public function getAsides($matches) { // Get id and decide if to even bother preg_match('/id=\\"(.*)\\"/isU', $matches[1], $ids); $id = $ids[1]; $doc = Wright::getInstance(); if (!$doc->document->countModules($id)) { return; } $class = 'grid_' . $this->columns[$id]->size; if ($this->columns[$id]->push) { $class .= ' push_' . $this->columns[$id]->push; } if ($this->columns[$id]->pull) { $class .= ' pull_' . $this->columns[$id]->pull; } if (strpos($matches[1], 'class=')) { preg_match('/class="(.*)"/i', $matches[1], $classes); $class .= ' ' . $classes[1]; } if (strpos($matches[1], 'class=')) { $sidebar = preg_replace('/class=\\".*\\"/iU', 'class="' . $class . '"', $matches[0]); } else { $sidebar = preg_replace('/<aside/iU', '<div class="' . $class . '"', $matches[0]); } $sidebar = str_replace('</aside>', '</div>', $sidebar); return $sidebar; }
/** * Creates the browser compatibility table * * @return JFormField Formatted input */ protected function getInput() { $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3', 'ge')) { JHtml::_('jquery.framework'); } else { $doc->addScript(str_replace('/administrator/', '/', JURI::base()) . 'templates/' . $this->form->getValue('template') . '/wright/js/jquery.min.js'); $doc->addScriptDeclaration('jQuery.noConflict();'); } $doc->addScript(str_replace('/administrator/', '/', JURI::base()) . 'templates/' . $this->form->getValue('template') . '/wright/parameters/assets/browsercompatibility/browsercompatibility.js'); $doc->addStylesheet(str_replace('/administrator/', '/', JURI::base()) . 'templates/' . $this->form->getValue('template') . '/wright/parameters/assets/browsercompatibility/browsercompatibility.css'); $this->initializeBrowsers(); $html = ''; if ($this->value == '') { include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '../../../wright.php'; $wright = Wright::getInstance(); $this->value = json_encode($wright->setupDefaultBrowserCompatibility()); } $browserCompatibility = json_decode($this->value); $html .= '<table class="wright-browser-table"><tr><th>' . JText::_('TPL_JS_WRIGHT_BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY_BROWSER') . '</th><th>' . JText::_('TPL_JS_WRIGHT_BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY_MINIMUM_VERSION') . '</th><th>' . JText::_('TPL_JS_WRIGHT_BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY_DESKTOP') . '</th><th>' . JText::_('TPL_JS_WRIGHT_BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY_RECOMMENDED') . '</th><th>' . JText::_('TPL_JS_WRIGHT_BROWSER_COMPATIBILITY_MOBILE') . '</th></tr>'; foreach ($this->_browserCollection as $browserId => $browserName) { $html .= '<tr>' . '<td class="text-left">' . $browserName . '</td>' . '<td><input type="text" class="wbminv" name="wbminv_' . $browserId . '" id="wbminv_' . $browserId . '" value="' . (isset($browserCompatibility->{$browserName}) ? $browserCompatibility->{$browserName}->minimumVersion : '') . '" data-browser="' . $browserName . '" data-browserid="' . $browserId . '" /></td>' . '<td><input type="checkbox" class="wbdesktop" name="wbdesktop_' . $browserId . '" id="wbdesktop_' . $browserId . '"' . (isset($browserCompatibility->{$browserName}) ? $browserCompatibility->{$browserName}->desktop ? 'checked="checked"' : '' : '') . ' data-browser="' . $browserName . '" data-browserid="' . $browserId . '" /></td>' . '<td><input type="checkbox" class="wbrecommended" name="wbrecommended_' . $browserId . '" id="wbrecommended_' . $browserId . '"' . (isset($browserCompatibility->{$browserName}) ? $browserCompatibility->{$browserName}->recommended ? 'checked="checked"' : '' : '') . ' data-browser="' . $browserName . '" data-browserid="' . $browserId . '" /></td>' . '<td><input type="checkbox" class="wbmobile" name="wbmobile_' . $browserId . '" id="wbmobile_' . $browserId . '"' . (isset($browserCompatibility->{$browserName}) ? $browserCompatibility->{$browserName}->mobile ? 'checked="checked"' : '' : '') . ' data-browser="' . $browserName . '" data-browserid="' . $browserId . '" /></td>' . '</tr>'; } $html .= "</table>"; $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $this->name . '" id="wb_compatibility" value=\'' . $this->value . '\' /> '; return $html; }
/** * Renders the footer * * @param Array $args Args sent * * @return JFormField Formatted input */ public function render($args) { $doc = Wright::getInstance(); if ($doc->document->params->get('rebrand', 'no') !== 'yes') { return '<a target="_blank" class="joomlashack" href=""><img src="./templates/' . JFactory::getApplication()->getTemplate() . '/wright/images/jscright.png" alt ="Joomlashack" /> </a>'; } }
