	 * Checks if the feed source uses the force full content option or meta option, and
	 * returns the fulltextrss url if so.
	 * @since 1.0
	public static function check_force_full_content( $feed_url, $feed_ID ) {
		if ( wprss_ftp_using_feed_items( $feed_ID ) ) {
			return $feed_url;
		// Get the computed settings / meta options for the feed source
		$options = WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_instance()->get_computed_options( $feed_ID );

		// If using force full content option / meta
		if ( WPRSS_FTP_Utils::multiboolean( $options['force_full_content'] ) === TRUE ) {
			$service = WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_instance()->get('full_text_rss_service');
			$service = apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_service_before_full_text_feed_url', $service );
			switch( $service ) {
				case 'free':
					$API_HASH = sha1( $key . $feed_url );
					$encoded_url = urlencode( $feed_url );
					// Prepare the fulltext sources
					$full_text_sources = apply_filters(
					// Start with no feed to use
					$feed_url_to_use = NULL;

					// Load SimplePie
					require_once ( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-feed.php' );

					// For each source ...
					foreach ( $full_text_sources as $full_text_source ) {
						// Prepare the feed
						$full_text_feed_url = $full_text_source . $encoded_url;
						$feed = wprss_fetch_feed( $full_text_feed_url, $feed_ID );

						// If the feed has no errors, the we will use this feed
						if ( !is_wp_error( $feed ) && !$feed->error() ) {
							$feed_url_to_use = $full_text_source . $encoded_url;
					// If after trying all the sources, the feed to use is still NULL, then no source was valid.
					// Return the same url passed as parameter, Otherwise, return the full text rss feed url
					if ( $feed_url_to_use === NULL ) {
						WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( __( 'Failed to find a working full text rss service.', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN ), 'check_force_full_content' );
					return ( $feed_url_to_use === NULL )? $feed_url : $feed_url_to_use;

				case 'feeds_api':
					$api_key = WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_instance()->get( 'feeds_api_key' );
					$encoded_url = urlencode( $feed_url );

					$feeds_api_feed_url = WPRSS_FTP_Utils::template(
							'url'	=>	$encoded_url,
							'key'	=>	$api_key,
					// Attempt to fetch the feed
					$feed = wprss_fetch_feed( $feeds_api_feed_url, $feed_ID );

					// If an error was encountered
					if (  is_wp_error( $feed ) || $feed->error() ) {
						// Request the error message and log it
						$response = wp_remote_get( $feeds_api_feed_url );
						WPRSS_FTP_Utils::log( "FeedsAPI failed to return a feed, and responded with: \"{$response['body']}\"" );
						// Return the original parameter url
						return $feed_url;

					// Return the feeds api if no error was encountered.
					return $feeds_api_feed_url;

				// For other services
					return apply_filters( 'wprss_ftp_misc_full_text_url', $feed_url, $feed_ID, $service );
		// Otherwise, return back the given url
		else return $feed_url;
	 * Renders the custom fields mapping option
	 * @since 2.8
	public function render_custom_fields( $post, $field_id, $field, $meta ) {
		$id = $META_PREFIX . $field_id;

		// Get the RSS tags, RSS namespaces options and the custom fields
		//$saved_namespaces = WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_instance()->get( 'user_feed_namespaces' );
		$saved_namespaces = WPRSS_FTP_Settings::get_instance()->get_namespaces();

			<?php _e( 'This allows you to retrieve data from any RSS tag in feed items, then store it in a custom meta field in imported posts.', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN ); ?>

		// If there are no saved namespaces, show a message and exit function
		if ( !is_array( $saved_namespaces ) || count( $saved_namespaces ) === 0 ) {
						$link_attrs = 'href="' . admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=wprss_feed&page=wprss-aggregator-settings&tab=ftp_settings#wprss-ftp-add-namespace' ) . '" target="wprss_ftp_settings"';
						printf( __( 'To use this option, you first need to add the namespaces that you want to use in the <a %s>Feed to Post settings page</a>.', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN ), $link_attrs );
			<?php return;

		// Get the meta values
		$rss_namespaces = $this->get_meta( $post->ID, 'rss_namespaces' );
		$rss_namespaces = ( $rss_namespaces === '' )? array() : $rss_namespaces;
		$rss_tags = $this->get_meta( $post->ID, 'rss_tags' );
		$rss_tags = ( $rss_tags === '' )? array() : $rss_tags;
		$custom_fields = $this->get_meta( $post->ID, 'custom_fields' );
		$custom_fields = ( $custom_fields === '' )? array() : $custom_fields;

