function _initialize() { parent::_initialize(); if (!$this->_userid) { header("Location: " . U('User/Login/index')); exit; } $this->dao = M('User'); $this->assign('bcid', 0); $user = $this->dao->find($this->_userid); if (empty($user["wxpas"])) { $himt = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\$(document).ready(function(){alert(\"你还没绑定微信请扫描二维码绑定!\");});</script>"; $this->assign("himt", $himt); } $user["username"] = $user["realname"] != "" ? $user["realname"] . "[" . $user["username"] . "]" : $user["username"]; //////////////获得绑定二维码 import("@.ORG.Weixin"); $wechatObj = new Wechat(); $user["ticket"] = $wechatObj->ewm($user["id"], 0); //////////////获得绑定二维码 $this->user = $user; $this->assign('vo', $user); unset($_POST['status']); unset($_POST['groupid']); unset($_POST['amount']); unset($_POST['point']); $_GET = get_safe_replace($_GET); $order["count"] = M("order")->where(array('status' => 0, 'userid' => $this->_userid))->count(); $order["all"] = M("order")->where(array('userid' => $this->_userid))->count(); $order["ok"] = M("order")->where(array('status' => 1, 'userid' => $this->_userid))->count(); $this->assign('order', $order); $this->assign('actionname', ACTION_NAME); }
public function index() { $thisurl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $rt = explode('index.php', $thisurl); $arg = isset($rt[1]) ? $rt[1] : ''; if (!empty($arg)) { $rt = explode('/', $arg); $arg = isset($rt[1]) ? $rt[1] : ''; if (!empty($arg)) { $this->token = trim($arg); } } if (!class_exists('SimpleXMLElement')) { exit('SimpleXMLElement class not exist'); } if (!function_exists('dom_import_simplexml')) { exit('dom_import_simplexml function not exist'); } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,42}\$/", $this->token)) { exit('error token'); } $weixin = new Wechat($this->token); $this->data = $weixin->request(); if ($this->data) { list($content, $type) = $this->reply($this->data); $weixin->response($content, $type); } }
function index() { if (!session('openid_' . $this->token)) { $this->info = M('wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); vendor("Oauth2.OAuth2", LIB_PATH . '../Extend/Vendor'); vendor("Oauth2.Provider.Wechat", LIB_PATH . '../Extend/Vendor'); $wechat = new Wechat(); $wechat->config(array('id' => $this->info['appid'], 'secret' => $this->info['appsecret'])); $redirect_uri = C('site_url') . '/index.php/Wap/Login/index?token=' . $this->token . '&url=' . $this->url; if (!$_GET['code']) { // By sending no options it'll come back here $url = $wechat->authorize(array('redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri)); redirect($url); } else { try { // Have a go at creating an access token from the code $access_token = $wechat->access($_GET['code'], array('redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri)); // Use this object to try and get some user details (username, full name, etc) $user = $wechat->get_user_info($access_token); $this->save_wechat_user($user); session('openid_' . $this->token, $user->openid); } catch (OAuth2_Exception $e) { print_r($e); die; } } } if ($this->url) { redirect($this->url); } }
