/** * @param Wc_Order $order * @param Mollie_API_Object_Payment $payment */ protected function onWebhookPaid(Wc_Order $order, Mollie_API_Object_Payment $payment) { Mollie_WC_Plugin::debug(__METHOD__ . ' called.'); // Woocommerce 2.2.0 has the option to store the Payment transaction id. $woo_version = get_option('woocommerce_version', 'Unknown'); if (version_compare($woo_version, '2.2.0', '>=')) { $order->payment_complete($payment->id); } else { $order->payment_complete(); } $order->add_order_note(sprintf(__('Order completed using %s payment (%s).', 'mollie-payments-for-woocommerce'), $this->method_title, $payment->id . ($payment->mode == 'test' ? ' - ' . __('test mode', 'mollie-payments-for-woocommerce') : ''))); }
/** * Display Order information * * Handles to display buyers information * * @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers * @since 2.3.6 */ public function woo_vou_display_order_info_html($order_id, $type = 'html') { $order_details_html = ''; //get order $order = new Wc_Order($order_id); //get order date $order_date = $order->order_date; //get payment method $payment_method = $order->payment_method_title; //Order title $order_total = esc_html(strip_tags($order->get_formatted_order_total())); //Order discount $order_discount = wc_price($order->get_total_discount(), array('currency' => $order->get_order_currency())); if ($type == 'html') { $order_id = '<a href="' . esc_url(admin_url('post.php?post=' . absint($order_id) . '&action=edit')) . '">' . $order_id . '</a>'; } if ($type == 'csv') { $order_details_html .= 'ID : ' . $order_id . "\n"; $order_details_html .= 'Order Date : ' . $order_date . "\n"; $order_details_html .= 'Payment Method : ' . $payment_method . "\n"; $order_details_html .= 'Order Total : ' . $order_total . "\n"; $order_details_html .= 'Order Discount :' . strip_tags($order_discount); } else { $order_details_html .= '<table>'; $order_details_html .= '<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;">' . __('ID:', 'woovoucher') . '</td><td>' . $order_id . '</td></tr>'; $order_details_html .= '<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;">' . __('Order Date:', 'woovoucher') . '</td><td>' . $order_date . '</td></tr>'; $order_details_html .= '<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;">' . __('Payment Method:', 'woovoucher') . '</td><td>' . $payment_method . '</td></tr>'; $order_details_html .= '<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;">' . __('Order Total:', 'woovoucher') . '</td><td>' . $order_total . '</td></tr>'; $order_details_html .= '<tr><td style="font-weight:bold;">' . __('Order Discount:', 'woovoucher') . '</td><td>' . $order_discount . '</td></tr>'; $order_details_html .= '</table>'; } return apply_filters('woo_vou_display_order_info_html', $order_details_html, $order_id, $type); }
<?php // Exit if accessed directly if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit; } global $woo_vou_model, $post; //model class $model = $woo_vou_model; $order_id = isset($post->ID) ? $post->ID : ''; $allorderdata = $model->woo_vou_get_all_ordered_data($order_id); //get cart details $cart_details = new Wc_Order($order_id); $order_items = $cart_details->get_items(); //get meta prefix $prefix = WOO_VOU_META_PREFIX; if (!empty($order_items)) { // Check cart details are not empty ?> <table class="widefat woo-vou-history-table"> <tr class="woo-vou-history-title-row"> <th width="8%"><?php echo __('Logo', 'woovoucher'); ?> </th> <th width="17%"><?php echo __('Product Title', 'woovoucher'); ?> </th> <th width="15%"><?php echo __('Code', 'woovoucher');
/** * Adding Hooks * * Adding proper hoocks for the discount codes * * @package WooCommerce - PDF Vouchers * @since 2.3.1 */ public function woo_vou_my_pdf_vouchers_download_link($downloads = array()) { //get prefix $prefix = WOO_VOU_META_PREFIX; if (is_user_logged_in()) { //If user is logged in //Get user ID $user_id = get_current_user_id(); //Get User Order Arguments $args = array('numberposts' => -1, 'meta_key' => '_customer_user', 'meta_value' => $user_id, 'post_type' => WOO_VOU_MAIN_SHOP_POST_TYPE, 'post_status' => array('wc-completed'), 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => $prefix . 'meta_order_details', 'compare' => 'EXISTS'))); //user orders $user_orders = get_posts($args); if (!empty($user_orders)) { //If orders are not empty foreach ($user_orders as $user_order) { //Get order ID $order_id = isset($user_order->ID) ? $user_order->ID : ''; if (!empty($order_id)) { //Order it not empty global $vou_order; //Set global order ID $vou_order = $order_id; //Get cart details $cart_details = new Wc_Order($order_id); $order_items = $cart_details->get_items(); $order_date = isset($cart_details->order_date) ? $cart_details->order_date : ''; $order_date = date('d-m-y', strtotime($order_date)); if (!empty($order_items)) { // Check cart details are not empty foreach ($order_items as $item_id => $product_data) { //Get product from Item ( It is required otherwise multipdf voucher link not work ) $_product = apply_filters('woocommerce_order_item_product', $cart_details->get_product_from_item($product_data), $product_data); if (!$_product) { //If product deleted $download_file_data = array(); } else { //Get download files $download_file_data = $cart_details->get_item_downloads($product_data); } //Get voucher codes $codes = wc_get_order_item_meta($item_id, $prefix . 'codes'); if (!empty($download_file_data) && !empty($codes)) { //If download exist and code is not empty foreach ($download_file_data as $key => $download_file) { //check download key is voucher key or not $check_key = strpos($key, 'woo_vou_pdf_'); //get voucher number $voucher_number = str_replace('woo_vou_pdf_', '', $key); if (empty($voucher_number)) { //If empty voucher number $voucher_number = 1; } if (!empty($download_file) && $check_key !== false) { //Get download URL $download_url = $download_file['download_url']; //add arguments array $add_arguments = array('item_id' => $item_id); //PDF Download URL $download_url = add_query_arg($add_arguments, $download_url); //get product name $product_name = isset($_product->post->post_title) ? $_product->post->post_title : ''; //Download file arguments $download_args = array('download_url' => $download_url, 'download_name' => $product_name . ' - ' . $download_file['name'] . ' ' . $voucher_number . ' ( ' . $order_date . ' )', 'downloads_remaining' => ''); //append voucher download to downloads array $downloads[] = $download_args; } } } } } //reset global order ID $vou_order = 0; } } } } return $downloads; }