function removeProcess() { if (is_admin()) { $filename = dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'uninstall.sql'; $handle = fopen($filename, 'r'); $query = fread($handle, filesize($filename)); fclose($handle); $modelObj =& WYSIJA::get('user', 'model'); $queries = str_replace('DROP TABLE `', 'DROP TABLE `[wysija]', $query); $queries = explode('-- QUERY ---', $queries); $modelWysija = new WYSIJA_model(); global $wpdb; foreach ($queries as $query) { $modelWysija->query($query); } delete_option('wysija'); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_reinstall', 1); global $wp_roles; foreach ($wp_roles->roles as $rolek => $roled) { if ($rolek == 'administrator') { continue; } $role = get_role($rolek); $arr = array('wysija_newsletters', 'wysija_subscribers', 'wysija_subscriwidget', 'wysija_config'); foreach ($arr as $arrkey) { $role->remove_cap($arrkey); } } return true; } return false; }
function fieldFormHTML_dkim($key, $value, $model, $paramsex) { $field = ''; $keypublickey = $key . '_pubk'; if (!$this->model->getValue($keypublickey)) { //refresh the public key private key generation $helpersLi =& WYSIJA::get('licence', 'helper'); $helpersLi->dkim_config(); } else { WYSIJA::update_option('dkim_autosetup', false); $formsHelp =& WYSIJA::get("forms", "helper"); $realkey = $key . '_active'; $checked = false; if ($this->model->getValue($realkey)) { $checked = true; } $field .= '<p>'; $field .= $formsHelp->checkbox(array('id' => $realkey, 'name' => 'wysija[' . $model . '][' . $realkey . ']', 'style' => 'margin-left:0px;', 'class' => 'activateInput'), 1, $checked); $field .= '</p>'; $field .= '<div id="' . $realkey . '_linkname" >'; //$titlelink=str_replace(array('[link]','[\link]'), array('<a href="">','</a>'),''); $titlelink = __('Configure your DNS by adding a key/value record in TXT as shown below.', WYSIJA) . ' <a href="" target="_blank">' . __('Read more', WYSIJA) . '</a>'; $field .= '<fieldset style=" border: 1px solid #ccc;margin: 0;padding: 10px;"><legend>' . $titlelink . '</legend>'; $field .= '<label id="drlab" for="domainrecord">' . __('Key', WYSIJA) . ' <input readonly="readonly" id="domainrecord" style="margin-right:10px;" type="text" value="wys._domainkey"/></label><label id="drpub" for="dkimpub">' . __('Value', WYSIJA) . ' <input readonly="readonly" id="dkimpub" type="text" size="70" value="v=DKIM1;k=rsa;g=*;s=email;h=sha1;t=s;p=' . $this->model->getValue($keypublickey) . '"/>'; $field .= '</fieldset>'; $realkey = $key . '_domain'; $field .= '<p><label class="dkim" for="' . $realkey . '">' . __('Domain', WYSIJA) . '</label>'; $field .= $formsHelp->input(array('id' => $realkey, 'name' => 'wysija[' . $model . '][' . $realkey . ']'), $this->model->getValue($realkey)); $field .= '</p>'; $field .= '</div>'; } return $field; }
function WYSIJA_control_back(){ parent::WYSIJA_control(); global $wysija_msg,$wysija_queries,$wysija_queries_errors; $wysija_msgTemp=get_option('wysija_msg'); if(is_array($wysija_msgTemp) && count($wysija_msgTemp)>0){ $wysija_msg=$wysija_msgTemp; } $wysija_qryTemp=get_option('wysija_queries'); $wysija_qryErrors=get_option('wysija_queries_errors'); if(is_array($wysija_qryTemp) && count($wysija_qryTemp)>0){ $wysija_queries=$wysija_qryTemp; } if(is_array($wysija_qryErrors) && count($wysija_qryErrors)>0){ $wysija_queries_errors=$wysija_qryErrors; } WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_queries',''); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_queries_errors',''); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_msg',''); global $wysija_installing; if($wysija_installing===true) return; $this->pref=get_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'),'wysija_pref',true); $prefupdate=false; if($this->pref) { $prefupdate=true; $this->pref=unserialize(base64_decode($this->pref)); }else{ $this->pref=array(); } if(!isset($_GET['action'])) $action='default'; else $action=$_GET['action']; if(isset($_REQUEST['limit_pp'])){ $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']=$_REQUEST['limit_pp']; } if($this->pref && isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] && isset($this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp'])){ $this->viewObj->limit_pp=$this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']; $this->modelObj->limit_pp=$this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']; } if($prefupdate){ update_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'),'wysija_pref',base64_encode(serialize($this->pref))); }else{ add_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'),'wysija_pref',base64_encode(serialize($this->pref))); } add_action('wysija_various_check',array($this,'variousCheck')); do_action('wysija_various_check'); // check if the plugin has an update available $updateH=WYSIJA::get('update','helper'); $updateH->checkForNewVersion(); $this->target_action_form = $this->data['target_action_form'] = $this->_getTargetActionForm(); // set default value of any form action }
function WYSIJA_control_back() { parent::WYSIJA_control(); global $wysija_msg, $wysija_queries, $wysija_queries_errors; $wysija_msgTemp = get_option("wysija_msg"); if (is_array($wysija_msgTemp) && count($wysija_msgTemp) > 0) { $wysija_msg = $wysija_msgTemp; } $modelEmail =& WYSIJA::get('email', 'model'); $campaign = $modelEmail->getOne('params', array('email_id' => 12)); $wysija_qryTemp = get_option("wysija_queries"); $wysija_qryErrors = get_option("wysija_queries_errors"); if (is_array($wysija_qryTemp) && count($wysija_qryTemp) > 0) { $wysija_queries = $wysija_qryTemp; } if (is_array($wysija_qryErrors) && count($wysija_qryErrors) > 0) { $wysija_queries_errors = $wysija_qryErrors; } WYSIJA::update_option("wysija_queries", ""); WYSIJA::update_option("wysija_queries_errors", ""); WYSIJA::update_option("wysija_msg", ""); $this->pref = get_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', true); $prefupdate = false; if ($this->pref) { $prefupdate = true; $this->pref = unserialize(base64_decode($this->pref)); } else { $this->pref = array(); } if (!isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = "default"; } else { $action = $_GET['action']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['limit_pp'])) { $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp'] = $_REQUEST['limit_pp']; } if ($this->pref && isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] && isset($this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp'])) { $this->viewObj->limit_pp = $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']; $this->modelObj->limit_pp = $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']; } if ($prefupdate) { update_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', base64_encode(serialize($this->pref))); } else { add_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', base64_encode(serialize($this->pref))); } add_action('wysija_various_check', array($this, 'variousCheck')); do_action('wysija_various_check'); /*check if the plugin has an update available */ $updateH =& WYSIJA::get('update', 'helper'); $updateH->checkForNewVersion(); }
function form_save() { /*add modify an element in the wysija_forms option*/ $arrayData = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']), true); $wysija_forms = json_decode(get_option('wysija_forms'), true); if (isset($wysija_forms[$_POST['formid']])) { unset($wysija_forms[$_POST['formid']]); } $wysija_forms[$arrayData['id']] = $arrayData; WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_forms', json_encode($wysija_forms)); $this->notice('Form added/modified'); return json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['data']), true); }
function dkimcheck() { if (isset($_REQUEST['xtz'])) { $dataconf = json_decode(base64_decode($_REQUEST['xtz'])); if (isset($dataconf->dkim_pubk) && isset($dataconf->dkim_privk)) { $modelConf =& WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); $dataconfsave = array('dkim_pubk' => $dataconf->dkim_pubk->key, 'dkim_privk' => $dataconf->dkim_privk); $modelConf->save($dataconfsave); WYSIJA::update_option('dkim_autosetup', false); } } $this->redirect('admin.php?page=wysija_config'); return true; }
function licok() { parent::WYSIJA_control_back(); $dt = get_option("wysijey"); if (isset($_REQUEST['xtz']) && $dt == $_REQUEST['xtz']) { $dataconf = array('premium_key' => base64_encode(get_option('home') . time()), 'premium_val' => time()); $this->notice(__("Premium version is valid for your site.", WYSIJA)); } else { $dataconf = array('premium_key' => "", 'premium_val' => ""); //$datadomain=unserialize(base64_decode($dt)); $this->error(str_replace(array("[link]", "[/link]"), array('<a href="' . $dt . '" target="_blank">', '</a>'), __("Premium licence does not exist for your site. Purchase it [link]here[/link].", WYSIJA)), 1); } WYSIJA::update_option("wysicheck", false); $modelConf =& WYSIJA::get("config", "model"); $modelConf->save($dataconf); $this->redirect('admin.php?page=wysija_config#tab-premium'); }