public function render($args) { $head = ''; $dochtml = JFactory::getDocument(); if ($dochtml->params->get('responsive', 1)) { // add viewport meta for tablets $head = '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">'; } $head .= '<jdoc:include type="head" />'; $head .= "\n"; $wr = Wright::getInstance(); $head .= $wr->generateCSS(); return $head; }
public function render($args) { $doc = Wright::getInstance(); $js = $doc->generateJS(); if ($doc->document->params->get('rebrand', 'no') !== 'yes') { $anchors = array("Joomla Template" => 50, "Joomla Templates" => 100); $links = array("Joomla Templates" => "professional-joomla-templates", "Joomla Template" => "professional-joomla-templates"); $endlines = array(": by JoomlaShack" => 50, ": from JoomlaShack" => 100); $host = ""; $class = 'joomlashack'; $url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $md5 = md5($url); $nums = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($md5); $i++) { $j = ord(substr($md5, $i, 1)); if ($j == 43 || $j == 43 || $j >= 48 && $j <= 57) { $nums .= substr($md5, $i, 1); } } $first = substr($nums, 0, 2); $second = substr($nums, 2, 2); $third = substr($nums, 4, 2); if (substr($first, 0, 1) == '0') { $first = substr($first, 1, 1); } if (substr($second, 0, 1) == '0') { $second = substr($second, 1, 1); } if (substr($third, 0, 1) == '0') { $third = substr($third, 1, 1); } $anchor = ''; $endline = ''; foreach ($anchors as $possibility => $val) { if ($anchor == '' && $val > $first) { $anchor = $possibility; $host .= $links[$possibility]; foreach ($endlines as $ends => $v) { if ($endline == '' && $v > $third) { $endline = $ends; } } } } return '<a class="joomlashack" href="' . $host . '">' . $anchor . $endline . '</a>' . $js; } else { return $js; } }
public function render($args) { $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); if ($doc->params->get('responsive', 1)) { // Add viewport meta for tablets $doc->setMetaData('viewport', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'); } $doc->setMetaData('X-UA-Compatible', 'IE=edge', true); // Add favicon links $faviconsurl = JURI::root() . 'templates/' . $doc->template . '/favicons/'; $doc->addFavicon($faviconsurl . 'favicon.ico'); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'apple-touch-icon-57x57.png', 'apple-touch-icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '57x57')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'apple-touch-icon-114x114.png', 'apple-touch-icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '114x114')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'apple-touch-icon-72x72.png', 'apple-touch-icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '72x72')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'apple-touch-icon-144x144.png', 'apple-touch-icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '144x144')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'apple-touch-icon-60x60.png', 'apple-touch-icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '60x60')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'apple-touch-icon-120x120.png', 'apple-touch-icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '120x120')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'apple-touch-icon-76x76.png', 'apple-touch-icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '76x76')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'apple-touch-icon-152x152.png', 'apple-touch-icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '152x152')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'favicon-16x16.png', 'icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '16x16', 'type' => 'image/png')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'favicon-32x32.png', 'icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '32x32', 'type' => 'image/png')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'favicon-96x96.png', 'icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '96x96', 'type' => 'image/png')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'favicon-160x160.png', 'icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '160x160', 'type' => 'image/png')); $doc->addHeadLink($faviconsurl . 'favicon-196x196.png', 'icon', 'rel', array('sizes' => '196x196', 'type' => 'image/png')); $doc->setMetaData('msapplication-TileColor', '#b91d47'); $doc->setMetaData('msapplication-TileImage', $faviconsurl . 