		// Prepare the array of namespaces
		// Add an entry to selected a namespace
		// And make each entry use the name as both value and label
		$namespaces_array = array_merge(
			array( '' => __( 'Choose a namespace', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN ) ),
			array_combine( $saved_namespaces['names'], $saved_namespaces['names'] )

		// Generate field templates to use in loop below and in JS
		$namespace_dropdown_template = array(
			'options'		=>	$namespaces_array,
			'attributes'	=>	array(
				'name'			=>	self::META_PREFIX . 'rss_namespaces[]',
				'selected'		=>	''
		$rss_tag_placeholder = __( 'RSS Tag', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN );
		$rss_tag_field = "<input type='text' name='{$META_PREFIX}rss_tags[]' value='{{value}}' placeholder='$rss_tag_placeholder' />";
		$custom_field_placeholder = __( 'Meta field name', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN );
		$custom_field_field = "<input type='text' name='{$META_PREFIX}custom_fields[]' value='{{value}}' placeholder='custom_field_placeholder' />";
		$section_class = "wprss-ftp-custom-fields-section";

		$remove_btn_title_text = __( 'Remove', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN );
		$remove_btn = '<button type="button" class="button-secondary wprss-ftp-remove-custom-mapping" title="'.$remove_btn_title_text.'"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></button>';


		// Print a section for each
		for ( $i = 0; $i < count( $rss_namespaces ); $i++ ) {
			// Get the data for the current custom field entry
			$namespace = $rss_namespaces[$i];
			$tag = $rss_tags[$i];
			$custom_field = $custom_fields[$i];
			// Prepare the dropdown
			$namespace_dropdown = $namespace_dropdown_template;
			$namespace_dropdown['attributes']['selected'] = $namespace;

			echo "<div class='$section_class'>";
			echo WPRSS_FTP_Utils::array_to_select( $namespace_dropdown['options'], $namespace_dropdown['attributes'] );
			echo WPRSS_FTP_Utils::template( $rss_tag_field, array( 'value' => $tag ) );
			echo WPRSS_FTP_Utils::template( $custom_field_field, array( 'value' => $custom_field ) );
			echo $remove_btn;
			echo "</div>";
		$saved_custom_mappings = ob_get_clean();

		// Prepare the dropdown template for JS
		$namespace_dropdown_template = WPRSS_FTP_Utils::array_to_select(

		// Show the field row, with the prepare input fields for the extraction rules
		ob_start(); ?>
				<th><label for="<?php echo $id; ?>"><?php echo $field['label']; ?></label></th>
					<?php echo $saved_custom_mappings; ?>

					<span id="wprss-ftp-custom-fields-marker"></span>

					<button type="button" id="wprss-ftp-add-custom-mapping" class="button-primary">
						<i class="fa fa-plus"></i> <?php _e( 'Add New', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN ); ?>

					<?php echo WPRSS_Help::get_instance()->do_tooltip( WPRSS_FTP_HELP_PREFIX.$field_id ); ?>
							$settings_link_attrs = 'href="' . admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=wprss_feed&page=wprss-aggregator-settings&tab=ftp_settings#wprss-ftp-add-namespace' ) . '" target="wprss_ftp_settings"';
							printf( __( 'You can add and change your namespaces from the <a %s>Feed to Post settings page</a>.', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN ), $settings_link_attrs );

					<script type="text/javascript">
						var wprss_ftp_custom_mappings_section_class = "<?php echo addslashes( $section_class ); ?>";
						var wprss_ftp_namespaces_dropdown = "<?php echo addslashes( $namespace_dropdown_template ); ?>";
						var wprss_ftp_rss_tag_field = "<?php echo addslashes( $rss_tag_field ); ?>";
						var wprss_ftp_custom_field_field = "<?php echo addslashes( $custom_field_field ); ?>";
						var wprss_ftp_remove_custom_mapping = "<?php echo addslashes( $remove_btn ); ?>";

					<label for="wprss-ftp-namespace-detector-refresh">
						<?php _e( 'Namespace Detector' ); ?>

					<button type="button" id="wprss-ftp-namespace-detector-refresh" class="button-secondary">
						 <i class="fa fa-search"></i> <?php _e( 'Detect namespaces in Feed Source' ); ?>

					<?php if ( class_exists( 'WPRSS_Help' ) ) : ?>
						<?php echo WPRSS_Help::get_instance()->do_tooltip( WPRSS_FTP_HELP_PREFIX.'namespace_detector' ); ?>
					<?php else: ?>
						<label class="description" for="wprss-ftp-namespace-detector-refresh">
							<?php _e('Use this button to detect the namespaces being used by this feed source.', WPRSS_TEXT_DOMAIN); ?>
					<?php endif; ?>

					<div id="wprss-ftp-namespace-detector-results"></div>
		return ob_get_clean();