function init()
     $this->sitewide_options = true;
     //Set some plugin-specific options
     if (empty($this->option_name)) {
         $this->option_name = 'ws_menu_editor';
     $this->defaults = array('hide_advanced_settings' => true, 'show_extra_icons' => false, 'custom_menu' => null, 'first_install_time' => null, 'display_survey_notice' => true, 'plugin_db_version' => 0, 'security_logging_enabled' => false, 'menu_config_scope' => $this->is_super_plugin() || !is_multisite() ? 'global' : 'site', 'plugin_access' => $this->is_super_plugin() ? 'super_admin' : 'manage_options', 'allowed_user_id' => null, 'plugins_page_allowed_user_id' => null, 'show_deprecated_hide_button' => true, 'dashboard_hiding_confirmation_enabled' => true, 'submenu_icons_enabled' => 'if_custom', 'ui_colour_scheme' => 'classic', 'visible_users' => array(), 'show_plugin_menu_notice' => true, 'unused_item_position' => 'relative', 'error_verbosity' => self::VERBOSITY_NORMAL);
     $this->serialize_with_json = false;
     //(Don't) store the options in JSON format
     //WP 4.3+ uses H1 headings for admin pages. Older versions use H2 instead.
     self::$admin_heading_tag = version_compare($GLOBALS['wp_version'], '4.3', '<') ? 'h2' : 'h1';
     $this->settings_link = 'options-general.php?page=menu_editor';
     $this->magic_hooks = true;
     //Run our hooks last (almost). Priority is less than PHP_INT_MAX mostly for defensive programming purposes.
     //Old PHP versions have known bugs related to large array keys, and WP might have undiscovered edge cases.
     $this->magic_hook_priority = PHP_INT_MAX - 10;
      * Menu blacklist. Any menu items that *exactly* match one of the URLs on this list will be ignored.
      * They won't show up in the editor or the admin menu, but they will remain accessible (caps permitting).
      * This is a workaround for plugins that add a menu item and then remove it. Most plugins do this
      * to create "Welcome" or "What's New" pages that are accessible but don't appear in the admin menu.
      * We can't automatically detect menus like that. Here's why:
      * 1) Most plugins remove them too late, e.g. in admin_head. By that point, output has already started.
      *    We need the finalize the list of menu items and their permissions before that.
      * 2) It's hard to automatically determine *why* a menu item was removed. We can't distinguish between
      *    cosmetic changes like the hidden "welcome" items and people removing menus to deny access.
     $this->menu_url_blacklist = array('index.php?page=wprss-welcome' => true, 'index.php?page=affwp-getting-started' => true, 'index.php?page=affwp-what-is-new' => true, 'index.php?page=affwp-credits' => true, 'index.php?page=bp-about' => true, 'index.php?page=bp-credits' => true, 'index.php?page=dwqa-about' => true, 'index.php?page=dwqa-changelog' => true, 'index.php?page=dwqa-credits' => true, 'index.php?page=nf-about' => true, 'index.php?page=nf-changelog' => true, 'index.php?page=nf-getting-started' => true, 'index.php?page=nf-credits' => true);
     //AJAXify screen options
     add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_save_screen_options', array($this, 'ajax_save_screen_options'));
     //AJAXify hints and warnings
     add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_hide_hint', array($this, 'ajax_hide_hint'));
     add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_disable_dashboard_hiding_confirmation', array($this, 'ajax_disable_dashboard_hiding_confirmation'));
     //Retrieve a list of pages via AJAX.
     add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_get_pages', array($this, 'ajax_get_pages'));
     //Get details about a specific page via AJAX.
     add_action('wp_ajax_ws_ame_get_page_details', array($this, 'ajax_get_page_details'));
     //Make sure we have access to the original, un-mangled request data.
     //This is necessary because WordPress will stupidly apply "magic quotes"
     //to the request vars even if this PHP misfeature is disabled.
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_menu_fix_script'));
     //Enqueue miscellaneous helper scripts and styles.
     add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_helper_scripts'));
     add_action('admin_print_styles', array($this, 'enqueue_helper_styles'));
     //Make sure our scripts load before other plugins' scripts.
     add_action('admin_print_scripts', array($this, 'move_editor_scripts_to_top'));
     //User survey
     add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'display_survey_notice'));
     //Tell first-time users where they can find the plugin settings page.
     add_action('all_admin_notices', array($this, 'display_plugin_menu_notice'));
     //Workaround for buggy plugins that unintentionally remove user roles.
     /** @see WPMenuEditor::get_user_roles */
     add_action('set_current_user', array($this, 'update_current_user_cache'), 1, 0);
     //Run before most plugins.
     add_action('updated_user_meta', array($this, 'clear_user_role_cache'), 10, 2);
     add_action('deleted_user_meta', array($this, 'clear_user_role_cache'), 10, 2);
     //There's also a "set_user_role" hook, but it's only called by WP_User::set_role and not WP_User::add_role.
     //It's also redundant - WP_User::set_role updates user meta, so the above hooks already cover it.
     //Multisite: Clear role and capability caches when switching to another site.
     add_action('switch_blog', array($this, 'clear_site_specific_caches'), 10, 0);
     //Utility actions. Modules can use them in their templates.
     add_action('admin_menu_editor-display_tabs', array($this, 'display_editor_tabs'));
     add_action('admin_menu_editor-display_header', array($this, 'display_settings_page_header'));
     add_action('admin_menu_editor-display_footer', array($this, 'display_settings_page_footer'));
     include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../modules/actor-selector/actor-selector.php';
     new ameActorSelector($this);
     include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../modules/plugin-visibility/plugin-visibility.php';
     new amePluginVisibility($this);
     $proModuleDirectory = AME_ROOT_DIR . '/extras/modules';
     if (@is_dir($proModuleDirectory)) {
         //The widget module requires PHP 5.3.
         if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3', '>=') && is_file($proModuleDirectory . '/dashboard-widget-editor/load.php')) {
             require_once $proModuleDirectory . '/dashboard-widget-editor/load.php';
             new ameWidgetEditor($this);
         if (is_file($proModuleDirectory . '/super-users/super-users.php')) {
             require $proModuleDirectory . '/super-users/super-users.php';
             new ameSuperUsers($this);
     //Set up the tabs for the menu editor page.
     $this->tabs = apply_filters('admin_menu_editor-tabs', array('editor' => 'Admin Menu'));
     //The "Settings" tab is always last.
     $this->tabs['settings'] = 'Settings';