public function index() { if (!class_exists('SimpleXMLElement')) { exit('SimpleXMLElement class not exist'); } if (!function_exists('dom_import_simplexml')) { exit('dom_import_simplexml function not exist'); } $this->token = $this->_get('token', "htmlspecialchars"); if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,42}\$/", $this->token)) { exit('error token'); } $weixin = new Wechat($this->token); $data = $weixin->request(); $this->data = $weixin->request(); $this->fans = S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->data['FromUserName']); if (!$this->fans || 1) { $this->fans = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->data['FromUserName']))->find(); S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->data['FromUserName'], $this->fans); } $this->wxuser = S('wxuser_' . $this->token); if (!$this->wxuser || 1) { $this->wxuser = D('Wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); S('wxuser_' . $this->token, $this->wxuser); } $this->my = C('site_my'); $this->apiServer = apiServer::getServerUrl(); $open = M('Token_open')->where(array('token' => $this->_get('token')))->find(); $this->fun = $open['queryname']; list($content, $type) = $this->reply($data); $weixin->response($content, $type); }
public function index() { $this->token = $this->_get('token'); $this->my = C('site_my'); # Log::record('weixinmsg',Log::DEBUG); # Log::record('weixinmsg',$this->token,Log::DEBUG); # Log::save(); # $this->siteName = C('site_name'); $weixin = new Wechat($this->token); //$data = $weixin->request(); //$this->xml = $weixin->xml; $this->data = $weixin->request(); //是否是在上墙中 if ($this->data) { $data = $this->data; $users = S($data['FromUserName'] . 'wxq'); if ($users != false) { $res = $this->wxq($users); } else { $res = $this->reply($data); } list($content, $type) = $res; $weixin->response($content, $type); } }
public function index() { if (!session('openid_' . $this->token)) { $this->info = M('wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); vendor("Oauth2.OAuth2", LIB_PATH . '../Extend/Vendor'); vendor("Oauth2.Provider.Wechat", LIB_PATH . '../Extend/Vendor'); $wechat = new Wechat(); $wechat->config(array('id' => $this->info['appid'], 'secret' => $this->info['appsecret'])); $redirect_uri = C('site_url') . '/index.php/Wap/Coupons/index?token=' . $this->token . '&coupon_id=' . $this->coupon_id; if (!$_GET['code']) { // By sending no options it'll come back here $url = $wechat->authorize(array('redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri)); redirect($url); } else { try { // Have a go at creating an access token from the code $token = $wechat->access($_GET['code'], array('redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri)); // Use this object to try and get some user details (username, full name, etc) $user = $wechat->get_user_info($token); $this->openid = $user->openid; session('openid_' . $this->token, $user->openid); } catch (OAuth2_Exception $e) { print_r($e); die; } } } else { $this->openid = session('openid_' . $this->token); } $url = C('site_url') . "/index.php?g=Wap&m=Coupon&a=index&type=1&token=" . $this->token . '&id=' . $this->coupon_id . '&wecha_id=' . $this->openid; header('Location:' . $url); }
public function Oauth2() { if (!session('openid_' . $this->token)) { $this->info = M('wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); vendor("Oauth2.OAuth2", LIB_PATH . '../Extend/Vendor'); vendor("Oauth2.Provider.Wechat", LIB_PATH . '../Extend/Vendor'); $wechat = new Wechat(); $wechat->config(array('id' => $this->info['appid'], 'secret' => $this->info['appsecret'])); $redirect_uri = $_GET['method_name']; if (!$_GET['code']) { $redirect_uri = C('site_url') . '/index.php/Fxs/Fxs/Oauth2?token=' . $this->token . '&method_name=' . $_GET['method_name']; // By sending no options it'll come back here $url = $wechat->authorize(array('redirect_uri' => $redirect_uri)); redirect($url); } else { try { // Have a go at creating an access token from the code $token = $wechat->access($_GET['code'], array('method_name' => $redirect_uri)); // Use this object to try and get some user details (username, full name, etc) $user = $wechat->get_user_info($token); session('openid_' . $this->token, $user->openid); } catch (OAuth2_Exception $e) { print_r($e); die; } } } if (session('openid_' . $this->token)) { $user = M('reguser')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'openid' => session('openid_' . $this->token)))->find(); if (!$user) { session_destroy(); } } header('Location:' . U('Fxs/' . $_GET['method_name'], array('token' => $this->token))); }
