addCommand() public static method

public static addCommand ( $name, $class )
Esempio n. 1

WP_CLI::addCommand('sql', 'SqlCommand');
 * Implement sql command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class SqlCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
    protected $default_subcommand = 'cli';
     * return a string to connecting to the DB.
     * @param void
     * @return string $connect
    protected function connect_string()
        $connect = sprintf('mysql --database=%s --user=%s --password=%s', DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
        return $connect;
     * A string for connecting to the DB.
     * @param string $args
     * @return void
    function connect($args = array())
Esempio n. 2
     * Help function for this command
    public static function help()
usage: wp w3-total-cache flush [post|database|minify|object] [--post_id=<post-id>] [--permalink=<post-permalink>] 
  or : wp w3-total-cache querystring
  or : wp w3-total-cache cdn_purge <file> [<file2>]...
  or : wp w3-total-cache pgcache_cleanup

\t\t\t flush    \t\t\t   flushes whole cache or specific items based on provided arguments
\t\t\t querystring\t\t\t update query string for all static files
\t\t\t cdn_purge         Purges command line provided files from Varnish and the CDN
\t\t\t pgcache_cleanup   Generally triggered from a cronjob, allows for manual Garbage collection of page cache to be triggered
             apc_reload_files SNS/local file.php file2.php file3.php Tells apc to compile files
             apc_delete_based_on_regex SNS/local expression Tells apc to delete files that match a RegEx mask
Available flush sub-commands:
\t\t\t --post_id=<id>                  flush a specific post ID
\t\t\t --permalink=<post-permalink>    flush a specific permalink
\t\t\t database                        flush the database cache
\t\t\t object                          flush the object cache
\t\t\t minify                          flush the minify cache
WP_CLI::addCommand('w3-total-cache', 'W3TotalCache_Command');
WP_CLI::addCommand('total-cache', 'W3TotalCache_Command');
Esempio n. 3

if (function_exists('wp_super_cache_enable')) {
    WP_CLI::addCommand('super-cache', 'WPSuperCacheCommand');
 * The WP Super Cache plugin
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/community
 * @maintainer Andreas Creten
class WPSuperCacheCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Clear something from the cache
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $vars
    function flush($args = array(), $vars = array())
        if (function_exists('wp_cache_clear_cache')) {
            if (isset($vars['post_id'])) {
                if (is_numeric($vars['post_id'])) {
                } else {
                    WP_CLI::error('This is not a valid post id.');
            } elseif (isset($vars['permalink'])) {
Esempio n. 4

WP_CLI::addCommand('eval', 'EvalCommand');
 * Implement eval command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class EvalCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Overwrite the constructor to have a command without sub-commands.
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $assoc_args
    public function __construct($args, $assoc_args)
        if (empty($args)) {
            WP_CLI::line("usage: wp eval <php-code>");
     * Help function for this command
    public static function help()

if (class_exists('GoogleSitemapGeneratorLoader')) {
    WP_CLI::addCommand('google-sitemap', 'GoogleSitemapGeneratorCommand');
 * Manage the Google XML Sitemap plugin
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/community
 * @maintainer Andreas Creten
class GoogleSitemapGeneratorCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Re-generate the sitemap
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $vars
    function rebuild($args = array(), $vars = array())
     * Help function for this command
    public static function help()
usage: wp google-sitemap [rebuild]
Esempio n. 6
        if (!empty($assoc_args['excludes'])) {
            $hm_backup->excludes = $valid_rules = array_filter(array_map('trim', explode(',', $assoc_args['excludes'])));
        WP_CLI::line('Backup: Deleting old backups...');
        // Delete any old backup files
        if (file_exists(HM_Backup::get_instance()->archive_filepath())) {
            WP_CLI::success('Backup Complete: ' . HM_Backup::get_instance()->archive_filepath());
        } else {
            WP_CLI::error('Backup Failed');
    static function help()
usage: wp backup [--files_only] [--database_only] [--path<dir>] [--root<dir>] [--zip_command_path=<path>] [--mysqldump_command_path=<path>]

