  * Delivers a JSON response with keywords from the page ID
 public function getKeywords()
     $id = $this->getVal('id');
     if (empty($id)) {
         throw new Exception('Please provide an ID');
     $searchConfig = F::build('WikiaSearchConfig');
     $responseData = $this->wikiaSearch->getKeywords($searchConfig);
  * @covers WikiaSearchResult::getTitle
  * @covers WikiaSearchResult::setTitle
 public function testTitleFieldMethods()
     $fieldsCopy = $this->defaultFields;
     $result = F::build('WikiaSearchResult', array($fieldsCopy));
     $this->assertEquals('', $result->getTitle(), 'A result with no title or language title field should return an empty string during getTitle().');
     $title = 'Foo';
     $result['title'] = $title;
     $this->assertEquals($title, $result->getTitle(), 'A result with no language title field should return a normal title field during getTitle() if it exists.');
     $languageTitle = 'LangFoo';
     $result[WikiaSearch::field('title')] = $languageTitle;
     $this->assertEquals($languageTitle, $result->getTitle(), 'A result should return the language title field during getTitle() if it exists.');
     $languageTitleWithJunk = '.../**$#(FooEnglish...</span>&hellip;';
     $this->assertEquals($result, $result->setTitle($languageTitleWithJunk), 'WikiaSearchResult::setTitle should provide a fluent interface');
     $method = new ReflectionMethod('WikiaSearchResult', 'fixSnippeting');
     $this->assertEquals($method->invoke($result, $languageTitleWithJunk), $result->getTitle(), 'A title set with WikiaSearch::setTitle() should be filtered with WikiaSearch::fixSnippeting before storage.');
Esempio n. 3
  * @covers WikiaSearch::getQueryFieldsString
 public function testGetQueryFieldsString()
     $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgLanguageCode', 'en');
     $mockClient = $this->getMock('Solarium_Client');
     $wikiaSearch = F::build('WikiaSearch', array($mockClient));
     $searchConfig = F::build('WikiaSearchConfig');
     /** @var WikiaSearchConfig $searchConfig  **/
     $method = new ReflectionMethod('WikiaSearch', 'getQueryFieldsString');
     $defaultString = sprintf('%s^5 %s^1.5 %s^4 %s^1', WikiaSearch::field('title'), WikiaSearch::field('html'), WikiaSearch::field('redirect_titles'), WikiaSearch::field('categories'));
     $interwikiString = $defaultString . sprintf(' %s^7', WikiaSearch::field('wikititle'));
     $this->assertEquals($defaultString, $method->invoke($wikiaSearch, $searchConfig), 'WikiaSearch should query against the dynamic title, html, and redirect titles fields by default.');
     $this->assertEquals($interwikiString, $method->invoke($wikiaSearch, $searchConfig), 'WikiaSearch should add wikititle as a query field if we are performing an interwiki search.');
     $this->assertEquals($defaultString, $method->invoke($wikiaSearch, $searchConfig), 'WikiaSearch should use the default query fields if the global language code is english.');
     $this->mockGlobalVariable('wgLanguageCode', 'fr');
     global $wgLanguageCode;
     $wgLanguageCode = 'fr';
     $frVideoString = sprintf('%s^5 %s^1.5 %s^4 %s^1 %s^5 %s^1.5 %s^4', WikiaSearch::field('title', 'fr'), WikiaSearch::field('html', 'fr'), WikiaSearch::field('redirect_titles', 'fr'), WikiaSearch::field('categories', 'fr'), WikiaSearch::field('title', 'en'), WikiaSearch::field('html', 'en'), WikiaSearch::field('redirect_titles', 'en'));
     $this->assertEquals($frVideoString, $method->invoke($wikiaSearch, $searchConfig), 'WikiaSearch should append english query fields if the global language is not english and we\'re doing premium video search.');
  * Does a little prep on a result oject, applies highlighting if exists, and adds to result array.
  * @param  WikiaSearchResult $result
  * @throws WikiaException
  * @return WikiaSearchResultSet provides fluent interface
 private function addResult(WikiaSearchResult $result)
     if ($this->isValidResult($result)) {
         $id = $result['id'];
         if ($this->highlightingObject !== null && ($hlResult = $this->highlightingObject->getResult($id)) && ($field = $hlResult->getField(WikiaSearch::field('html')))) {
         if ($result['created'] !== null && $this->wg->Lang) {
             $result->setVar('created', $result['created'])->setVar('fmt_timestamp', $this->wg->Lang->date(wfTimestamp(TS_MW, $result['created'])));
             if ($result->getVar('fmt_timestamp')) {
                 $result->setVar('created_30daysago', time() - strtotime($result['created']) > 2592000);
         $result->setVar('categories', $result[WikiaSearch::field('categories')] ?: 'NONE')->setVar('cityArticlesNum', $result['wikiarticles'])->setVar('wikititle', $result[WikiaSearch::field('wikititle')]);
         $this->results[$id] = $result;
     } else {
         throw new WikiaException('Invalid result in set');
     return $this;
Esempio n. 5
  * Prevents XSS and escapes characters used in Lucene query syntax.
  * Any query string transformations before sending to backend should be placed here.
  * @see    WikiaSearchTest::testSanitizeQuery
  * @param  string $query
  * @return string
 public static function sanitizeQuery($query)
     if (self::$queryHelper === null) {
         self::$queryHelper = new Solarium_Query_Helper();
     // non-indexed number-string phrases issue workaround (RT #24790)
     $query = preg_replace('/(\\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)/i', '$1 $2', $query);
     // escape all lucene special characters: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ (RT #25482)
     // added html entity decoding now that we're doing extra work to prevent xss
     $query = self::$queryHelper->escapeTerm(html_entity_decode($query, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'));
     return $query;
  * Allows you to set the title for the search result.
  * @see    WikiaSearchResultTest::testTitleFieldMethods
  * @param  string $value
  * @return WikiaSearchResult provides fluent interface
 public function setTitle($value)
     $this->_fields[WikiaSearch::field('title')] = $this->fixSnippeting($value);
     return $this;
  * Provides the requested fields with respect to dynamic language fields
  * @return array
 public function getRequestedFields()
     $fieldsPrepped = array();
     foreach ($this['requestedFields'] as $field) {
         $fieldsPrepped[] = WikiaSearch::field($field);
     return $fieldsPrepped;
  * Given a set of page IDs, deletes by query
  * @param  array $documentIds
  * @return bool true
 public function deleteBatch(array $documentIds = array(), $verbosity = self::REINDEX_DEFAULT)
     $updateHandler = $this->client->createUpdate();
     foreach ($documentIds as $id) {
         $updateHandler->addDeleteQuery(WikiaSearch::valueForField('id', $id));
     try {
         $confirmationString = implode(' ', $documentIds) . ' ' . count($documentIds) . " document(s) deleted\n";
         if ($verbosity == self::REINDEX_VERBOSE) {
             echo $confirmationString;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $id = rand(1000, 9999);
         Wikia::Log(__METHOD__, $id, $e);
         if ($verbosity == self::REINDEX_VERBOSE) {
             echo "There was an error deleting from the index. Please search for {$id} in the logs.\n";
     return true;