Esempio n. 1
  * Read a single section (route or track) of a GPX file and add it to the total route
  * The sections are merged into one, with a straight line between the end of one and the start of the next.
  * @param DOMElement $route Route or track root element
 private function readGPXSection(DOMElement $route)
     if ($route->tagName == "trk") {
         $routePoints = $route->getElementsByTagName("trkpt");
     } else {
         $routePoints = $route->getElementsByTagName("rtept");
     /* Now we start to iterate through all the waypoints.
      * For each point, we want the distance from the last point (added to cumulative
      * distance) and the height *increase* since the last point.
      * We assume that the points are close enough together that we can treat the surface
      * of the Earth as a plane and use Pythagoras' theorem to calculate distances.
      * To start with, we make the start point the previous point.
     $numPoints = $routePoints->length;
     $lastKnownHeight = null;
     // Last known height - used if some nodes are missing height data
     $prevPoint = null;
     $iWrite = count($this->wayPoints);
     for ($iRead = 0; $iRead < $numPoints; $iRead++) {
         // Get the position of this waypoint
         $next = $routePoints->item($iRead);
         $nextPoint = new Waypoint();
         $nextPoint->latLng = new LatLng($next->attributes->getNamedItem("lat")->nodeValue, $next->attributes->getNamedItem("lon")->nodeValue);
         // Now see if we can get the time, speed & altitude
         if ($next->hasChildNodes()) {
             foreach ($next->childNodes as $childNode) {
                 if ($childNode->nodeType == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
                     switch ($childNode->tagName) {
                         case "ele":
                             $nextPoint->alt = (int) $childNode->nodeValue;
                         case "time":
                             $nextPoint->time = $childNode->nodeValue;
         $this->wayPoints[$iWrite] = $nextPoint;
         // If we're on anything but the first waypoint, get the previous one for some calculations
         if ($iWrite >= 1) {
             $prevPoint = $this->wayPoints[$iWrite - 1];
             // Calculate distance & total ascent
             $this->distance += $nextPoint->distanceTo($prevPoint);
             if (isset($nextPoint->alt) && isset($lastKnownHeight)) {
                 $this->ascent += max($nextPoint->alt - $lastKnownHeight, 0);
         // Store the height for future rounds - if another waypoint is missing height info
         // we look back to the last time we had it
         if (isset($nextPoint->alt)) {
             $lastKnownHeight = $nextPoint->alt;