Esempio n. 1
    echo '</select>';
    echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
echo '</div><!-- #show-opening-hours -->';
echo '</div><!-- #hide-opening-hours -->';
echo '<h2>' . __('Store locator settings', 'yoast-local-seo') . '</h2>';
WPSEO_Local_Admin_Wrappers::textinput('sl_num_results', __('Number of results', 'yoast-local-seo'));
echo '<h2>' . __('Advanced settings', 'yoast-local-seo') . '</h2>';
WPSEO_Local_Admin_Wrappers::textinput('api_key', __('Google Maps API key<br>(not required)', 'yoast-local-seo'));
echo '<p class="desc label" style="border:none; margin-bottom: 0;">' . sprintf(__('When you have a lot of locations, you could hit the limits of the Geocoding API. In that case you can enter your Google Maps API key to prevent that. To obtain an API key, please read more about it at the %sGoogle Maps documentation%s (make sure the Geocoding API is enabled in the Services section).', 'yoast-local-seo'), '<a href="">', '</a>') . '</p>';
WPSEO_Local_Admin_Wrappers::select('unit_system', __('Unit System', 'yoast-local-seo'), array('METRIC' => __('Metric', 'yoast-local-seo'), 'IMPERIAL' => __('Imperial', 'yoast-local-seo')));
WPSEO_Local_Admin_Wrappers::select('map_view_style', __('Default map style', 'yoast-local-seo'), array('HYBRID' => __('Hybrid', 'yoast-local-seo'), 'SATELLITE' => __('Satellite', 'yoast-local-seo'), 'ROADMAP' => __('Roadmap', 'yoast-local-seo'), 'TERRAIN' => __('Terrain', 'yoast-local-seo')));
WPSEO_Local_Admin_Wrappers::select('address_format', __('Address format', 'yoast-local-seo'), array('address-state-postal' => '{address} {city}, {state} {zipcode} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (New York, NY 12345 )', 'address-state-postal-comma' => '{address} {city}, {state}, {zipcode} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (New York, NY, 12345 )', 'address-postal-city-state' => '{address} {zipcode} {city}, {state} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (12345 New York, NY )', 'address-postal' => '{address} {city} {zipcode} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (New York 12345 )', 'address-postal-comma' => '{address} {city}, {zipcode} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (New York, 12345 )', 'address-city' => '{address} {city} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (London)', 'postal-address' => '{zipcode} {state} {city} {address} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (12345, NY, New York)'));
echo '<p class="desc label" style="border:none; margin-bottom: 0;">' . sprintf(__('A lot of countries have their own address format. Please choose one that matches yours. If you have something completely different, please let us know via %s.', 'yoast-local-seo'), '<a href=""></a>') . '</p>';
WPSEO_Local_Admin_Wrappers::select('default_country', __('Default country', 'yoast-local-seo'), WPSEO_Local_Frontend::get_country_array());
echo '<p class="desc label" style="border:none; margin-bottom: 0;">' . __('If you\'re having multiple locations and they\'re all in one country, you can select your default country here. This country will be used in the storelocator search to improve the search results.', 'yoast-local-seo') . '</p>';
WPSEO_Local_Admin_Wrappers::textinput('show_route_label', __('"Show route" label', 'yoast-local-seo'), '', array('placeholder' => __('Show route', 'yoast-local-seo')));
echo '<br class="clear">';
echo '<label class="textinput" for="custom_marker">' . __('Custom marker', 'yoast-local-seo') . ':</label>';
echo '<img src="' . (isset($options['custom_marker']) ? wp_get_attachment_url($options['custom_marker']) : '') . '" id="custom_marker" />';
echo '<button class="set_custom_images button">' . __('Set custom marker image', 'yoast-local-seo') . '</button>';
if (isset($options['custom_marker']) && '' != $options['custom_marker']) {
    echo '<br /><button id="remove_marker">' . __('Remove marker', 'yoast-local-seo') . '</button>';
} else {
    echo '<p class="desc label" style="border:none; margin-bottom: 0;">' . __('The custom marker should be 100x100 px. If the image exceeds those dimensions it could (partially) cover the info popup.', 'yoast-local-seo') . '</p>';
echo '<br class="clear">';
WPSEO_Local_Admin_Wrappers::checkbox('hide_tools_section', '', __('Hide tools section', 'yoast-local-seo'));