public static function scan($param) { list($data) = $param; self::_init(); global $_G; if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wsq_allow']) { return; } $authcode = C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->fetch_by_code($data['key']); if (!$authcode || $authcode['status']) { // echo WeChatServer::getXml4Txt(lang('plugin/wechat', 'wechat_response_text_codeerror')); } else { if ($authcode['uid']) { $member = getuserbyuid($authcode['uid'], 1); if ($member['adminid'] == 0 && !$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_confirmtype']) { C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'status' => 1)); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } else { $wechatuser = C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechat')->fetch_by_openid($data['from']); if ($wechatuser) { $member = getuserbyuid($wechatuser['uid'], 1); if ($member['adminid'] == 0 && !$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_confirmtype']) { C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $member['uid'], 'status' => 1)); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } elseif ($_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowregister'] && $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowfastregister'] && $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_mtype'] == 2) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.class.php'; require_once libfile('function/member'); $uid = WeChat::register(WeChat::getnewname($data['from']), 1); if ($uid) { WeChatHook::bindOpenId($uid, $data['from'], 1); C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->update($authcode['sid'], array('uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1)); } wsq::report('register'); $authcode['sid'] = ''; } } wsq::report('scanqr'); self::_show('scan', $data['from'] . "\t" . $authcode['sid']); } }
wsq::report('bind'); $url = wsq::wxuserregisterUrl($result['member']['uid']); showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_bind_succeed', $url); } } elseif (($ac == 'register' && submitcheck('submit') || $ac == 'wxregister') && $_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowregister']) { if ($wechatuser) { showmessage('wechat:wechat_openid_exists'); } else { if ($ac == 'wxregister') { loaducenter(); $user = uc_get_user($_GET['username']); if (!empty($user)) { $_GET['username'] = substr($_GET['username'], 0, 9) . '_' . random(5); } } $uid = WeChat::register($_GET['username']); if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_qrtype']) { WeChatHook::bindOpenId($uid, $openid, 1); wsq::report('register'); showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_register_succeed', $selfurl . 'bind&confirm=yes'); } else { C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechatmp')->insert(array('uid' => $uid, 'openid' => $wxopenid ? $wxopenid : $_GET['wxopenid'], 'status' => 0), false, true); wsq::report('register'); $url = wsq::wxuserregisterUrl($uid); if ($ac == 'wxregister') { dheader('location: ' . $url); } else { showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_register_succeed', $url); } } }
public function validate() { // echo WECHAT_TOKEN; $wechat = new WeChat(WECHAT_TOKEN, true); //$wechat->checkSignature(); $wechat->run(); }
public function getUserInfo($appIndex, $code) { $AppKey = Platform::$AppArr[$appIndex]; $wechat = new WeChat($AppKey['AppID'], $AppKey['AppSecret']); $access_token = $this->getAccessToken($appIndex); $info = $wechat->getUserInfo($code, $access_token); return $info; }
