/** * Write the posted image on disk * * @param string $reception_path * @param int $dest_width * @param int $dest_height * @param array $image_types * @param string $parent_path * @return bool * * @throws WebserviceException */ protected function writePostedImageOnDisk($reception_path, $dest_width = null, $dest_height = null, $image_types = null, $parent_path = null) { if ($this->wsObject->method == 'PUT') { if (isset($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) { $file = $_FILES['image']; if ($file['size'] > $this->imgMaxUploadSize) { throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('The image size is too large (maximum allowed is %d KB)', $this->imgMaxUploadSize / 1000), array(72, 400)); } // Get mime content type $mime_type = false; if (Tools::isCallable('finfo_open')) { $const = defined('FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE') ? FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE : FILEINFO_MIME; $finfo = finfo_open($const); $mime_type = finfo_file($finfo, $file['tmp_name']); finfo_close($finfo); } elseif (Tools::isCallable('mime_content_type')) { $mime_type = mime_content_type($file['tmp_name']); } elseif (Tools::isCallable('exec')) { $mime_type = trim(exec('file -b --mime-type ' . escapeshellarg($file['tmp_name']))); } if (empty($mime_type) || $mime_type == 'regular file') { $mime_type = $file['type']; } if (($pos = strpos($mime_type, ';')) !== false) { $mime_type = substr($mime_type, 0, $pos); } // Check mime content type if (!$mime_type || !in_array($mime_type, $this->acceptedImgMimeTypes)) { throw new WebserviceException('This type of image format is not recognized, allowed formats are: ' . implode('", "', $this->acceptedImgMimeTypes), array(73, 400)); } elseif ($file['error']) { throw new WebserviceException('Error while uploading image. Please change your server\'s settings', array(74, 400)); } // Try to copy image file to a temporary file if (!($tmp_name = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS')) || !move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $tmp_name)) { throw new WebserviceException('Error while copying image to the temporary directory', array(75, 400)); } else { $result = $this->writeImageOnDisk($tmp_name, $reception_path, $dest_width, $dest_height, $image_types, $parent_path); } @unlink($tmp_name); return $result; } else { throw new WebserviceException('Please set an "image" parameter with image data for value', array(76, 400)); } } elseif ($this->wsObject->method == 'POST') { if (isset($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) && $_FILES['image']['tmp_name']) { $file = $_FILES['image']; if ($file['size'] > $this->imgMaxUploadSize) { throw new WebserviceException(sprintf('The image size is too large (maximum allowed is %d KB)', $this->imgMaxUploadSize / 1000), array(72, 400)); } require_once _PS_CORE_DIR_ . '/images.inc.php'; if ($error = ImageManager::validateUpload($file)) { throw new WebserviceException('Image upload error : ' . $error, array(76, 400)); } if (isset($file['tmp_name']) && $file['tmp_name'] != null) { if ($this->imageType == 'products') { $product = new Product((int) $this->wsObject->urlSegment[2]); if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) { throw new WebserviceException('Product ' . (int) $this->wsObject->urlSegment[2] . ' does not exist', array(76, 400)); } $image = new Image(); $image->id_product = (int) $product->id; $image->position = Image::getHighestPosition($product->id) + 1; if (!Image::getCover((int) $product->id)) { $image->cover = 1; } else { $image->cover = 0; } if (!$image->add()) { throw new WebserviceException('Error while creating image', array(76, 400)); } if (!Validate::isLoadedObject($product)) { throw new WebserviceException('Product ' . (int) $this->wsObject->urlSegment[2] . ' does not exist', array(76, 400)); } Hook::exec('updateProduct', array('id_product' => (int) $this->wsObject->urlSegment[2])); } // copy image if (!isset($file['tmp_name'])) { return false; } if ($error = ImageManager::validateUpload($file, $this->imgMaxUploadSize)) { throw new WebserviceException('Bad image : ' . $error, array(76, 400)); } if ($this->imageType == 'products') { $image = new Image($image->id); if (!(Configuration::get('PS_OLD_FILESYSTEM') && file_exists(_PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_ . $product->id . '-' . $image->id . '.jpg'))) { $image->createImgFolder(); } if (!($tmp_name = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS')) || !move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $tmp_name)) { throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred during the image upload', array(76, 400)); } elseif (!ImageManager::resize($tmp_name, _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_ . $image->getExistingImgPath() . '.' . $image->image_format)) { throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred while copying image', array(76, 400)); } else { $images_types = ImageType::getImagesTypes('products'); foreach ($images_types as $imageType) { if (!ImageManager::resize($tmp_name, _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_ . $image->getExistingImgPath() . '-' . stripslashes($imageType['name']) . '.' . $image->image_format, $imageType['width'], $imageType['height'], $image->image_format)) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while copying image:') . ' ' . stripslashes($imageType['name']); } } } @unlink($tmp_name); $this->imgToDisplay = _PS_PROD_IMG_DIR_ . $image->getExistingImgPath() . '.' . $image->image_format; $this->objOutput->setFieldsToDisplay('full'); $this->output = $this->objOutput->renderEntity($image, 1); $image_content = array('sqlId' => 'content', 'value' => base64_encode(file_get_contents($this->imgToDisplay)), 'encode' => 'base64'); $this->output .= $this->objOutput->objectRender->renderField($image_content); } elseif (in_array($this->imageType, array('categories', 'manufacturers', 'suppliers', 'stores'))) { if (!