Esempio n. 1
 public function expire()
     WaxLog::log("info", "[CACHE] Expiring cache file for " . $this->file());
     if (is_readable($this->file())) {
Esempio n. 2
  *	Instantiates a config object and constructs the route.
  *  @access private
  *  @return void
 private function setup_environment()
     $addr = gethostbyname($_SERVER["HOSTNAME"]);
     if (!$addr) {
         $addr = gethostbyname($_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]);
     $regexp = '/^((1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.){3}(1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])$/';
     if (!preg_match($regexp, $addr)) {
         $addr = false;
     if (defined('ENV')) {
     } elseif ($addr && (substr($addr, 0, 3) == "10." || substr($addr, 0, 4) == "127." || substr($addr, 0, 4) == "192.")) {
         define("ENV", "development");
     } elseif ($addr) {
         define("ENV", "production");
     } else {
     /*  Looks for an environment specific file inside app/config */
     if (is_readable(CONFIG_DIR . ENV . ".php")) {
         require_once CONFIG_DIR . ENV . ".php";
     WaxLog::log("info", "Detected environment {$addr} and loaded " . ENV);
Esempio n. 3
 public function geo_locate($address, $key)
     if ($res = looks_like_coords($address)) {
         return $res;
     $glocal_search_url = "" . $key;
     $url = $glocal_search_url . "&address=" . urlencode($address) . "&region=GB";
     $curl = new WaxBackgroundCurl(array('url' => $url));
     $res = json_decode($curl->fetch(), 1);
     if ($res['status'] != "OK") {
         WaxLog::log("error", $res['status'] . "\n" . print_r($res, 1), "geocoder");
     if (($res = $res['results'][0]) && ($lng = $res['geometry']['location']['lng']) && ($lat = $res['geometry']['location']['lat'])) {
         return array('lat' => $lat, 'lng' => $lng);
     } else {
         return false;
  * - check available space
  * - get ticket
  * - upload
 public function set($media_item)
     $config = Config::get('vimeo');
     $vimeo = new phpVimeo($config['consumer']['key'], $config['consumer']['secret'], $config['oauth']['key'], $config['oauth']['secret']);
     $file = PUBLIC_DIR . $media_item->uploaded_location;
     $size = filesize($file);
     $quota = $vimeo->call("videos.upload.getQuota");
     $free_space = $quota->user->upload_space->free;
     if ($free_space - $size > 0 && ($source = $vimeo->upload($file))) {
         WaxLog::log('error', '[uploaded] ' . $source, 'vimeo');
         $res = $media_item->update_attributes(array('status' => 1, 'source' => $source, 'media_class' => get_class($this), 'media_type' => self::$name, 'uploaded_location' => '' . $source, 'hash' => md5($source), 'file_type' => 'video', 'sync_location' => 'ALL'));
         if ($res) {
         return $res;
     } else {
         WaxLog::log('error', '[no space]', 'vimeo');
     return false;
Esempio n. 5
 function databaseAdd($folderpath, $filename, $realitivePath)
     if (function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
         $type = mime_content_type("{$folderpath}/{$filename}");
     } else {
         $type = exec("file --mime -b " . escapeshellarg("{$folderpath}/{$filename}"));
     //image resizing
     if (strpos($type, "image") === true) {
         $dimensions = getimagesize("{$folderpath}/{$filename}");
         if (AdminFilesController::$max_image_width && $dimensions[0] > AdminFilesController::$max_image_width) {
             $flag = File::resize_image("{$folderpath}/{$filename}", "{$folderpath}/{$filename}", AdminFilesController::$max_image_width, false, true);
     $size = $this->get_size($folderpath . '/' . $filename);
     $fileid = $this->fileid($folderpath, $filename);
     while (!$this->checkId($fileid)) {
     $query = "INSERT INTO wildfire_file (id,filename,path,rpath,type,size,status,flags) VALUES ({$fileid},'{$filename}','{$folderpath}','{$realitivePath}','{$type}','{$size}','found', 'normal')";
     WaxLog::log("info", "[DB] " . $query);
     try {
         $res = $this->query($query);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         die("NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  " . $query);
     chmod($folderpath . '/' . $filename, 0755);
     touch($folderpath . '/' . $filename, $fileid);
Esempio n. 6
 public function exec($pdo_statement, $bindings = array(), $swallow_errors = false)
     try {
         WaxLog::log("info", "[DB] " . $pdo_statement->queryString);