public function AddLongSource($appIndex = 10) { $data = array('type' => 'image', 'media' => $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/statics/images/2007119122519868_2.jpg"); $assesstoken = D("WxAccessToken")->getAccessToken($appIndex); $AppKey = Platform::$AppArr[$appIndex]; $wechat = new WeChat($AppKey['AppID'], $AppKey['AppSecret']); return $wechat->AddLongSource($assesstoken, $data); }
/** * 获取ticket * @param unknown $appIndex * @return unknown */ public function getJsApiTicket($appIndex = 10) { $whArr = array('mpid' => $appIndex); $rowArr = $this->where($whArr)->find(); //参数 判别token是否有效,true-有效;false-无效; $TokenFlag = true; //对数据中的缓存token处理 //数据库不存在accesstoken if ($this->where($whArr)->count() <= 0) { $TokenFlag = false; } else { $expiresDate = $rowArr['expired'] == null ? null : strtotime($rowArr['expired']); if ($expiresDate == null || $rowArr['jsapi_ticket'] == null) { $TokenFlag = false; } else { $nowtime = time(); //与当前时间差是否超过2小时-分钟计算; $minteDif = $nowtime - $expiresDate; if ($minteDif >= 0) { $TokenFlag = false; } } } if (!$TokenFlag) { //获取当前应用ID等信息 $AppKey = Platform::$AppArr[$appIndex]; $wechat = new WeChat($AppKey['AppID'], $AppKey['AppSecret']); $assesstoken = D('WxAccessToken')->getAccessToken($appIndex); $newRow = $wechat->getJsApiTicket($assesstoken); if ($newRow == null || $newRow['jsapi_ticket'] == null) { $newRow = $wechat->getJsApiTicket(); if ($newRow == null || $newRow['jsapi_ticket'] == null) { echo "获取不到jsapiticket"; exit; } } //保存数据库中 $ok = $this->where($whArr)->delete(); $newAdd['jsapi_ticket'] = $newRow['jsapi_ticket']; $newAdd['mpid'] = $appIndex; $newAdd['expired'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $newRow['expire_time']); $this->add($newAdd); return $newAdd['jsapi_ticket']; } else { return $rowArr['jsapi_ticket']; } }
public static function run($config) { self::autoload(); self::$token = new \WeChat\Token($config); self::$request = self::factory('Request'); self::$response = self::factory('Response'); self::$router = self::factory('Router'); }
* 微信插件唯一入口文件. * @Created by Lane. * @Author: lane * @Mail * @Date: 14-1-10 * @Time: 下午4:00 * @Blog: Http:// */ //引入配置文件 include_once __DIR__.'/config.php'; //引入自动载入函数 include_once __DIR__.'/autoloader.php'; //调用自动载入函数 AutoLoader::register(); //初始化微信类 $wechat = new WeChat(WECHAT_TOKEN, TRUE); //首次使用需要注视掉下面这1行(26行),并打开最后一行(29行) //echo $wechat->run(); //首次使用需要打开下面这一行(29行),并且注释掉上面1行(26行)。本行用来验证URL //$wechat->checkSignature(); if(isset($_GET["signature"]) && isset($_GET["timestamp"]) && isset($_GET["nonce"]) && isset($_GET["echostr"])) { $wechat->checkSignature(); } else { echo $wechat->run(); }
$responseXML = ''; $time = time(); $responseArr = array(); $postStr = $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]; //get post data, May be due to the different environments //extract post data if (!empty($postStr)) { libxml_disable_entity_loader(true); $postObj = simplexml_load_string($postStr, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); try { $postArr = (array) $postObj; $content = isset($postArr['Content']) ? trim($postArr['Content']) : ''; if (($mysql = initDataBase($schema)) == false) { throw new Exception($mysql->error); } $wechat = new WeChat($config); /* --------------------- log request ------------------------- */ if ($postArr['MsgType'] == $wechat::MSGTYPE_EVENT && $postArr['Event'] == $wechat::EVENT_SEND_MASS) { $query = "UPDATE wechat_push_msg\n\t\t\tSET status = :status, totalCount = :totalCount,\n\t\t\tfilterCount = :filterCount, sentCount = :sentCount,\n\t\t\terrorCount = :errorCount, report_date = :report_date\n\t\t\tWHERE msg_id = :msg_id "; $bindArr = array('msg_id' => $postArr['MsgID'], 'status' => $postArr['Status'], 'totalCount' => $postArr['TotalCount'], 'filterCount' => $postArr['FilterCount'], 'sentCount' => $postArr['SentCount'], 'errorCount' => $postArr['ErrorCount'], 'report_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); if (!$mysql->execute($query, $bindArr)) { throw new Exception($mysql->error); } die(true); } getUserInfo($postArr['FromUserName']); $request_type = $postArr['MsgType']; switch ($postArr['MsgType']) { case $wechat::MSGTYPE_EVENT: $request_type = $postArr['Event']; if ($request_type == $wechat::EVENT_MENU_VIEW || $request_type == $wechat::EVENT_MENU_CLICK) {
setloginstatus($member, 1296000); dsetcookie('wechat_ticket', '', -1); $echostr = 'done'; } else { $echostr = '1'; //json_encode($authcode); } } else { $echostr = '-1'; } if (!ob_start($_G['gzipcompress'] ? 'ob_gzhandler' : null)) { ob_start(); } if ($echostr === 'done') { C::t('#wechat#mobile_wechat_authcode')->delete($authcode['sid']); } include template('common/header_ajax'); echo $echostr; include template('common/footer_ajax'); exit; } if ($_G['cookie']['qrauth']) { $qrauth = authcode(base64_decode($_G['cookie']['qrauth']), 'DECODE', $_G['config']['security']['authkey']); } if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_qrtype']) { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wsq.class.php'; list($isqrapi, $qrcodeurl, $codeenc, $code) = WeChat::getqrcode(); wsq::report('siteqrshow'); } include_once template('wechat:wechat_qrcode');
<?php // 载入 WeChat 帮助类 require_once __DIR__ . '/wexin/ShsrainWeChat/WeChat/WeChat.php'; WeChat::run(array('grant_type' => 'client_credential', 'appid' => '', 'secret' => '')); //echo WeChat::$response->news(WeChat::$request->getFromUserName(),'youpaiyunzhi',time(),1,array('title'=>'你好呀','description'=>'hellohellohello','url'=>'')); WeChat::$router->text('笑话', function () { echo WeChat::$response->text(WeChat::$request->getFromUserName(), 'youpaiyunzhi', time(), joke()); }, WeChat::$request); WeChat::$router->text('hello', function () { echo WeChat::$response->news(WeChat::$request->getFromUserName(), 'youpaiyunzhi', time(), 1, array('title' => '你好呀', 'description' => 'hellohellohello', 'url' => '')); }, WeChat::$request); WeChat::$router->text('活动', function () { echo WeChat::$response->text(WeChat::$request->getFromUserName(), 'youpaiyunzhi', time(), '近期活动已经结束啦'); }, WeChat::$request); WeChat::$router->text('抽奖', function () { echo WeChat::$response->text(WeChat::$request->getFromUserName(), 'youpaiyunzhi', time(), '抽奖活动已经结束啦'); }, WeChat::$request); $contentStr = "欢迎关注优派健康。\n"; $contentStr .= "<a href=''>注册-绑定优派账号</a>。\n"; $contentStr .= "已绑定账号-<a href=''>我的关注</a>。"; echo WeChat::$response->text(WeChat::$request->getFromUserName(), 'youpaiyunzhi', time(), $contentStr . " \n" . '回复:1:活动;2:抽奖;3:笑话'); function joke() { $content = array('老夫妇去拍照,摄影师问:“大爷,您是要侧光,逆光,还是全光?",大爷腼腆的说:“我是无所谓,能不能给你大妈留条裤衩?"', '老婆语录:允许你喝醉,允许你勾妹,但晚上必须给老娘归队,如果你敢伤我的心,伤我的肺,老娘一定把你的第三条腿打残废,让你的鸟鸟永远打嗑睡。', '两个饺子结婚了,送走客人后新郎回到卧室,竟发现床上躺着一个肉丸子!新郎大惊,忙问新娘在哪?肉丸子害羞的说:讨厌,人家脱了衣服你就不认识啦!', '俩老夫妻某日吃晚饭时突发奇想:裸餐!找找从前的感觉!脱光后老太婆道:我还有反应耶!乳房还和年轻时一样发热!老头斜了一眼道:耷拉到汤里了!', '四只老鼠吹牛:甲:我每天都拿鼠药当糖吃;乙:我一天不踩老鼠夹脚发痒;丙:我每天不过几次大街不踏实;丁:时间不早了,回家抱猫去咯。 ', '天是蓝的,海是深的,男人的话没一句是真的;爱是永恒的,血是鲜红的,男人不打是不行的;男人如果是有钱的,和谁都是有缘的,男人靠的住,猪都会爬树。', '一群蚂蚁爬上了大象的背,但被摇了下来,只有一只蚂蚁死死地抱着大象的脖子不放,下面的蚂蚁大叫:掐死他,掐死他,小样,还他妈反了!', '小孩把妓院养的鹦鹉偷回家,一进门,鹦鹉便叫:搬家啦!看见他妈妈又叫:老板也换啦!看见他姐姐又叫:小姐也换了!看见他爸爸又叫:我cao还是老客!', '漫漫人生路,谁不错几步!家庭要照顾,情人也得处!家里有个做饭的,外面养个心善的,对桌坐个好看的,远方有个思念的!保住二,守住一,发展三四五六七!', '一只小狗爬上你的餐桌,向一只烧鸡爬去,你大怒道:你敢对那只烧鸡怎样,我就敢对你怎样,结果小狗舔了一下鸡屁股,你昏倒,小狗乐道:小样看谁狠。', '传说今晚,阴魂不散,死光又现,鬼魂四处转!愿鬼听到我的呼唤,半夜来到你庆头,苍白的脸,幽绿的眼,干枯的手抚摸你的脸,代我向你说一句:晚安!', '男人,总是笑容满面,两眼放电,不是发病犯贱,就是坑蒙拐骗!女人丰胸细腰,放荡风骚,不是掏你腰包,就是放你黑刀!这年月男怪女妖,小心中招啊!', '你走在路上,一母狗扑向你从你的脚上咬了一块肉,迅速吞下去,你伸脚正要踢它的时候,狗含着泪说:你打吧,反正我肚里已经有了你的骨肉!', '老鼠没女朋友特别郁闷,终于一只蝙蝠答应嫁给他,老鼠十分高兴。别人笑他没眼光,老鼠:你们懂什么,她好歹是个空姐。', '朋友问蝙蝠怎么会下嫁给老鼠,蝙蝠眼含泪花,意味深长:唉!那天他吃了伟哥,火力壮,一下蹦上天花板,让他得了手。', '我花一毛钱发这条短信给你,是为了告诉你——我并不是一个一毛不拔的人。比如这一毛钱的短信就是我送你的生日礼物。', '蚂蚁懒洋洋地躺在土里,伸出一只腿,朋友问你干嘛呢?蚂蚁:待会大象来了,绊他一跟头。', '喜鹊来,妈妈说这是喜鸟是客;燕子来,妈妈说这是益鸟是客;乌鸦来,孩子问你也是客人吗?乌鸦叫:Yes,吾乃黑客!', '某美女发现口红太重,拿湿纸巾擦拭后扔到路上。一老头拣起,端详半天突然醒悟,追上说:姑娘,这超薄的就是容易掉呀!', '黄瓜失恋痛哭,茄子安慰她:爱情不单只是甜美、只是沉醉,还有心碎、还有流泪。唉!谁让你爱上洋葱的? ', '昨天梦见上帝说可满足我一个愿望我拿出地球仪说要世界和平,他说太难换一个吧,我拿出你的照片说要这人变漂亮,他沉思了一下说拿地球仪我再看看。', '一女奇丑,嫁不出去,希望被拐卖。终于梦想成真,却半月卖不出去。绑匪将其送回,她坚决不下车,绑匪咬牙一跺脚:走,车不要了', '20年前爸爸抱着你等车,人都笑话孩子长得难看,爸爸哭了。一卖香蕉的老大爷拍拍爸爸说:“大兄弟别哭了,拿只香蕉给猴子吃吧!真可怜,饿的都没毛了。”', '飞机上,一只鹦鹉对空姐说:“给爷来杯水”,猪也学鹦鹉,对空姐说:“给爷来杯水”,空姐大怒,将鹦鹉和猪都扔下了飞机。这时鹦鹉对猪说:“傻B了吧,爷会飞。”', '好累了,不想讲了,看到你就像是一个笑话,呵呵哒。', '如何你看到我讲了几个重复的笑话,那是我在暗示,我累啦,不要让我讲笑话啦。'); return $content[rand(0, 25)]; } /** * wechat php test */ //define your token
header('Content-type: text/json; charset=UTF-8'); require_once "../include/global.include.php"; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { $returnArr = array('code' => 200); if (!check_session()) { responseJSON('session expired', 440); } extract($_POST); if (!isset($appid) || !isset($app_secret)) { responseJSON('invalid request'); } try { // validate app ID & app secret $_config = array('schema' => $_SESSION['schema'], 'appid' => $appid, 'secret' => $app_secret, 'encrypt_token' => null, 'encodingAESKey' => null, 'app_token' => null, 'app_token_expire' => null); // create a dummy class $_wechat = new WeChat($_config); // if id & secret are valid, access_token & expires_in will be returned // else errmsg & errcode will be obtained $result = $_wechat->validateSettings(); if (isset($result['errcode'])) { $errmsg = $result['errmsg']; if ($result['errcode'] == 40001) { $errmsg = 'Invalid AppID or AppSecret.'; } else { if ($result['errcode'] == 40125) { $errmsg = 'Invalid AppSecret.'; } } responseJSON($errmsg); } unset($_wechat);
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/wxlib/wechat.class.php'; $obj = new WeChat(); /* * 首次配置使用 $obj->Token='c3a6f36fb5ec03eb'; $obj->valid(); */ $obj->getData(); /*******************特殊事件处理部分开始********************/ //订阅事件 if ($obj->Event == 'subscribe') { require_once 'common/config.php'; connect(); $sql = "replace INTO `users`(`openid`,`mode`) VALUES ('{$obj->FromUserName}',0)"; mysql_query($sql); $obj->replyText('感谢关注大交助手^^消息指令代号如下 【1】今天课表 【2】明天课表 【3】成绩查询 【4】天气查询 【5】街景校园[荐] 【6】考试安排 【7】学习生活导航 【8】常见问题 【0】帮助菜单 <a href="' . $obj->FromUserName . '">点击绑定教务在线使用全部功能</a> 备:当前为新版测试中,请将您发现的bug和不足发送邮件至,感谢您的使用^^ '); } //帮助菜单 if ($obj->Content == '帮助' || $obj->Content == '0') {