\t --files_only                   Backup files only, default to off
\t --database_only                Backup database only, defaults to off
\t --path                         dir that the backup should be save in, defaults to wp-content/backups/
\t --root                         dir that should be backed up, defaults to ABSPATH
\t --zip_command_path             path to your zip binary, standard locations are automatically used
\t --mysqldump_command_path       path to your mysqldump binary, standard locations are automatically used

WP_CLI::addCommand('backup', 'BackUpCommand');
Esempio n. 7

WP_CLI::addCommand('plugin', 'PluginCommand');
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php';
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php';
 * Implement plugin command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class PluginCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
    protected $default_subcommand = 'status';
    private $mu_plugins;
     * Get the status of one or all plugins
     * @param array $args
    function status($args = array(), $vars = array())
        $this->mu_plugins = get_mu_plugins();
        if (empty($args)) {
        list($file, $name) = $this->parse_name($args, __FUNCTION__);
        $details = $this->get_details($file);
        $status = $this->get_status($file, true);
        $version = $details['Version'];
Esempio n. 8

WP_CLI::addCommand('help', 'HelpCommand');
 * Implement help command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class HelpCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Overwrite the constructor to have a command without sub-commands.
     * @param array $args
    public function __construct($args)
        if (empty($args)) {
        } else {
            $command = $args[0];
            if ('help' == $command || !isset(WP_CLI::$commands[$command])) {
            } else {
                $class = WP_CLI::$commands[$command];
                if (method_exists($class, 'help')) {
                } else {
                    WP_CLI::line('Example usage:');
                    $this->single_command_help($command, $class);
Esempio n. 9

WP_CLI::addCommand('export', 'ExportCommand');
 * Implement export command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class ExportCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
    protected $default_subcommand = 'validate_arguments';
    public $export_args = array();
    public static function help()
usage: wp export --path=<export-path> --user=<username/id>
   or: wp export --path=/tmp/ --user=admin --post_type=post --start_date=2011-01-01 --end_date=2011-12-31

Required parameters:
\t--path\t\t\tFull Path to directory where WXR export files should be stored
\t--user\t\t\tUsername/ID the import should run as

Optional filters:
\t--start_date       Export only posts new than this date in format YYYY-MM-DD
\t--end_date         Export only posts older than this date in format YYYY-MM-DD
\t--post_type        Export only posts with this post_type
\t--author           Export only posts by this author
\t--category         Export only posts in this category
\t--post_status      Export only posts with this post_status
\t--skip_comments    Don't export comments
Esempio n. 10

WP_CLI::addCommand('user', 'UserCommand');
 * Implement user command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class UserCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * List users
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $assoc_args
    public function _list($args, $assoc_args)
        global $blog_id;
        $params = array('blog_id' => $blog_id, 'fields' => 'all_with_meta');
        if (array_key_exists('role', $assoc_args)) {
            $params['role'] = $assoc_args['role'];
        $table = new \cli\Table();
        $users = get_users($params);
        $fields = array('ID', 'user_login', 'display_name', 'user_email', 'user_registered');
        $table->setHeaders(array_merge($fields, array('roles')));
        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $line = array();
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
Esempio n. 11
                WP_CLI::error('Could not add the term ' . $term . ' to the list of stopwords.');
        public function stopword_candidates($args = array(), $assoc_args = array())
            if (array_key_exists('limit', $assoc_args)) {
                $word_limit = $assoc_args['limit'];
            } else {
                $word_limit = 25;
            global $relevanssi_table;
            global $wpdb;
            $words = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(doc)) as cnt, term\n\t\t       FROM {$relevanssi_table} GROUP BY term ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT {$word_limit}");
            foreach ($words as $word) {
                WP_CLI::line("{$word->term} ({$word->cnt})");
        public function help()
wp relevanssi index --limit=100                 Index the unindexed posts, 100 at a time.
wp relevanssi reindex --limit=100               Index all posts, discarding any old index, 100 at a time.
wp relevanssi add_stopword <term>               Add a new term to the list of stopwords and remove it from the index.
wp relevanssi stopword_candidates --limit=200   Show a list of the <limit> most common words in the index.
    // Register the class as the 'relevanssi' command handler
    WP_CLI::addCommand('relevanssi', 'RelevanssiCommand');
Esempio n. 12