function updatefeedback() { $id = $this->_get('id', 'intval'); header('Content-Type:text/html;charset=utf-8'); $wetallroute = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))))); //dump($wetallroute);exit; include $wetallroute . "/wxpay/config.php"; //dump($config);exit; include $wetallroute . "/wxpay/lib.php"; $wechat = new Wechat(); // openid 与 feedback参数都可以从数据库中得到 $feedback = $this->_mod->where(array('id' => $id))->find(); //dump($feedback);exit; //$content = '' . $wechat->getAccessToken($config) . '&openid=' . $feedback['openid'] . '&feedbackid=' . $feedback['feedbackid']; $content = '' . $wechat->getAccessToken($config) . '&openid=' . $feedback['openid'] . '&feedbackid=' . $feedback['feedbackid']; //dump($content); $result = $wechat->curlGet($content); //dump($result);exit; $result = json_decode($result, true); if ($result['errcode'] == 0) { //echo 'success'; //IS_AJAX && $this->ajaxReturn(1, $result['errmsg'], '', 'edit'); $this->_mod->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('status' => 1)); $this->success('通知微信成功!'); } elseif ($result['errcode'] == -1 && $result['errmsg'] == 'system error') { $this->_mod->where(array('id' => $id))->save(array('status' => 1)); $this->success('已经通知过微信,更改状态成功!'); } else { //IS_AJAX && $this->ajaxReturn(0, $result['errmsg']); $this->error($result['errmsg']); } }
function send() { $u = M("user")->where(array(id => intval($_REQUEST['id'])))->find(); import("@.ORG.Weixin"); $wechatObj = new Wechat(); $data = " {\r\n \"touser\":\"" . $u['wxpas'] . "\",\r\n \"template_id\":\"SCFdz1m9pGOO6U-LXp6qv8CUJakT3_Zk-74tjdnK0ok\",\r\n \"url\":\"\",\r\n \"topcolor\":\"#FF0000\",\r\n \"data\":{\r\n \"first\": {\r\n \"value\":\"恭喜你购买成功!\",\r\n \"color\":\"#173177\"\r\n },\r\n \"keyword1\":{\r\n \"value\":\"" . $u['realname'] . "\",\r\n \"color\":\"#173177\"\r\n },\r\n \"keynote2\": {\r\n \"value\":\"" . $u['id'] . "产品名称\",\r\n \"color\":\"#173177\"\r\n },\r\n \"keynote3\": {\r\n \"value\":\"" . $u['id'] . "\",\r\n \"color\":\"#173177\"\r\n },\r\n \"remark\":{\r\n \"value\":\"此订单信息请点击这里查看!!\",\r\n \"color\":\"#173177\"\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }"; echo $wechatObj->tplmsg($data); }
public function index() { $this->token = 'cmgeshengli'; $weixin = new \Wechat($this->token); $this->data = $weixin->request(); list($content, $type) = $this->reply($this->data); $weixin->response($content, $type); }
public function wxoauth() { $scope = 'snsapi_base'; $code = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : ''; $token_time = isset($_SESSION['token_time']) ? $_SESSION['token_time'] : 0; if (!$code && isset($_SESSION['open_id']) && isset($_SESSION['user_token']) && $token_time > time() - 3600) { if (!$this->wxuser) { $this->wxuser = $_SESSION['wxuser']; } $this->open_id = $_SESSION['open_id']; return $this->open_id; } else { $options = array('token' => $this->options["token"], 'appid' => $this->options["appid"], 'appsecret' => $this->options["appsecret"]); $we_obj = new Wechat($options); if ($code) { $json = $we_obj->getOauthAccessToken(); if (!