function qum_autologin_after_password_changed()
    if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] == 'edit_profile') {
        if (isset($_POST['passw1']) && !empty($_POST['passw1']) && !empty($_POST['form_name'])) {
            /* all the error checking filters are defined in each field file so we need them here */
            if (file_exists(QUM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/front-end/default-fields/default-fields.php')) {
                require_once QUM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/front-end/default-fields/default-fields.php';
            if (file_exists(QUM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/front-end/extra-fields/extra-fields.php')) {
                require_once QUM_PLUGIN_DIR . '/front-end/extra-fields/extra-fields.php';
            /* we get the form_name through $_POST so we can apply correctly the filter so we generate the correct fields in the current form  */
            $form_fields = apply_filters('qum_change_form_fields', get_option('qum_manage_fields'), array('form_type' => 'edit_profile', 'form_fields' => array(), 'form_name' => $_POST['form_name'], 'role' => ''));
            if (!empty($form_fields)) {
                /* check for errors in the form through the filters */
                $output_field_errors = array();
                foreach ($form_fields as $field) {
                    $error_for_field = apply_filters('qum_check_form_field_' . Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($field['field']), '', $field, $_POST, 'edit_profile');
                    if (!empty($error_for_field)) {
                        $output_field_errors[$field['id']] = '<span class="qum-form-error">' . $error_for_field . '</span>';
                /* if we have no errors change the password */
                if (empty($output_field_errors)) {
                    $user_id = get_current_user_id();
                    /* set the new password for the user */
                    wp_set_password($_POST['passw1'], $user_id);
                    // Here we calculate the expiration length of the current auth cookie and compare it to the default expiration.
                    // If it's greater than this, then we know the user checked 'Remember Me' when they logged in.
                    $logged_in_cookie = wp_parse_auth_cookie('', 'logged_in');
                    /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/pluggable.php */
                    $default_cookie_life = apply_filters('auth_cookie_expiration', 2 * DAY_IN_SECONDS, $user_id, false);
                    $remember = $logged_in_cookie['expiration'] - time() > $default_cookie_life;
                    wp_set_auth_cookie($user_id, $remember);
  * Function that saves the entries for single forms on posts(no options). It is hooke on the 'save_post' hook
  * It is executed on each WCK object instance so we need to restrict it on only the ones that are present for that post
 function wck_save_single_metabox($post_id, $post)
     if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) {
         return $post_id;
     // check permissions
     if (!current_user_can('edit_page', $post_id)) {
         return $post_id;
     /* only go through for metaboxes defined for this post type */
     if (get_post_type($post_id) != $this->args['post_type']) {
         return $post_id;
     if (!empty($_POST)) {
         /* for single metaboxes we save a hidden input that contains the meta_name attr as a key so we need to search for it */
         foreach ($_POST as $request_key => $request_value) {
             if (strpos($request_key, '_wckmetaname_') !== false && strpos($request_key, '#wck') !== false) {
                 /* found it so now retrieve the meta_name from the key formatted _wckmetaname_actuaname#wck */
                 $request_key = str_replace('_wckmetaname_', '', $request_key);
                 $meta_name = str_replace('#wck', '', $request_key);
                 /* we have it so go through only on the WCK object instance that has this meta_name */
                 if ($this->args['meta_name'] == $meta_name) {
                     /* get the meta values from the $_POST and store them in an array */
                     $meta_values = array();
                     if (!empty($this->args['meta_array'])) {
                         foreach ($this->args['meta_array'] as $meta_field) {
                             /* in the $_POST the names for the fields are prefixed with the meta_name for the single metaboxes in case there are multiple metaboxes that contain fields wit hthe same name */
                             $single_field_name = $this->args['meta_name'] . '_' . Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($meta_field['title'], $meta_field);
                             if (!empty($_POST[$single_field_name])) {
                                 /* checkbox needs to be stored as string not array */