         if (count($bindings)) {
             WaxLog::log("info", "[DB] Values:" . join($bindings, ","));
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         $err = $pdo_statement->errorInfo();
         WaxLog::log("error", "[DB] " . $err[2]);
         if (!$swallow_errors) {
             throw new WaxSqlException("{$err[2]}", "Error Executing Database Query", $pdo_statement->queryString . "\n" . print_r($bindings, 1));
     return $pdo_statement;
Esempio n. 7
  * same as wildfirecontent, but doesn't move children that are actually national content items
 public function children_move()
     if ($id = $this->revision()) {
         $class = get_class($this);
         $model = new $class($id);
         $model->row['dealer_content_id'] = false;
         //need this addition to not reparent national content to dealer
         WaxLog::log('error', "[move] {$id} - {$class}", 'children_move');
         if ($model && $model->primval) {
             foreach ($model->children as $c) {
                 $c->update_attributes(array($this->parent_column . "_" . $this->primary_key => $this->primval));
     return $this;
 public function file_upload()
     if ($url = $_POST["upload_from_url"]) {
         $str = "";
         foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
             $str .= "{$k}:{$v}\n";
         WaxLog::log('error', 'running...' . $str);
         $path = $_POST['wildfire_file_folder'];
         $fs = new CmsFilesystem();
         $filename = basename($url);
         $ext = strtolower(array_pop(explode(".", $filename)));
         if ($_POST["wildfire_file_filename"]) {
             $filename = $_POST["wildfire_file_filename"] . "." . $ext;
         $filename = $_POST["wildfire_file_filename"] = File::safe_file_save($fs->defaultFileStore . $path, $filename);
         $file = $fs->defaultFileStore . $path . "/" . $filename;
         $handle = fopen($file, 'x+');
         fwrite($handle, file_get_contents($url));
         $fname = $fs->defaultFileStore . $path . "/" . $filename;
         chmod($fname, 0777);
         $dimensions = getimagesize($fname);
         if (AdminFilesController::$max_image_width && $dimensions[0] > AdminFilesController::$max_image_width) {
             $flag = File::resize_image($fname, $fname, AdminFilesController::$max_image_width, false, true);
             if (!$flag) {
                 WaxLog::log('error', '[resize] FAIL');
         $fs->databaseSync($fs->defaultFileStore . $path, $path);
         $file = new WildfireFile();
         $newfile = $file->filter(array("filename" => $filename, "rpath" => $path))->first();
         $newfile->description = $_POST["wildfire_file_description"];
         //if these are set then attach the image to the doc!
         if (Request::post('content_id') && Request::post('model_string') && Request::post('join_field')) {
             $model_id = Request::post('content_id');
             $class = Inflections::camelize(Request::post('model_string'), true);
             $field = Request::post('join_field');
             $model = new $class($model_id);
             $model->{$field} = $newfile;
         echo "Uploaded";
     } elseif ($_FILES) {
         error_log("Starting File upload");
         error_log(print_r($_POST, 1));
         $path = $_POST['wildfire_file_folder'];
         $fs = new CmsFilesystem();
         $_FILES['upload'] = $_FILES["Filedata"];
         $_FILES['upload']['name'] = str_replace(' ', '', $_FILES['upload']['name']);
         $fs->databaseSync($fs->defaultFileStore . $path, $path);
         $fname = $fs->defaultFileStore . $path . "/" . $_FILES['upload']['name'];
         if ($dimensions = getimagesize($fname)) {
             if ($dimensions[2] == "7" || $dimensions[2] == "8") {
                 WaxLog::log("error", "Detected TIFF Upload");
                 $command = "mogrify " . escapeshellcmd($fname) . " -colorspace RGB -format jpg";
                 $newname = str_replace(".tiff", ".jpg", $fname);
                 $newname = str_replace(".tif", ".jpg", $newname);
                 rename($fname, $newname);
         chmod($fname, 0777);
         $file = new WildfireFile();
         $newfile = $file->filter(array("filename" => $_FILES['upload']['name'], "rpath" => $path))->first();
         $newfile->description = $_POST["wildfire_file_description"];
         //if these are set then attach the image to the doc!