function install() { $values = array(); if (!$this->testSystem()) { return false; } if (!$this->createTables()) { return false; } $this->moveData('themes'); $this->moveData('dividers'); $this->moveData('bookmarks'); $this->recordDefaultUserField(); $this->defaultSettings($values); $this->defaultList($values); $this->defaultCampaign($values); $helper_import =& WYSIJA::get('import', 'helper'); $values['importwp_list_id'] = $helper_import->importWP(); $this->createPage($values); $this->createWYSIJAdir($values); $this->create_default_subscription_form(); $model_config =& WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); $model_config->add_translated_default(); $model_email =& WYSIJA::get('email', 'model'); $model_email->blockMe = true; $values['confirm_email_id'] = $model_email->insert(array('type' => '0', 'from_email' => $values['from_email'], 'from_name' => $values['from_name'], 'replyto_email' => $values['from_email'], 'replyto_name' => $values['from_name'], 'subject' => $model_config->getValue('confirm_email_title'), 'body' => $model_config->getValue('confirm_email_body'), 'status' => 99)); $values['installed'] = true; $values['manage_subscriptions'] = true; $values['installed_time'] = time(); $values['wysija_db_version'] = WYSIJA::get_version(); $wptoolboxs =& WYSIJA::get('toolbox', 'helper'); $values['dkim_domain'] = $wptoolboxs->_make_domain_name(); if (get_option('wysija_reinstall', 0)) { $values['wysija_whats_new'] = WYSIJA::get_version(); } $model_config->save($values); $this->testNLplugins(); $helper_wp_tools =& WYSIJA::get('wp_tools', 'helper'); $helper_wp_tools->set_default_rolecaps(); global $wysija_installing; $wysija_installing = false; WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_reinstall', 0); return true; }
function removeProcess() { // Remove the wysija folder in uploads. $helper_file = WYSIJA::get('file', 'helper'); $upload_dir = $helper_file->getUploadDir(); $is_writable = is_writable($upload_dir); if ($is_writable) { $helper_file->rrmdir($upload_dir); } elseif ($upload_dir != false) { return false; } $file_name = WYSIJA_DIR . 'sql' . DS . 'uninstall.sql'; $handle = fopen($file_name, 'r'); $query = fread($handle, filesize($file_name)); fclose($handle); $queries = str_replace('DROP TABLE `', 'DROP TABLE `[wysija]', $query); $queries = explode('-- QUERY ---', $queries); $modelWysija = new WYSIJA_model(); global $wpdb; foreach ($queries as $query) { $modelWysija->query($query); } //wysija_last_php_cron_call foreach ($this->options_delete as $option_key) { delete_option($option_key); } WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_reinstall', 1); global $wp_roles; foreach ($wp_roles->roles as $rolek => $roled) { if ($rolek == 'administrator') { continue; } $role = get_role($rolek); //remove wysija's cap $arr = array('wysija_newsletters', 'wysija_subscribers', 'wysija_config'); foreach ($arr as $arrkey) { $role->remove_cap($arrkey); } } return true; }
/** * check that there is no passed schedules that need to be executed now * @return void */ public static function cron_check() { $cron_schedules = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule('all'); if (empty($cron_schedules)) { return; } else { $processes = WYSIJA::get_cron_frequencies(); $updated_sched = false; foreach ($cron_schedules as $schedule => &$params) { $running = 0; $time_now = time(); if (isset($params['running'])) { $running = $params['running']; } //if the process has timedout we reschedule the next execution if ($running && $time_now > $running + $processes[$schedule]) { //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','modifying next schedule for '.$proc); $process_frequency = $processes[$schedule]; $next_schedule = $running + $process_frequency; // if the next schedule is already behind, we give it 30 seconds before it can trigger again if ($next_schedule < $time_now) { $next_schedule = $time_now + 30; } $params = array('next_schedule' => $next_schedule, 'prev_schedule' => $running, 'running' => false); $updated_sched = true; } } if ($updated_sched) { //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','updating scheds'); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_schedules', $cron_schedules, 'yes'); } } $time_now = time(); $processesToRun = array(); foreach ($cron_schedules as $schedule => $scheduled_times) { $process_frequency = $processes[$schedule]; if ((!$scheduled_times['running'] || (int) $scheduled_times['running'] + $process_frequency < $time_now) && $scheduled_times['next_schedule'] < $time_now) { $processesToRun[] = $schedule; } } $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); $page_view_trigger = (int) $model_config->getValue('cron_page_hit_trigger'); if (!empty($processesToRun) && $page_view_trigger === 1) { //call the cron url $cron_url = site_url('wp-cron.php') . '?' . WYSIJA_CRON . '&action=wysija_cron&process=' . implode(',', $processesToRun) . '&silent=1'; $cron_request = apply_filters('cron_request', array('url' => $cron_url, 'args' => array('timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', true)))); wp_remote_post($cron_url, $cron_request['args']); } }
/** * this save a default list of column matching to ease the import process, this is done only the first time when the * field is not populated yet */ private function _save_default_import_field_match() { $import_fields = get_option('wysija_import_fields'); if (!$import_fields) { $import_fields = array('fname' => 'firstname', 'firstname' => 'firstname', 'prenom' => 'firstname', 'nom' => 'lastname', 'name' => 'lastname', 'lastname' => 'lastname', 'lname' => 'lastname', 'ipaddress' => 'ip', 'ip' => 'ip', 'addresseip' => 'ip'); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_import_fields', $import_fields); } }
function dkim_config() { $helperToolbox =& WYSIJA::get("toolbox", "helper"); $dkim_domain = $helperToolbox->_make_domain_name(admin_url('admin.php')); $res1 = $errorssl = false; if (function_exists('openssl_pkey_new')) { while ($err = openssl_error_string()) { } $res1 = openssl_pkey_new(array('private_key_bits' => 512)); $errorssl = openssl_error_string(); } if (function_exists('openssl_pkey_new') && $res1 && !$errorssl && function_exists('openssl_pkey_get_details')) { $rsaKey = array('private' => '', 'public' => '', 'error' => ''); $res = openssl_pkey_new(array('private_key_bits' => 512)); if ($res && !openssl_error_string()) { $privkey = ''; openssl_pkey_export($res, $privkey); $pubkey = openssl_pkey_get_details($res); $dataconf = array('dkim_domain' => $dkim_domain, 'dkim_privk' => $privkey, 'dkim_pubk' => $pubkey['key']); $modelConf =& WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); $modelConf->save($dataconf); } } else { //fetch them through a request to $data = $this->getDomainInfo(); $httpHelp =& WYSIJA::get("http", "helper"); $jsonResult = $httpHelp->request('' . $data); if ($jsonResult) { $decoded = json_decode($jsonResult); $dataconf = array('dkim_domain' => $dkim_domain, 'dkim_privk' => $decoded->dkim_privk, 'dkim_pubk' => $decoded->dkim_pubk->key); $modelConf =& WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); $modelConf->save($dataconf); WYSIJA::update_option('dkim_autosetup', false); } else { WYSIJA::update_option('dkim_autosetup', true); } } }
