function widget($args, $instance) { global $wp_al2fb; $user_ID = isset($instance['al2fb_userid']) ? $instance['al2fb_userid'] : false; if (!$user_ID && !is_single() && !is_page()) { return; } // Get current post if (!empty($GLOBALS['post'])) { $post = $GLOBALS['post']; } if (empty($post->ID) && !empty($post['post_id'])) { $post = get_post($post['post_id']); } if (empty($post) || empty($post->ID)) { return; } // Excluded post types $ex_custom_types = explode(',', get_option(c_al2fb_option_exclude_type)); if (in_array($post->post_type, $ex_custom_types)) { return; } // Get user if (!$user_ID) { $user_ID = $wp_al2fb->Get_user_ID($post); } // Check if widget should be displayed if (get_user_meta($user_ID, c_al2fb_meta_like_nohome, true) && is_home() || get_user_meta($user_ID, c_al2fb_meta_like_noposts, true) && is_single() || get_user_meta($user_ID, c_al2fb_meta_like_nopages, true) && is_page() || get_user_meta($user_ID, c_al2fb_meta_like_noarchives, true) && is_archive() || get_user_meta($user_ID, c_al2fb_meta_like_nocategories, true) && is_category() || get_post_meta($post->ID, c_al2fb_meta_nolike, true)) { return; } // Get settings $comments = isset($instance['al2fb_comments']) ? $instance['al2fb_comments'] : false; $comments_count = isset($instance['al2fb_comments_count']) ? $instance['al2fb_comments_count'] : false; $messages = isset($instance['al2fb_messages']) ? $instance['al2fb_messages'] : false; $messages_count = isset($instance['al2fb_messages_count']) ? $instance['al2fb_messages_count'] : false; $messages_comments = isset($instance['al2fb_messages_comments']) ? $instance['al2fb_messages_comments'] : false; $like_button = isset($instance['al2fb_like_button']) ? $instance['al2fb_like_button'] : false; $like_box = isset($instance['al2fb_like_box']) ? $instance['al2fb_like_box'] : false; $send_button = isset($instance['al2fb_send_button']) ? $instance['al2fb_send_button'] : false; $subscribe_button = isset($instance['al2fb_subscribe_button']) ? $instance['al2fb_subscribe_button'] : false; $comments_plugin = isset($instance['al2fb_comments_plugin']) ? $instance['al2fb_comments_plugin'] : false; $face_pile = isset($instance['al2fb_face_pile']) ? $instance['al2fb_face_pile'] : false; $profile = isset($instance['al2fb_profile']) ? $instance['al2fb_profile'] : false; $registration = isset($instance['al2fb_registration']) ? $instance['al2fb_registration'] : false; $login = isset($instance['al2fb_login']) ? $instance['al2fb_login'] : false; $activity = isset($instance['al2fb_activity']) ? $instance['al2fb_activity'] : false; // Logged in? $registration = $registration && !is_user_logged_in() && get_option('users_can_register'); $login = $login && !is_user_logged_in(); // More settings $charset = get_bloginfo('charset'); $link_id = get_post_meta($post->ID, c_al2fb_meta_link_id, true); // Get link type $comments_nolink = get_user_meta($user_ID, c_al2fb_meta_fb_comments_nolink, true); if (empty($comments_nolink)) { $comments_nolink = 'author'; } else { if ($comments_nolink == 'on') { $comments_nolink = 'none'; } } // Get comments $fb_comments = false; if ($comments) { $fb_comments = WPAL2Int::Get_comments_or_likes($post, false); } // Get messages $fb_messages = false; if ($messages) { try { $fb_messages = WPAL2Int::Get_fb_feed_cached($user_ID); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($wp_al2fb->debug) { print_r($e); } } } if ($fb_comments || $fb_messages || $like_button || $like_box || $send_button || $subscribe_button || $comments_plugin || $face_pile || $profile || $registration || $login || $activity) { // Get values extract($args); $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']); // Build content echo $before_widget; if (empty($title)) { $title = 'Add Link to Facebook'; } echo $before_title . $title . $after_title; // Comments if ($fb_comments) { echo '<div class="al2fb_widget_comments">'; self::Render_fb_comments($fb_comments, $comments_nolink, $link_id, $comments_count); echo '</div>'; } // Status messages if ($fb_messages) { echo '<div class="al2fb_widget_messages">'; self::Render_fb_messages($fb_messages, $comments_nolink, $link_id, $messages_count, $messages_comments); echo '</div>'; } // Facebook like button if ($like_button) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_like_button($post, false); } // Facebook like box if ($like_box) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_like_button($post, true); } // Facebook send button if ($send_button) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_send_button($post); } if ($subscribe_button) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_subscribe_button($post); } // Facebook comments plugins if ($comments_plugin) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_comments_plugin($post); } // Facebook Face pile if ($face_pile) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_face_pile($post); } // Facebook profile if ($profile) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_profile_link($post); } // Facebook registration if ($registration) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_registration($post); } // Facebook login if ($login) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_login($post); } // Facebook activity feed if ($activity) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_activity_feed($post); } echo $after_widget; } }
function Shortcode_face_pile($atts) { extract(shortcode_atts(array('post_id' => null), $atts)); if (empty($post_id)) { global $post; } else { $post = get_post($post_id); } if (isset($post)) { return WPAL2Int::Get_face_pile($post); } else { return ''; } }
function al2fb_face_pile($post_ID = null) { if (empty($post_ID)) { global $post; } else { $post = get_post($post_ID); } if (isset($post)) { echo WPAL2Int::Get_face_pile($post); } }