$json) { unset($_SESSION['wx_redirect']); die('获取用户授权失败,请重新确认'); } $_SESSION['open_id'] = $this->open_id = $json["openid"]; $access_token = $json['access_token']; $_SESSION['user_token'] = $access_token; $_SESSION['token_time'] = time(); $userinfo = $we_obj->getUserInfo($this->open_id); if ($userinfo && !empty($userinfo['nickname'])) { $this->wxuser = array('open_id' => $this->open_id, 'nickname' => $userinfo['nickname'], 'sex' => intval($userinfo['sex']), 'location' => $userinfo['province'] . '-' . $userinfo['city'], 'avatar' => $userinfo['headimgurl']); } elseif (strstr($json['scope'], 'snsapi_userinfo') !== false) { $userinfo = $we_obj->getOauthUserinfo($access_token, $this->open_id); if ($userinfo && !empty($userinfo['nickname'])) { $this->wxuser = array('open_id' => $this->open_id, 'nickname' => $userinfo['nickname'], 'sex' => intval($userinfo['sex']), 'location' => $userinfo['province'] . '-' . $userinfo['city'], 'avatar' => $userinfo['headimgurl']); } else { return $this->open_id; } } if ($this->wxuser) { $_SESSION['wxuser'] = $this->wxuser; $_SESSION['open_id'] = $json["openid"]; unset($_SESSION['wx_redirect']); return $this->open_id; } $scope = 'snsapi_userinfo'; } if ($scope == 'snsapi_base') { $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $_SESSION['wx_redirect'] = $url; } else { $url = $_SESSION['wx_redirect']; } if (!$url) { unset($_SESSION['wx_redirect']); die('获取用户授权失败'); } $oauth_url = $we_obj->getOauthRedirect($url, "wxbase", $scope); header('Location: ' . $oauth_url); } }
public function __construct(Wechat $wechat) { $this->content = $wechat->getRev()->getRevContent(); $this->sender = $wechat->getRev()->getRevFrom(); $this->create_time = $wechat->getRev()->getRevCtime(); $this->msg_id = $wechat->getRev()->getRevID(); $this->models = new TextModel(); $this->models->actionIndex($this->content, $this->sender, $this->msg_id); }
public function index() { $this->token = $this->_get('token'); $weixin = new Wechat($this->token); $data = $weixin->request(); $this->data = $weixin->request(); $this->my = C('site_my'); list($content, $type) = $this->reply($data); $weixin->response($content, $type); }
function send_wechat_msg_pe($staff_openid, $template_id, $url_ticket_id, $first_data, $remark_data, $keyword1_data, $keyword2_data, $keyword3_data = null) { $notice_data = ["touser" => $staff_openid, "template_id" => $template_id, "url" => "" . $url_ticket_id, "topcolor" => "#000", "data" => ["first" => ["value" => $first_data, "color" => "#000"], "remark" => ["value" => $remark_data, "color" => "#000"], "keyword1" => ["value" => $keyword1_data, "color" => "#000"], "keyword2" => ["value" => $keyword2_data, "color" => "#000"]]]; if (!empty($keyword3_data) && $keyword3_data != null) { $notice_data->data->keyword3 = ["value" => $keyword3_data, "color" => "#000"]; } $options = ['token' => 'nizhidaoma', 'encodingaeskey' => 'IXR7m0K8Q7KOIC4z9s1CRHNQBqrJfFGTUT86CECPaXM', 'appid' => 'wx6bc0c53a3a1c150d', 'appsecret' => '3888ccc01ec4e5d6e0e673308e92e627', 'debug' => true, 'logcallback' => '_log']; include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../qy-sdk/wechat.class.php"; $weObj = new Wechat($options); return $weObj->sendTemplateMessage($notice_data); }
public function index() { $wechat = new Wechat($this->config); $data = $wechat->request(); list($content, $type) = $this->reply($data); if (!empty($content)) { $wechat->response($content, $type); } else { exit; } }