function import_save() { @ini_set('max_execution_time', 0); $this->requireSecurity(); $this->_resetGlobMsg(); //to avoid timeout when importing a lot of data apparently. global $wpdb; $wpdb->query('set session wait_timeout=600'); //import the contacts //1-check that a list is selected and that there is a csv file pasted //2-save the list if necessary //3-save the contacts and record them for each list selected //we need to save a new list in that situation if (isset($_REQUEST['wysija']['list'])) { $model =& WYSIJA::get('list', 'model'); $data = array(); $data['is_enabled'] = 1; $data['name'] = $_REQUEST['wysija']['list']['newlistname']; $_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list'][] = $model->insert($data); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list']) || !$_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list']) { $this->error(__('You need to select at least one list.', WYSIJA), true); return $this->importmatch(); } //is it a new list or not //try to make a wysija dir $csvData = unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['wysija']['dataImport'])); $csvfilename = $csvData['csv']; $fileHelp =& WYSIJA::get('file', 'helper'); $resultFile = $fileHelp->get($csvfilename, 'import'); if (!$resultFile) { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $this->error(sprintf(__('Cannot access CSV file. Verify access rights to this directory "%1$s"', WYSIJA), $upload_dir['basedir']), true); return $this->import(); } //get the temp csv file $csvdata = file_get_contents($resultFile); $csvArr = $this->_csvToArray($csvdata, 0, $csvData['fsep'], $csvData['fenc']); $datatoinsert = array(); $emailKey = ''; foreach ($_POST['wysija']['match'] as $key => $val) { if ($val != 'nomatch') { $datatoinsert[$key] = trim($val); } if ($val == 'email') { $emailKey = $key; } } //dbg($datatoinsert); if (!in_array('status', $datatoinsert)) { $datatoinsert['status'] = 'status'; } $queryStart = 'INSERT IGNORE INTO [wysija]user (`' . implode('` ,`', $datatoinsert) . '`,`created_at`) VALUES '; //$linescount=count($csvArr); //detect the emails that are duplicate in the import file $emailsCount = array(); $header_row = $csvArr[0]; //we process the sql insertion 200 by 200 so that we are safe with the server $csvChunks = array_chunk($csvArr, 200); $csvArr = null; $j = 0; $linescount = 0; $dataNumbers = array('invalid' => array(), 'inserted' => 0, 'outof' => 0, 'list_added' => 0, 'list_user_ids' => 0, 'list_list_ids' => count($_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list']), 'emails_queued' => 0); $ignored_row_count = 0; foreach ($csvChunks as $keyChunk => $arra) { foreach ($arra as $keyline => $emailline) { if (isset($emailline[$emailKey])) { if (isset($emailsCount[$emailline[$emailKey]])) { $emailsCount[$emailline[$emailKey]]++; //$arra[$keyline] } else { $emailsCount[$emailline[$emailKey]] = 1; } } else { //if the record doesn't have the attribute email then we just ignore it $ignored_row_count++; unset($arra[$keyline]); } } $result = $this->_importRows($queryStart, $arra, $j, $datatoinsert, $emailKey, $dataNumbers); if ($result !== false) { $j++; } else { $try = 0; while ($result === false && $try < 3) { $result = $this->_importRows($queryStart, $arra, $j, $datatoinsert, $emailKey, $dataNumbers); $try++; } if ($result) { $j++; } else { $this->error(__('There seems to be an error with the list you\'re trying to import.', WYSIJA), true); $this->redirect('admin.php?page=wysija_subscribers&action=import'); return false; } } $linescount = $linescount + $result; } if (!isset($_POST['firstrowisdata'])) { //save the importing fields to be able to match them the next time $importfields = get_option('wysija_import_fields'); foreach ($_POST['wysija']['match'] as $key => $val) { if ($val != 'nomatch') { $importfields[$header_row[$key]] = $val; } } WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_import_fields', $importfields); } //get a list of list name $model =& WYSIJA::get('list', 'model'); $results = $model->get(array('name'), array('list_id' => $_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list'])); $listnames = array(); foreach ($results as $k => $v) { $listnames[] = $v['name']; } $helperU =& WYSIJA::get('user', 'helper'); $helperU->refreshUsers(); foreach ($emailsCount as $emailkeycount => $countemailfile) { if ($countemailfile == 1) { unset($emailsCount[$emailkeycount]); } } if ($linescount < 0) { $linescount = 0; } $dataNumbers['ignored'] = $dataNumbers['outof'] - $dataNumbers['inserted']; $dataNumbers['ignored_list'] = $dataNumbers['list_user_ids'] * $dataNumbers['list_list_ids'] - $dataNumbers['list_added']; // $this->notice(sprintf(__('%1$s subscribers have been added to database. (%2$s were ignored)',WYSIJA),$dataNumbers['inserted'],$dataNumbers['ignored'])); $ignored_row_count; //this contain some ignored row because the email attribute was not detected. I say there should be a message for those $this->notice(sprintf(__('%1$s subscribers added to %2$s.', WYSIJA), $dataNumbers['list_user_ids'], '"' . implode('", "', $listnames) . '"')); if (count($emailsCount) > 0) { $listemails = ''; $m = 0; foreach ($emailsCount as $emailkeyalready => $occurences) { if ($m > 0) { $listemails .= ', '; } $listemails .= $emailkeyalready . ' (' . $occurences . ')'; $m++; } //$emailsalreadyinserted=array_keys($emailsCount); $this->notice(sprintf(__('%1$s emails appear more than once in your file : %2$s.', WYSIJA), count($emailsCount), $listemails), 0); } if (count($dataNumbers['invalid']) > 0) { $this->notice(sprintf(__('%1$s emails are not valid : %2$s.', WYSIJA), count($dataNumbers['invalid']), implode(', ', $dataNumbers['invalid'])), 0); } $this->redirect(); }
function wysija_dismiss_license_notice() { WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_dismiss_license_notice', true); }
function dkim_config(){ //checkif the open ssl function for priv and ub key are present on that server $hToolbox = WYSIJA::get('toolbox','helper'); $dkim_domain = $hToolbox->_make_domain_name(admin_url('admin.php')); $res1=$errorssl=false; if(function_exists('openssl_pkey_new')){ while ($err = openssl_error_string()); $res1=openssl_pkey_new(array('private_key_bits' => 1024)); $errorssl=openssl_error_string(); } if(function_exists('openssl_pkey_new') && $res1 && !$errorssl && function_exists('openssl_pkey_get_details')){ $rsaKey = array('private' => '', 'public' => '', 'error' => ''); $res = openssl_pkey_new(array('private_key_bits' => 1024)); if($res && !openssl_error_string()){ // Get private key $privkey = ''; openssl_pkey_export($res, $privkey); // Get public key $pubkey = openssl_pkey_get_details($res); $configData=array('dkim_domain'=>$dkim_domain,'dkim_privk'=>$privkey,'dkim_pubk'=>$pubkey['key'],'dkim_1024'=>1); $mConfig = WYSIJA::get('config','model'); $mConfig->save($configData); } }else{//fetch them through a request to $domainData=$this->getDomainInfo(); $hHTTP = WYSIJA::get('http','helper'); $jsonResult = $hHTTP->wp_request(''.$domainData); //remotely connect to host if($jsonResult!==false){ $decoded=json_decode($jsonResult); $configData=array('dkim_domain'=>$dkim_domain,'dkim_privk'=>$decoded->dkim_privk,'dkim_pubk'=>$decoded->dkim_pubk->key,'dkim_1024'=>1); $mConfig = WYSIJA::get('config','model'); $mConfig->save($configData); WYSIJA::update_option('dkim_autosetup',false); }else{ WYSIJA::update_option('dkim_autosetup',true); } } }
function subforms() { $mUserField =& WYSIJA::get('user_field', 'model'); $mUserField->orderBy('field_id'); $customFields = $mUserField->getRows(false); ?> <a id="wj-create-new-form" class="button-secondary"><?php echo __('New form', WYSIJA); ?> </a> <?php $wysija_forms = json_decode(get_option('wysija_forms'), true); if (empty($wysija_forms)) { $wysija_forms = array(); $defaultForm = array('id' => 'default-form', 'name' => __('Default form', WYSIJA), 'blocks' => array(0 => array('fields' => array(0 => array('type' => 'email', 'params' => array('label' => __('Email', WYSIJA))))), 1 => array('fields' => array(0 => array('type' => 'submit', 'params' => array('label' => __('Subscribe!', WYSIJA))))))); $wysija_forms['default-form'] = $defaultForm; WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_forms', json_encode($wysija_forms)); } ?> <script type="text/javascript">var wysijaForms=<?php echo json_encode($wysija_forms); ?> ;</script> <select id="list-forms" name="wysija[profiles][forms]"> <option value=""><?php echo __('Edit a form...', WYSIJA); ?> </option> <?php foreach ($wysija_forms as $wj_form) { echo '<option value="' . $wj_form['id'] . '">' . $wj_form['name'] . '</option>'; } ?> </select> <hr/> <div id="wj-forms-editor" class="clearfix"> <div id="wj-form-edit-drag"> <div id="wj-form-name">Edit <span id="wj-edit-form-name"> <span id="wj-form-name-label"></span> <input type="text" id="wj-form-name-value" name="wysija[profiles][form][name]" value=""/> <input type="hidden" id="wj-form-id-value" name="wysija[profiles][form][id]" value=""/> </span> </div> <div id="wj-currentform"></div> <div id="general-part"> <div class="list-selection"><p><?php _e('Add subscribers to these lists:', WYSIJA); ?> </p><?php $fieldHTML = ''; $modelList =& WYSIJA::get('list', 'model'); $lists = $modelList->get(array('name', 'list_id'), array('is_enabled' => 1)); foreach ($lists as $list) { $checked = false; //if(in_array($list['list_id'], $valuefield)) $checked=true; $formObj =& WYSIJA::get('forms', 'helper'); $fieldHTML .= '<p class="labelcheck listcheck"><label for="listid-' . $list['list_id'] . '">' . $formObj->checkbox(array('id' => 'listid-' . $list['list_id'], 'name' => 'wysija[profiles][form][lists][]', 'class' => ''), $list['list_id'], $checked) . $list['name'] . '</label></p>'; $fieldHTML .= '<input type="hidden" name="wysija[profiles][form][list_name][' . $list['list_id'] . ']' . '" value="' . $list['name'] . '" />'; } echo $fieldHTML; ?> </div> <p class="submit"> <a href="javascript:;" id="forms-save" class="button-primary wysija" ><?php echo esc_attr(__('Save', WYSIJA)); ?