WP_CLI::addCommand('theme', 'ThemeCommand');
 * Implement theme command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class ThemeCommand extends WP_CLI_Command_With_Upgrade
    protected $item_type = 'theme';
    protected $upgrader = 'Theme_Upgrader';
    protected $upgrade_refresh = 'wp_update_themes';
    protected $upgrade_transient = 'update_themes';
     * Get the status of one or all themes
     * @param array $args
    public function status($args = array())
        if (empty($args)) {
        $name = $args[0];
        $details = get_theme_data($this->get_stylesheet_path($name));
        $status = $this->get_status($details['Name'], true);
        $version = $details['Version'];
        if ($this->get_update_status($details['Stylesheet'])) {
Esempio n. 13
  * Set needed filters and actions and load
 private function __construct()
     // Nothing else matters if we're not on the main site
     if (!is_main_site()) {
     //auto loader
     spl_autoload_register(array($this, 'autoloader'));
     new BackWPup_Option();
     //start upgrade if needed
     if (get_site_option('backwpup_version') != self::get_plugin_data('Version')) {
     //load pro features
     if (class_exists('BackWPup_Pro')) {
     if (defined('DOING_CRON') && DOING_CRON) {
         //early disable caches
         if (!empty($_GET['backwpup_run']) && class_exists('BackWPup_Job')) {
         // add normal cron actions
         add_action('backwpup_cron', array('BackWPup_Cron', 'run'));
         add_action('backwpup_check_cleanup', array('BackWPup_Cron', 'check_cleanup'));
         // add action for doing thinks if cron active
         // must done in int before wp-cron control
         add_action('init', array('BackWPup_Cron', 'cron_active'), 1);
         // if in cron the rest must not needed
     //deactivation hook
     register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array('BackWPup_Install', 'deactivate'));
     //Things that must do in plugin init
     add_action('init', array($this, 'plugin_init'));
     //only in backend
     if (is_admin() && class_exists('BackWPup_Admin')) {
     //work with wp-cli
     if (defined('WP_CLI') && WP_CLI && class_exists('WP_CLI') && class_exists('BackWPup_WP_CLI')) {
         WP_CLI::addCommand('backwpup', 'BackWPup_WP_CLI');
Esempio n. 14

WP_CLI::addCommand('generate', 'GenerateCommand');
 * Implement generate command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class GenerateCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Generate posts
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $assoc_args
    public function posts($args, $assoc_args)
        global $wpdb;
        $defaults = array('count' => 100, 'type' => 'post', 'status' => 'publish');
        extract(wp_parse_args($assoc_args, $defaults), EXTR_SKIP);
        if (!post_type_exists($type)) {
            WP_CLI::warning('invalid post type.');
        // Get the total number of posts
        $total = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = %s", $type));
        $label = get_post_type_object($type)->labels->singular_name;
        $limit = $count + $total;
        for ($i = $total; $i < $limit; $i++) {
Esempio n. 15

WP_CLI::addCommand('core', 'CoreCommand');
 * Implement core command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class CoreCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Display the WordPress version.
    public function version($args = array(), $assoc_args = array())
        global $wp_version, $wp_db_version, $tinymce_version, $manifest_version;
        $color = '%G';
        $version_text = $wp_version;
        $version_types = array('-RC' => array('release candidate', '%y'), '-beta' => array('beta', '%B'), '-' => array('in development', '%R'));
        foreach ($version_types as $needle => $type) {
            if (stristr($wp_version, $needle)) {
                list($version_text, $color) = $type;
                $version_text = "{$color}{$wp_version}%n (stability: {$version_text})";
        WP_CLI::line("WordPress version:\t{$version_text}");
        if (isset($assoc_args['extra'])) {
            WP_CLI::line("Database revision:\t{$wp_db_version}");
Esempio n. 16

WP_CLI::addCommand('option', 'OptionCommand');
 * Implement option command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class OptionCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Add an option
     * @param array $args
    public function add($args)
        if (count($args) < 2) {
            WP_CLI::line("usage: wp option add <option-name> <option-value>");
        list($key, $value) = $args;
        if (!add_option($key, $value)) {
            WP_CLI::error("Could not add option '{$key}'. Does it already exist?");
     * Update an option
     * @param array $args
Esempio n. 17