                                 if ($meta_field['type'] == 'checkbox') {
                                     $_POST[$single_field_name] = implode(', ', $_POST[$single_field_name]);
                                 $meta_values[Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($meta_field['title'], $meta_field)] = $_POST[$single_field_name];
                             } else {
                                 $meta_values[Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($meta_field['title'], $meta_field)] = '';
                     /* test if we have errors for the required fields */
                     $errors = self::wck_test_required($this->args['meta_array'], $meta_name, $meta_values, $post_id);
                     if (!empty($errors)) {
                         /* if we have errors then add them in the global. We do this so we get all errors from all single metaboxes that might be on that page */
                         global $wck_single_forms_errors;
                         if (!empty($errors['errorfields'])) {
                             foreach ($errors['errorfields'] as $key => $field_name) {
                                 $errors['errorfields'][$key] = $this->args['meta_name'] . '_' . $field_name;
                         $wck_single_forms_errors[] = $errors;
                     } else {
                         /* no errors so we can save */
                         update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_name, array($meta_values));
                         /* handle unserialized fields */
                         if ($this->args['unserialize_fields']) {
                             if (!empty($this->args['meta_array'])) {
                                 foreach ($this->args['meta_array'] as $meta_field) {
                                     update_post_meta($post_id, $meta_name . '_' . Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($meta_field['title'], $meta_field) . '_1', $_POST[$this->args['meta_name'] . '_' . Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($meta_field['title'], $meta_field)]);
 function qum_add_custom_field_values($global_request, $meta, $form_properties)
     if (!empty($this->args['form_fields'])) {
         foreach ($this->args['form_fields'] as $field) {
             if (!empty($field['meta-name'])) {
                 $posted_value = !empty($global_request[$field['meta-name']]) ? $global_request[$field['meta-name']] : '';
                 $meta[$field['meta-name']] = apply_filters('qum_add_to_user_signup_form_field_' . Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($field['field']), $posted_value, $field, $global_request);
     return apply_filters('qum_add_to_user_signup_form_meta', $meta, $global_request);
Esempio n. 4

/* @param string $meta Meta name.	 
 * @param array $details Contains the details for the field.	 
 * @param string $value Contains input value;
 * @param string $context Context where the function is used. Depending on it some actions are preformed.;
 * @return string $element input element html string. */
$element .= '<select name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '"  id="';
if (!empty($frontend_prefix)) {
    $element .= $frontend_prefix;
$element .= esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '" class="mb-select mb-field" >';
if (!empty($details['default-option']) && $details['default-option']) {
    $element .= '<option value="">' . __('...Choose', 'quickusermanager') . '</option>';
$field_name = Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details);
$options = '';
if (!empty($details['options'])) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($details['options'] as $option) {
        if (strpos($option, '%') === false) {
            $label = $option;
            if (!empty($details['values'])) {
                $value_attr = $details['values'][$i];
            } else {
                $value_attr = $option;
        } else {
            $option_parts = explode('%', $option);
            if (!empty($option_parts)) {
                if (empty($option_parts[0]) && count($option_parts) == 3) {
 * Create a user.
 * @param string $user_name The new user's login name.
 * @param string $password The new user's password.
 * @param string $email The new user's email address.
 * @return mixed Returns false on failure, or int $user_id on success
function qum_create_user($user_name, $password, $email)
    if (is_email($user_name)) {
        $user_name = apply_filters('qum_generated_random_username', Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug(trim($user_name)), $user_name);
    } else {
        $user_name = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', sanitize_user($user_name, true));
    $user_id = wp_create_user($user_name, $password, $email);
    if (is_wp_error($user_id)) {
        return false;
    // Newly created users have no roles or caps until they are added to a blog.