> </a> <a href="javascript:;" id="form-delete"><?php echo esc_attr(__('Delete', WYSIJA)); ?> </a> </p> </div> </div> <div id="wysija_toolbar"> <ul class="wysija_toolbar_tabs"> <li class="wjt-content"> <a class="selected" href="javascript:;" rel="#wj_content"><?php _e('Content', WYSIJA); ?> </a> </li> </ul> <!-- CONTENT BAR --> <ul id="wj_content" class="wj-tab-inner" > <?php foreach ($customFields as $cfield) { echo '<li class="wj_element"><a class="wysija_item" id="' . $cfield['column_name'] . '" wysija_type="text">' . $cfield['name'] . '</a></li>'; } $extraTypes = array('list-selection' => array('label' => __('List selection', WYSIJA), 'type' => 'lists'), 'text-instructions' => array('label' => __('Random text or instructions', WYSIJA), 'type' => 'instructions'), 'divider' => array('label' => __('Divider', WYSIJA), 'type' => 'divider')); foreach ($extraTypes as $key => $data) { echo '<li class="wj_element"><a class="wysija_item" id="' . $key . '" wysija_type="' . $data['label'] . '">' . $data['label'] . '</a></li>'; } add_filter('wysija_premium_fields_soon', array($this, 'premiumSoonFields'), 1); echo apply_filters('wysija_premium_fields_soon', ''); ?> </ul> <div id="wysija_notices" style="display:none;"><span id="wysija_notice_msg"></span><img alt="loader" style="display:none;" id="ajax-loading" src="<?php echo WYSIJA_URL; ?> img/wpspin_light.gif" /></div> </div> </div> <?php }
function checkPostNotif() { $current_check = (int) get_option('wysija_check_pn'); if (microtime(true) < $current_check + 60) { WYSIJA::log('already_running_checkPN', $current_check, 'post_notif'); return false; } $current_check = microtime(true); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_check_pn', $current_check); WYSIJA::log('check_post_notif_starts', $current_check, 'post_notif'); $model_email =& WYSIJA::get('email', 'model'); $model_email->reset(); $all_emails = $model_email->get(false, array('type' => '2', 'status' => array('1', '3', '99'))); if ($all_emails) { $helper_toolbox =& WYSIJA::get('toolbox', 'helper'); foreach ($all_emails as $email) { if ($email['params']['autonl']['event'] == 'new-articles' && $email['params']['autonl']['when-article'] != 'immediate') { if (!isset($email['params']['autonl']['nextSend'])) { WYSIJA::log('check_post_notif_next_send_not_set', $current_check, 'post_notif'); } else { $time_now_server = time(); if ($time_now_server > $helper_toolbox->localtime_to_servertime($email['params']['autonl']['nextSend'])) { $how_late = $time_now_server - $helper_toolbox->localtime_to_servertime($email['params']['autonl']['nextSend']); if (!$this->cancel_late_post_notification($email, $how_late)) { WYSIJA::log('check_post_notif_before_give_birth', $current_check, 'post_notif'); $model_email->give_birth($email); } } } } } } }
/** * check if there is post notification needing a child email */ function checkPostNotif() { // flag security to make sure that there can't be two checks of the post notif in the same minute $current_check = (double) get_option('wysija_check_pn'); // there is a check that has been starting to run less than 60 seconds ago if (microtime(true) < $current_check + 60) { WYSIJA::log('already_running_checkPN', $current_check, 'post_notif'); return false; } // flag is down we process our post notification check and set the start time of the current check $current_check = microtime(true); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_check_pn', $current_check); // let's check when do we come here WYSIJA::log('check_post_notif_starts', $current_check, 'post_notif'); $model_email = WYSIJA::get('email', 'model'); $model_email->reset(); $all_emails = $model_email->get(false, array('type' => '2', 'status' => array('1', '3', '99'))); if ($all_emails) { $helper_toolbox = WYSIJA::get('toolbox', 'helper'); foreach ($all_emails as $email) { //post notification make a child newsletter when the timing is immediate otherwise let the cron take care of it if ($email['params']['autonl']['event'] == 'new-articles' && $email['params']['autonl']['when-article'] != 'immediate') { //check if the next sending is passed if so then we give birth to one child email //IMPORTANT WE COMPARE TO THE OFFSET TIME (time set by the administrator) //if the nextSend doesn't exist then we set it if (!isset($email['params']['autonl']['nextSend'])) { WYSIJA::log('check_post_notif_next_send_not_set', $current_check, 'post_notif'); } else { //if the next send is passed we should trigger it $time_now_server = time(); if ($time_now_server > $helper_toolbox->localtime_to_servertime($email['params']['autonl']['nextSend'])) { $how_late = $time_now_server - $helper_toolbox->localtime_to_servertime($email['params']['autonl']['nextSend']); //check how late was the previous notification, //if it has been more than two hours late then cancel it and change it to the next day if (!$this->cancel_late_post_notification($email, $how_late)) { WYSIJA::log('check_post_notif_before_give_birth', $current_check, 'post_notif'); //it is not cancel so we can give birth toa a child newsletter $model_email->give_birth($email); } } } } } } }
function WYSIJA_control_back() { parent::WYSIJA_control(); global $wysija_msg, $wysija_queries; $wysija_msgTemp = get_option("wysija_msg"); if (is_array($wysija_msgTemp) && count($wysija_msgTemp) > 0) { $wysija_msg = $wysija_msgTemp; } $modelEmail =& WYSIJA::get('email', 'model'); $campaign = $modelEmail->getOne('params', array('email_id' => 12)); $wysija_qryTemp = get_option("wysija_queries"); if (is_array($wysija_qryTemp) && count($wysija_qryTemp) > 0) { $wysija_queries = $wysija_qryTemp; } WYSIJA::update_option("wysija_queries", ""); WYSIJA::update_option("wysija_msg", ""); $this->pref = get_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', true); $prefupdate = false; if ($this->pref) { $prefupdate = true; $this->pref = unserialize(base64_decode($this->pref)); } else { $this->pref = array(); } if (!isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = "default"; } else { $action = $_GET['action']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['limit_pp'])) { $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp'] = $_REQUEST['limit_pp']; } if ($this->pref && isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] && isset($this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp'])) { $this->viewObj->limit_pp = $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']; $this->modelObj->limit_pp = $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']; } if ($prefupdate) { update_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', base64_encode(serialize($this->pref))); } else { add_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', base64_encode(serialize($this->pref))); } /* check the licence if we have a premium user once in a while like every 24hrs*/ $modelC =& WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); if (get_option('wysicheck') || isset($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] != 'licok' && $modelC->getValue('premium_key')) { //$this->notice('licence check'); $onedaysec = 7 * 24 * 3600; if (get_option('wysicheck') || (!$modelC->getValue('premium_val') || time() > (int) $modelC->getValue('premium_val') + $onedaysec)) { $helpLic =& WYSIJA::get('licence', 'helper'); $res = $helpLic->check(true); if ($res['nocontact']) { /* redirect instantly to a page with a javascript file where we check the domain is ok */ $data = get_option('wysijey'); /* remotely connect to host */ wp_enqueue_script('wysija-verif-licence', '' . $data, array('jquery'), time()); } } } if (get_option('dkim_autosetup')) { $helpLic =& WYSIJA::get('licence', 'helper'); $data = $helpLic->getDomainInfo(); wp_enqueue_script('wysija-setup-dkim', '' . $data, array('jquery'), time()); } /*check if the plugin has an update available */ $updateH =& WYSIJA::get('update', 'helper'); $updateH->checkForNewVersion(); }
function share() { $data = $this->getDomainStats(); if (!$js) { WYSIJA::update_option('wysijey', $data); } $res['domain_name'] = $data; $res['nocontact'] = false; $httpHelp =& WYSIJA::get('http', 'helper'); $jsonResult = $httpHelp->request('' . $data); if ($jsonResult) { } }
