public function requireLogin() { global $whmcs; if ($this->isLoggedIn()) { if (WHMCS_Session::get("2fabackupcodenew")) { $this->setTemplate("logintwofa"); $twofa = new WHMCS_2FA(); if ($twofa->setClientID($this->getUserID())) { $backupcode = $twofa->generateNewBackupCode(); $this->assign("newbackupcode", $backupcode); WHMCS_Session::delete("2fabackupcodenew"); } else { $this->assign("newbackupcodeerror", true); } $this->output(); exit; } return true; } $_SESSION['loginurlredirect'] = html_entity_decode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (WHMCS_Session::get("2faverifyc")) { $this->setTemplate("logintwofa"); if (WHMCS_Session::get("2fabackupcodenew")) { $this->assign("newbackupcode", true); } else { if ($whmcs->get_req_var("incorrect")) { $this->assign("incorrect", true); } } $twofa = new WHMCS_2FA(); if ($twofa->setClientID(WHMCS_Session::get("2faclientid"))) { if (!$twofa->isActiveClients() || !$twofa->isEnabled()) { WHMCS_Session::destroy(); redir(); } if ($whmcs->get_req_var("backupcode")) { $this->assign("backupcode", true); } else { $challenge = $twofa->moduleCall("challenge"); if ($challenge) { $this->assign("challenge", $challenge); } else { $this->assign("error", "Bad 2 Factor Auth Module. Please contact support."); } } } else { $this->assign("error", "An error occurred. Please try again."); } } else { $this->setTemplate("login"); $this->assign("loginpage", true); $this->assign("formaction", "dologin.php"); if ($whmcs->get_req_var("incorrect")) { $this->assign("incorrect", true); } } $this->output(); exit; }
$_SESSION['massmail']['attachments'][] = $filename; continue; } } } $step = 0; } $mail_attachments = array(); if (isset($_SESSION['massmail']['attachments'])) { foreach ($_SESSION['massmail']['attachments'] as $filename) { $mail_attachments[$attachments_dir . $filename] = $filename; } } if ($massmail && ($safeStoredQuery = $queryMgr->getQuery($queryMgr->getTokenValue()))) { $massmailquery = $safeStoredQuery; if ($emailoptout || WHMCS_Session::get("massmailemailoptout")) { WHMCS_Session::set("massmailemailoptout", true); $massmailquery .= " AND tblclients.emailoptout = '0'"; } $sentids = $_SESSION['massmail']['sentids']; $massmailamount = (int) $_SESSION['massmail']['massmailamount']; $massmailinterval = (int) $_SESSION['massmail']['massmailinterval']; if (!$massmailamount) { $massmailamount = 25; } if (!$massmailinterval) { $massmailinterval = 30; } $result = full_query($massmailquery); $totalemails = mysql_num_rows($result); $totalsteps = ceil($totalemails / $massmailamount);
* @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ define("ADMINAREA", true); require "../init.php"; $aInt = new WHMCS_Admin("Configure Administrators"); $aInt->title = $aInt->lang("administrators", "title"); $aInt->sidebar = "config"; $aInt->icon = "admins"; $aInt->helplink = "Administrators"; $validate = new WHMCS_Validate(); if ($action == "save") { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); $auth = new WHMCS_Auth(); $auth->getInfobyID(WHMCS_Session::get("adminid")); if (!$auth->comparePassword($whmcs->get_req_var("confirmpassword"))) { $_ADMINLANG['administrators']['confirmexistingpw'] = "You must confirm your existing administrator password"; $validate->addError(array("administrators", "confirmexistingpw")); } else { $validate->validate("required", "firstname", array("administrators", "namerequired")); if ($validate->validate("required", "email", array("administrators", "emailerror"))) { $validate->validate("email", "email", array("administrators", "emailinvalid")); } if ($validate->validate("required", "username", array("administrators", "usererror"))) { $existingid = get_query_val("tbladmins", "id", array("username" => $username)); if (!$id && $existingid || $id && $existingid && $id != $existingid) { $validate->addError("administrators", "userexists"); } } if (!$id) {
