 * Delete a blob from specified container
 * @param string $containerName Name of the parent container
 * @param string $blobName      Name of the blob to be deleted
 * @return void
function deleteBlob($containerName, $blobName)
    try {
        if (WindowsAzureStorageUtil::blobExists($containerName, $blobName)) {
            $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = remove_query_arg(array('delete_blob', 'filename', 'selected_container'), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            WindowsAzureStorageUtil::deleteBlob($containerName, $blobName);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        /* translators: 1: blob (file) name, 2: container name, 3: error message */
        $message = sprintf(__('Error in deleting blob %1$s from container %2$s: %3$s', 'windows-azure-storage'), $blobName, $containerName, $e->getMessage());
        echo '<p class="warning">' . esc_html($message) . '</p>';
 * Hook for handling deleting media files from standard WordpRess dialog
 * @param string $postID post id
 * @return void
function windows_azure_storage_delete_attachment($postID)
    if (is_numeric($postID)) {
        $mediaInfo = get_post_meta($postID, 'windows_azure_storage_info', true);
        if (!empty($mediaInfo)) {
            // Delete media file from blob storage
            $containerName = $mediaInfo['container'];
            $blobName = $mediaInfo['blob'];
            WindowsAzureStorageUtil::deleteBlob($containerName, $blobName);
            // Delete associated thumbnails from blob storage (if any)
            $thumbnails = $mediaInfo['thumbnails'];
            if (!empty($thumbnails)) {
                foreach ($thumbnails as $thumbnail_blob) {
                    WindowsAzureStorageUtil::deleteBlob($containerName, $thumbnail_blob);
 * Delete a blob from specified container
 * @param string $containerName Name of the parent container
 * @param string $blobName Name of the blob to be deleted
 * @return void
function deleteBlob($containerName, $blobName)
    try {
        if (WindowsAzureStorageUtil::blobExists($containerName, $blobName)) {
            remove_query_arg('deleteBlob', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
            WindowsAzureStorageUtil::deleteBlob($containerName, $blobName);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo '<p style="margin: 10px; color: red;">' . 'Error in deleting blob $blobName from container $containerName : ' . $e->getMessage() . "</p><br/>";