function runUpdate($version){ //run all the updates missing since the db-version //foreach ... $this->updateVersion($version); switch($version){ case '1.1': //add column namekey to $model_config=WYSIJA::get('config','model'); if(!$this->modelWysija->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `[wysija]list` LIKE 'namekey';")){ $querys[]='ALTER TABLE `[wysija]list` ADD `namekey` VARCHAR( 255 ) NULL;'; } $querys[]="UPDATE `[wysija]list` SET `namekey` = 'users' WHERE `list_id` =".$model_config->getValue('importwp_list_id').";"; $errors=$this->runUpdateQueries($querys); $importHelp=WYSIJA::get('import','helper'); $importHelp->testPlugins(); // move data $installHelper = WYSIJA::get('install', 'helper'); $installHelper->moveData('dividers'); $installHelper->moveData('bookmarks'); $installHelper->moveData('themes'); if($errors){ $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } return true; break; case '2.0': //add column namekey to $model_config=WYSIJA::get('config','model'); if(!$this->modelWysija->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `[wysija]email` LIKE 'modified_at';")){ $querys[]="ALTER TABLE `[wysija]email` ADD `modified_at` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';"; } if(!$model_config->getValue('update_error_20')){ $querys[]="UPDATE `[wysija]email` SET `modified_at` = `sent_at` WHERE `sent_at`>=0;"; $querys[]="UPDATE `[wysija]email` SET `modified_at` = `created_at` WHERE `modified_at`='0';"; $querys[]="UPDATE `[wysija]email` SET `status` = '99' WHERE `status` ='1';";//change sending status from 1 to 99 } $errors=$this->runUpdateQueries($querys); if($errors){ $model_config->save(array('update_error_20'=>true)); $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } return true; break; case '2.1': $model_config=WYSIJA::get('config','model'); if(!$model_config->getValue('update_error_21')){ $modelEmails=WYSIJA::get('email','model'); $modelEmails->reset(); $emailsLoaded=$modelEmails->get(array('subject','email_id'),array('status'=>2,'type'=>1)); //set the default new role caps for super admin and admin $wp_tools_helper = WYSIJA::get('wp_tools', 'helper'); $wp_tools_helper->set_default_rolecaps(); //based on the config values for role_campaign and role_subscribers //let's give the each core roles the right capability $minimumroles=array('role_campaign'=>'wysija_newsletters','role_subscribers'=>'wysija_subscribers'); foreach($minimumroles as $rolename=>$capability){ $rolesetting=$model_config->getValue($rolename); switch($rolesetting){ case 'switch_themes': $keyrole=1; break; case 'moderate_comments': $keyrole=3; break; case 'upload_files': $keyrole=4; break; case 'edit_posts': $keyrole=5; break; case 'read': $keyrole=6; break; default: $keyrole=false; } if(!$keyrole){ //add the setting to a custom role $role = get_role($rolesetting); //added for invalid roles ... if($role){ $role->add_cap( $capability ); } }else{ //get all the minimum roles getting that capability $editable_roles=$wp_tools_helper->wp_get_roles(); $startcount=1; if(!isset($editable_roles[$startcount])) $startcount++; for($i = $startcount; $i <= $keyrole; $i++) { $rolename=$editable_roles[$i]; //add the setting to a custom role $role = get_role($rolename['key']); $role->add_cap( $capability ); } } } $wptoolboxs = WYSIJA::get('toolbox', 'helper'); $model_config->save(array('dkim_domain'=>$wptoolboxs->_make_domain_name())); } if(!$this->modelWysija->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `[wysija]list` LIKE 'is_public';")){ $querys[]="ALTER TABLE `[wysija]list` ADD `is_public` TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;"; $errors=$this->runUpdateQueries($querys); if($errors){ $model_config->save(array('update_error_21'=>true)); $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } } return true; break; case '2.1.6': $querys[]="UPDATE `[wysija]user_list` as A inner join `[wysija]user` as B on (A.user_id= B.user_id) set A.sub_date= B.created_at where A.sub_date=0 and A.unsub_date=0 and B.status>-1;"; $errors=$this->runUpdateQueries($querys); if($errors){ $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } return true; break; case '2.1.7': $querys[]='UPDATE `[wysija]user_list` as A inner join `[wysija]user` as B on (A.user_id= B.user_id) set A.sub_date= '.time().' where A.sub_date=0 and B.status>-1;'; $errors=$this->runUpdateQueries($querys); if($errors){ $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } return true; break; case '2.1.8': $mConfig=WYSIJA::get('config','model'); $querys[]='UPDATE `[wysija]user_list` as A set A.sub_date= '.time().' where A.list_id='.$mConfig->getValue('importwp_list_id').';'; $errors=$this->runUpdateQueries($querys); if($errors){ $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } return true; break; case '2.2': $mConfig=WYSIJA::get('config','model'); //let's rename the Synched WordPress list into WordPress Users $mList=WYSIJA::get('list','model'); $mList->update(array('name'=>'WordPress Users'),array('list_id'=>$mConfig->getValue('importwp_list_id'), 'namekey'=>'users')); //remove subscribers that should not be in the WordPress Users list $querys[]='DELETE FROM `[wysija]user_list` WHERE `list_id` = '.$mConfig->getValue('importwp_list_id').' AND `user_id` in ( SELECT user_id FROM `[wysija]user` where wpuser_id=0 );'; $errors=$this->runUpdateQueries($querys); if($errors){ $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } return true; break; case '2.2.1': $helperU=WYSIJA::get('user','helper'); $helperU->cleanWordpressUsersList(); return true; break; case '2.3.3': update_option('wysija_log', $optionlog); return true; break; case '2.3.4': $model_config=WYSIJA::get('config','model'); $dbl_optin=(int)$model_config->getValue('confirm_dbleoptin'); //count issue for people who went through all of the versions and now are left with some users in a limbo $querys[]='UPDATE `[wysija]user_list` as A inner join `[wysija]user` as B on (A.user_id = B.user_id) set A.sub_date= '.time().' where A.sub_date=0 and A.unsub_date=0 and B.status>='.$dbl_optin.';'; $errors=$this->runUpdateQueries($querys); if($errors){ $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } return true; break; case '2.4': $queries = array(); $queries[] = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `[wysija]form` ('. '`form_id` INT unsigned AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL,'. '`name` tinytext COLLATE utf8_bin,'. '`data` longtext COLLATE utf8_bin,'. '`styles` longtext COLLATE utf8_bin,'. '`subscribed` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT "0",'. 'PRIMARY KEY (`form_id`)'. ') ENGINE=MyISAM /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci*/'; $errors = $this->runUpdateQueries($queries); if($errors) { $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } else { // the table should be created now. let's make sure: if((bool)$this->modelWysija->query('SHOW TABLES LIKE "[wysija]form";') === false) { return false; } else { // the form table has been successfully created, let's convert all previously added widgets $widgets_converted = $this->convert_widgets_to_forms(); if($widgets_converted === 0) { $helper_install = WYSIJA::get('install', 'helper'); $helper_install->create_default_subscription_form(); } } } return true; break; case '2.4.1': $model_email=WYSIJA::get('email','model'); $model_email->setConditions(array('type'=>'2')); $emails = $model_email->getRows(array('email_id','params')); // we don't want parent post notification to send emails foreach($emails as $email){ $model_email->getParams($email); if(isset($email['params']) && $email['params']['autonl']['event']=='new-articles'){ $model_queue=WYSIJA::get('queue','model'); $model_queue->delete(array('email_id'=>$email['email_id'])); } } return true; break; case '2.4.3': // convert data for previously saved forms /* * 1. get all forms and loop through each form * 2. check data['settings']['success_message'] is base64 valid -> decode it * 3. loop through data['body'], if type="text" -> is base64 valid -> decode it * 4. save form */ $model_forms = WYSIJA::get('forms', 'model'); $forms = $model_forms->getRows(); if(is_array($forms) && count($forms) > 0) { foreach ($forms as $i => $form) { $requires_update = false; // decode form data $data = unserialize(base64_decode($form['data'])); // convert success_message if necessary if(strlen($data['settings']['success_message']) % 4 === 0 && preg_match('%^[a-zA-Z0-9/+]*={0,2}$%', $data['settings']['success_message'])) { // this is a potential base64 string so decode it $data['settings']['success_message'] = base64_decode($data['settings']['success_message']); $requires_update = true; } // loop through each block foreach ($data['body'] as $j => $block) { // in case we find a text block if($block['type'] === 'text') { // convert text if necessary if(strlen($block['params']['text']) % 4 === 0 && preg_match('%^[a-zA-Z0-9/+]*={0,2}$%', $block['params']['text'])) { // this is a potential base64 string so decode it $data['body'][$j]['params']['text'] = base64_decode($block['params']['text']); $requires_update = true; } } } // if the form requires update, let's do it if($requires_update === true) { $model_forms->reset(); $model_forms->update(array('data' => base64_encode(serialize($data))), array('form_id' => (int)$form['form_id'])); } } } return true; break; case '2.4.4': // we now have steps in the installation process to make sure we don't rerun two processes WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '16'); return true; break; case '2.5': // set the default new role caps for super admin and admin $wp_tools_helper = WYSIJA::get('wp_tools', 'helper'); $wp_tools_helper->set_default_rolecaps(); // get the main site bounce settings and save them to the global ms settings if(is_multisite()){ $main_blog_id=1; switch_to_blog( $main_blog_id ); $main_site_encoded_option = unserialize(base64_decode(get_option( 'wysija' ))); restore_current_blog(); $data_bounce=array(); foreach($main_site_encoded_option as $key => $val){ if((strpos($key, 'bounce_')!