public function setFlagTo($adminid) { $adminid = (int) $adminid; $validadminids = $this->getFlaggableStaff(); if ($adminid != 0 && !array_key_exists($adminid, $validadminids)) { return false; } if ($adminid == $this->getData("flag")) { return false; } if (0 < $adminid) { $data = get_query_vals("tbladmins", "id,firstname,lastname,username", array("id" => $adminid)); if (!$data['id']) { return false; } $adminname = trim($data['firstname'] . " " . $data['lastname']); if (!$adminname) { $adminname = $data['username']; } } else { if ($adminid < 0) { $adminid = 0; } } if (!count($this->data)) { $this->getData(); } update_query("tbltickets", array("flag" => $adminid), array("id" => $this->getData("id"))); if (0 < $adminid) { $this->log("Assigned to Staff Member " . $adminname); if (WHMCS_Session::get("adminid") && $adminid != WHMCS_Session::get("adminid")) { $this->sendAdminEmail("Support Ticket Flagged", $adminid); } } else { $this->log("Staff Assignment Removed"); } run_hook("TicketFlagged", array("ticketid" => $this->getData("id"), "adminid" => $adminid, "adminname" => $adminname)); return true; }
$templatefile = "domaindocument"; $pageicon = "images/domains_big.gif"; initialiseClientArea($pagetitle, $pageicon, $breadcrumbnav); $search = $whmcs->get_req_var("search"); $domain = $whmcs->get_req_var("domain"); $bulkdomains = $whmcs->get_req_var("bulkdomains"); $tld = $whmcs->get_req_var("tld"); $tlds = $whmcs->get_req_var("tlds"); $ext = $whmcs->get_req_var("ext"); $direct = $whmcs->get_req_var("direct"); $sld = ""; $invalidtld = ""; $availabilityresults = array(); $search_tlds = array(); $tldslist = array(); $client = new WHMCS_Client(WHMCS_Session::get("uid")); $uid = $client->getID(); $currencyid = isset($_SESSION['currency']) ? $_SESSION['currency'] : ""; $currency = getCurrency($uid, $currencyid); $smartyvalues['currency'] = $currency; $action = isset($_REQUEST['a']) ? $_REQUEST['a'] : ""; $domain = isset($_REQUEST['domain']) ? $_REQUEST['domain'] : ""; $document_download = isset($_REQUEST['dl']) ? $_REQUEST['dl'] : ""; $search_domain = $_POST['search_domain'] != "Enter Domain to Find" ? $_POST['search_domain'] : ""; $current_date = date('Y-m-d'); $where = array("registrar" => "domainku"); if ($domain || $search_domain) { $where["domain"] = $domain ? $domain : $search_domain; $where_document = array("domain" => $domain); } $query = full_query("\n SELECT, t.userid, t.type, t.domain, t.registrar, t.registrationdate, t.registrationperiod, t.status AS domstatus, i.status, o.nameservers, o.transfersecret,\n m.domain AS coza_domain, m.domainid AS coza_domainid, m.userid AS coza_userid, m.id_doc_storage_name, m.id_doc_type, m.le_doc_storage_name, \n m.le_doc_type, m.su_doc_storage_name, m.su_doc_type, m.domain_approval_date, m.domain_status,\n c.firstname, c.lastname, c.companyname,, c.address1, c.address2,, c.state, c.postcode,, c.phonenumber\n FROM tbldomains t \n LEFT JOIN mod_domaincloudregistrar m ON t.domain = m.domain \n LEFT JOIN tblorders o ON t.orderid =\n LEFT JOIN tblinvoices i ON o.invoiceid =\n LEFT JOIN tblclients c ON t.userid =\n WHERE t.userid = " . $uid . " AND t.status <> 'Cancelled' AND t.status <> 'Expired' AND " . (!empty($domain) || !empty($search_domain) ? "t.domain LIKE '" . (!empty($domain) ? $domain : $search_domain) . "%'" : "t.domain LIKE ''") . ";\n ");