    delete_user_option($user_id, 'capabilities');
    delete_user_option($user_id, 'user_level');
    do_action('qum_new_user', $user_id);
    return $user_id;
Esempio n. 6
function qum_front_end_login($atts)
    extract(shortcode_atts(array('display' => true, 'redirect' => '', 'redirect_url' => '', 'register_url' => '', 'lostpassword_url' => ''), $atts));
    $qum_generalSettings = get_option('qum_general_settings');
    if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
        // set up the form arguments
        $form_args = array('echo' => false, 'id_submit' => 'qum-submit');
        //Add support for "redirect_url" parameter for Login shortcode (will do the same thing as "redirect" - for consistency with Register, Edit Profile shortcodes)
        if (!empty($redirect_url)) {
            $redirect = $redirect_url;
        // maybe set up the redirect argument
        if (empty($redirect)) {
            if (QUICK_USER_MANAGER == 'Quick User Manager Pro') {
                $qum_module_settings = get_option('qum_module_settings');
                if ($qum_module_settings['qum_customRedirect'] == 'show') {
                    //check to see if the redirect location is not an empty string and is activated
                    $login_redirect_settings = get_option('customRedirectSettings');
                    // set up the redirect argument to our redirect page
                    if (trim($login_redirect_settings['afterLoginTarget']) != '' && $login_redirect_settings['afterLogin'] == 'yes') {
                        $redirect_to = trim($login_redirect_settings['afterLoginTarget']);
                        if (qum_check_missing_http($redirect_to)) {
                            $redirect_to = 'http://' . $redirect_to;
                        $form_args['redirect'] = $redirect_to;
        } else {
            $form_args['redirect'] = trim($redirect);
        // change the label argument for username is login with email is enabled
        if (isset($qum_generalSettings['loginWith']) && $qum_generalSettings['loginWith'] == 'email') {
            $form_args['label_username'] = __('Email', 'quickusermanager');
        // change the label argument for username on login with username or email when Username and Email is enabled
        if (isset($qum_generalSettings['loginWith']) && $qum_generalSettings['loginWith'] == 'usernameemail') {
            $form_args['label_username'] = __('Username or Email', 'quickusermanager');
        // initialize our form variable
        $login_form = '';
        // display our login errors
        if (isset($_GET['loginerror']) || isset($_POST['loginerror'])) {
            $loginerror = isset($_GET['loginerror']) ? $_GET['loginerror'] : $_POST['loginerror'];
            $loginerror = '<p class="qum-error">' . urldecode(base64_decode($loginerror)) . '</p><!-- .error -->';
            if (isset($_GET['request_form_location'])) {
                if ($_GET['request_form_location'] == 'widget' && !in_the_loop()) {
                    $login_form .= $loginerror;
                } elseif ($_GET['request_form_location'] == 'page' && in_the_loop()) {
                    $login_form .= $loginerror;
        // build our form
        $login_form .= '<div id="qum-login-wrap" class="qum-user-forms">';
        $form_args['lostpassword_url'] = $lostpassword_url;
        $login_form .= wp_login_form(apply_filters('qum_login_form_args', $form_args));
        if (!empty($register_url) || !empty($lostpassword_url)) {
            $login_form .= '<p class="login-register-lost-password">';
            $i = 0;
            if (!empty($register_url)) {
                if (qum_check_missing_http($register_url)) {
                    $register_url = "http://" . $register_url;
                $login_form .= '<a href="' . esc_url($register_url) . '">' . apply_filters('qum_login_register_text', __('Register', 'quickusermanager')) . '</a>';
            if (!empty($lostpassword_url)) {
                if ($i != 0) {
                    $login_form .= ' | ';
                if (qum_check_missing_http($lostpassword_url)) {
                    $lostpassword_url = "http://" . $lostpassword_url;
                $login_form .= '<a href="' . esc_url($lostpassword_url) . '">' . apply_filters('qum_login_lostpass_text', __('Lost your password?', 'quickusermanager')) . '</a>';
            $login_form .= '</p>';
        $login_form .= '</div>';
        return $login_form;
    } else {
        $user_ID = get_current_user_id();
        $qum_user = get_userdata($user_ID);
        if (isset($qum_generalSettings['loginWith']) && $qum_generalSettings['loginWith'] == 'email') {
            $display_name = $qum_user->user_email;
        } elseif ($qum_user->display_name !== '') {
            $display_name = $qum_user->user_login;
        } else {
            $display_name = $qum_user->display_name;
        if (isset($qum_generalSettings['loginWith']) && $qum_generalSettings['loginWith'] == 'usernameemail') {