==false || strpos($key, 'bouncing_')!==false) && !empty($val)) $data_bounce['ms_'.$key]=$val; } $data_saved_ms_before= unserialize(base64_decode(get_site_option('ms_wysija'))); // we don't want to run that multiple times if(empty($data_saved_ms_before['ms_bounce_host'])){ if(!empty($data_saved_ms_before)) $data_bounce=array_merge($data_saved_ms_before, $data_bounce); update_site_option('ms_wysija',base64_encode(serialize($data_bounce))); } } // Sending method: remove "once a day" & "twice daily", fallback on "every 2 hours" $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config','model'); $removed_sending_methods = array('twicedaily','daily'); $target_sending_method = 'two_hours'; if(in_array($model_config->getValue('sending_emails_each'), $removed_sending_methods)) $model_config->save(array('sending_emails_each'=>$target_sending_method)); if(in_array($model_config->getValue('ms_sending_emails_each'), $removed_sending_methods)) $model_config->save(array('ms_sending_emails_each'=>$target_sending_method)); return true; break; case '2.5.2': $queries = array(); $queries[] = 'UPDATE `[wysija]user_list` AS A JOIN `[wysija]user` AS B ON A.user_id = B.user_id SET A.unsub_date = 0, A.sub_date = '.time().' WHERE STATUS = 1 AND sub_date =0'; $errors = $this->runUpdateQueries($queries); if($errors) { $this->error(implode($errors,"\n")); return false; } return true; break; case '2.5.5': $model_email = WYSIJA::get('email','model',false,'wysija-newsletters',false); $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config','model'); $model_email->update( array('replyto_name'=>$model_config->getValue('replyto_name'),'replyto_email'=>$model_config->getValue('replyto_email')) , array('email_id'=>$model_config->getValue('confirm_email_id')) ); return true; break; default: return false; } return false; }
function importsave() { $this->requireSecurity(); $this->_resetGlobMsg(); /* import the contacts */ /* 1-check that a list is selected and that there is a csv file pasted*/ /* 2-save the list if necessary*/ /* 3-save the contacts and record them for each list selected*/ /* we need to save a new list in that situation*/ if (isset($_REQUEST['wysija']['list'])) { $model =& WYSIJA::get('list', 'model'); $data = array(); $data['is_enabled'] = 1; $data['name'] = $_REQUEST['wysija']['list']['newlistname']; $_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list'][] = $model->insert($data); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list']) || !$_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list']) { $this->error(__('You need to select at least one list.', WYSIJA), true); return $this->importmatch(); } /* is it a new list or not */ /* try to make a wysija dir */ $csvData = unserialize(base64_decode($_REQUEST['wysija']['dataImport'])); $csvfilename = $csvData['csv']; $fileHelp =& WYSIJA::get("file", "helper"); $resultFile = $fileHelp->get($csvfilename, "import"); if (!$resultFile) { $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir(); $this->error(sprintf(__('Cannot access CSV file. Verify access rights to this directory "%1$s"', WYSIJA), $upload_dir['basedir']), true); return $this->import(); } /*get the temp csv file*/ $csvdata = file_get_contents($resultFile); $csvArr = $this->_csvToArray($csvdata, 0, $csvData['fsep'], $csvData['fenc']); $datatoinsert = array(); $emailKey = ''; foreach ($_POST['wysija']['match'] as $key => $val) { if ($val != 'nomatch') { $datatoinsert[$key] = trim($val); } if ($val == 'email') { $emailKey = $key; } } //dbg($datatoinsert); if (!in_array('status', $datatoinsert)) { $datatoinsert['status'] = 'status'; } $queryStart = "INSERT IGNORE INTO [wysija]user (`" . implode("` ,`", $datatoinsert) . "`,`created_at`) VALUES "; //$linescount=count($csvArr); /* detect the emails that are duplicate in the import file */ $emailsCount = array(); /* we process the sql insertion 200 by 200 so that we are safe with the server */ $csvChunks = array_chunk($csvArr, 200); $j = 0; $linescount = 0; $dataNumbers = array('invalid' => array(), 'inserted' => 0, 'outof' => 0, 'list_added' => 0, 'list_user_ids' => 0, 'list_list_ids' => count($_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list'])); $allemailsinvalid = array(); foreach ($csvChunks as $keyChunk => $arra) { foreach ($arra as $keyline => $emailline) { if (isset($emailsCount[$emailline[$emailKey]])) { $emailsCount[$emailline[$emailKey]]++; //$arra[$keyline] } else { $emailsCount[$emailline[$emailKey]] = 1; } } $result = $this->_importRows($queryStart, $arra, $j, $datatoinsert, $emailKey, $dataNumbers); if ($result !== false) { $j++; } else { $try = 0; while ($result === false && $try < 3) { $result = $this->_importRows($queryStart, $arra, $j, $datatoinsert, $emailKey, $dataNumbers); $try++; } if ($result) { $j++; } else { $this->error(__("There seems to be an error with the list you're trying to import.", WYSIJA), true); $this->redirect('admin.php?page=wysija_subscribers&action=import'); return false; } } $linescount = $linescount + $result; } if (!isset($_POST['firstrowisdata'])) { //$linescount--; /* save the importing fields to be able to match them the next time */ $importfields = get_option("wysija_import_fields"); foreach ($_POST['wysija']['match'] as $key => $val) { if ($val != 'nomatch') { $importfields[$csvArr[0][$key]] = $val; } } WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_import_fields', $importfields); } /* get a list of list name */ $model =& WYSIJA::get('list', 'model'); $results = $model->get(array('name'), array('list_id' => $_REQUEST['wysija']['user_list']['list'])); $listnames = array(); foreach ($results as $k => $v) { $listnames[] = $v['name']; } $helperU =& WYSIJA::get('user', 'helper'); $helperU->refreshUsers(); foreach ($emailsCount as $emailkeycount => $countemailfile) { if ($countemailfile == 1) { unset($emailsCount[$emailkeycount]); } } if ($linescount < 0) { $linescount = 0; } $dataNumbers['ignored'] = $dataNumbers['outof'] - $dataNumbers['inserted']; $dataNumbers['ignored_list'] = $dataNumbers['list_user_ids'] * $dataNumbers['list_list_ids'] - $dataNumbers['list_added']; $this->notice(sprintf(__('%1$s subscribers have been added to database. (%2$s were ignored)', WYSIJA), $dataNumbers['inserted'], $dataNumbers['ignored'])); $this->notice(sprintf(__('%1$s subscribers have been added to %2$s. (%3$s insertions were ignored out of %4$s)', WYSIJA), $dataNumbers['list_user_ids'], '"' . implode('", "', $listnames) . '"', $dataNumbers['ignored_list'], $dataNumbers['list_user_ids'] * $dataNumbers['list_list_ids'])); if (count($emailsCount) > 0) { $listemails = ''; $m = 0; foreach ($emailsCount as $emailkeyalready => $occurences) { if ($m > 0) { $listemails .= ', '; } $listemails .= $emailkeyalready . ' (' . $occurences . ')'; $m++; } //$emailsalreadyinserted=array_keys($emailsCount); $this->notice(sprintf(__('%1$s emails appear more than once in your file : %2$s.', WYSIJA), count($emailsCount), $listemails), 0); } if (count($dataNumbers['invalid']) > 0) { $this->notice(sprintf(__('%1$s emails are not valid : %2$s.', WYSIJA), count($dataNumbers['invalid']), implode(', ', $dataNumbers['invalid'])), 0); } $this->redirect(); }
