  * Creates the component.
  * styles can be an array indexed just as options is with styles as strings, can be set to a string to describe
  * the appropriate style property to automatically generate styles, or set to false to just leave them off.
 function WGUISelectList($callBack, $collectionSelector, $styleProperty, $componentClass, $options, $styles = false)
     $input = new WSelectList();
     foreach ($options as $opt => $name) {
         if ($styles) {
             if (is_array($styles)) {
                 $input->addOption($opt, $name, $styles[$opt]);
             } else {
                 $input->addOption($opt, $name, $styles . ": " . $opt . ";");
         } else {
             $input->addOption($opt, $name);
     $this->_wizardComponent = $input;
     $this->init($callBack, $collectionSelector, $styleProperty, $componentClass);
Esempio n. 2
  * Create a new Wizard for this action. Caching of this Wizard is handled by
  * {@link getWizard()} and does not need to be implemented here.
  * @return object Wizard
  * @access public
  * @since 4/28/05
 function createWizard()
     $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
     //$courseManager = Services::getService("CourseManagement");
     //$canonicalCourseIterator =$courseManager->getCanonicalCourses();
     // Instantiate the wizard, then add our steps.
     $wizard = SimpleStepWizard::withDefaultLayout();
     // :: Name and Description ::
     $step = $wizard->addStep("namedescstep", new WizardStep());
     $step->setDisplayName(_("Please choose the name and type for this type:"));
     // Create the type chooser.
     $select = new WSelectList();
     //$select->addOption('',"Canonical Course Type");
     $select->addOption('can', "Canonical Course Type");
     $select->addOption('can_stat', "Canonical Course Status Type");
     $select->addOption('offer', "Course Offering Type");
     $select->addOption('offer_stat', "Course Offering Status Type");
     $select->addOption('section', "Course Section Type");
     $select->addOption('section_stat', "Course Section Status Type");
     $select->addOption('enroll_stat', "Enrollment Status Type");
     $select->addOption('grade', "Course Grading Type");
     $select->addOption('term', "Term Type");
     $typeProp = $step->addComponent("typetype", $select);
     //$typeProp->setErrorText("<nobr>"._("A value for this field is required.")."</nobr>");
     //$typeProp->setErrorRule(new WECNonZeroRegex("[\\w]+"));
     // Create the title
     $titleProp = $step->addComponent("keyword", new WTextField());
     $titleProp->setErrorText("<nobr>" . _("A value for this field is required.") . "</nobr>");
     $titleProp->setErrorRule(new WECNonZeroRegex("[\\w]+"));
     // Create the description
     $descriptionProp = $step->addComponent("description", WTextArea::withRowsAndColumns(10, 30));
     // Create the step text
     print "\n<font size=+2><h2>" . _("Type creator") . "</h2></font>";
     print "\n<h2>" . _("Type") . "</h2>";
     print "\n" . _("Please choose a type of <em>type</em> to create: ");
     print "\n<br />[[typetype]]";
     print "\n<h2>" . _("Keyword") . "</h2>";
     print "\n" . _("The keyword of the <em>type</em>: ");
     print "\n<br />[[keyword]]";
     print "\n<h2>" . _("Description") . "</h2>";
     print "\n" . _("The optional description of the <em>type</em>: ");
     print "\n<br />[[description]]";
     print "\n<div style='width: 400px'> &nbsp; </div>";
     return $wizard;
     * Rebuild our position selects
     * @return void
     * @access public
     * @since 5/16/06
    function rebuildPositionSelects()
        // Populate our position list;
        $positionList = new WSelectList();
        $js = '
			var choiceName = this.name + \'Choice\';
			for (var i = 0; i < this.form.elements.length; i++) {
				if (this.form.elements[i].name == choiceName) {
					this.form.elements[i].value = \'true\';
        $positionList->addOnChange(preg_replace("/\\s{2,}/", " ", preg_replace("/[\n\r\t]/", " ", $js)));
        $i = 0;
        while ($this->_orderedSet->hasNext()) {
            $positionList->addOption($i, $i + 1);
        // Enabled State
        $positionList->setEnabled($this->_enabled, $this->_enabledSticky);
        // Rebuild the position lists.
        while ($this->_orderedSet->hasNext()) {
            $collectionId = $this->_orderedSet->next();
            $key = $collectionId->getIdString();
            $this->_collections[$key]["_moveToPosition"] = $positionList->deepCopy();
            $this->_collections[$key]["_moveToPositionChoice"] = WHiddenField::withValue('false');
 function WStyleComponent($callBack, $component, $property, $collection)
     $this->_getThemeCallBack = $callBack;
     $this->_collection = $collection;
     $this->_property = $property;
     $this->_component = $component;
     $styleComponent = $this->getStyleComponent();
     $rule = $styleComponent->getRule();
     $regex = $rule->getRegularExpression();
     if (is_null($styleComponent)) {
         throwError(new Error("The Component this references is based on cannot be null", "WStyleComponent", true));
     if (get_class($styleComponent) == 'colorsc') {
         $input = new WSelectOrNew();
         $input->addOption('', "(not set)");
         $digits = array("0", "4", "8", "C", "F");
         for ($r = 0; $r < count($digits); $r++) {
             for ($g = 0; $g < count($digits); $g++) {
                 for ($b = 0; $b < count($digits); $b++) {
                     $val = '#' . $digits[$r] . $digits[$g] . $digits[$b];
                     $arr = $styleComponent->getRGBArray($val);
                     //num measures the "brightness" of the color.
