public function testGetJSON() { $webApi = $this->getMockBuilder('\\SteamCondenser\\Community\\WebApi')->setMethods(['_load'])->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $webApi->expects($this->once())->method('_load')->with('json', 'interface', 'method', 2, ['test' => 'param']); $this->instance->setValue($webApi); WebApi::getJSON('interface', 'method', 2, ['test' => 'param']); }
public function testGetJSON() { $webApi = $this->getMockBuilder('WebApi')->setMethods(array('_load'))->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock(); $webApi->expects($this->once())->method('_load')->with('json', 'interface', 'method', 2, array('test' => 'param')); $this->instance->setValue($webApi); WebApi::getJSON('interface', 'method', 2, array('test' => 'param')); }
/** * Loads the news for the given game with the given restrictions * * @param int $appId The unique Steam Application ID of the game (e.g. 440 * for Team Fortress 2). See * for * all application IDs * @param int $count The maximum number of news to load (default: 5). * There's no reliable way to load all news. Use really a really * great number instead * @param int $maxLength The maximum content length of the news (default: * null). If a maximum length is defined, the content of the news * will only be at most <var>maxLength</var> characters long plus an * ellipsis * @return array An array of news items for the specified game with the * given options */ public static function getNewsForApp($appId, $count = 5, $maxLength = null) { $params = array('appid' => $appId, 'count' => $count, 'maxlength' => $maxLength); $data = json_decode(WebApi::getJSON('ISteamNews', 'GetNewsForApp', 2, $params)); $newsItems = array(); foreach ($data->appnews->newsitems as $newsData) { $newsItems[] = new AppNews($appId, $newsData); } return $newsItems; }
/** * Loads the global unlock percentages of all achievements for the given * game * * @param int $appId The unique Steam Application ID of the game (e.g. * <var>440</var> for Team Fortress 2). See * for * all application IDs * @return array The symbolic achievement names with the corresponding * global unlock percentages * @throws WebApiException if a request to Steam's Web API fails */ public static function getGlobalPercentages($appId) { $params = array('gameid' => $appId); $data = json_decode(WebApi::getJSON('ISteamUserStats', 'GetGlobalAchievementPercentagesForApp', 2, $params)); $percentages = array(); foreach ($data->achievementpercentages->achievements as $achievementData) { $percentages[$achievementData->name] = (double) $achievementData->percent; } return $percentages; }
/** * Returns all Golden Wrenches * * @return All Golden Wrenches * @throws SteamCondenserException If an error occurs querying the Web API * or the Steam Community */ public static function getGoldenWrenches() { if (self::$goldenWrenches == null) { self::$goldenWrenches = array(); $data = json_decode(WebApi::getJSON('ITFItems_440', 'GetGoldenWrenches', 2)); foreach ($data->results->wrenches as $wrenchData) { self::$goldenWrenches[] = new TF2GoldenWrench($wrenchData); } } return self::$goldenWrenches; }
/** * Resolves a vanity URL of a Steam Community profile to a 64bit numeric * SteamID * * @param string $vanityUrl The vanity URL of a Steam Community profile * @return string The 64bit SteamID for the given vanity URL * @throws WebApiException if the request to Steam's Web API fails */ public static function resolveVanityUrl($vanityUrl) { $params = array('vanityurl' => $vanityUrl); $json = WebApi::getJSON('ISteamUser', 'ResolveVanityURL', 1, $params); $result = json_decode($json); $result = $result->response; if ($result->success != 1) { return null; } return $result->steamid; }
/** * Returns the overall number of players currently playing this game * * @return int The number of players playing this game */ public function getPlayerCount() { $params = array('appid' => $this->appId); $result = WebApi::getJSON('ISteamUserStats', 'GetNumberOfCurrentPlayers', 1, $params); $result = json_decode($result); return $result->response->player_count; }