WP_CLI::addCommand('home', 'HomeCommand');
 * Implement home command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class HomeCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Overwrite the constructor to have a command without sub-commands.
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $assoc_args
    public function __construct($args, $assoc_args)
        // The url for the wp-cli repository
        $repository_url = '';
        // Open the wp-cli page in the browser
        if (exec('which x-www-browser')) {
            system('x-www-browser ' . $repository_url);
        } elseif (exec('which open')) {
            system('open ' . $repository_url);
        } else {
            WP_CLI::error('No command found to open the homepage in the browser. Please open it manually: ' . $repository_url);
        WP_CLI::success('The wp-cli homepage should be opening in your browser.');
Esempio n. 18
                if (!(strrpos($file, $imageName) === false)) {
                    $thumbnail = explode($imageName, $file);
                    if ($thumbnail[0] == "") {
                        $thumbnailFormat = substr($thumbnail[1], -4);
                        $thumbnail = substr($thumbnail[1], 0, strlen($thumbnail[1]) - 4);
                        $thumbnail = explode('x', $thumbnail);
                        if (count($thumbnail) == 2) {
                            if (is_numeric($thumbnail[0]) && is_numeric($thumbnail[1])) {
                                WP_CLI::line("Thumbnail: {$thumbnail[0]} x {$thumbnail[1]} was deleted.");
                                @unlink($dirPath . $imageName . $thumbnail[0] . 'x' . $thumbnail[1] . $thumbnailFormat);
            $metadata = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($image->ID, $fullsizepath);
            if (is_wp_error($metadata)) {
            if (empty($metadata)) {
                $this->errors = true;
                WP_CLI::line('Unknown failure reason.');
            wp_update_attachment_metadata($image->ID, $metadata);
            WP_CLI::line(esc_html(get_the_title($image->ID)) . " (ID {$image->ID}): All thumbnails were successfully regenerated in  " . timer_stop() . "  seconds ");
    WP_CLI::addCommand('regen_thumbs', 'RegenThumbs');

WP_CLI::addCommand('tiff-converter', 'Tiff_Converter_Command');
 * Ability to convert all images throught CLI
 * @package tiff-converter
class Tiff_Converter_Command extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Run the converter now
     * @since 1.0
     * @param array $args can be extension
     * @param array $vars
    function update_attachments($args = array(), $vars = array())
        $images = Tiff_Converter::get_images();
        $mime_type = 'image/jpg';
        // Maybe $args[0] for changing it
        if ($images) {
            $succeed = $failed = 0;
            foreach ($images as $image) {
                $file = get_attached_file($image->ID);
                $result = Tiff_Converter_Handle::convert_image($file, $mime_type);
                if (!is_wp_error($result)) {
                    $update_args = array('ID' => $image->ID, 'post_mime_type' => $result['mime-type']);
                    $result2 = wp_update_post($update_args, true);
Esempio n. 20

WP_CLI::addCommand('db', 'DBCommand');
 * Implement db command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class DBCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
    protected $default_subcommand = 'cli';
    protected $aliases = array('dump' => 'export');
     * Return a string for connecting to the DB.
    protected function connect_string()
        return sprintf('mysql --host=%s --database=%s --user=%s --password=%s', DB_HOST, DB_NAME, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD);
     * Print a string for connecting to the DB.
    function connect()
     * Open a SQL command-line interface using WordPress's credentials.
    function cli()
Esempio n. 21

WP_CLI::addCommand('eval-file', 'EvalFileCommand');
 * Implement eval-file command
 * @package wp-cli
 * @subpackage commands/internals
class EvalFileCommand extends WP_CLI_Command
     * Overwrite the constructor to have a command without sub-commands.
     * @param array $args
     * @param array $assoc_args
    public function __construct($args, $assoc_args)
        if (empty($args)) {
            WP_CLI::line("usage: wp eval-file <path>");
        foreach ($args as $file) {
            if (!file_exists($file)) {
                WP_CLI::error("'{$file}' does not exist.");
            } else {
                include $file;