                     //I think green is "brighter" than red and red "brighter" than blue.
                     $num = $arr[0] * 3 + $arr[1] * 2 + $arr[2];
                     //Our threshold is 750.
                     if ($num > 750) {
                         $col = "000";
                     } else {
                         $col = "#FFF";
                     $input->addOption($val, $val, "color: " . $col . "; background-color:" . $val . ";");
         // make sure the current color is a possibility.
         if (!is_null($styleComponent->getValue())) {
             //$input->addOption($styleComponent->getValue(), $styleComponent->getValue(), "color: ".$col."; background-color:".$styleComponent->getValue().";");
         // 			if ([[colorwheel colors]])
         // generate options for colors
     } else {
         if ($styleComponent->isLimitedToOptions()) {
             $input = new WSelectList();
             $input->addOption('', "(not set)");
             $options = $styleComponent->getOptions();
             foreach ($options as $opt) {
                 $input->addOption($opt, $opt, strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9:_-]/", "-", $styleComponent->getDisplayName())) . ": {$opt};");
         } else {
             if ($styleComponent->hasOptions()) {
                 $input = new WSelectOrNew();
                 $input->addOption('', "(not set)");
                 $options = $styleComponent->getOptions();
                 foreach ($options as $opt) {
                     $input->addOption($opt, $opt, strtolower(preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9:_-]/", "-", $styleComponent->getDisplayName())) . ": {$opt};");
             } else {
                 $input = new WTextField();
     if (!$styleComponent->isLimitedToOptions()) {
         $input->setErrorRule(new WECRegex($regex));
     $this->_wizardComponent = $input;
Esempio n. 5
  * Create a new Wizard for this action. Caching of this Wizard is handled by
  * {@link getWizard()} and does not need to be implemented here.
  * @return object Wizard
  * @access public
  * @since 4/28/05
 function createWizard()
     $harmoni = Harmoni::instance();
     //$courseManager = Services::getService("CourseManagement");
     //$canonicalCourseIterator =$courseManager->getCanonicalCourses();
     // Instantiate the wizard, then add our steps.
     $wizard = SimpleStepWizard::withDefaultLayout();
     // :: Name and Description ::
     $step = $wizard->addStep("namedescstep", new WizardStep());
     $step->setDisplayName(_("Select options for the new term:"));
     $titleProp = $step->addComponent("displayname", new WTextField());
     $titleProp->setErrorText("<nobr>" . _("A value for this field is required.") . "</nobr>");
     $titleProp->setErrorRule(new WECNonZeroRegex("[\\w]+"));
     // Create the type chooser.
     $select = new WSelectList();
     $typename = "term";
     $dbHandler = Services::getService("DBHandler");
     $query = new SelectQuery();
     $query->addTable('cm_' . $typename . "_type");
     $res = $dbHandler->query($query);
     while ($res->hasMoreRows()) {
         $row = $res->getCurrentRow();
         $select->addOption($row['id'], $row['keyword']);
     $typeProp = $step->addComponent("termtype", $select);
     //$courseManager = Services::getService("CourseManagement");
     //$select->addOption('',"Canonical Course Type");
     /*$select->addOption('can',"Canonical Course Type");
     		$select->addOption('can_stat',"Canonical Course Status Type");
     		$select->addOption('offer',"Course Offering Type");
     		$select->addOption('offer_stat',"Course Offering Status Type");
     		$select->addOption('section',"Course Section Type");
     		$select->addOption('section_stat',"Course Section Status Type");
     		$select->addOption('enroll_stat',"Enrollment Status Type");
     		$select->addOption('grade',"Course Grading Type");
     		$select->addOption('term',"Term Type");*/
     //$typeProp->setErrorText("<nobr>"._("A value for this field is required.")."</nobr>");
     //$typeProp->setErrorRule(new WECNonZeroRegex("[\\w]+"));
     // Create the display name
     // Create the step text
     print "\n<font size=+2><h2>" . _("Term creator") . "</h2></font>";
     print "\n<h2>" . _("Keyword") . "</h2>";
     print "\n" . _("The name of the <em>term</em>: ");
     print "\n<br />[[displayname]]";
     print "\n<h2>" . _("Type") . "</h2>";
     print "\n" . _("Please choose a type of <em>term</em>: ");
     print "\n<br />[[termtype]]";
     print "\n<div style='width: 400px'> &nbsp; </div>";
     return $wizard;
  * Add the attribution settings options to the property
  * @param object WSelectList $property
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 3/20/08
 public function addAttributionSettingsOptions(WSelectList $property)
     $property->addOption('default', _("use default"));
     $property->addOption('none', _("override- No Attribution"));
     $property->addOption('creator', _("override-Original author"));
     $property->addOption('last_editor', _("override-Last editor"));
     $property->addOption('both', _("override-Both author and last editor"));
     $property->addOption('all_editors', _("override-All editors"));
Esempio n. 7
  * Add the comments options to the property
  * @param object WSelectList $property
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since 11/30/07
 public function addCommentsOptions(WSelectList $property)
     $property->addOption('true', _("enable"));
     $property->addOption('false', _("disable"));