'mstile-144x144.png'); $doc->setMetaData('msapplication-square70x70logo', $faviconsurl . 'mstile-70x70.png'); $doc->setMetaData('msapplication-square150x150logo', $faviconsurl . 'mstile-150x150.png'); $doc->setMetaData('msapplication-square310x310logo', $faviconsurl . 'mstile-310x310.png'); $head = '<jdoc:include type="head" />'; $head .= "\n"; $wr = Wright::getInstance(); $head .= $wr->generateCSS(); $browser = JBrowser::getInstance(); // Add responsive for IE if ($browser->getBrowser() == 'msie' && (int) $browser->getMajor() <= 9) { $head .= '<script src="' . JURI::root() . 'templates/' . $doc->template . '/wright/js/respond.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>'; } return $head; }
<?php /** * @package Wright * @subpackage Template Index File * * @copyright Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 Joomlashack. Meritage Assets. All rights reserved. * @license GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE.txt * * Expected to see a template file here? Well this template is just a little * different. In order to provide some extra features, we've altered a few * little things about how Joomla templates work. * * See usage and customization information at * */ // No direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access'); // Include the framework require dirname(__FILE__) . '/wright/wright.php'; // Initialize the framework and $tpl = Wright::getInstance(); $tpl->display();
public function render($args) { $uniquePosition = false; if (!isset($args['name'])) { $args['name'] = 'newsflash'; } if (!isset($args['style'])) { $args['style'] = 'xhtml'; } // class for the wrapper of the menu nav bar if (!isset($args['menuWrapClass'])) { $args['menuWrapClass'] = ''; } $doc = Wright::getInstance(); $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $title = '<h2>' . ($doc->document->params->get('headline', '') !== '' ? $doc->document->params->get('headline') : $app->getCfg('sitename')) . '</h2>'; $title .= $doc->document->params->get('tagline', '') !== '' ? '<h3>' . $doc->document->params->get('tagline') . '</h3>' : ''; // checks if one ore two modules will be around the logo, and calculates sizes $html = ""; $modulewidth = 12 - $doc->document->params->get('logowidth', '6'); $modulewidth2 = $modulewidth; $logowidth = $doc->document->params->get('logowidth', '6'); $modules = 0; $modulename = isset($args['name']) ? $args['name'] : ""; $modulename2 = isset($args['name']) ? $args['name'] . 2 : ""; $module2name = isset($args['name2']) ? $args['name2'] : ""; $module2name2 = isset($args['name2']) ? $args['name2'] . 2 : ""; if ($logowidth !== '12' && ($doc->countModules($modulename) || $doc->countModules($module2name))) { $modules++; } if ($logowidth !== '12' && ($doc->countModules($modulename2) || $doc->countModules($module2name2))) { $modules++; } if ($modules == 2) { $modulewidth2 = floor($modulewidth / 2); $modulewidth = ceil($modulewidth / 2); $logowidth = 12 - $modulewidth - $modulewidth2; if ($doc->document->params->get('logowidth') !== '12' && ($doc->countModules($modulename) || $doc->countModules($module2name))) { $html .= '<div id="' . $modulename . '" class="span' . $modulewidth . '">'; $html .= $this->renderCompanion($modulename, $args, $modulewidth); $html .= $this->renderCompanion($module2name, $args, $modulewidth, true); $html .= '</div>'; } } else { $modulename2 = $modulename; $module2name2 = $module2name; $uniquePosition = true; } // Toolbar opening if ($uniquePosition && $modulename2 == "toolbar") { $html .= ' <div class="navbar ' . $args['menuWrapClass'] . '"> <div class="navbar-inner"> <div class="' . $args['containerClass'] . '"> <div class="' . $args['rowClass'] . '">'; } // If user wants a module, load it instead of image if ($doc->document->params->get('logo', 'template') == 'module') { $html .= '<div id="logo" class="span' . $doc->document->params->get('logowidth', '6') . '"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="logo" /></div>'; if ($doc->document->params->get('logowidth') !== '12' && ($doc->countModules($modulename2) || $doc->countModules($module2name2))) { $html .= '<div id="' . $modulename2 . '" class="span' . $modulewidth2 . '">'; $html .= $this->renderCompanion($modulename2, $args, $modulewidth2); $html .= $this->renderCompanion($module2name2, $args, $modulewidth2, true); $html .= '</div>'; } return $html; } elseif ($doc->document->params->get('logo', 'template') == 'title') { $html .