         if (Request::post('content_id') && Request::post('model_string') && Request::post('join_field')) {
             $model_id = Request::post('content_id');
             $class = Inflections::camelize(Request::post('model_string'));
             $field = Request::post('join_field');
             $model = new $class($model_id);
             $model->{$field} = $newfile;
         echo "Uploaded";
     } else {
         die("UPLOAD ERROR");
Esempio n. 9
 public function after_soap($res)
     if ($errors = $res->{'Campaign.CreateResult'}->enc_value->Message) {
         $this->errors[$this->primary_key] = $errors;
         WaxLog::log('error', '[SOAP ERR]' . print_r($errors, 1));
     } elseif (is_string($res->{'Campaign.CreateResult'})) {
         $this->CampaignID = $res->{'Campaign.CreateResult'};
         $model = new Campaign();
         $model->ClientID = $this->ClientID;
         $model->CampaignID = $this->CampaignID;
         $model->SendDate = $this->SendDate;
         $model->ConfirmationEmail = $this->ConfirmationEmail;
         //sleep is needed to give the api time to catch up; apparently its slow
         $res = $model->Send();
 public function thumbnail($media_item, $size = false)
     $yt = $this->includes();
     try {
         $vid = $yt->getVideoEntry($media_item->source);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         WaxLog::log("error", "[WildfireYoutubeFile] error getting video {$media_item->source}");
         return false;
     return $vid->mediaGroup->thumbnail[0]->url;
Esempio n. 11
 public function exec($pdo_statement, $bindings = array(), $swallow_errors = false)
     try {
         WaxLog::log("info", "[DB] " . $pdo_statement->queryString);
         if (count($bindings)) {
             WaxLog::log("info", "[DB] Values:" . join($bindings, ","));
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         $err = $pdo_statement->errorInfo();
         switch ($e->getCode()) {
             case "42S02":
             case "42S22":
                 foreach (Autoloader::$plugin_array as $plugin) {
                     Autoloader::recursive_register(PLUGIN_DIR . $plugin["name"] . "/lib/model", "plugin", true);
                 Autoloader::include_dir(MODEL_DIR, true);
                 foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
                     if (is_subclass_of($class, "WaxModel")) {
                         $class_obj = new $class();
                         $output = $class_obj->syncdb();
                         if (strlen($output)) {
                             echo $output;
                 $sync = false;
                 //Forces destruction and flushing of output buffer
                 try {
                 } catch (PDOException $e) {
                     throw new WaxDBStructureException("{$err[2]}", "Database Structure Error", $pdo_statement->queryString . "\n" . print_r($bindings, 1));
                 WaxLog::log("error", "[DB] {$err['2']} , SQL: " . $pdo_statement->queryString . ($bindings ? "\n" . print_r($bindings, 1) : ""));
                 if (!$swallow_errors) {
                     throw new WaxSqlException("{$err[2]}", "Error Preparing Database Query", $pdo_statement->queryString . "\n" . print_r($bindings, 1));
     return $pdo_statement;
Esempio n. 12
 function simple_routing_error_log()
     WaxLog::log("error", "[Routing] Couldn't load a requested page: {$_GET['route']}");
Esempio n. 13
  * Big nasty function to parse the information returned from the soap call
  * - looks for mapping for the node name returned by the call
  * - invert the mappings
  * - check something is returned
  * - check to see if the result is an array or just a model (convert to array if not)
  * - loop around the result array
  * -- loop over the model columns
  * --- and assign the value on the result to 
  * --- check if its the custom fields
  * ---- if it is then loop over it and assign the result back to an array with appropriate key val pairs
  * ---- this then makes the custom field var an array
  * - return all the results
  * @param string $results 
  * @param string $model 
  * @return mixed
 protected function parse_soap($results, $model)
     //check model name mapping
     WaxLog::log('error', '[SOAP RES]' . print_r($results, 1));
     if ($model->soap_mappings[$this->cm_api_method]['return']) {
         $return = $model->soap_mappings[$this->cm_api_method]['return'];
     } else {
         $return = $this->cm_api_method . "Response";
     $class = get_class($model);
     //name mappings for when they aren't consistant!