function WYSIJA_control_back() { parent::WYSIJA_control(); global $wysija_msg, $wysija_queries, $wysija_queries_errors; $wysija_msgTemp = get_option('wysija_msg'); if (is_array($wysija_msgTemp) && count($wysija_msgTemp) > 0) { $wysija_msg = $wysija_msgTemp; } $wysija_qryTemp = get_option('wysija_queries'); $wysija_qryErrors = get_option('wysija_queries_errors'); if (is_array($wysija_qryTemp) && count($wysija_qryTemp) > 0) { $wysija_queries = $wysija_qryTemp; } if (is_array($wysija_qryErrors) && count($wysija_qryErrors) > 0) { $wysija_queries_errors = $wysija_qryErrors; } WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_queries', ''); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_queries_errors', ''); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_msg', ''); global $wysija_installing; if ($wysija_installing === true) { return; } $this->pref = get_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', true); $prefupdate = false; if ($this->pref) { $prefupdate = true; $this->pref = unserialize(base64_decode($this->pref)); } else { $this->pref = array(); } if (!isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = 'default'; } else { $action = $_GET['action']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['limit_pp'])) { $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp'] = $_REQUEST['limit_pp']; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['orderby'])) { $_REQUEST['orderby'] = preg_replace('|[^a-z0-9#_.-]|i', '', $_REQUEST['orderby']); } if (!empty($_REQUEST['ordert']) && !in_array(strtoupper($_REQUEST['ordert']), array('DESC', 'ASC'))) { $_REQUEST['ordert'] = 'DESC'; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['id'])) { $_REQUEST['id'] = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; } if (!empty($_REQUEST['search'])) { $_REQUEST['search'] = esc_attr($_REQUEST['search']); } if ($this->pref && isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] && isset($this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp'])) { $this->viewObj->limit_pp = $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']; $this->modelObj->limit_pp = $this->pref[$_REQUEST['page']][$action]['limit_pp']; } if ($prefupdate) { update_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', base64_encode(serialize($this->pref))); } else { add_user_meta(WYSIJA::wp_get_userdata('ID'), 'wysija_pref', base64_encode(serialize($this->pref))); } add_action('wysija_various_check', array($this, 'variousCheck')); do_action('wysija_various_check'); }
function licok() { parent::WYSIJA_control_back(); $dt = get_option('wysijey'); if (isset($_REQUEST['xtz']) && $dt === $_REQUEST['xtz']) { $dataconf = array('premium_key' => base64_encode(get_option('home') . time()), 'premium_val' => time(), 'premium_expire_at' => (int) $_REQUEST['expire_at']); $this->notice(__('Premium version is valid for your site.', WYSIJA)); } else { $dataconf = array('premium_key' => '', 'premium_val' => ''); if (!empty($_REQUEST['expire_at'])) { $dataconf['premium_expire_at'] = (int) $_REQUEST['expire_at']; } else { $url_premium = '' . $dt . '&nc=1&utm_source=wpadmin&utm_campaign=error_licence_activation'; $this->error(str_replace(array('[link]', '[/link]'), array('<a href="' . $url_premium . '" target="_blank">', '</a>'), __('Premium licence does not exist for your site. Purchase it [link]here[/link].', WYSIJA)), 1); } } WYSIJA::update_option('wysicheck', false); $modelConf = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); $modelConf->save($dataconf); $this->redirect('admin.php?page=wysija_config#tab-premium'); }
function install(){ $values=array(); $model_config=WYSIJA::get('config','model'); // test server against few things to make sure the installation can be done $helper_server=WYSIJA::get('server','helper'); $missing_capabilities=$helper_server->unhealthy(); // if it returns false it means we're all good if($missing_capabilities!==false){ // it will fail only if we have more than one missing capabilities or if we have just one and that's a required function if(count($missing_capabilities) > 1 || (count($missing_capabilities)==1 && (!isset($missing_capabilities['functions']) || isset($missing_capabilities['functions']['required']))) ){ // here we need to return unfortunately $this->error(__('Your server cannot run Wysija.',WYSIJA),1); if(isset($missing_capabilities['functions']['required'])){ $this->error(sprintf(__('Your server is missing one or many important PHP functions to run properly : %1$s',WYSIJA),'<strong>'.implode(', ', array_keys($missing_capabilities['functions']['required'])).'</strong>').' '.__('Please contact your host or server administrator to fix this.',WYSIJA)); } return false; }else{ // here we're ok } } // create the tables there shouldn't be any issue since we've tested it before if((int)get_option('installation_step')<1){ if(!$this->createTables(WYSIJA_DIR.'sql'.DS.'install.sql')) return false; WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '1'); } // move data to uploads folder: this needs to be done prior to default campaign creation for dependency reasons if((int)get_option('installation_step')<4){ $this->moveData('themes'); $this->moveData('dividers'); $this->moveData('bookmarks'); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '4'); } // record custom fields lastname firstname in the user_field table if((int)get_option('installation_step')<5){ $this->recordDefaultUserField(); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '5'); } // save default values for the fields : from_name, from_email replyto_name, replyto_email if((int)get_option('installation_step')<6){ $this->defaultSettings($values); $model_config->save($values); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '6'); } //create a default list if((int)get_option('installation_step')<7){ $this->defaultList($values); $model_config->save($values); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '7'); } // create a default campaign if((int)get_option('installation_step')<8){ $this->defaultCampaign($values); $model_config->save($values); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '8'); } // synchronize our user table with wordpress users if((int)get_option('installation_step')<9){ $helper_import=WYSIJA::get('import','helper'); $values['importwp_list_id']=$helper_import->importWP(); $model_config->save($values); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '9'); } // create subscription redirection page if((int)get_option('installation_step')<10){ $this->createPage($values); $model_config->save($values); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '10'); } // create the default dir if((int)get_option('installation_step')<11){ $this->createWYSIJAdir($values); $model_config->save($values); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '11'); } // create default subscription form if((int)get_option('installation_step')<12){ $this->create_default_subscription_form(); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '12'); } // save the confirmation email in the table if((int)get_option('installation_step')<13){ // make sure that the activation email is translated $model_config->add_translated_default(); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '13'); } if((int)get_option('installation_step')<14){ $model_email=WYSIJA::get('email','model'); $model_email->blockMe=true; $values['confirm_email_id']=$model_email->insert( array('type'=>'0', 'from_email'=>$values['from_email'], 'from_name'=>$values['from_name'], 'replyto_email'=>$values['from_email'], 'replyto_name'=>$values['from_name'], 'subject'=>$model_config->getValue('confirm_email_title'), 'body'=>$model_config->getValue('confirm_email_body'), 'status'=>99)); $model_config->save($values); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '14'); } // look for existing newsletter plugins to import from if((int)get_option('installation_step')<15){ $this->testNLplugins(); // administrator caps $helper_wp_tools = WYSIJA::get('wp_tools', 'helper'); $helper_wp_tools->set_default_rolecaps(); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '15'); } // save the config into the db if((int)get_option('installation_step')<16){ $values['installed']=true; $values['manage_subscriptions']=true; $values['installed_time']=time(); $values['wysija_db_version']=WYSIJA::get_version(); $wptoolboxs = WYSIJA::get('toolbox', 'helper'); $values['dkim_domain']=$wptoolboxs->_make_domain_name(); if(get_option('wysija_reinstall',0)) $values['wysija_whats_new']=WYSIJA::get_version(); $model_config->save($values); WYSIJA::update_option('installation_step', '16'); } global $wysija_installing; $wysija_installing=false; WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_reinstall',0); return true; }
