function Download() { global $wpdb, $current_user, $user_ID; @error_reporting(0); wpfb_loadclass('Category', 'Download'); $downloader_ip = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-fA-F:., ]/', '', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); get_currentuserinfo(); $logged_in = !empty($user_ID); $user_role = $logged_in ? reset($current_user->roles) : null; // get user's highest role (like in user-eidt.php) $is_admin = current_user_can('manage_options'); // check user level if (!$this->CurUserCanAccess()) { $this->DownloadDenied('inaccessible_msg'); } // check offline if ($this->file_offline && !$is_admin) { wp_die(WPFB_Core::$settings->file_offline_msg); } // check referrer if ($this->file_direct_linking != 1) { // if referer check failed, redirect to the file post if (!WPFB_Download::RefererCheck()) { $url = WPFB_Core::GetPostUrl($this->file_post_id); if (empty($url)) { $url = home_url(); } wp_redirect($url); exit; } } // check traffic if ($this->IsLocal() && !WPFB_Download::CheckTraffic($this->file_size)) { header('HTTP/1.x 503 Service Unavailable'); wp_die(WPFB_Core::$settings->traffic_exceeded_msg); } // check daily user limit if (!$is_admin && WPFB_Core::$settings->daily_user_limits) { if (!$logged_in) { $this->DownloadDenied('inaccessible_msg'); } $today = intval(date('z')); $usr_dls_today = intval(get_user_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_dls_today')); $usr_last_dl_day = intval(date('z', intval(get_user_option(WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_last_dl')))); if ($today != $usr_last_dl_day) { $usr_dls_today = 0; } // check for limit $dl_limit = intval(WPFB_Core::GetOpt('daily_limit_' . $user_role)); if ($dl_limit > 0 && $usr_dls_today >= $dl_limit) { $this->DownloadDenied(sprintf(WPFB_Core::$settings->daily_limit_exceeded_msg, $dl_limit)); } $usr_dls_today++; update_user_option($user_ID, WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_dls_today', $usr_dls_today); update_user_option($user_ID, WPFB_OPT_NAME . '_last_dl', time()); } // count download if (!$is_admin || !WPFB_Core::$settings->ignore_admin_dls) { $last_dl_time = mysql2date('U', $this->file_last_dl_time, false); if (empty($this->file_last_dl_ip) || $this->file_last_dl_ip != $downloader_ip || time() - $last_dl_time > 86400) { $wpdb->query("UPDATE " . $wpdb->wpfilebase_files . " SET file_hits = file_hits + 1, file_last_dl_ip = '" . $downloader_ip . "', file_last_dl_time = '" . current_time('mysql') . "' WHERE file_id = " . (int) $this->file_id); } } // external hooks do_action('wpfilebase_file_downloaded', $this->file_id); $url = $this->GetRemoteUri(); $is_local_remote = !empty($url) && parse_url($url, PHP_URL_SCHEME) === 'file' && is_readable($url); // download or redirect if ($this->IsLocal() || $is_local_remote) { $bw = 'bitrate_' . ($logged_in ? 'registered' : 'unregistered'); WPFB_Download::SendFile($is_local_remote ? $url : $this->GetLocalPath(), array('bandwidth' => WPFB_Core::$settings->{$bw}, 'etag' => $this->file_hash, 'md5_hash' => WPFB_Core::$settings->fake_md5 ? null : $this->file_hash, 'force_download' => WPFB_Core::$settings->force_download || $this->file_force_download, 'cache_max_age' => 10, 'filename' => empty($this->file_name_original) ? $this->file_name : $this->file_name_original)); } else { //header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'); header('Location: ' . $url); } exit; }
<?php define('FASTLOAD', true); require_once 'wpfb-load.php'; wpfb_loadclass('Core', 'File', 'Category', 'Download'); $item = null; if (isset($_GET['fid'])) { $fid = intval($_GET['fid']); if ($fid == 0) { $img_path = ABSPATH . WPINC . '/images/'; if (file_exists($img = $img_path . 'crystal/default.png') || file_exists($img = $img_path . 'default.png') || file_exists($img = $img_path . 'blank.gif')) { WPFB_Download::SendFile($img, array('cache_max_age' => -1)); } //was 3600 * 12 exit; } $item = WPFB_File::GetFile($fid); } elseif (isset($_GET['cid'])) { $item = WPFB_Category::GetCat(intval($_GET['cid'])); } if ($item == null || !$item->CurUserCanAccess(true)) { exit; } // if no thumbnail, redirect if (empty($item->file_thumbnail) && empty($item->cat_icon)) { header('Location: ' . $item->GetIconUrl()); exit; } // send thumbnail WPFB_Download::SendFile($item->GetThumbPath(), array('cache_max_age' => -1)); // was 3600 * 12