= '<div id="logo" class="span' . $doc->document->params->get('logowidth', '6') . '"><a href="' . JURI::root() . '" class="title">' . $title . '</a></div>'; if ($doc->document->params->get('logowidth') !== '12' && ($doc->countModules($modulename2) || $doc->countModules($module2name2))) { $html .= '<div id="' . $modulename2 . '" class="span' . $modulewidth2 . '">'; $html .= $this->renderCompanion($modulename2, $args, $modulewidth2); $html .= $this->renderCompanion($module2name2, $args, $modulewidth2, true); $html .= '</div>'; } return $html; } elseif ($doc->document->params->get('logo', 'template') == 'template') { // added support for logo tone (light = "", dark = "-Dark") $user = JFactory::getUser(); $logotone = $user->getParam('templateTone', ''); if ($logotone == '') { $logotone = $doc->document->params->get('Tone', ''); } if (is_file(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . 'templates' . '/' . $doc->document->template . '/' . 'images' . '/' . $doc->document->params->get('style') . '/' . 'logo' . $logotone . '.png')) { $logo = JURI::root() . 'templates/' . $doc->document->template . '/images/' . $doc->document->params->get('style') . '/logo' . $logotone . '.png'; } elseif (is_file(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . 'templates' . '/' . $doc->document->template . '/' . 'images' . '/' . $doc->document->params->get('style') . '/' . 'logo.png')) { $logo = JURI::root() . 'templates/' . $doc->document->template . '/images/' . $doc->document->params->get('style') . '/logo.png'; } elseif (is_file(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . 'templates/' . $doc->document->template . '/images/logo' . $logotone . '.png')) { $logo = JURI::root() . 'templates/' . $doc->document->template . '/images/logo' . $logotone . '.png'; } elseif (is_file(JPATH_ROOT . '/' . 'templates/' . $doc->document->template . '/images/logo.png')) { $logo = JURI::root() . 'templates/' . $doc->document->template . '/images/logo.png'; } else { $logo = JURI::root() . 'templates/' . $doc->document->template . '/wright/images/logo.png'; } } else { $logo = JURI::root() . 'images/' . $doc->document->params->get('logo', 'logo.png'); } $html .= '<div id="logo" class="span' . $logowidth . '"><a href="' . JURI::root() . '" class="image">' . $title . '<img src="' . $logo . '" alt="" title="" /></a></div>'; if ($doc->document->params->get('logowidth') !== '12' && ($doc->countModules($modulename2) || $doc->countModules($module2name2))) { $html .= '<div id="' . $modulename2 . '" class="span' . $modulewidth2 . '">'; $html .= $this->renderCompanion($modulename2, $args, $modulewidth2); $html .= $this->renderCompanion($module2name2, $args, $modulewidth2, true); $html .= '</div>'; } // Toolbar closure if ($uniquePosition && $modulename2 == "toolbar") { $html .= ' </div> </div> </div> </div>'; } return $html; }
/** * Sets up the main columns (main and sidebars) * * @return string */ private function setupColumns() { $doc = Wright::getInstance(); // Get our column info straight $main = 0; $check = 0; $number = 0; $layout = array(); $wrightTemplate = null; $editmode = false; // Check editing mode if (JRequest::getVar('task') == 'edit' || JRequest::getVar('layout') == 'form' || JRequest::getVar('layout') == 'edit') { $editmode = true; } else { } if (class_exists("WrightTemplate") && !$editmode) { $wrightTemplate = WrightTemplate::getInstance(); // Checks if the template has full height sidebars for adding the tag for the columns (sidebars) if (property_exists("WrightTemplate", "fullHeightSidebars")) { if ($wrightTemplate->fullHeightSidebars) { $this->tags['fullHeightColumns'] = '/(.*)<div class="container_12" id="columnscontainer">(.*)<\\/div><div id="columnscontainer_close"><\\/div>(.*)$/isU'; } } } else { } foreach (explode(';', $doc->document->params->get('columns', 'sidebar1:3;main:6;sidebar2:3')) as $item) { list($col, $val) = explode(':', $item); if ($col !