function create_post_type() { //$modelC=&WYSIJA::get('config','model'); //$rewritewysijap=array("slug"=>"wysijap"); //by default there is url rewriteing on wysijap custom post, though in one client case I had to deactivate it. //as this is rare we just need to set this setting to activate it //if($modelC->getValue('no_rewrite_wysijap'))$rewritewysijap=false; //by default let's deactivate the url rewriting of the wysijap confirmation page because it is breaking in some case. $rewritewysijap = false; register_post_type('wysijap', array('labels' => array('name' => __('Wysija page'), 'singular_name' => __('Wysija page')), 'public' => true, 'has_archive' => false, 'show_ui' => false, 'show_in_menu' => false, 'rewrite' => $rewritewysijap, 'show_in_nav_menus' => false, 'can_export' => false, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'exclude_from_search' => true)); if (!get_option('wysija_post_type_updated')) { $modelPosts = new WYSIJA_model(); $modelPosts->tableWP = true; $modelPosts->table_prefix = ''; $modelPosts->table_name = 'posts'; $modelPosts->noCheck = true; $modelPosts->pk = 'ID'; if ($modelPosts->exists(array('post_type' => 'wysijapage'))) { $modelPosts->update(array('post_type' => 'wysijap'), array('post_type' => 'wysijapage')); flush_rewrite_rules(false); } WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_post_type_updated', time()); } if (!get_option('wysija_post_type_created')) { flush_rewrite_rules(false); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_post_type_created', time()); } /* $rewritewysija=array('slug'=>'wysija'); register_post_type( 'wysija', array( 'labels' => array( 'name' => 'Wysija Archives', 'singular_name' => 'Wysija archives' ), 'public' => true, 'has_archive' => false, 'show_ui' =>false, 'show_in_menu' =>false, 'rewrite' => $rewritewysija, 'show_in_nav_menus'=>false, 'can_export'=>false, 'publicly_queryable'=>true, 'exclude_from_search'=>true, ) ); if(!get_option('wysija_post_type2_created')) { flush_rewrite_rules( false ); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_post_type2_created',time()); }*/ }
/** * check that there is no passed schedules that need to be executed now * @return void */ public static function cron_check() { $cron_schedules = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule('all'); if (empty($cron_schedules)) { return; } else { $processes = WYSIJA::get_cron_frequencies(); $updatedsched = false; foreach ($cron_schedules as $proc => &$params) { $running = 0; if (isset($params['running'])) { $running = $params['running']; } //if the process has timedout we reschedule the next execution if ($running && time() > $running + 900) { //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','modifying next schedule for '.$proc); $next_schedule = time() + $processes[$proc]; $params = array('next_schedule' => $next_schedule, 'prev_schedule' => $running, 'running' => false); $updatedsched = true; } } if ($updatedsched) { //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','updating scheds'); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_schedules', $cron_schedules, 'yes'); } } $timenow = time(); $processesToRun = array(); foreach ($cron_schedules as $process => $scheduled_times) { if ((!$scheduled_times['running'] || (int) $scheduled_times['running'] + 900 < $timenow) && $scheduled_times['next_schedule'] < $timenow) { $processesToRun[] = $process; } } $model_config =& WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); if (!empty($processesToRun) && $model_config->getValue('cron_page_hit_trigger')) { //call the cron url $cron_url = site_url('wp-cron.php') . '?' . WYSIJA_CRON . '&action=wysija_cron&process=' . implode(',', $processesToRun) . '&silent=1'; //TODO we should use the http class there $hHTTP =& WYSIJA::get('http', 'helper'); $hHTTP->request_timeout($cron_url); } }
/** * record the bounce into the bounce table on a multisite * @return type */ function record_bounce_ms() { // make sure that the bounce recording is not already being processed on another child site if (get_site_option('wysija_bounce_being_recorded')) { return; } // flag the current recording WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_bounce_being_recorded', true); // set the flag to indicate we are processing the bounce in a multisite manner right now $this->record_ms_bounce = true; // will record the bounce in the ms table $result = $this->process_bounce(); // lower the flag we can process the bounce again WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_bounce_being_recorded', false); return $result; }
function main($data) { $is_multisite = is_multisite(); $is_network_admin = WYSIJA::current_user_can('manage_network'); //$is_network_admin=$is_multisite=true;//PROD comment that line if ($is_multisite && $is_network_admin) { add_filter('wysija_extend_settings', array($this, 'ms_tab_name'), 12); add_filter('wysija_extend_settings_content', array($this, 'ms_tab_content'), 12, 2); } // check for debug if (isset($_REQUEST['wysija_debug'])) { switch ((int) $_REQUEST['wysija_debug']) { // turn off debug case 0: WYSIJA::update_option('debug_on', false); WYSIJA::update_option('debug_new', false); break; // turn on debug (with debug level as value) // turn on debug (with debug level as value) case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 99: WYSIJA::update_option('debug_on', true); WYSIJA::update_option('debug_new', (int) $_REQUEST['wysija_debug']); break; } } echo $this->messages(); ?> <div id="wysija-config"> <?php $this->tabs(); ?> <form name="wysija-settings" method="post" id="wysija-settings" action="" class="form-valid" autocomplete="off"> <div id="basics" class="wysija-panel hidden"> <?php $this->basics(); ?> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr(__('Save settings', WYSIJA)); ?> " class="button-primary wysija" /> </p> </div> <div id="forms" class="wysija-panel hidden"> <?php /* if(WYSIJA::is_wysija_admin()) */ $this->form_list(); ?> </div> <div id="signupconfirmation" class="wysija-panel hidden"> <?php $this->signupconfirmation(); ?> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr(__('Save settings', WYSIJA)); ?> " class="button-primary wysija" /> </p> </div> <?php if ($this->_user_can('change_sending_method')) { ?> <div id="sendingmethod" class="wysija-panel hidden"> <?php $this->sendingmethod(); ?> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr(__('Save settings', WYSIJA)); ?> " class="button-primary wysija" /> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div id="advanced" class="wysija-panel hidden"> <?php $this->advanced($data); ?> <p class="submit"> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr(__('Save settings', WYSIJA)); ?> " class="button-primary wysija" /> </p> </div> <div id="add-ons" class="wysija-panel hidden"> <?php $this->add_ons(); ?> </div> <?php echo apply_filters('wysija_extend_settings_content', '', array('viewObj' => &$this)); ?> <?php $this->secure(array('action' => "save")); ?> <input type="hidden" value="save" name="action" /> <input type="hidden" value="" name="redirecttab" id="redirecttab" /> </form> </div> <?php }
/** * check that there is no passed schedules that need to be executed now * @return void */ public static function cron_check() { $cron_schedules = WYSIJA::get_cron_schedule('all'); if (empty($cron_schedules)) { return; } else { $processes = WYSIJA::get_cron_frequencies(); $updated_sched = false; foreach ($cron_schedules as $schedule => &$params) { $running = 0; $time_now = time(); if (isset($params['running'])) { $running = $params['running']; } //if the process has timedout we reschedule the next execution if ($running && $time_now > $running + $processes[$schedule]) { //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','modifying next schedule for '.$proc); $process_frequency = $processes[$schedule]; $next_schedule = $running + $process_frequency; // if the next schedule is already behind, we give it 30 seconds before it can trigger again if ($next_schedule < $time_now) { $next_schedule = $time_now + 30; } $params = array('next_schedule' => $next_schedule, 'prev_schedule' => $running, 'running' => false); $updated_sched = true; } } if ($updated_sched) { //WYSIJA::setInfo('error','updating scheds'); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_schedules', $cron_schedules, 'yes'); } } $time_now = time(); $processesToRun = array(); foreach ($cron_schedules as $schedule => $scheduled_times) { if (strpos($schedule, '(bounce handling not activated)') !== false) { continue; } if (!isset($processes[$schedule])) { continue; } $process_frequency = $processes[$schedule]; if ((!$scheduled_times['running'] || (int) $scheduled_times['running'] + $process_frequency < $time_now) && $scheduled_times['next_schedule'] < $time_now) { $processesToRun[] = $schedule; } } $model_config = WYSIJA::get('config', 'model'); $page_view_trigger = (int) $model_config->getValue('cron_page_hit_trigger'); if (!empty($processesToRun) && $page_view_trigger === 1) { //call the cron url // do not call that more than once per 5 minutes attempt at reducing the CPU load for some users // $last_cron_time_plus_5min = (int) get_option('wysija_last_php_cron_call') + 5 * 60; if ($last_cron_time_plus_5min < time()) { $cron_url = site_url('wp-cron.php') . '?' . WYSIJA_CRON . '&action=wysija_cron&process=' . implode(',', $processesToRun) . '&silent=1'; $cron_request = apply_filters('cron_request', array('url' => $cron_url, 'args' => array('timeout' => 0.01, 'blocking' => false, 'sslverify' => apply_filters('https_local_ssl_verify', true)))); wp_remote_post($cron_url, $cron_request['args']); WYSIJA::update_option('wysija_last_php_cron_call', time()); } } }