public function index() { import("@.ORG.Weixin"); $config = $this->Config; $wxconfig = F("wxconfig"); $user = M("user"); $data = array(); $wechatObj = new Wechat(); if ($wxconfig["wstatu"] != "") { $data = $wechatObj->responseMsg($idx); //接收到的 $me = $data['me']; $guest = $data['user']; //////////////////////*用户打入库-开始*/////////////// $this->adduser($guest); if ($data['key'] == "ewm") { $ewm = $wechatObj->ewm(2, 1); $wechatObj->sendtext($guest, $me, $ewm); } $wechatObj->sendtext($guest, $me, $guest); exit; ///////////////////////////////事件开始///////////////////////// if ($data['type'] == "event") { //关注 if ($data['event'] == "subscribe" || $data['event'] == "SCAN") { if ($data['key'] == 1) { $user = M("user")->where("wxid='" . sysmd5($guest) . "'")->setfield('vip', 1); $map1['url'] = ""; $map1['title'] = "vip会议标题['待定..']"; $map1['description'] = "描述的文字['待定..'],点击进去的链接待定,下面的图片大小700x400"; $map1['thumb'] = ""; $wechatObj->sendimg($guest, $me, $map1); exit; } if ($data['key'] == 2) { $vip = M("user")->where("wxid='" . sysmd5($guest) . "'")->getfield('vip'); if (!$vip) { $user = M("user")->where("wxid='" . sysmd5($guest) . "'")->setfield('vip', 2); } $map2['url'] = ""; $map2['title'] = "新能源['待定..']"; $map2['description'] = "描述的文字['待定..']下面的图片大小700x400"; $map2['thumb'] = ""; $wechatObj->sendimg($guest, $me, $map2); // $wechatObj->sendtext($guest,$me,"新能源"); exit; } } } ///////////////////////////////事件结束///////////////////////// $wechatObj->sendimg($guest, $me, $wxconfig); } else { M("config")->where("varname='wstatu'")->setField('value', "清理此位置可以重新设置微信接入!"); $wechatObj->valid($wxconfig["token"]); savecache("Config"); } }
function showTip($smarty, $tip, $db, $title) { $options = array('token' => WX_TOKEN, 'appid' => WX_APPID, 'encodingaeskey' => '6pnP7qHyqJ1kFXMjuO4Z3QrpOa9WfapsgkPOtXoZKC2', 'appsecret' => WX_SECRET, 'logcallback' => logdebug); $we = new Wechat($options); $auth = $we->checkAuth(); $js_ticket = $we->getJsTicket(); $smarty->assign('tip', $tip); $smarty->assign('title', $title); $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $smarty->assign('js_sign', $we->getJsSign($url)); $smarty->display('templates/tip.html'); $db->disconnect(); die; }
public function index() { import('Vendor.Wechat.Wechat'); $option = array('token' => 'weixin', 'appid' => 'wx444c22311a33b40d', 'secret' => 'f39ae15e9d86c293edbff26a9c47af6e'); $wechatObj = new \Wechat($option); $wechatObj->valid(); //解析来向XML $msg = $wechatObj->getRev(); $message['fromUsername'] = $msg->getRevFrom(); $message['toUsername'] = $msg->getRevTo(); $message['type'] = $msg->getRevType(); $message['createtime'] = $msg->getRevCtime(); $message['keyword'] = $msg->getRevContent(); $message['event'] = $msg->getRevEvent(); //保存新用户相关信息 $status = D('Member'); $status->InsertNewer($message['fromUsername']); //主要部分,暂时仅使用TEXT,EVENT两种 switch ($message['type']) { case $wechatObj::MSGTYPE_TEXT: $text = A('Text'); $ret = $text->textSkip($message); if ('text' == $ret['type']) { $wechatObj->text($ret['content'])->reply(); } else { if ('news' == $ret['type']) { $wechatObj->news($ret['content'])->reply(); } } break; case $wechatObj::MSGTYPE_EVENT: $event = A('Event'); $ret = $event->eventSkip($message); if ('text' == $ret['type']) { $wechatObj->text($ret['content'])->reply(); } else { if ('news' == $ret['type']) { $wechatObj->news($ret['content'])->reply(); } } break; default: $wechatObj->text('更多功能正在研发中,敬请期待')->reply(); } //获取菜单 $menu = $wechatObj->getMenu(); //创建菜单 $newmenu = array('小瓜神力' => array(array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '新生专题', 'key' => 'V1001_01_01'), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '校车时刻', 'key' => 'V1001_01_02'), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '交通导航', 'key' => 'V1001_01_03'), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '考试成绩', 'key' => 'V1001_01_04'), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '图书信息', 'key' => 