = str_replace("[%nameClassPeer%]", $classPeerBase, $this->getContentTemplate($this->fileTemplateBasePeer)); $content = str_replace("[%nameClassBase%]", $classBase, $content); $content = str_replace("[%obj%]", $this->returnClassName($table), $content); $content = str_replace("[%searchBy%]", $this->returnSearch($rows, $table), $content); $contentPeer = str_replace("[%nameClassPeer%]", $classPeerBase, $this->getContentTemplate($this->fileTemplatePeer)); $contentPeer = str_replace("[%nameClass%]", $classPeer, $contentPeer); foreach ($rows as $index => $infoClass) { if ($index == '$doc$') { $content = str_replace("[%doc%]", $infoClass, $content); $content = str_replace("[%date%]", date('d-m-Y'), $content); $contentPeer = str_replace("[%doc%]", $infoClass, $contentPeer); $contentPeer = str_replace("[%date%]", date('d-m-Y'), $contentPeer); } if (!is_array($infoClass)) { continue; } } $fileName = $classPeerBase . '.php'; $fileNamePeer = $classPeer . '.php'; WriteToFile::writeContent($content, CLASS_BASE, $fileName, true, true); WriteToFile::writeContent($contentPeer, CLASS_PEER, $fileNamePeer, false, false); } }
/** * Will create the contents of the classes Base and delegate your writing */ public function Create() { foreach ($this->schema as $table => $rows) { $class = $this->returnClassName($table); $classPeer = $this->returnClassNameType('Peer', $table); $content = str_replace("[%nameClass%]", $class, $this->getContentTemplate($this->fileTemplateClass)); $content = str_replace("[%nameClassPeer%]", $classPeer, $content); foreach ($rows as $index => $infoClass) { if ($index == '$doc$') { $content = str_replace("[%doc%]", $infoClass, $content); $content = str_replace("[%date%]", date('d-m-Y'), $content); } if (!is_array($infoClass)) { continue; } } $fileName = $class . '.php'; WriteToFile::writeContent($content, CLASS_CLASS, $fileName, false, false); } }
/** * Write the contents of the file * @param String $content * @param String $path * @param String $fileName * @param Boolean $overwrite * @param Boolean $replace * @return Boolean */ public static function writeContent($content, $path, $fileName, $overwrite = true, $replace = true) { self::$path = $path; self::$fileName = $fileName; if (!self::checkPathExists()) { $log = new Log(); $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory is not exists: ' . $path); throw new Exception('The directory is not exists: ' . $path); } if (!self::checkPathPermission()) { $log = new Log(); $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory is not writable: ' . $path); throw new Exception('The directory is not writable: ' . $path); } if (!$overwrite && !$replace && self::checkFileExists()) { return false; } $owner = fileowner($path); $group = filegroup($path); $permission = 0777; $type = "w"; if ($overwrite && !$replace) { $type = "a"; $content = '\\n' . $content; } if ($overwrite && $replace) { @unlink($path . $fileName); } $open = fopen($path . $fileName, $type); fwrite($open, $content); fclose($open); chmod($path . $fileName, $permission); #chown($path.$fileName,$owner); #chgrp($path.$fileName,$group); return true; }
/** * Will create the contents of the classes Base and delegate your writing */ public function Create() { foreach ($this->schema as $table => $rows) { $class = $this->returnClassNameType('Base', $table); $classPeer = $this->returnClassNameType('Peer', $table); $content = str_replace("[%nameClass%]", $class, $this->getContentTemplate($this->fileTemplateBase)); $content = str_replace("[%nameClassPeer%]", $classPeer, $content); $content = str_replace("[%table%]", $table, $content); $content = str_replace("[%consts%]", $this->returnConsts($rows), $content); $content = str_replace("[%privates%]", $this->returnPrivates($rows), $content); $content = str_replace("[%validates%]", $this->returnIsValid($rows), $content); $content = str_replace("[%retrive%]", $this->returnRetrive($rows), $content); $content = str_replace("[%delete%]", $this->returnDelete($rows), $content); $content = str_replace("[%sets%]", $this->returnSets($rows), $content); $content = str_replace("[%gets%]", $this->returnGets($rows), $content); $content = str_replace("[%ConvertingObject%]", $this->returnConvertingObject($rows, $table), $content); $content = str_replace("[%save%]", $this->returnSave($rows, $table), $content); foreach ($rows as $index => $infoClass) { if ($index == '$doc$') { $content = str_replace("[%doc%]", $infoClass, $content); $content = str_replace("[%date%]", date('d-m-Y'), $content); } if (!is_array($infoClass)) { continue; } } $fileName = $class . '.php'; WriteToFile::writeContent($content, CLASS_BASE, $fileName, true, true); } }