/** * retrieve from the backend storage based on key * * Note: if key cannot be referenced, an empty string is returned * * @param string $key * * @return string */ private function getSessionValue($key) { $value = ""; if (class_exists("WHMCS_Session")) { $value = WHMCS_Session::get($key); } else { if (!empty($_SESSION[$key])) { $value = $_SESSION[$key]; } } return $value; }
* @ Version : 5.2.15 * @ Author : MTIMER * @ Release on : 2013-12-24 * @ Website : * **/ define("ADMINAREA", true); require "../init.php"; session_regenerate_id(); $username = $whmcs->get_req_var("username"); $password = $whmcs->get_req_var("password"); $auth = new WHMCS_Auth(); $twofa = new WHMCS_2FA(); if ($twofa->isActiveAdmins() && isset($_SESSION['2faverify'])) { $twofa->setAdminID($_SESSION['2faadminid']); if (WHMCS_Session::get("2fabackupcodenew")) { WHMCS_Session::delete("2fabackupcodenew"); WHMCS_Session::delete("2faverify"); WHMCS_Session::delete("2faadminid"); WHMCS_Session::delete("2farememberme"); if (isset($_SESSION['admloginurlredirect'])) { $loginurlredirect = $_SESSION['admloginurlredirect']; unset($_SESSION['admloginurlredirect']); $urlparts = explode("?", $loginurlredirect, 2); $filename = !empty($urlparts[0]) ? $urlparts[0] : ""; $qry_string = !empty($urlparts[1]) ? $urlparts[1] : ""; redir($qry_string, $filename); } else { redir("", "index.php"); } exit;
} redir("a=confproduct&i=" . $newprodnum . $ajax); exit; } } else { if ($aid) { $requestAddonID = (int) $whmcs->get_req_var("aid"); $requestServiceID = (int) $whmcs->get_req_var("serviceid"); $requestProductID = (int) $whmcs->get_req_var("productid"); if (!$requestServiceID && $requestProductID) { $requestServiceID = $requestProductID; } if (!$requestAddonID || !$requestServiceID) { redir("gid=addons"); } $data = get_query_vals("tblhosting", "id,packageid", array("id" => $requestServiceID, "userid" => WHMCS_Session::get("uid"), "domainstatus" => "Active")); $serviceid = $data['id']; $pid = $data['packageid']; if (!$serviceid) { redir("gid=addons"); } $data = get_query_vals("tbladdons", "id,packages", array("id" => $requestAddonID)); $aid = $data['id']; $packages = $data['packages']; if (!$aid) { redir("gid=addons"); } $packages = explode(",", $packages); if (!in_array($pid, $packages)) { redir("gid=addons"); }
if (!defined("WHMCS")) { header("Location: clientarea.php"); exit; } $_SESSION['loginurlredirect'] = html_entity_decode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if (WHMCS_Session::get("2faverifyc")) { $templatefile = "logintwofa"; if (WHMCS_Session::get("2fabackupcodenew")) { $smartyvalues['newbackupcode'] = true; } else { if ($whmcs->get_req_var("incorrect")) { $smartyvalues['incorrect'] = true; } } $twofa = new WHMCS_2FA(); if ($twofa->setClientID(WHMCS_Session::get("2faclientid"))) { if (!$twofa->isActiveClients() || !$twofa->isEnabled()) { WHMCS_Session::destroy(); redir(); } if ($whmcs->get_req_var("backupcode")) { $smartyvalues['backupcode'] = true; } else { $challenge = $twofa->moduleCall("challenge"); if ($challenge) { $smartyvalues['challenge'] = $challenge; } else { $smartyvalues['error'] = "Bad 2 Factor Auth Module. Please contact support."; } } } else {