'V1001_01_05')), '军训专题' => array(array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '通知公告', 'key' => 'V1001_02_01'), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '军训快报', 'key' => 'V1001_02_02'), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '军营风采', 'key' => 'V1001_02_03'), array('type' => 'view', 'name' => '军歌嘹亮', 'url' => ''), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '微军训', 'key' => 'V1001_02_05')), '小瓜威武' => array(array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '小瓜在线', 'key' => 'V1001_03_01'), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '跑操查询', 'key' => 'V1001_03_02'), array('type' => 'view', 'name' => '瓜棚论坛', 'url' => ''), array('type' => 'view', 'name' => '失物招领', 'url' => ''), array('type' => 'click', 'name' => '表白墙', 'key' => 'V1001_03_05'))); $result = $wechatObj->createMenu($newmenu); }
/** * 初始化,判断此次请求是否为验证请求,并以数组形式保存 * * @param string $token 验证信息 * @param boolean $debug 调试模式,默认为关闭 */ public function __construct($token, $fromtype, $debug = FALSE) { if (!empty($_GET["version"])) { $ver = new version(); $ver->verSions(); } if (!$this->validateSignature($token)) { exit('签名验证失败'); } if ($this->isValid()) { // 网址接入验证 exit($_GET['echostr']); } if (!isset($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'])) { exit('缺少数据'); } set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'errorHandler')); // 设置错误处理函数,将错误通过文本消息回复显示 //file_put_contents('s.txt',$GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']); $xml = (array) simplexml_load_string($GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA'], 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); //file_put_contents('s.txt',$xml); $this->request = array_change_key_case($xml, CASE_LOWER); // 将数组键名转换为小写,提高健壮性,减少因大小写不同而出现的问题 Wechat::$fromtype = $fromtype; $this->debug = $debug; }
public function notify(Request $request) { \Log::debug('payment_notify', ['request' => $request]); $input = XML::parse($request->getContent()); if ($input['return_code'] == 'SUCCESS') { $order = Order::where('wx_out_trade_no', $input['out_trade_no'])->firstOrFail(); $address_id = $order->address_id; # 当前订单收货地址id if ($order->isPaid()) { return 'FAIL'; } $order->update(['wx_transaction_id' => $input['transaction_id'], 'cash_payment' => floatval($input['total_fee']) / 100.0]); $order->paid(); /* 发送消息提醒 */ $default_address = Address::where(['id' => $address_id])->first(); $phone = $default_address->phone; $msg = '尊敬的顾客您好!您的订单已经收到,易康商城将尽快为您安排发货,如有任何问题可以拨打客服电话400-1199-802进行咨询,感谢您的惠顾!'; \MessageSender::sendMessage($phone, $msg); // if ($phone = env('ORDER_ADMIN_PHONE')) { // \Log::error($phone); // \MessageSender::sendMessage($phone, $order->toOrderMessageString()); // } $result = \Wechat::paymentNotify(); return $result; } return 'FAIL'; }
public function index() { $this->token = $this->_get('token', "htmlspecialchars"); if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,42}$/", $this->token)) { exit('error token'); } $weixin = new Wechat($this->token); $data = $weixin->request(); $this->data = $weixin->request(); $this->my = C('site_my'); $open = M('Token_open')->where(array( 'token' => $this->_get('token') ))->find(); $this->fun = $open['queryname']; list($content, $type) = $this->reply($data); $weixin->response($content, $type); }
/** * 接收微信服务器消息的入口函数 */ public function index() { try { $wechat = new Wechat(TOKEN, APPID, EncodingAESKey); /* 加载微信SDK */ $data = $wechat->request(); /* 获取请求信息 */ if ($data && is_array($data)) { file_put_contents('./data.json', json_encode($data)); //记录微信推送过来的数据 $this->response($wechat, $data); //对消息做出响应 } } catch (\Exception $e) { file_put_contents('./error.json', json_encode($e->getMessage())); } }