== 'main' && $check == 0) { $main++; } else { $check = 1; } $this->columns[$col] = new JObject(); $this->columns[$col]->name = $col; $this->columns[$col]->size = $val; $this->columns[$col]->push = 0; $this->columns[$col]->pull = 0; $this->columns[$col]->check = $check; // Contains if column really exists into content or not $this->columns[$col]->exists = false; $number++; if ($val > 0 && $doc->document->countModules($col) || $col == 'main') { $layout[] = $col; } else { // Addition for forcing a sidebar (if it is a template which must have a sidebar for some of its positions) if ($wrightTemplate) { if (property_exists("WrightTemplate", "forcedSidebar")) { $wrightTemplate = WrightTemplate::getInstance(); if ($col == $wrightTemplate->forcedSidebar) { $layout[] = $col; } } } } } // Auto set to full width if editing if (JRequest::getVar('task') == 'edit' || JRequest::getVar('layout') == 'form') { $layout = array(); $layout[] = 'main'; } switch (implode('-', $layout)) { case 'main': $this->columns['main']->size = 12; $this->cols = 'wide'; break; case 'main-sidebar1': $this->columns['main']->size = 12 - $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; $this->cols = 'm_' . $this->columns['main']->size . '_' . $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; break; case 'sidebar1-main': $this->columns['main']->size = 12 - $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; $this->columns['sidebar1']->pull = $this->columns['main']->size; $this->columns['main']->push = $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; $this->cols = 'l_' . $this->columns['main']->size; break; case 'main-sidebar2': $this->columns['main']->size = 12 - $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->cols = 'm_' . $this->columns['main']->size . '_r_' . $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; break; case 'sidebar2-main': $this->columns['main']->size = 12 - $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->columns['sidebar2']->pull = $this->columns['main']->size; $this->columns['main']->push = $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->cols = 'l_' . $this->columns['main']->size; break; case 'main-sidebar1-sidebar2': $this->cols = 'm_' . $this->columns['sidebar1']->size . '_' . $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; break; case 'main-sidebar2-sidebar1': $this->columns['sidebar2']->pull = $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; $this->columns['sidebar1']->push = $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->cols = 'm_' . $this->columns['sidebar2']->size . '_' . $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; break; case 'sidebar2-main-sidebar1': $this->columns['main']->push = $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->columns['sidebar2']->pull = $this->columns['main']->size + $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; $this->columns['sidebar1']->push = $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->cols = $this->columns['sidebar2']->size . '_m_' . $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; break; case 'sidebar1-main-sidebar2': $this->columns['main']->push = $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; $this->columns['sidebar1']->pull = $this->columns['main']->size; $this->cols = $this->columns['sidebar1']->size . '_m_' . $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; break; case 'sidebar1-sidebar2-main': $this->columns['main']->push = $this->columns['sidebar1']->size + $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->columns['sidebar2']->pull = $this->columns['main']->size; $this->columns['sidebar1']->pull = $this->columns['main']->size; $this->cols = $this->columns['sidebar1']->size . '_' . $this->columns['sidebar2']->size . '_m'; break; case 'sidebar2-sidebar1-main': $this->columns['main']->push = $this->columns['sidebar1']->size + $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->columns['sidebar2']->pull = $this->columns['main']->size + $this->columns['sidebar1']->size; $this->columns['sidebar1']->pull = $this->columns['main']->size - $this->columns['sidebar2']->size; $this->cols = 'l_' . $this->columns['sidebar2']->size . '_r_' . $this->columns['sidebar1']->size . '_m_' . $this->columns['main']->size; break; } }
public function render($args) { //Hidden module $wr = Wright::getInstance(); if ($wr->browser->isMobile() && !$wr->browser->isTablet()) { $hiddenmodule = $wr->params->get('hiddenmodule', array()); $modules = JModuleHelper::getModules($args['name']); if (count($modules) > 0 && count($hiddenmodule) > 0) { foreach ($modules as $module) { if (in_array($module->id, $hiddenmodule)) { $module->position = 'hiddenmodule'; } } } } // Set display type if (!isset($args['type'])) { $args['type'] = 'single'; } // Set module name if (!isset($args['name'])) { $args['name'] = 'left'; } // Set wrapper class value if not given if (!isset($args['wrapper'])) { $args['wrapper'] = 'module'; } // Set style value if not given if (!isset($args['chrome'])) { $args['chrome'] = 'xhtml'; } // Set extradivs value if not given if (!isset($args['extradivs'])) { $args['extradivs'] = ''; } // Extra attribute if (!isset($args['extra'])) { $args['extra'] = ''; } $html = ''; switch ($args['type']) { case 'none': $html .