function switchFunc(WeChat $object, $keyword) { $matches = explode("@", $keyword); $key = $matches[0]; $value = $matches[1]; switch ($key) { case "翻译": $content = wm_translate($value); $object->sendText($content); break; case "天气": $content = wm_weather($value); if (!is_array($content)) { $object->sendText($content); } else { foreach ($content as $v) { $object->addNews($v['title'], "", "", $v['pic']); } $object->sendNews(); } break; case "搜索": $articles = query("", $value); if (empty($articles)) { $object->sendText("没有找到相关文章"); } else { foreach ($articles as $v) { $object->addNews($v['0'], $v['1'], $v['2'], $v['3']); } $object->sendNews(); } break; default: $object->addNews(WM_ERROR_MESSAGE, "", "", ""); $object->addNews(WM_MESSAGE, "", "", ""); $object->sendNews(); break; } }
<?php ini_set('display_errors', '1'); require './WeChat.class.php'; define('APPID', 'wxe647b92b9dc39f1b'); define('APPSECRET', 'e16374d53b5b78bf25fd7e29e3d58c46'); define('TOKEN', 'itcast_php34'); $wechat = new WeChat(APPID, APPSECRET, TOKEN); $file = './Chrysanthemum.jpg'; $result = $wechat->uploadTmp($file, 'image'); var_export($result);
extract($_GET); if (isset($reg) && array_key_exists($reg, $SYSCONFIG['DB'])) { if (!isset($_SESSION['schema'])) { if (($mysql = initDataBase($SYSCONFIG['DB'][$reg])) == false) { throw new Exception($mysql->error); } # get app configs $query = "SELECT name, value FROM app_configs\n\t\tWHERE name IN( '%s' )"; $_query = sprintf($query, implode('\', \'', $SYSCONFIG['APP_CONFIG'])); $mysql->query($_query); $configs = array(); foreach ($mysql->data as $config) { $configs[$config['name']] = $config['value']; } $config = array('schema' => $reg, 'appid' => $configs['appid'], 'secret' => $configs['app_secret'], 'encrypt_token' => $configs['encrypt_token'], 'encodingAESKey' => $configs['encodingAESKey'], 'app_token' => null, 'app_token_expire' => null); $wechat = new WeChat($config); } $header = 'Content-Type: image/png'; $path = dirname(__DIR__) . '/global/images/not-found.png'; if (isset($id)) { $query = "SELECT * FROM media_image WHERE id = ?"; $bindArr = array($id); if (!$mysql->query($query, $bindArr)) { die($mysql->error); } if ($mysql->num_row > 0) { $media = $mysql->data[0]; $path = ''; if ($media['local_path'] != null) { $path = dirname(__DIR__) . $media['local_path']; $info = pathinfo($path);
<?php require_once '../common/set_inc.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['openid'])) { //没有session,没有通过认证 $weChat = new WeChat(APPID, APPSECRET, BASEPATH); if (isset($_GET['code'])) { //有code,已经完成跳转 $openid = $weChat->Oauth_check($_GET['code']); if ($openid) { $res = $weChat->getUserInfo($openid); if ($res['subscribe'] == 1) { //已关注 $_SESSION['openid'] = $openid; //记录用户信息 $username = $res['nickname']; $patService->setDownUserName($openid, $username); } else { //未关注 jump(ATTENTION_PAGE); exit; } } } else { //没有跳转,需要跳转去认证页面 $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $weChat->Oauth_base($url); exit; } } if (isset($_SESSION['openid'])) {
<?php require './WeChat.class.php'; define('APPID', 'wxe647b92b9dc39f1b'); define('APPSECRET', 'e16374d53b5b78bf25fd7e29e3d58c46'); define('TOKEN', 'itcast_php34'); $wechat = new WeChat(APPID, APPSECRET, TOKEN); $wechat->getQRCode(42, NULL);
} } } if (DISCUZ_VERSION < 'X3.0' && $_G['inajax']) { $_GET['username'] = WeChatEmoji::clear($_GET['username']); } if ($ac == 'wxregister') { loaducenter(); $user = uc_get_user($_GET['username']); if (!empty($user)) { $_GET['username'] = cutstr($_GET['username'], 7, '') . '_' . random(5); } } $uid = WeChat::register($_GET['username'], $ac == 'wxregister'); if ($uid && $_GET['avatar']) { WeChat::syncAvatar($uid, $_GET['avatar']); } if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_qrtype']) { WeChatHook::bindOpenId($uid, $openid, 1); wsq::report('register'); showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_register_succeed', $selfurl . 