public function vote_replay() { $from = $this->from; //投票函数 $reply = array(new NewsResponseItem('点击进入投票', '点击本模块进入投票!', Web_ROOT . '/vote/images/voteshow.jpg', Web_ROOT . "/vote/index.php?wecha_id={$from}")); Wechat::$noendtail = 0; return $reply; }
public function __construct($options) { $this->cachedir = isset($options['cachedir']) ? dirname($options['cachedir'] . '/.cache') . '/' : 'cache/'; $this->logfile = isset($options['logfile']) ? $options['logfile'] : ''; if ($this->cachedir) { $this->checkDir($this->cachedir); } parent::__construct($options); }
public function index() { $this->siteUrl = C('site_url'); if (!class_exists('SimpleXMLElement')) { exit('SimpleXMLElement class not exist'); } if (!function_exists('dom_import_simplexml')) { exit('dom_import_simplexml function not exist'); } $this->token = $this->_get('token', "htmlspecialchars"); if ($this->token == 'pigcms' || $this->token == 'qcloud') { $qcloudUser = M('Qcloud_user')->where(array('openid' => $this->_get('openId')))->find(); $this->token = $qcloudUser['token']; } if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,42}\$/", $this->token)) { exit('error token'); } $weixin = new Wechat($this->token, $this->wxuser); $this->wxuser = S('wxuser_' . $this->token); if (!$this->wxuser || 1) { $this->wxuser = D('Wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); if (C('agent_version') && intval($this->wxuser['agentid'])) { $thisAgent = M('Agent')->where(array('id' => $this->wxuser['agentid']))->find(); $this->siteUrl = $thisAgent['siteurl']; } S('wxuser_' . $this->token, $this->wxuser); } $this->user = M('Users')->where(array('id' => $this->wxuser['uid']))->find(); $weixin = new Wechat($this->token, $this->wxuser); $data = $weixin->request(); $this->data = $weixin->request(); $this->fans = S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->data['FromUserName']); if (!$this->fans || 1) { $this->fans = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->data['FromUserName']))->find(); S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->data['FromUserName'], $this->fans); } //自定义机器人名字 $this->my = C('site_my'); $this->apiServer = apiServer::getServerUrl(); $open = M('Token_open')->where(array('token' => $this->_get('token')))->find(); $this->fun = $open['queryname']; list($content, $type) = $this->reply($data); $weixin->response($content, $type); }
public function index() { $this->siteUrl = C('site_url'); if (!class_exists('SimpleXMLElement')) { die('SimpleXMLElement class not exist'); } if (!function_exists('dom_import_simplexml')) { die('dom_import_simplexml function not exist'); } $this->token = $this->_get('token', 'htmlspecialchars'); if (!preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,42}$/', $this->token)) { die('error token'); } $this->mykey = trim(C('server_key')); $weixin = new Wechat($this->token); $data = $weixin->request(); $this->data = $weixin->request(); if ($this->data) { //自定义机器人名字 $this->fans = S((('fans_' . $this->token) . '_') . $this->data['FromUserName']); if (!$this->fans || 1) { $this->fans = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->data['FromUserName']))->find(); S((('fans_' . $this->token) . '_') . $this->data['FromUserName'], $this->fans); } $this->wxuser = S('wxuser_' . $this->token); if (!$this->wxuser || 1) { $this->wxuser = D('Wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); //判断账号是否到期 $wxuser = M('Wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); $users = M('Users')->where(array('id' => $wxuser['uid']))->find(); if ($users['viptime'] < strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) { $weixin->response('帐号过期,请联系客服!', 'text'); return; } S('wxuser_' . $this->token, $this->wxuser); } $this->my = C('site_my'); $this->apiServer = apiServer::getServerUrl(); $open = M('Token_open')->where(array('token' => $this->_get('token')))->find(); $this->fun = $open['queryname']; list($content, $type) = $this->reply($data); $weixin->response($content, $type); } }