($tmp_name = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS')) || !move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $tmp_name)) { throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred during the image upload', array(76, 400)); } elseif (!ImageManager::resize($tmp_name, $reception_path)) { throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred while copying image', array(76, 400)); } $images_types = ImageType::getImagesTypes($this->imageType); foreach ($images_types as $imageType) { if (!ImageManager::resize($tmp_name, $parent_path . $this->wsObject->urlSegment[2] . '-' . stripslashes($imageType['name']) . '.jpg', $imageType['width'], $imageType['height'])) { $this->_errors[] = Tools::displayError('An error occurred while copying image:') . ' ' . stripslashes($imageType['name']); } } @unlink(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $tmp_name); $this->imgToDisplay = $reception_path; } elseif ($this->imageType == 'customizations') { $filename = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); $this->imgToDisplay = _PS_UPLOAD_DIR_ . $filename; if (!($tmp_name = tempnam(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_, 'PS')) || !move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $tmp_name)) { throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred during the image upload', array(76, 400)); } elseif (!ImageManager::resize($tmp_name, $this->imgToDisplay)) { throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred while copying image', array(76, 400)); } $product_picture_width = (int) Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCT_PICTURE_WIDTH'); $product_picture_height = (int) Configuration::get('PS_PRODUCT_PICTURE_HEIGHT'); if (!ImageManager::resize($this->imgToDisplay, $this->imgToDisplay . '_small', $product_picture_width, $product_picture_height)) { throw new WebserviceException('An error occurred while resizing image', array(76, 400)); } @unlink(_PS_TMP_IMG_DIR_ . $tmp_name); $query = 'INSERT INTO `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'customized_data` (`id_customization`, `type`, `index`, `value`) VALUES (' . (int) $this->wsObject->urlSegment[3] . ', 0, ' . (int) $this->wsObject->urlSegment[4] . ', \'' . $filename . '\')'; if (!Db::getInstance()->execute($query)) { return false; } } return true; } } } else { throw new WebserviceException('Method ' . $this->wsObject->method . ' is not allowed for an image resource', array(77, 405)); } }
/** * Thanks to the (WebserviceOutputBuilder) WebserviceKey::objOutput * Method build the output depend on the WebserviceRequest::outputFormat * and set HTTP header parameters. * * @return array with displaying informations (used in the dispatcher). */ protected function returnOutput() { $return = array(); // write headers $this->objOutput->setHeaderParams('Access-Time', time())->setHeaderParams('X-Powered-By', 'PrestaShop Webservice')->setHeaderParams('PSWS-Version', _PS_VERSION_)->setHeaderParams('Execution-Time', round(microtime(true) - $this->_startTime, 3)); $return['type'] = strtolower($this->outputFormat); // write this header only now (avoid hackers happiness...) if ($this->_authenticated) { $this->objOutput->setHeaderParams('PSWS-Version', _PS_VERSION_); } // If Specific Management is asked if ($this->objectSpecificManagement instanceof WebserviceSpecificManagementInterface) { try { $return['content'] = $this->objectSpecificManagement->getContent(); } catch (WebserviceException $e) { if ($e->getType() == WebserviceException::DID_YOU_MEAN) { $this->setErrorDidYouMean($e->getStatus(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getWrongValue(), $e->getAvailableValues(), $e->getCode()); } elseif ($e->getType() == WebserviceException::SIMPLE) { $this->setError($e->getStatus(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } } } // for use a general output if (!$this->hasErrors() && $this->objectSpecificManagement == null) { if (empty($this->objects)) { try { $return['content'] = $this->objOutput->getResourcesList($this->keyPermissions); } catch (WebserviceException $e) { if ($e->getType() == WebserviceException::DID_YOU_MEAN) { $this->setErrorDidYouMean($e->getStatus(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getWrongValue(), $e->getAvailableValues(), $e->getCode()); } elseif ($e->getType() == WebserviceException::SIMPLE) { $this->setError($e->getStatus(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } } } else { try { if (isset($this->urlSegment[1]) && !empty($this->urlSegment[1])) { $type_of_view = WebserviceOutputBuilder::VIEW_DETAILS; } else { $type_of_view = WebserviceOutputBuilder::VIEW_LIST; } if (in_array($this->method, array('PUT', 'POST'))) { $type_of_view = WebserviceOutputBuilder::VIEW_DETAILS; $this->fieldsToDisplay = 'full'; } $return['content'] = $this->objOutput->getContent($this->objects, $this->schemaToDisplay, $this->fieldsToDisplay, $this->depth, $type_of_view); } catch (WebserviceException $e) { if ($e->getType() == WebserviceException::DID_YOU_MEAN) { $this->setErrorDidYouMean($e->getStatus(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getWrongValue(), $e->getAvailableValues(), $e->getCode()); } elseif ($e->getType() == WebserviceException::SIMPLE) { $this->setError($e->getStatus(), $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->setError(500, $e->getMessage(), $e->getCode()); } } } // if the output is not enable, delete the content // the type content too if (!$this->_outputEnabled) { if (isset($return['type'])) { unset($return['type']); } if (isset($return['content'])) { unset($return['content']); } } elseif (isset($return['content'])) { $this->objOutput->setHeaderParams('Content-Sha1', sha1($return['content'])); } // if errors happends when creating returned xml, // the usual xml content is replaced by the nice error handler content if ($this->hasErrors()) { $this->_outputEnabled = true; $return['content'] = $this->objOutput->getErrors($this->errors); } if (!isset($return['content']) || strlen($return['content']) <= 0) { $this->objOutput->setHeaderParams('Content-Type', ''); } $return['headers'] = $this->objOutput->buildHeader(); restore_error_handler(); return $return; }
/** * This must be return a string with specific values as WebserviceRequest expects. * * @return string */ public function getContent() { return $this->objOutput->getObjectRender()->overrideContent($this->output); }