public function SaveFile($settings = false) { $dir = !empty($settings['save_dir']) ? $settings['save_dir'] : false; $filename = !empty($settings['save_name']) ? $settings['save_name'] : "myjavascript.js"; $this->content = preg_replace('!<script [.*]{1,}></script>!', "", $this->content); include_once __DIR__ . '/class.WriteToFile.php'; $write = new WriteToFile(); $write->AddInput(array("content" => $this->content, "save_name" => $filename, "save_dir" => $dir))->SaveDocument(); }
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Extending Exceptions</title> </head> <body> <?php # write_to_file.php // Load the class definition: require 'FileException.php'; require 'WriteToFile.php'; try { // Create the object: $fp = new WriteToFile('data.txt', 'w'); // Write the data: $fp->write('This is a line of data.'); // Close the file: $fp->close(); // Delete the object: unset($fp); // If we got this far, everything worked! echo '<p>The data has been written.</p>'; } catch (FileException $e) { echo '<p>The process could not be completed. Debugging information:<br>' . $e->getMessage() . '<br>' . $e->getDetails() . '</p>'; } echo '<p>This is the end of the script.</p>'; ?> </body> </html>
if (!($this->fp = @fopen($file, 'w'))) { throw new Exception("Error Processing Request:could not open file"); } } function write($data) { if (@(!fwrite($this->fp, $data . "\n"))) { throw new Exception("Error Processing Request:could not write to file"); } } function close() { if ($this->fp) { fclose($this->fp); $this->fp = NULL; } } function __destruct() { $this->close; } } try { $fp = new WriteToFile('data.txt'); $fp->write('f**k'); $fp->close(); unset($fp); echo 'success'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
public function createSchema() { $dumper = new sfYamlDumper(); $yaml = $dumper->dump($this->mountSchema(), 4); WriteToFile::writeContent($yaml, PATH_CONFIG, 'schemaTemp.yml'); }
public function newModule($module) { $module = ucfirst($module); if (is_dir(PATH_LAYOUTS . $module)) { $log = new Log(); $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_LAYOUTS . $module); throw new Exception('The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_LAYOUTS . $module); } if (is_dir(PATH_MODULES . $module)) { $log = new Log(); $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_MODULES . $module); throw new Exception('The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_MODULES . $module); } if (is_dir(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module)) { $log = new Log(); $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_TEMPLATES . $module); throw new Exception('The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_TEMPLATES . $module); } if (is_dir(PATH_WEB . $module)) { $log = new Log(); $log->setLog(__FILE__, 'The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_WEB . $module); throw new Exception('The directory of this module already exists: ' . PATH_WEB . $module); } mkdir(PATH_LAYOUTS . $module); mkdir(PATH_MODULES . $module); mkdir(PATH_MODULES . $module . '/lib/'); mkdir(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module); mkdir(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module . '/Includes/'); mkdir(PATH_WEB . $module); mkdir(PATH_WEB . $module . '/css/'); mkdir(PATH_WEB . $module . '/images/'); mkdir(PATH_WEB . $module . '/js/'); $permission = 0777; chmod(PATH_LAYOUTS . $module, $permission); chmod(PATH_MODULES . $module, $permission); chmod(PATH_MODULES . $module . '/lib/', $permission); chmod(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module, $permission); chmod(PATH_TEMPLATES . $module . '/Includes/', $permission); chmod(PATH_WEB . $module, $permission); chmod(PATH_WEB . $module . '/css/', $permission); chmod(PATH_WEB . $module . '/images/', $permission); chmod(PATH_WEB . $module . '/js/', $permission); $templateLayout = $this->getContentTemplate($this->templateLayout); $pathLayout = PATH_LAYOUTS . $module . '/'; WriteToFile::writeContent($templateLayout, $pathLayout, 'index.php', true, true); $templateModule = $this->getContentTemplate($this->templateModule); $templateModule = str_replace("[%module%]", $module, $templateModule); $templateModule = str_replace("[%date%]", date('d/m/Y H:i:s'), $templateModule); $pathModules = PATH_MODULES . $module . '/'; $fileModule = 'Action' . $module . '.php'; WriteToFile::writeContent($templateModule, $pathModules, $fileModule, true, true); $templateTemplate = $this->getContentTemplate($this->templateTemplate); $pathTemplate = PATH_TEMPLATES . $module . '/'; WriteToFile::writeContent($templateTemplate, $pathTemplate, 'index.php', true, true); return true; }