public function getAccessToken($appIndex = 10) { $whArr = array('mpid' => $appIndex); $rowArr = $this->where($whArr)->find(); //参数 判别token是否有效,true-有效;false-无效; $TokenFlag = true; //对数据中的缓存token处理 //数据库不存在accesstoken if ($this->where($whArr)->count() <= 0) { $TokenFlag = false; } else { $expiresDate = $rowArr['expired'] == null ? null : strtotime($rowArr['expired']); if ($expiresDate == null || $rowArr['access_token'] == null) { $TokenFlag = false; } else { //与当前时间差是否超过2小时-分钟计算; $minteDif = time() - $expiresDate; if ($minteDif > 0) { $TokenFlag = false; } } } if (!$TokenFlag) { //获取当前应用ID等信息 $AppKey = Platform::$AppArr[$appIndex]; //实例化微信插件 $wechat = new Wechat($AppKey['AppID'], $AppKey['AppSecret']); $newRow = $wechat->getAccessToken(); if ($newRow == null || $newRow['access_token'] == null) { echo "获取不到accesstoken"; exit; } //将accesstoken存入数据库 $ok = $this->where($whArr)->delete(); $newAdd['access_token'] = $newRow['access_token']; $newAdd['mpid'] = $appIndex; $newAdd['expired'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $newRow['expire_time']); $this->add($newAdd); return $newAdd['access_token']; } else { return $rowArr['access_token']; } }
public function shake_replay() { $from = $this->from; include 'function.php'; $isluru = lurushake($this->from); if ($isluru != 1) { $reply = array(new NewsResponseItem('点击进入摇一摇', '进入摇一摇后等待游戏开始,主持人点击开始游戏,倒计时后用您吃奶的劲尽情狂欢吧!', Web_ROOT . "/shake/images/shakeshow.jpg", Web_ROOT . "/shake/mobile/index.php?wecha_id={$from}")); Wechat::$noendtail = 0; return $reply; } }
/** * 验证码回复 * * @return void */ protected function VERYF($weixin_name, $veryfs) { $conf = $this->sqlselect('weibo_config', '1', '', 'id'); include '../config.php'; if (empty($AppID)) { $AppID = "wx83b8a273e3f5bf2b"; } $state = Web_ROOT . "," . $this->getRequest('fromusername') . "," . $AppID . "," . strrev($AppSecret); $items = array(new NewsResponseItem("欢迎来到{$weixin_name}", "点击签到,立刻参与互动!(如有疑问,请回复“帮助”。)\n", Web_ROOT . "/files/images/qiandao.jpg", "" . $AppID . "&redirect_uri=" . $state)); Wechat::$noendtail = 0; return $items; }
/** * 授权回调 * @param string $code * @param string $data * @throws CException * @throws Exception */ public function actionWechat($code = '', $data = '') { Yii::import('ext.wechat.*'); //判断不同授权来源 //code: 正常微信授权的参数 //data: 群友代理授权json if (!empty($code)) { $wehcat = Yii::app()->params['wechat']; $wechat = new Wechat($wehcat['appid'], $wehcat['appsecret']); $accessToken = $wechat->getAccessToken($code); if (!empty($accessToken) && !empty($accessToken['openid'])) { $openid = $accessToken['openid']; $wechat = new Wechat($wehcat['appid'], $wehcat['appsecret'], $accessToken['access_token']); $data = $wechat->getUserInfo($openid); } } else { if (!empty($data)) { $data = json_decode(base64_decode($data), 1); if (!empty($data['openid'])) { $openid = $data['openid']; } } } //都不存在时,创建一个默认帐号 if (empty($openid)) { $openid = 'temp-' . md5(microtime()); $data = array(); } $user = UserService::instance()->save($openid, $data); //登录 $identity = new UserIdentity($user); if ($identity->authenticate()) { Yii::app()->user->login($identity, 24 * 3600 * 30); $returnUrl = Yii::app()->user->returnUrl; $this->redirect(!empty($returnUrl) ? $returnUrl : Yii::app()->homeUrl); } else { exit('很抱歉,微信授权失败!'); } }