'bind&confirm=yes'); } else { C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechatmp')->insert(array('uid' => $uid, 'openid' => $wxopenid ? $wxopenid : $_GET['wxopenid'], 'status' => 0), false, true); wsq::report('register'); $url = wsq::wxuserregisterUrl($uid); if ($ac == 'wxregister') { dheader('location: ' . $url); } else { showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_register_succeed', $url); } }
function common() { global $_G; dsetcookie('mobile', '', -1); $redirect = WeChat::redirect(1); if ($redirect) { dheader('location: ' . $redirect); } }
C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechatmp')->insert(array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'openid' => $_GET['openid'], 'status' => $_G['cookie']['qrauth'] ? 1 : 0), false, true); } dheader('location: ' . ($_GET['referer'] ? $_GET['referer'] : $_G['siteurl'])); } else { require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.class.php'; require_once DISCUZ_ROOT . './source/plugin/wechat/wechat.lib.class.php'; $defaultusername = WeChatEmoji::clear($_GET['nickname']); if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']['wechat_allowfastregister']) { redirectregister($defaultusername); } loaducenter(); $user = uc_get_user($defaultusername); if (!empty($user)) { $defaultusername = cutstr($defaultusername, 7, '') . '_' . random(5); } $uid = WeChat::register($defaultusername, 1, 8); if (!$uid) { redirectregister($defaultusername); } C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechatmp')->insert(array('uid' => $uid, 'openid' => $_GET['openid'], 'status' => 0), false, true); $url = wsq::userregisterUrl($uid, $_GET['openid'], $_GET['openidsign'], $_GET['referer']); dheader('location: ' . $url); } } elseif ($ac == 'regcallback' && $_G['uid']) { list($openid, $openidsign, $qrreferer) = explode("\t", authcode(base64_decode($_GET['auth']), 'DECODE')); if (!$openid) { showmessage('wechat:wechat_member_auth_fail'); } C::t('#wechat#common_member_wechatmp')->insert(array('uid' => $_G['uid'], 'openid' => $openid, 'status' => 1), false, true); $url = wsq::userregisterUrl($_G['uid'], $openid, $openidsign, $qrreferer); dheader('location: ' . $url);
<?php require './WeChat.class.php'; define('APPID', 'wxe647b92b9dc39f1b'); define('APPSECRET', 'e16374d53b5b78bf25fd7e29e3d58c46'); define('TOKEN', 'itcast_php34'); $wechat = new WeChat(APPID, APPSECRET, TOKEN); // $result = $wechat->menuDelete(); // var_dump($result); // $menu = <<<JSON { "button": [ { "name": "扫码", "sub_button": [ { "type": "scancode_waitmsg", "name": "扫码带提示", "key": "scancode_waitmsg", "sub_button": [ ] }, { "type": "scancode_push", "name": "扫码推事件", "key": "scancode_push", "sub_button": [ ] } ] }, {
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: hundredlee * Date: 1/7/16 * Time: 9:01 AM */ error_reporting(0); require 'WeChat.php'; define('MAX_GROUP_NUM', 35); $weChat = new WeChat(); //设置uuid $weChat->setUuid(); echo $weChat->getQRCode(); echo '<br/>'; sleep(2); while (true) { if ($weChat->waitForLogin() == 200) { break; } } echo '<br/>'; if (!$weChat->login()) { echo '登录失败!<br/>'; return; } else { echo '登录成功!<br/>'; } if (!$weChat->weChatInitial()) { echo '初始化失败!<br/>';