            if ($qum_user->user_login == Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug(trim($qum_user->user_email))) {
                $display_name = $qum_user->user_email;
            } elseif ($qum_user->display_name !== '') {
                $display_name = $qum_user->user_login;
            } else {
                $display_name = $qum_user->display_name;
        $logged_in_message = '<p class="qum-alert">';
        $user_url = '<a href="' . ($authorPostsUrl = get_author_posts_url($qum_user->ID) . '" class="qum-author-url" title="' . $display_name . '">' . $display_name . '</a>');
        $logout_url = '<a href="' . wp_logout_url($redirectTo = qum_curpageurl()) . '" class="qum-logout-url" title="' . __('Log out of this account', 'quickusermanager') . '">' . __('Log out', 'quickusermanager') . ' &raquo;</a>';
        $logged_in_message .= sprintf(__('%1$s', 'quickusermanager'), $logout_url);
        $logged_in_message .= '</p><!-- .qum-alert-->';
        return apply_filters('qum_login_message', $logged_in_message, $qum_user->ID, $display_name);
Esempio n. 7

/* @param string $meta Meta name.	 
 * @param array $details Contains the details for the field.	 
 * @param string $value Contains input value;
 * @param string $context Context where the function is used. Depending on it some actions are preformed.;
 * @return string $element input element html string. */
$element .= '<textarea name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '" id="';
if (!empty($frontend_prefix)) {
    $element .= $frontend_prefix;
$element .= esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '" style="vertical-align:top;" class="mb-textarea mb-field">' . esc_html($value) . '</textarea>';

/* @param string $meta Meta name.	 
 * @param array $details Contains the details for the field.	 
 * @param string $value Contains input value;
 * @param string $context Context where the function is used. Depending on it some actions are preformed.;
 * @return string $element input element html string. */
$args = apply_filters('wck-user-select-args', array('orderby' => 'display_name'));
$user_query = new WP_User_Query($args);
if (!empty($user_query->results)) {
    $element .= '<select name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '"  id="';
    if (!empty($frontend_prefix)) {
        $element .= $frontend_prefix;
    $element .= esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '" class="mb-user-select mb-field" >';
    $element .= '<option value="">' . __('...Choose', 'quickusermanager') . '</option>';
    foreach ($user_query->results as $user) {
        $element .= '<option value="' . esc_attr($user->ID) . '"  ' . selected($user->ID, $value, false) . ' >' . esc_html($user->display_name) . '</option>';
    $element .= '</select>';
Esempio n. 9

/* @param string $meta Meta name.	 
 * @param array $details Contains the details for the field.	 
 * @param string $value Contains input value;
 * @param string $context Context where the function is used. Depending on it some actions are preformed.;
 * @return string $element input element html string. */
$element .= '<textarea name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '" style="vertical-align:top;width:400px;height:200px" class="mb-textarea mb-field ' . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '">' . esc_html($value) . '</textarea>';
$element .= '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery( function(){ if ( typeof wckInitTinyMCE == "function" ) wckInitTinyMCE("' . Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details) . '")});</script>';
Esempio n. 10
        } else {
            $option_parts = explode('%', $option);
            if (!empty($option_parts)) {
                if (empty($option_parts[0]) && count($option_parts) == 3) {
                    $label = $option_parts[1];
                    $value_attr = $option_parts[2];
                    if (in_array($option_parts[2], $values)) {
                        $found = true;
        $element .= '<div><label><input type="checkbox" name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details));
        if ($this->args['single']) {
            $element .= '[]';
        $element .= '" id="';
        if (!empty($frontend_prefix)) {
            $element .= $frontend_prefix;
        /* since the slug below is generated from the value as well we need to determine here if we have a slug or not and not let the wck_generate_slug() function do that */
        if (!empty($details['slug'])) {
            $slug_from = $details['slug'];
        } else {
            $slug_from = $details['title'];
        $element .= esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($slug_from . '_' . $value_attr)) . '" value="' . esc_attr($value_attr) . '"  ' . checked($found, true, false) . 'class="mb-checkbox mb-field" />' . esc_html($label) . '</label></div>';
    $element .= '</div>';
Esempio n. 11

/* @param string $meta Meta name.	 