= '<jdoc:include type="modules" name="' . $args['name'] . '" style="' . $args['chrome'] . '" extradivs="' . $args['extradivs'] . '" extra="' . $args['extra'] . '" />'; break; case 'row': $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $html .= '<div class="' . $args['type'] . '">'; $html .= '<jdoc:include type="modules" name="' . $args['name'] . '" style="' . $args['chrome'] . '" grid="' . $doc->countModules($args['name']) . '" extradivs="' . $args['extradivs'] . '" extra="' . $args['extra'] . '" />'; $html .= '</div>'; break; case 'row-fluid': $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $html .= '<div class="' . $args['type'] . '">'; $html .= '<jdoc:include type="modules" name="' . $args['name'] . '" style="' . $args['chrome'] . '" grid="' . $doc->countModules($args['name']) . '" extradivs="' . $args['extradivs'] . '" extra="' . $args['extra'] . '" />'; $html .= '</div>'; break; case 'grid': $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $html .= '<div class="' . $args['wrapper'] . '">'; $html .= '<jdoc:include type="modules" name="' . $args['name'] . '" style="' . $args['chrome'] . '" grid="' . $doc->countModules($args['name']) . '" extradivs="' . $args['extradivs'] . '" extra="' . $args['extra'] . '" />'; $html .= '</div>'; break; case 'fixedgrid': $doc = JFactory::getDocument(); $html .= '<div class="' . $args['wrapper'] . '">'; $html .= '<jdoc:include type="modules" name="' . $args['name'] . '" style="' . $args['chrome'] . '" grid="' . $args['grid'] . '" extradivs="' . $args['extradivs'] . '" extra="' . $args['extra'] . '" />'; $html .= '</div>'; break; default: $html .= '<div class="' . $args['wrapper'] . '">'; $html .= '<jdoc:include type="modules" name="' . $args['name'] . '" style="' . $args['chrome'] . '" extradivs="' . $args['extradivs'] . '" extra="' . $args['extra'] . '" />'; $html .= '</div>'; break; } return $html; }
public function render($args) { $doc = Wright::getInstance(); $js = $doc->generateJS(); return $js; }
/** * Run the whole compilation process * * @return void */ public function start() { jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); $document = JFactory::getDocument(); $version = explode('.', JVERSION); $joomlaVersion = $version[0] . $version[1]; $wright = Wright::getInstance(); $style = $wright->getSelectedStyle(); $lessPath = JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $document->template . '/less'; $cssPath = JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $document->template . '/css'; $wrightBuildPath = JPATH_THEMES . '/' . $document->template . '/wright/build'; $lessFiles = $this->getLessFiles($style, $joomlaVersion); $cssFiles = $this->getCSSFiles($style, $joomlaVersion); if ($this->getMaxFileTime($lessFiles) > $this->getMaxFileTime($cssFiles)) { if ($cssFiles) { foreach ($cssFiles as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } } $this->compileWrightFile(array($lessPath . '/variables-' . $style . '.less', $wrightBuildPath . '/less/bootstrap.less'), $cssPath . '/style-' . $style . '.css'); $this->compileWrightFile(array($lessPath . '/variables-' . $style . '.less', $wrightBuildPath . '/libraries/bootstrap/less/mixins.less', $wrightBuildPath . '/less/typography.less', $wrightBuildPath . '/less/joomla.less', $wrightBuildPath . '/less/joomla' . $joomlaVersion . '.less', $lessPath . '/template.less', $lessPath . '/style-' . $style . '.less'), $cssPath . '/joomla' . $joomlaVersion . '-' . $style . '-extended.css'); } $lessFiles = $this->getLessFiles($style, $joomlaVersion, true); $cssFiles = $this->getCSSFiles($style, $joomlaVersion, true); if ($this->getMaxFileTime($lessFiles) > $this->getMaxFileTime($cssFiles)) { if ($cssFiles) { foreach ($cssFiles as $file) { if (file_exists($file)) { unlink($file); } } } $this->compileWrightFile(array($lessPath . '/variables-' . $style . '.less', $wrightBuildPath . '/less/responsive.less', $wrightBuildPath . '/less/joomla-responsive.less', $wrightBuildPath . '/less/joomla' . $joomlaVersion . '-responsive.less', $lessPath . '/template-responsive.less', $lessPath . '/style-' . $style . '-responsive.less'), $cssPath . '/joomla' . $joomlaVersion . '-' . $style . '-responsive.css'); } }