 * The plugin loader.
function wp_requirements_example_plugin_loader()
    if (class_exists('WP_Requirements')) {
        $my_requirements = array('php' => array('version' => '5.3', 'extensions' => array('mbstring', 'curl')), 'mysql' => array('version' => '5.6'), 'wordpress' => array('version' => '4.6', 'plugins' => array('wpglobus/wpglobus.php' => '1.6.1', 'wpglobus-plus/wpglobus-plus.php' => true), 'theme' => array('my-theme' => '1.5')), 'params' => array('requirements_details_url' => '//google.com', 'version_compare_operator' => '>=', 'not_valid_actions' => array('deactivate', 'admin_notice'), 'show_valid_results' => true));
        // If the second parameter is omitted, will look for a `wp-requirements.json` file.
        $requirements = new WP_Requirements(__FILE__, $my_requirements);
        if (!$requirements->valid()) {
  * Shortcut to construct the object and process the failure actions.
  * @param string $the__file__  Pass `__FILE__` from the loader.
  * @param array  $requirements The array of requirements.
  * @return bool True if requirements met.
 public static function validate($the__file__, array $requirements = array())
     $_wpr = new WP_Requirements($the__file__, $requirements);
     $is_valid = $_wpr->valid();
     if (!$is_valid) {
     return $is_valid;