$query = "SELECT name, value FROM app_configs\n WHERE name IN( '%s' )"; $_query = sprintf($query, implode('\', \'', $SYSCONFIG['APP_CONFIG'])); if (!$mysql->query($_query)) { throw new Exception($mysql->error); } else { if ($mysql->num_row == 0) { throw new Exception('App config not found'); } } $configs = array(); foreach ($mysql->data as $config) { $configs[$config['name']] = $config['value']; } $config = array('schema' => $schema, 'appid' => $configs['appid'], 'secret' => $configs['app_secret'], 'encrypt_token' => $configs['encrypt_token'], 'encodingAESKey' => $configs['encodingAESKey'], 'app_token' => null, 'app_token_expire' => null); # init Wechat API $wechat = new WeChat($config); // GET variables: timestamp, nonce, msg_signature, encrypt_type extract($_GET); if (isset($echostr)) { // for wechat API validation if ($wechat->validateAPI($echostr, $signature, $timestamp, $nonce)) { die($echostr); } else { throw new Exception('API validate failed'); } } // get POST data, request message from WeChat $raw_data = isset($GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"]) ? $GLOBALS["HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA"] : ''; if (!empty($raw_data)) { # decrypt message $dataArr = array('raw_data' => $raw_data, 'encrypt_type' => isset($encrypt_type) && $encrypt_type == 'aes' ? "aes" : "raw", 'msg_signature' => $msg_signature, 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'nonce' => $nonce);
<?php namespace LaneWeChat; use LaneWeChat\Core\Wechat; /** * 微信插件唯一入口文件. * @Created by Lane. * @Author: lane * @Mail * @Date: 14-1-10 * @Time: 下午4:00 * @Blog: Http:// */ //引入配置文件 include_once __DIR__ . '/config.php'; //引入自动载入函数 include_once __DIR__ . '/autoloader.php'; //调用自动载入函数 AutoLoader::register(); //初始化微信类 $wechat = new WeChat(WECHAT_TOKEN, TRUE); //首次使用需要注视掉下面这1行(26行),并打开最后一行(29行) echo $wechat->run(); //首次使用需要打开下面这一行(29行),并且注释掉上面1行(26行)。本行用来验证URL //$wechat->checkSignature();
<?php header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf8'); require './WeChat.class.php'; define('APPID', 'wxe647b92b9dc39f1b'); define('APPSECRET', 'e16374d53b5b78bf25fd7e29e3d58c46'); define('TOKEN', 'itcast_php34'); $wechat = new WeChat(APPID, APPSECRET, TOKEN); // 第一次验证: // $wechat->firstValid(); // // 处理威信公众平台的的消息(事件) $wechat->responseMSG();
function common() { global $_G; if (!$_G['wechat']['setting']) { $_G['wechat']['setting'] = unserialize($_G['setting']['mobilewechat']); } dsetcookie('mobile', '', -1); if (!isset($_GET['pluginid'])) { $redirect = WeChat::redirect(1); if ($redirect) { dheader('location: ' . $redirect); } } }
public function createChatRoom($usernames = array()) { $usernamesList = array(); foreach ($usernames as $key => $value) { unset($usernames[$key]); $usernamesList[]['UserName'] = $value; } $url = sprintf(self::$base_uri . '/webwxcreatechatroom?pass_ticket=%s&r=%s', self::$pass_ticket, time()); $params = array('BaseRequest' => self::$baseRequest, 'MemberCount' => count($usernamesList), 'MemberList' => $usernamesList, 'Topic' => ''); $responseData = Requests::post($url, array('ContentType' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'), json_encode($params), array('cookies' => self::$cookie)); $dictionary = json_decode($responseData->body, 1); self::$chatRoomName = $dictionary['ChatRoomName']; $memberList = $dictionary['MemberList']; foreach ($memberList as $key => $member) { if ($member['MemberStatus'] == 4) { self::$deleteList[] = $member['UserName']; } } if (strlen($dictionary['BaseResponse']['ErrMsg']) > 0) { echo $dictionary['BaseResponse']['ErrMsg'] . '<br/>'; } return self::$chatRoomName; }