 * @param array $details Contains the details for the field.	 
 * @param string $value Contains input value;
 * @param string $context Context where the function is used. Depending on it some actions are preformed.;
 * @return string $element input element html string. */
$element .= '<input type="text" name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '" id="';
if (!empty($frontend_prefix)) {
    $element .= $frontend_prefix;
$element .= esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '"';
if (!empty($details['readonly']) && $details['readonly']) {
    $element .= 'readonly="readonly"';
$element .= ' value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" class="mb-text-input mb-field"/>';
Esempio n. 12
        $element .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($upload_info_div_id) . '_info_container" class="upload-field-details" data-attachment_id="' . $value . '">';
        $element .= '<div class="file-thumb">';
        $element .= "<a href='{$attachment_url}' target='_blank' class='wck-attachment-link'>" . $thumbnail . "</a>";
        $element .= '</div>';
        $element .= '<p><span class="file-name">';
        $element .= $file_name;
        $element .= '</span><span class="file-type">';
        $element .= $file_type;
        $element .= '</span>';
        if (!empty($value)) {
            $element .= '<span class="wck-remove-upload">' . __('Remove', 'core') . '</span>';
        $element .= '</p></div>';
$element .= '<a href="#" class="button wck_upload_button" id="upload_' . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '_button" data-uploader_title="' . $details['title'] . '" data-uploader_button_text="Select Files" data-upload_input="' . esc_attr($upload_input_id) . '" ';
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
    $element .= 'data-uploader_logged_in="true"';
if (!empty($post_id)) {
    $element .= ' data-post_id="' . $post_id . '"';
if (!empty($details['multiple_upload'])) {
    if ($details['multiple_upload'] == 'true') {
        $element .= ' data-multiple_upload="true"';
    } else {
        $element .= ' data-multiple_upload="false"';
if (!empty($details['attach_to_post'])) {
    if ($details['attach_to_post'] == true) {
Esempio n. 13
 * Function that adds a custom class to the existing element
 * @since v.1.0
 * @param string $element_class - the new class name
 * @param string $meta - the name of the meta
 * @param array $results
 * @param integer $element_id - the ID of the element
 * @return string
function qum_element_class($element_class, $meta, $results, $element_id)
    $qum_element_type = Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($results[$element_id]["field"]);
    return "class='element_type_{$qum_element_type} added_fields_list'";
Esempio n. 14

/* @param string $meta Meta name.	 
 * @param array $details Contains the details for the field.	 
 * @param string $value Contains input value;
 * @param string $context Context where the function is used. Depending on it some actions are preformed.;
 * @return string $element input element html string. */
$element .= '<input type="text" name="' . $single_prefix . esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '" id="';
if (!empty($frontend_prefix)) {
    $element .= $frontend_prefix;
$element .= esc_attr(Wordpress_Creation_Kit_QUM::wck_generate_slug($details['title'], $details)) . '" value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" class="mb-datepicker mb-field"/>';
$element .= '<script type="text/javascript">jQuery( function(){jQuery(".mb-datepicker").datepicker({' . apply_filters('wck-datepicker-args', 'dateFormat : "dd-mm-yy",changeMonth: true,changeYear: true') . '})});</script>';