     if (is_array($mappings)) {
         $mappings = array_flip($model->rename_mappings);
     $res = array();
     if ($results->{$return}->enc_value->{$class}) {
         $results = $results->{$return}->enc_value->{$class};
         //get the results
         //make sure its an array
         if (!is_array($results)) {
             $loop_over = array(0 => $results);
         } else {
             $loop_over = $results;
         $columns = array_merge($model->columns, $model->rename_mappings);
         //loop round all return objects
         foreach ($loop_over as $k => $info) {
             $objdata = array();
             //tmp var for records
             foreach ($columns as $col => $spec) {
                 //go over the columns
                 if ($info->{$col} && $model->rename_mappings[$col]) {
                     $objdata[$model->rename_mappings[$col]] = $info->{$col};
                 } elseif ($val = $info->{$col}) {
                     $objdata[$col] = $val;
                 } elseif ($mappings[$col] && $info->{$mappings[$col]}) {
                     $objdata[$col] = $info->{$mappings[$col]};
                 //convert custom fields
                 if ($col == "CustomFields" && $info->{$col}) {
                     $values = array();
                     //array to store the result
                     $field = get_class($model) . "CustomField";
                     //the model element to fetch
                     $data = $info->{$col}->{$field};
                     //the custom field data
                     if (is_array($data)) {
                         //if its an array
                         foreach ($data as $count => $custom_info) {
                             //loop over and get the key value pairs
                             $key = $custom_info->Key;
                             $val = $custom_info->Value;
                             if ($val) {
                                 $values[$key] = $val;
                             //if the value is set then assign it to val array
                     } elseif ($data->Value) {
                         $values[$data->Key] = $data->Value;
                     //copy val over
                     if (count($values)) {
                         $objdata[$col] = $values;
                     } else {
                         $objdata[$col] = false;
                     //or set it to false
             if (count($objdata)) {
                 $res[] = $objdata;
     } elseif (is_string($results->{$return})) {
         $res[$model->primary_key] = $results->{$return};
     $this->total_without_limits = count($res);
     return $res;
Esempio n. 14
 function simple_error_log()
     WaxLog::log("error", "[Maintenance] Server undergoing maintenance: {$_GET['route']}");
Esempio n. 15
  *	This method is what it's all about, it simply steps through the filters and
  *	runs the action.
  *	It then picks up the view content along the way and hey presto, you have a page.
  *  If you've messed up and not provided an action, it throws an exception.
  *	@access protected
 public function execute_request()
     $this->controller = WaxUrl::get("controller");
     $this->action = WaxUrl::get("action");
     $this->route_array = explode("/", $_GET["route"]);
     $this->use_format = WaxUrl::get("format");
     WaxLog::log("info", "Loading controller {$this->controller} with action {$this->action} from route '{$_GET['route']}'");
     if (!$this->is_public_method($this, $this->action)) {
         if ($this->is_public_method($this, Inflections::underscore($this->action))) {
             $underscore_action = Inflections::underscore($this->action);
         } elseif (method_exists($this, 'method_missing')) {
         } else {
             $class = get_class($this);
             throw new WXRoutingException("No Public Action Defined for - " . $this->action . " in controller {$class}.", "Missing Action");
     } else {
     $this->content_for_layout = $this->render_view();
     if ($content = $this->render_layout()) {
         echo $content;
     } elseif ($this->content_for_layout) {
         echo $this->content_for_layout;
     } else {
         echo "";