Esempio n. 1
 Displaying <?php 
echo $total;
 log entries
if ($logs) {
    <ul id="logs">
    foreach ($logs as $log) {
        echo WPOTools::timezoneMysql('F j, g:i:s a', $log->created_on);
 - <?php 
        echo $log->message;
} else {
    _e('No logs to show', 'wpomatic');
Esempio n. 2
if (!$logs) {
                <p class="none"><?php 
    echo _e('No actions to display', 'wpomatic');
} else {
                <ul id="logs">
    foreach ($logs as $log) {
        echo WPOTools::timezoneMysql('F j, g:i a', $log->created_on) . ' &mdash; <strong>' . attribute_escape($log->message);

                <!-- <p id="log_status"><?php 
_e(sprintf('Logging is currently <strong>%s</strong>', __($logging ? 'enabled' : 'disabled')), 'wpomatic');
 (<a title="<?php 
if (count($lastcampaigns) == 0) {
      <p class="none"><?php 
    _e('No campaigns to display', 'wpomatic');
} else {
        <ol class="campaignlist">
    foreach ($lastcampaigns as $campaign) {
            <span class="details"><?php 
        echo WPOTools::timezoneMysql('F j, g:i a', $campaign->lastactive);
            <a href="<?php 
        echo $this->adminurl;
        echo $campaign->id;
        echo attribute_escape($campaign->title);
        echo attribute_escape($campaign->title);
            <td style="text-align: center"><?php 
        echo _e($campaign->active ? 'Yes' : 'No', 'wpomatic');
            <td style="text-align: center"><?php 
        echo $campaign->count;
        echo $campaign->lastactive != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? WPOTools::timezoneMysql('F j, g:i a', $campaign->lastactive) : __('Never', 'wpomatic');
            <td><a href="<?php 
        echo $this->adminurl;
        echo $campaign->id;
" class='edit'>Edit</a></td> 
        echo "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url($this->adminurl . '&amp;s=forcefetch&amp;id=' . $campaign->id, 'forcefetch-campaign_' . $campaign->id) . "' class='edit' onclick=\"return confirm('" . __('Are you sure you want to process all feeds from this campaign?', 'wpomatic') . "')\">" . __('Fetch', 'wpomatic') . "</a>";
        echo "<a href='" . wp_nonce_url($this->adminurl . '&amp;s=reset&amp;id=' . $campaign->id, 'reset-campaign_' . $campaign->id) . "' class='delete' onclick=\"return confirm('" . __('Are you sure you want to reset this campaign? Resetting does not affect already created wp posts.', 'wpomatic') . "')\">" . __('Reset', 'wpomatic') . "</a>";